Would you guys say that bayonetta is Empowering to women or Objectifying to women?

Would you guys say that bayonetta is Empowering to women or Objectifying to women?

I'm for the former. Bayonetta has all the dudes at her fingertips but she doesn't hoe herself out. Sure there's tits and butts, but james bond has dick and core values (Daniel Craig at least)

She's the strongest and most capable of the squad too. I mean she even beats rodin up if you're not shit.

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who gives a shit? She's basically a female dante and no one was bothered by him dominating everyone and being practically invincible. It's power fantasy.


I can't decide between the two because i'm too busy hating the game for using sex to hide the horrific gameplay. Whatever moron decided that a GAME needs 2+ hours of cutscenes and 50+ hours of quick time events and button mashing, needs to be fired ASAP.

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I don't think I can even enjoy a game from a proven, honest to God manchild who throws hissy fits on Twitter when people on the internet have the audacity to connect with him on a platform that's all about connecting with people.

patrician observation. Never understood the appeal with Bayonetta 1. Haven't played the second one, so I can't speak on that.

its all just pixels on the screen how could it be offending people irl that much unless you are massively insecure.
afternoon ACfag

a lot of people did when it came out. Listen man, I get you its really an unimportant thing that I aint really stressing about. I am also with you on the fact that it is a power fantasy.

The question I am asking is: Was the power fantasy done well?

Or option 2: Fuck this topic and I dump bayo concept art.

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If you can't separate art from artist that's your problem not the games problem (which admittedly has quite a few of them)
Bayonetta is an empowered woman, she flaunts her sex appeal because she's got it and knows that she does, men want her and women want to be her. Same as Dante is to men.

>2+ hours of cutscenes and 50+ hours of quick time events and button mashing, needs to be fired ASAP.
Gonna catch your self a whopper with that kinda bait.

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Personally, I think she does a good job of being a female power fantasy that any player can get behind, though I DO feel that female players would get more from it. Sometimes her arrogance bothers me, but whenever it is juxtaposed with the world she lives in, it fits.

Same here with you although the kinda girl that would get stuff from it has to be closer to a femanon than a stacy thundercunt.

fuck it Im just gonna dump that concept art I have.

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Reminder that despite his reputation as a rage-fulled punk who hates everyone and everything we managed to get him to come to Yea Forums where he was polite and humble. Just stop being an insect.

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and theres nothing wrong with that

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That was back when he was cool and humble, now he acts like a big shot celebrity. As much as I like Kamiya's games and get hyped when I see his name, he's an objective piece of shit.

Would you want to talk to the presumptuous asshats on Twitter?

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Kinda agree with you, but I'm so tired of this whole discourse.
Why can't people just BE?

The thought policing that is enforced in current culture is exhausting. Like monkeys on a circus who are whipped for misbehaving to the eyes of their master.

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Kamiya has never been anything less than a raging lunatic on twitter, and even outside of twitter he has never been humble. Stop making shit up.

There's going to be assholes literally everywhere. There are far more intentionally nasty as fuck people on Yea Forums than Twitter. He literally can't separate the good from the bad, and when he throws his huge shitfits on Twitter it's hard to take him seriously, considering he's supposed to be a professional but doesn't act like it at all. If this was any Western dev doing this everyone would be shitting on them, but because he's Japanese and has some good games under his belt people just take the abuse. Doesn't matter how good you are, if you treat others like shit, you deserve to be treated like shit in return.

Empowering women, definitely. Bayonetta wields her sexuality and is in complete power almost every time. She's not an object to anyone's desires and she doesn't take shit from anyone.

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I just acknowledge that he has a destructive social media addiction and move on. Twitter is a helluva a drug. Kamiya's example is part of why I don't get into it in a real way.

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I feel so bad for the concept artist since bayos final design is basically the first concept she ever did of her, but im so glad it resulted in the absolute fuckload of bayonetta designs

The beauty about characters that fall into the middle area is that it pushes creators who hold either opinion and have the drive to create their own characters that they think inspire woman.
If somebody thinks that Bayonetta is empowering for women, they can be inspired to create characters that will they believe will empower others.
If they view a characters like her end up objectifying women, they can also go out there and create characters who contrast those ideals, that they believe will empower others

>since bayos final design is basically the first concept she ever did of her
Really? Oh well, at least the extra material may have served as inspiration for other stuff. Heck, it's not unheard of of developers going back and reusing old concepts, Morpho Knight particularly comes to mind.

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How do I get Hideki Kamiya to block me on Twitter?

A little bit of both, but I gotta say that I honestly don't like Bayo's sexualization. It just doesn't feel the character, or they simply don't do it properly at least.

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And to top it off some cross over art.
The worst kinda cancer.

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Wait a minute...

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I love this one

You'd have a point here, but you're forgetting the fact that Yea Forums hates other developers for for the exact same reason, and often times, for even less, and will choose to boycott their games. I'm afraid this is another case of "It's Okay When The Grorious Rand of Rising Sun does it!"

Yea Forums is fucking stupid and you're right they will defend someone because they are from japan. Look what happened to Metal Gear. people still defend that shit.

She's neither. She's a female character. Whether or not she's empowering or demeaning to people is all from personal perspective.

>mfw he blocked me because I told him(in japanese) that I don't believe anything he says in English

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If you want the worst case scenario of Yea Forums and other people defending people due to them being Japanese, just take a look at Game Freak/Pokemon. Those games have become objectively fucking awful but people here still lap up their shit and make excuses for them constantly, pretending they're some fucking small indie company with a niche franchise.

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To be fair most Nintendo fans could get raped in an ally and have rectal bleeding for a week and would say they're happy it happened and just accept it.

retarded faggot

I've seen more people bitching about it than defending it, unless you're talking about Reddit.

dumbest shit i've read in 2 days

message him once.

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I was in a bit of a rush, but thank you user,

Most girls (female) I know think she'.s cool as fuck


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lurking hopefully cuntmiya replies. Love his games but the man royal guards his fucking twitter.

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>knowing women
jk but where the fuck did you meet girls who play bayo. I can barely find another dude who cares about these games. They are still quite niche.

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Man you guys aren't lying that was fucking quick lol

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