WoW Classic Thread

WoW Classic Thread

>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
>What are your plans on release?
>Will you level alone or in a group?
>Plans when you hit 60?

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>"hybrid tax" that ruined the game
>Warriors are a hybrid
>only tank
>best melee dps
>Best DPS for 4.5/6 raids

>horde, rogue, undead
>level alone
>no way fag
>grief lower leveled alliancefags

>Alliance, Mage, Human
>Grind until I can AOE farm for gold
> Alone
>No guild
>I will farm money so I can more easily level some fun classes like paladin.

I can't wait to enter Deadmines boys. You know I'm rolling need for that ring and sneaking in to grab those chests. I'm gonna rush a level 60 mage so I can have a consistant source of money before I level some more casual fun characters. Probably a Pally.

Mage vs Hunter for gold farming?
Let's consider safety, ease, repair/resource/tool costs, where they can go, etc.

orc warrior smashing rocks into weapons and armor, founding my own guild, doing all the raids and becoming warlord rank 14

mages can farm the packs in Dire Maul but I think tribute runs can make more. I would say huntard if you are only looking at which can make more gold

>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
Alliance, prot warrior, human, mining/skinning while leveling, then alch/engi later
>What are your plans on release?
Speedlevel my warrior to 60 within the first two weeks, then casually level a mage alt for DM E farming
>Will you level alone or in a group?
Alone - plan to get ahead of the pack ASAP
I might have a guild of buddies from private server - not sure though.
>Plans when you hit 60?
Drop skinning for enchanting, farm prebis immediately, then farm Ironfoe over and over until I get it. By then, I should have 200-300g from disenchanting blues during my prebis farming. Gonna use that money to fund Alch/Engi as much as I can. Then, get started on the mage once MC is on farm.

I forgot to mention that hunters can farm maraudon before Dire maul is released which is nice

Too bad the mongoloids at blizzard decided to make DM available on release.

>leveling a warrior to 60 in 2 weeks
>4 professions
>"get ahead of the pack"

I can't wait for the wake up call for people like this. So many casuals that have these die hard grind hard plans to become god-chads and get geared up quickly and efficiently. 99% of them will give up within a month. There's a reason people were pooping into socks back in 2004.

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I've leveled 4 warriors to 60, and my fastest time is exactly 8 days /played, and that's with dungeon/social fuckery and 10k pop on launch.
Also, I know you have a deficiency, but it's not hard to drop 2 professions that are useful while leveling in favor of 2 that are more useful once you're max level.

>Playing WOW in 2019

what do you play, fag?

>undead rogue ganker has no friends

FF 14 Summoner (Translation: WOW Warlock)

Warrior isn't a hybrid, it can only accomplish 2 out of 5 roles. To be considered a hybrid you have to be able to accomplish 3+ roles.

moving the goal posts

>FF 14

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>priests aren't hybrids
>Shaman's aren't hybrids

>Chad gnome mage with tailoring and herbalism
>AOE farm and do all of the dungeons if possible
>level alone for most of the time
>farm gold and pre-raid bis

Tank, melee dps (2)
Control, melee dps (2)
Heal, ranged dps (2)
Control, ranged dps (2)
Control, ranged dps (2)
Control, ranged dps (2)
Heal, tank, melee dps (3)
Heal, melee dps, ranged dps, (tank) (3-4)
Heal, tank, melee dps, ranged dps (4)

Doesn't matter if it doesn't in raids, it works in 99% of the game.

Haha, yeah, it is a fun game, isn't it?


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"Hybrid" doesn't just mean what you think it means because you think it sounds neat. You're stupid.
Also comparing original game design to what actually exists is asinine. Yes, shamans have left-over potential tanking mechanics, and yes it's very possible to tank low level dungeons (or higher level if you overgear them), but it's also "possible" for you to voidwalker tank, or rogue tank, or whatever the fuck if you absolutely have to.
That doesn't mean anyone is going to want to or that it's ever a "good" idea outside of fucking around.

Ultimately, you faglords who obsess over class roles in raids are pure cancer. Raiding is to get gear in order to shit on the opposite faction in pvp. In that regard it doesnt fucking matter what spec you raid as or being pigeonholed into a particular spec (like anyone that can heal is). It isn't like resto shamans or holy paladins can't obtain ele/enhance/ret gear - in fact it's easy as fuck and that's how its supposed to work.

In summary, i hate all of you.

LEVEL UP, GROUP UP, and trade me your loot just like we did back in Vanilla.

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Someone help me pick a class, I got it narrowed down to 3

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>gnome mage for gold farm or undead warlock
>play slow paced with my friend, world pvp and troll throughout
>level with my friend
>guild at 60
>raid and AH scam on alts to amass gold, bg’s, troll wpvp

>Implying there won't be a free character boost

Try again

WoW Classic Thread

>Faction, class, race, professions on your first main?
Dwarf Priest
>What are your plans on release?
I probably won't play on release. Going to wait for all the casuals to give up
>Will you level alone or in a group?
Definitely in a group
Planning on starting an all Dwarf guild
>Plans when you hit 60?
Probably start leveling an Orc Shaman while everyone else preps for raiding