Why was she so perfect?

Why was she so perfect?

Despite the image, I have genuine love for 360. I miss it ;_;

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I had 3 of them red ring on me. absolute trash console, 2bh.

Mine red ringed a dozen times and kept working fine

Ps3 is just better desu

I legitimately had three separate consoles RRoD on me and I just took them back to the shop and got a brand new one each time. After the third one they gave me an Elite, which I still have to this day.

Was never more than inconvenience for me.


seriously go look up the wii, the 360 and the ps3 and just try and cobble together a list of 20 games you want to play you LITERALLY cannot

Nogaems only ever applied to the PS3.

I could list 20 easily, but you contrarian fucks would just pick it apart.

>phenomenal online compared to competitors(except PC)
>best ports of nearly every multiplat
>Live Arcade was filled with superior, diverse, and cheap games
>Group Chat while playing other games
>watch netflix with homies and binge watch shows together

honestly i kept my PS3 for like 15 exclusives but i played everything on my 360

That online experience was so much better than PS3, and Sonyfriends kept getting offended when i didn't wanna fuckin play Resistance: Fall of Man, when i rather coop on Crackdown 1 or team deathmatch in fuckin Halo 3.

I moded mine, added a better fan/heat sink/thermal paste

Feels good to be a /g/entooman

>zoomer nostalgia

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>get RROD
>send to MS
>they "fix", send it back
>take out of box, plug it in
>send to MS
>they "fix", send it back
>power brick failure
>send to MS
>get it back
>finally fixed
>one month of xbox live card placed on top

yeah fuck you, im still mad


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Still have my 360 arcade from 2008. Still play it today. Never got the RROD, but its laser died twice. Can't play my disc games anymore, but I still play the digital ones I have, and rarely buy more when there's a sale.

Fuck off the 360 was masculine as fuck

>You will never again play GoW - Warzone - Gridlock/Mansion/Tyro Station/War Machine and shoot the shit with the other team between rounds

Everybody had an option on who the host was. The host always knew, but never admitted it. It was so much fun.

>Ps3 is just better desu As a grill

>tfw no more late night chilling/shit flinging with friends on Halo and Gears

I remember reading some Guinness book of world records gaming edition from like 2009 and under the Xbox 360 page there was a comment from the designer and he said the 360 was a combination of Bruce Lee and the Hulk (iirc).

I got mine in 2009 and never saw the red ring until a year or two ago.

>Send to MS

Why? Take it back to the shop you bought it from, you fucking retard. They sold you it, therefore they're responsible for it breaking within the guaranteed warranty. Get a full cash refund or a new product.

Americans are straight fucking stupid.

I still use mine

>loading 360 for the first time
>those dash sound effects
>playing Hexic HD which was included with the 360
Max comfy console launch

Limited warranties, usually only 90 days

>worst game library, only good first 2-3 years before everything ported to PC/ps3 then no games
>50% failure at launch
>paid online cancer it spread for the next gen
>the worst D-pad of mainline consoles ever
>batteries for controllers

it's shit

Xbox 360 was the best. Name another generation of console that you can literally just call the company up and say it stopped working and they fix it or give you a new system for free.

>not becoming an electronics expert by doing your own 360 heatsink repairs

This or they'd just say that they got ported 10 years later and that somehow make them invalid

>2866 FPS games
It's trash tbqh.

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Got mine around 2008 and still works great. Man I love my 360. Almost as much as my PS2.

tfw can't even get this back with a modded console.
Shit sucks, Aurora lets me pirate games and shit but it doesn't look like this.

so many good imports for this. wish i woulda never sold my jp console....

Easily. Disregard if they've been ported since, and if they were on PC too that is not a problem..
For your own sake I'll only do one per franchise so I can't pad the list out. Here are 20 of my favorites from that gen.
>Warioware Smooth Moves
>Gears 2
>Halo 3
>Rhythm Heaven Fever
>Punch Out (Wii)
>No More Heroes
>Street Fighter 4
>Little Big Planet
>Red Dead Redemption
>Banjo Nuts and Bolts (I actually adored this title)
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Mass Effect
>Assassin's Creed II
>Fallout 3 / New Vegas
>Castle Crashers
>Wii Sports

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zoomer thread

Early 360 had so much personality and soul, i will never understand why they did away with all of it with the release of pic related. Did they think the old designs were associated with RRODs?

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Dead rising is kinda trash imo, but overall good list for the time.

They literally were. Old models rrod'd with much more frequency, in a statistical sense.

Because you were a teenager then and you still looked like you might make something of yourself.

Deadrising has a lot of flaws (actually was replaying it today) that have to do with shoddy AI and things like that, but the game itself is really quite good. The sequel did a really good job of innovating and fixing those problems but lost some of the goofy charm as well. I stand by Deadrising because it did something in a way that was fresh and satisfying to replay.

Jokes on you, I never had a chance to begin with.

Damn, I nostalgia'd hard. This is the best dashboard design that has ever been created. I fucking can't stand the Windows 10 bullshit on the Xbone, it feels so shitty and cluttered.

Remember when anons said one day normalfags would have nostalgia for the Xbox and PS3 and we all laughed?

Off the record was amazing too and that final boss fight was the best thing they could do.

I can't objectively say it's a bad game. It brought something fresh to the genre at the time, and a lot of people liked it. Personaly, I dislike big, sandboxy "make your own fun" games. And mowing down enemies is a little bit too "meh" for me. Liked the bosses though, they were creative.

It was a motherboard issue that was fixed with the last line of original 360s.

A case swap didn't really change anything.

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Did you see this Ranka. My fucking dick yo.

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What was the last "real" era of gaming with soul?

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>halo 3
>halo reach
>gears of war 1
>gears of war 2
>lost odyssey
>mass effect
>dragon age origins
>deus ex human revolution
>fallout new vegas
>no more heroes
>gta 4
>dead space
>dead space 2
>alpha protocol
>dragons dogma
>dark souls
>demons souls
>lost planet
>call of duty black ops 1
>modern warfare 2
>modern warfare 1
>wario ware
>resident evil 5
>battlefield bad company 2
now the question is what the hell has came out since?

According to that pic I'd say late millenial.

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better at what? multiplats like Bayonetta and AC For Answer runs like shit and NG sigmas 1&2 feel like a castrated version, also no Crackdown, Dead Rising, Chromehounds or even Ace combat 6. So what so good about PS3 besides having one good Ratchet & Clank game?

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Bluray movies!

Remember the interchangeable faceplates?

Had a Perfect Dark: Zero one

This. RRD is only a test. Most people fail.

being able to open the disc tray by just hitting the button at the bottom blew my mind when I first did it

The only item with soul in late millennial is the ps2
Zoomers calling the XBOX and WinXP soulful is one of the most baffling phenomena I've seen on the internet.

Being able to turn on the console with the controller was also dank as fuck.

I still have my wife Lighting as a faceplate.

The OG Xbox had a lot of great exclusive hidden gems and WinXP was a fantastic OS you just have shit taste

good ol' PS2+360 combo

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Perfect? Hardly.

The PS3 was so perfect even to this day devs haven't been able to fully tap it's potential. It was on par with the Xbox One, not the X360. If only devellopers outside of Sony Interactive Entertainment's umbrella had half the talent they do maybe we could have seen the true potential of a system that was years ahead of it's time.

XP and 2000 looked like cheap Chinese knockoffs of Windows, or like something you'd see in a movie that had to make up some bullshit fantasy OS because they were too cheap to use real Windows. They never had soul.
The Xbox also had that cheap knockoff plastic feel.
If you think soul has anything to do with performance or popularity you are wrong.

>multiplats like Bayonetta and AC For Answer runs like shit
Most notoriously bad multiplats were available on PC, and most multiplats stopped being that bad around 2009 when devs noticed PS3 wasn't going anywhere. Bayo was definitely a shame though.
>NG sigmas 1&2 feel like a castrated version
Sigma 1 is fine, Sigma 2 is more tedious than difficult. I'd rather replay Sigma over 2 so I don't mind
>also no Crackdown
Infamous was better and didn't shit the bed on the sequel
>So what so good about PS3 besides having one good Ratchet & Clank game?
They were all good though, even All 4 One. The problem was how many they put out and how little they evolved, FFA was even super cheap at release. I wont bother posting a list of all the PS3 exclusives I liked since it's easy to shitpost them so the safest examples I can think of are the Motorstorm games, Folklore, Warhawk/Starhawk (RIP, my niggas), Puppeteer, and the Zone of the Enders collection that actually got patched to work. I'll also reference Valkyria Chronicles even though it got ported, since your list includes Dead Rising

I'll admit it, I do prefer infamous over crackdown, and crackdown 1 really has a fun co-op mode
>I wont bother posting a list of all the PS3 exclusives I liked
I'll respect your list so long as you don't list any of those shitty Uncharted games and The last of ass, those games are really bad and don't deserve the praise they get.

Free online
No red ring of death
Better Blu-ray player
HD collections of PS2 games and better exclusives
Mainly the big factor is Free online and Blu-ray player.

Thousands of hours on phantasy star universe and ninja gaiden 2 alone. Then there was halo, rainbow six vegas, crackdown, modern warfare, bioshock, ace combat, lost odyssey, all those quality xbla games. Marble blast ultra anyone? What a legendary console

It was the best multiplat machine of the generation. Once the PS3 caught up, it was too late.

How they divebombed so hard with the Xbone when the 360 was so great is really a mystery to me.

>no Red ring of death

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Late millenial.

Someone never had a Dreamcast.

The 360 was good for half its lifespan. After a while it was kinda just coasting on its early success while steadily making everything worse.The dashboard redesigns showed what direction they wanted to take things. Then the Bone was entirely built around that new, shitty philosophy. Shouldn't really be a surprise that it sucked, imo.

>Windows 2000 looked like cheap Chinese knockoffs of Windows
it literally looked exactly the fucking same as windows 98. they didn't change the desktop look at all in windows 2000.
you sound like a poser with fake nostalgia. windows XP was one of the best times to be a PC gamer by far. windows 98 was unreliable as fuck, and you could play anything on XP that you could on 98.