What games have the best weapons selections?

What games have the best weapons selections?

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>The FBI has arrested a Coast Guard lieutenant who lives in a suburb of Washington, D.C. And the allegations against him are grim, to say the least. According to court documents, the suspect is a self-described white nationalist who stockpiled weapons and wrote that he wanted to kill as many people as possible. The suspect allegedly had a list of potential targets that included Democratic political leaders like Nancy Pelosi, as well as cable TV news anchors

So, what was his endgame?

Distracting you from something else in the news.

This. He was waiting for the Russia investigation to finish.

Wow, another right wing psycho wannabe terrorist. It's almost like the vast majority of domestic terrorism is committed by right wing nutjobs!

>who will police the police?

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you don't know anything about antifa

This. Republicans and white people can never do anything wrong.

coastie here willing to answer questions for a bit. I didnt know this LT though.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you do know you're replying to a larping white guy and that you're also just shitposting.

do you know why off topic stuff is posted on Yea Forums and not /trash/ or Yea Forums?

I swear to fucking god there's been so many attempted terrorist attacks and successful mass shootings in America lately it's just as surprising if you were to hear about this shit in the Middle East
Why are you burgers so crazy?

Because autismos hunt for (you)s where they can get them

Oops you activated the retard trap card. This will now devolve into liberal retards frothing at the mouth because you don't follow their retard cult.
Im out and hello to the mods who will delete this thread after another 200 replies

shut up faggot niggers
postal 2 has a lot of weapons so that's pretty cool.

It’s not real

Some people take the mentality of stop liking things I dont very seriously and in public.

Antifa has never killed anyone, right-wingers shoot something up like once a week

How about you make me, fatass?

>Gets acid thrown in his face while being knifed by a migrant thanks to not legally being able to defend himself
Gee Archie I don't know, it's almost like they are trying to make us more like you cucks through disinformation campaigns

Is America actually real?

Antifa aren’t liberals and they’ve also never done anything wrong

>white guy
>using the T word

it only took 2019 years

>right wing terrorist in the news
>but antifaaaaaa

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>Gets acid thrown in his face while being knifed by a migrant
Thankfully that's not an issue where I live cause I'm actually in the first world :^)

which videogame is that, user?

Guns with wooden stocks are aesthetic as fuck

my dick

Probably killing Democratic political leaders like Nancy Pelosi, as well as cable TV news anchors

>Antifa has never killed anyone
Because they can't aim lol

Attached: imagine firing 70 shots and getting 0 kills.png (1177x941, 838K)

>I hate an entire race because of ones actions


Except for it's the norm where you are and if you post the country I would be happy to post statistics proving you wrong :)

ah, i've never seen it, it must be a short one huh?

