>Paid reviews don't exis-
Paid reviews don't exis-
Literally nobody has ever said this.
>gives handouts to nobodies just so they can shit on your brand
I think it's totally find if a developer expects the journos to pay for their games. At least you'd get an honest review.
>blacklist someone because they gave your game a bad review
>they just tell everyone that they got blacklisted, making you like worse
what exactly is the logic behind this kind of decision
Naw, the shill in question didn't even say it was a sponsored video, EA told him he had to disclose that shit, so just add that to the video, he then tried to act like they were censoring his opinions or some shit.
I can't believe this guy is actually getting away with this shit. People are making it seem like he's some sort of hero for standing up to EA when he was literally taking their cock up his ass this entire time and only had a change of heart because everyone else was tearing the game to shreds.
I remember some anons on Yea Forums recommended me some shitty cartoon "reviewer" who made a stink in one of his vids about people who claim IGN takes money for reviews.
>There are two separate watermarks that are used in these instances. For Game Changers, the watermark says, “Presented by Game Changers.” That’s the watermark Gggmanlives used in the past and told GameDaily was present on his original video (before it was re-uploaded). The other watermark, used when there’s a sponsored content agreement and money changes hands is “Sponsored by EA.”
>EA has confirmed to GameDaily that it specifically requested that Gggmanlives replace the “Presented by Game Changers” watermark on the video with the one that reflects sponsorship, because that was the relationship for this content. He previously published another video from an event EA hosted in Tokyo with the Game Changers watermark that he says met EA’s approval.
>In a conversation on Twitter via direct message, Gggmanlives confirmed to me that he did receive compensation for this video.
>expecting people to lie just because they gave you a shit game for free
In a majority of cases, they don't tell them they're blacklisted, they just stop sending them review copies. It's just drumming up controversy for attention since companies very rarely speak about this kind of thing publicly. Anyone can just say they got blacklisted and look like a martyr because there won't be any opposition.
People still take Gggmanlives seriously after the FO76 review?
He did lie. He didn't disclose he was sponsored. He got in trouble for lying to people.
Every review is bought and paid for, even the negative ones because developers and give them free copies to play.
They are all bought for their opinion regardless of their contents. Don't support any Youtube or publication reviewer
This is why I only trust user score.
Or some cynical youtube bastards.
I don't trust user scores either because a lot of user scores are trolls that never played the game before. I know mainly use a bunch of youtubers and a demo.
That's what killed Anthem for me. I was actually excited for it but when the demo would put me into an endless loading screen. Killed any hype I had for the game, and listening to reviews it plays worst than Destiny 2.
He got paid for the video as well. Accepting payment for a review from the company that made the product compromises the fuck out of you.
User scores are just as tainted by cognitive biases and media influence. Ask macfags how they feel about the iOS file system.
-posted from my iPad
@Cat#2353 is gay
Delete this, you fucking idiot.
so what's this about
Dunkey was always right.
People literally always say this
>wow you're that paranoid huh? Why would they pay some rando eceleb??
>gets to play early copy of game
>still shits on game
based conan
>EA defense force is already on the scene
i feel like dunkey's just gotten angrier at video games over the years
>God of War
>"I've not touched the controller for 45 minutes"
ResetERA says this guy is lying and is racist and homophobic trash.
Really? Thought they might like him in view of his whining about toxicity.
>ResetERA says
Cool, stay there.
Gggmanlives confirmed shill and confirmed for lying about being blacklisted.
His newest video is him starting to go off the deep end
I watched the whole thing and I have no idea what the fuck he's trying to prove
nice falseflag
>Guy lies and pretends not to be paid a shill, to the point that even EA has to tell them to be less scummy about it
>Gets pointed out
>f-fucking EA defence force
Faggot was trying to stir the pot. Pretty much every single review of the game is bad but you don't hear other people having his problem.
His problem is that he was using a watermark used for people that open FIFA packs and shit. Those guys are in the gamechangers program and get monthly prepaid cards to finance their opening videos.
Wow bro, that means I like him! I'm sure you never saw that coming when you made this post.
That's not the reason he was blacklisted
I only listen to reviews from anonymous sources who shit on the game with no proof they've ever played the game
I'd rather someone tell me a game is shit and I happen to think it's good than someone telling me a game is good and it's complete shit
Yea Forums - the best place to get trustworthy gaming opinions and see video game girls feet
>this amount of revisionism
>guzzling EA's cock this hard
See what's weird is that the dude from EA is being supper vague about "honesty" which makes me think it's about how they are upset he's too critical of the game
>unironically talking about revisionism while defending a guy who literally tried to lie away his actions
I mean resetera is right about the first part.
i think his newest video was just him being really upset about the state of games coming out
they really do feel like shit
They've been more direct with news sites. The wrong watermark was used. It doesn't use the words "Sponsored by EA" which is kind of important since it's a video paid for by them, which legally makes it an advertisement, which needs to be disclosed.
Talking about exact terms of deals is impolite and often frowned upon by managers, if it isn't outright forbidden in your contracts
>still shilling for EA
Yeah, I'm thinking this is cringe. *dabs*
thats what you get for forsaking game journalism.
>a-anyone who does like my favorite e-celeb must be a corporate shill!
>but not him! despite getting paid actual money to make videos for them and lying about it
you redditors never cease to amaze with your retardation