Is there anything actually worth playing on this piece of shit?
(I'm a grown man btw so no baby games)
Is there anything actually worth playing on this piece of shit?
(I'm a grown man btw so no baby games)
No because all games are baby games you fucking faggot
Metal Slug 3 is on there i guess.
Look games up yourself, you fucking faggot.
>I'm a grown man btw so no baby games
>I'm a grown man
Google searching "Switch games to play if you're not a faggot" didn't work.
Any serious answers?
>grown man
>owns a switch
Sure thing, pal.
Anybody who unironically calls themselves a, "grown man" isn't an adult.
>Grown man
>Not cute woman (man)
Not unless you're a weeb.
Start there
Not really, theres botw and smash, but the rest is baby games with no difficulty or indie games that are on steam
Yoshi and Kirby.
>all these buthurt nindobabies
haha well there is the answer clearly nothing actually playing on this garbage waste of money
DK Tropical Freeze
Octopath Traveler
Rocket League
What kind of games are you into OP?
Mod it and put roms on it. You can play PS1 games and gba games without problems.
loads of games
I feel like if you have to say you are a grown man in this context you aren't really a grown man...
>Grown man
Grown men don't tend to announce that they are grown men, unless they are attention seeking faggots, which makes you no different then gamer girls.
Nothing specific really I just wanted to shitpost and watch people argue about the switch.
>I'm a grown man btw
nice try underage