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I'm already half kino

So what is Luxu's endgame?

I'm already NUTS

Why does no one in this series ever fucking die?

keyblades are broken, why do you think everyone wants one?

Calling it right now, Demyx is Master of Masters

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Disney game for children

>not future Sora

Nomura is a hack.


So was Braig the original master or Luxu I think that's the only thing I didn't get.
Gotta give him so credit I don't know how they somehow made 3 worse than 2 but he did stick to his straight up nonsensical story in a game with Disney IPs which should be as accessible as possible.

I didn't see it coming. I thought something was off about him being the only one to fall

Plenty of Disney movies have major characters die.

Luxu. Braig was either a person he possessed or a body he created.

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It also kinda ticked me off Sora didn't age a year for KH3.

He's Luxu. MoM is most likely the dude in the secret ending who wants to create Kingdom Hearts in TWEWY world

Or it's more apt to say MoM is just Nomura at this point


That’s nuts!

>intensifying chorus

At what point did Luxu take Braig

Was Braig being his dumbass self in BBS or was Luxu playing the role of a madman and acting

all luxu

Is the most based and /ourguy/ KH characters?

Luxu acts exactly like BBS Braig I'm actually pretty upset I didn't make the connection while watching the back covers movie.


Onik character when?

The gap between KH2 and KH3 isn't even a month user

The parkour attacks made this game WAY too easy and riku dark guard is busted


The likely answer is that for as long as we've known the character, he's been Luxu but there is always the chance that Nomura fucks with us and says that Luxu possessed Braig sometime during the known KH timeline

Oopsy Daisy

No? Luxu in Back Covers is a curious beta bitch. If anything, everyone thought Xigbar/Braig was gonna be the MoM because of how similar their personalities are. It seems like Luxu picked up on it later on.

You're confusing MoM with Luxu. Luxu barely says anything in Back Cover.

I wanted to know about this. How long is the fucking timeline of Kingdom Hearts excluding BBS. Because everything KH2 onward takes place in like the same week

>summon the master of masters

That's honestly a very good question. Who knows how long Mickey was watching Data Sora fuck around

KH1 ends like a week or two after Sora's Heartless episode, and then CoM is shortly after that, going off of Days

CoM takes like a month or something? Don't remember exactly when Axel returns but it's not too long

Sora sleeps for the rest of Days until a year has passed from KH1 and then 2 happens

ReCoded happens immediately after 2 and DDD an unspecified amount later, but not too long, and that leads directly into 3

*wink wink*

If you are possessed by Xehanort both your eyes turn yellow. But Xigbar only has half his eyes so he is half Xehanort.

I'm already half demon.

Aqval pass

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That would be shit

>he is descended from the KHUX villain
Starting to make sense why he isn't a suitable leader.

From KH1 to KH3 its about 2 years and maybe some change
BBS to KH1 its 10 years
From the mobile game stuff to the start of BBS it can be anywhere from a hundred years or a 1000 honestly

The real bulk of time lapse wee see in game in the series is during CoM and Days because Days takes place over a year and CoM coincides with about 30 days of that year before Sora goes to sleep for the rest of it

X->??? Year gap->Bbs->10 year gap->kh1->Com->1 year gap/358/2days->kh2->??? day gap->ddd->kh3

>terra still isn't good enough to pass after his redemption

Terra, no pass

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>From the mobile game stuff to the start of BBS it can be anywhere from a hundred years or a 1000 honestly
They make it seem like so much time has passed but the possibility of the so called "Age of Fairytales" only being 100 years ago seems weird.

Terra and Sora got fucking robbed

I'm actually a misguided good guy
who could ever believe th-

Ok I believe you

No one should be this oblivious. Not even sora and ven are.
Sora not being a master in a blessing in disguise if kh3 is anything to go by with how useless they were aside from yen sid.

why wasn't there a joke about the demon storm fight

as if

There's no need. "What the heck is that" got the point across nicely

Every official master is a complete jobber. Terra was literally too angry to die and Sora is the 2nd most powerful living thing in the universe


>apologises to ventus
>apologises to aqua
>tells terra to pick up the slack

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#1 being Sulley?

Noctis is Master of Masters

>>tells terra to pick up the slack
Well he was possessed for like a decade+

>Vanitas jobs to Sully
>Aqua jobs to Vanitas

Oh shit sora is 3

1: Donald
2: Sully
3: Sora

Dyslexic Disney is probably up there, but we don’t have a lot of examples

Pancake uploaded an updated version of Re:Chain of the Birth by Dream Memories/358 Sleep Distance Final Mix HD Remake/2 Days

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How can one robotman be so based

Hey now aqua did bead regular vanitas twice, KEYBLADE ven/van, and his lingering will. give the girl some credit

Aqua is completely powerful. She's just forced to make stupid mistakes because Nomura favors Xehanort too much.

He tells Terra to take care of them. Pretty much naming him the man of the household.

Terra doesn't even need the shitty title that makes you job non-stop (Mickey, Riku, Aqua). Instead he just use his retard strength.

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>Every official master is a complete jobber.
Yen Sid isn't a jobber he just doesn't do anything

Aqua wasn't a jobber until KH3 and now she's el maestro(trabajo revelado)

>this was the most hype moment in all of KH3
I don't even like Terra much, but this was probably my favorite part.

Terra would've trivialized the plot of KH if he was allowed to move.

>that even more angry looking cum guardian pic

Jesus fucking christ.

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is it true?

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>mfw Xigbar is actually MoM and he told the Foretellers he was Luxu just to fuck with them

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>Xehanort losing his shit each time Terra does his bullshit
>the Xehanort inside Terra's body died looking horrified and scared before Terra's heart destroyed his

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Would not even be mad.

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Why isn't there a webm of cum guardian ragdolling Terranort by the head yet

I always compared KH to MGS

Let's eat some ice cream.


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there is webm of him setting this shit right

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Given that MoM told him to pass it down to his students/apprentices, did he train Master Xehanort? How did Xehanort not recognize his master?

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Let me put it this way

The last time Bahamut canonically used Tera Flare, he leveled a continent and set off a decade long dark age

Zetta Flare is 1,000,000,000 times stronger than that

What did Ansem Seeker of Darkness do right with the Guardian?

>that ending

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>in the first timeline, that was the only thing that defeated Terranort

No wonder Xehanort wanted his body.

why wasn't there liquid snake soundbites for how Vanitas says BROTHER

WHat makes you think the Lingering Will stopped at Terranort? He probably took down the entire Organization by himself in the first timeline

Why was every God damn keyblade master sucking so much ass? All the failures and copies were pretty much the only ones carrying the whole team.

>Right side is Terra's Lingering Will alone
>Left side is both mind and heart


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Its been a long time since Luxu was given that keyblade, and the secret reports tell that the Gazing Eye has already been passed down through countless of Masters/Apprentices, Whoevers Xehanort's master was, it was not Luxu

Exactly. Even 1/3 of Terra coulday waste to the rest of the cast singlehandedly. It took the other 2/3 of Terra + Sora to beat Terranort in the 2nd timeline.

>yfw Terra was the CUM GUARDIAN

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Wished they shown the entire LW battle and showing how he got inside to get control over cum guardian

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KH1, COM, KH2: Original trilogy
Days, BBS, DDD: Prequel saga
Recoded: Clone Wars cartoon movie
X-Chained: Clone Wars/Rebels
KH3: Sequel saga
Manga/Fanfiction: Extended Universe


KH1/COM/KH2: Digimon Adventure
KH2FM: Our War Game
Everything afterwards: 02/Tri


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>Darkseeker stole his teacher's name Ansem
>Luxu's name stolen by his teacher MoM

He sounded so fucking good. literally SEETHING with hatred.

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bros, wtf was that Pirates of the Caribbean level? bad pacing, bad ship battles, shitty mini games. what where they thinking?

you misspelled frozen



It was the best world, buddy. They just made you feel bad for not watching the at Worlds End beforehand but everything else was fun

I actually took my time before going to the final boss just fucking around and upgrading the ship

ew- your right frozen was a pile of shit as well, but that doesn't excuse the nonsense we got from Disney's one piece.

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good doujin

>mfw "Seven black pieces, huh?"


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>It was the best world, buddy

idk about that one chief

>S tier
>Sora (friendship mode)
>not SSS+ tier

Was cool and then the retarded “fight” afterwards immediately ruined my excitement. Why do all of the action scenes in this game feel fucking slow and almost devoid of action

>MoM and Luxu are actually the same person, Luxu is time traveled young MoM
>this is why Xogbar has a similar personality to MoM, he grew up

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Also, we need different tiers for Cutscene Sora and Player Controlled Sora

>tfw Birth By Sleep would be an okay game if you didn't need a guide to get abilities

I should have just started playing through on normie mode instead of proud.

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Lingering Will arriving was fucking kino. Thank god i didn't watched the trailers. Can't believe they spoiled it.

I'm even happy that I missed the Namine star.

>scene is literally the same as before
>Terranort goes for the kill
>boom, dust everywhere
>"did Sora blocked it?"
>hear the violins
>"oh god, is it HIM-"
>Terranort eyes full of fear
>that pulse noise when the camera moved to show Lingering Will

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Why did everyone turn on KH3? I bet most of the people here saying it's easy just watched some pro use a crazy late game setup and figured they could do it too.

Well first Namine's plight was missing from the opening, then was that retarded silent character roll at the end of it still missing Namine. When I realized there was no coliseum in Olympus it all went slowly downhill from there.

It’s mostly just blunderfags being blunderfags. It’s already dying down and honest opinions are coming out

I think Twilight Town only being like 3 areas was the worst offender. The hole in the wall being sealed prepared me for a nostalgia trip but then I got cockblocked.

>and here I shall stay on this fucking comfy chair for most of the franchise, saying some riddles, giving mediocre training to every shit that is supposed to be this so called "light", thinking you guys will solve the problems with King Ha"i do nothing and just fuck up, give me check now" Ha
>and for more input, go visit old senil Merlin, he will surely training even better and give you answer, and maybe that one book

It's beautiful

it is too easy but that's not much of an issue with how customisable the difficulty is thanks to zero exp, you can go full gimp mode with lvl1 or just switch it on after you've gotten a fair amount of abilities

but of course these people don't want to use zero exp because they don't see it as a legitimate difficulty modifier despite it being a bloody ability in the game and the solution to their complaints. expect them to also complain that critical is too hard when they add it in a future update

It's funny that Yea Forums eats this sort of shit up these days. All of these videos are reddit incarnate, low effort unfunny quip humor that is just fucking terrible. Can't believe anyone finds text to voice funny at this point.

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And when you consider that Tera Flare was like this

Imagine 1 billion times that but concentrated into a single beam

Here, the most true and fair list.
Xehanort X-Blade
Trinity Sora Donald Goofy

Terra/Lingering Will
Heartless Tornado
Yensid getting his ass of his chair

Sora alone
Aqua (because BBS and 0.2, she was really bad in 3)
Young Xehanort

Dark Riku

Xigbar (Holding back)


Fodder Heartless/Nobodies/Unversed


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where does the half sora and half riku keyblade rank?

Gayblade Sora/Riku is above Aqua but paradoxically below Riku and Sora.

>Five Foretellers

>Five Foretellers
Ava is gud replace her with Brain.

Where would Sora the Duelist be? Surely being the Sora of the BEST Kingdom Hearts ever must give him some extra points

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Okay, I believe you

You poopface, that is not how it works.
Btw my names spelled backwards is


Ouchie ouch

>make another one

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You idiot poop face nobody gets hit by the mega destruction dark ball of darkness and destruction

and knuckles

Yea Forums is dead. this is just depressing.

what does he actually say in this scene in the real game? does he actually say it?

Can’t kill what’s been dead for years

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He's asking the Seven Dwarves where Terra is or some shit

Ok I believe you

It’s definitely the mines in dwarf woodlands. So that narrows it down

God I forgot how much the dwarves were dicks in that game

People die
There's just most of the people who do die just happen to be Nobodies who just reform into their somebody later
Eraqus died, so did Xehanort


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Fuck off Ven


He said ‘He will return...’ in the final secret report. Obviously plans to summon MoM in some bizarre ritual.

user no pass

God I fucking hate Ventus's voice
Props to Jesse for making him so distinct from Roxas but holy fuck

Oh fuck no
Please don't do this to me
This makes me want to do more than just hug Chirithy

Based Erasqueze

Why does it look kind of hot?

oh no..

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>Fends off 4 organization members alone for enough time for Sora to catch up.
>Lea and Kairi cant even hold on Xion.


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>Tenkou mitsuru tokoro ni ware wa ari
>yomi no mon hiraku tokoro ni nanji ari
>Kore de owari yo!

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Lea is C- tier and Kairi is F tier.

Guys, why the fuck did he hate it so much? The whole playthrough, he kept saying this game is fucking trash in comparison to FFXV (he gave that game a 9/10).

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>Reach final world
>That Drop Dream part where Sora recollects his parts
>The misterious girl and Namine dialogue and the start messages.

I really dont get Nomura, he is so inconsistent, sometimes he writes the most awful shit ever and then he comes with shit like Final World that it absolutely Kino.

All the star messages are fucking incredible and actually amazing writing, it also envoys the theme of relationship,emotions and hearts that the game tries to represent so much fucking better. Seriously, "Life is about the days of tranquility between stuff" is such a good line.

>caring what that SJW cuck e-celeb thinks

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He hates forcing himself to play thing I think.


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I am fucking glad he is the main villain now, the VA loves whatever dumb chuuni bullshit he is saying unlike Mark Hamill.

God I miss xenny voice actor.

Did that fuck drop Youtube to stream?


>He is missing the eye
>The fucking No Name eye
God damn it Nomura, you are pulling an Ansem again.

Also we should had known No Name wasnt Xehanort original Keyblade since young xehanort had another one.

nomura is a pretty good writer, he just wrote himself into the clusterfuck that is kh today, I'm pretty sure that if he just removes the shackles of the xehanort saga and start fresh without the clusterfuck the future will be something to look forward to

what the fuck is that.

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Ahh.. No. Terra destroyed his eye.

It's co-owned by Disney and making new designs is fucking hard.

I feel bad that he thinks XV is a good game, much less better than KH3

Not for me, I still loved it but I wished he had gone more on a furious rampage till his heartless and sora tell him to calm down and fuse with his body.

Now blowing up million of heartless and nobodies with a disney thematic train was the most hype shit ever and I am not sure how Nomura pulled that off.

Oh fuck
I equally want to hug and fug that
I wanna cum between those chubby thighs

Then he takes the keychain and put its into the socket and gets a power up.

the power of xvfags

Some anons predicted that years ago so good job anons!

What other cool shit we predicted?

>I wanna cum between those chubby thighs

They'd never kill off a fan-favorite character. Axel died in his second game, but has since appeared in pretty much every other game. Whereas a character that no one cares about like Xaldin stays dead.

It was one of my favorites, exploring for chest was actually fun and they gave good shit.

Technically, shouldn't he still be half Xehanort considering that he has the yellow eyes?


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>Ignore attractions
>Remove Keyblade cinematics
>The game becomes x5 better
I ask you to try it, its good shit.

Anyone else wished they stayed with the old menu aesthetic

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Xehanort wouldn't have recognized his teacher if his teacher switched to another body.
Luxu might have been Xehanort's master in a different body.

Yellow eyes just means touched by Darkness, they're not unique to Xehanort.

Yellow eyes=Darkness
Think Vanitas

im just happy that the menus are fast and snappy

I think most anons are forgetting Goofy on that scene. Not 30 seconds ago he oneshotted Ven and send Lea flying kilometers through rock.

Then Terrarnort goes for the kill and our boy just block it, he is so strong that Terranort recoils from the impact.


>Xaldin stays dead.

It would have been better this way instead of becoming a Phil tier background mute.


The dead people messages were so good, why cant he keep up the consistence.

Maybe he is trying a fresh start now that most of the bs is dead?

I found it hilarious that when you get burned sora turns into a cartoon character jumping from the fire, and not to mention hearing the characters sneeze from the status ailment is funny

I wish we had silly hats

Yeah that's why Chernobog and the FF Black Mages have them (Black magic I guess.)


that's the idea, he's finally free from the shackles of the xehanort saga clusterfuck, now I just hope he plans his writing properly instead of winging it and trying to make stuff fit together

Very sneaky you with the order.

KH3 has been getting so much hate from e-celebs.

Is Nomura going to be alright, bros?

It is the little things like that which make KH3 slightly better.

The massive foreshadowing in 3 and the secret ending makes me feel like he actually does. Too bad he has to do that fucking ff7 remake.

Just look at the level of prose there is on the secret reports in all of the games, I refuse that a man that can write like that is actually dumb.

E-whores were expecting a game that KH wasnt and never was, I see them compare to Red dead redemption 2 and God of War for crying out loud.

E-celebs being the cancer they are probably felt like they needed to play this game for views because it was the next big thing in gaming even if they never ever played or gave a shit about KH before.


>a fucking mobile game is gonna be the savior of KH
Based Xigbar always liked that guy.

e-celebs are mostly casuals and casuals all have the same fucking cookie cutter complains that you see from the first few games. KH is basically a casual filter

>All of the data fights have remixed version of their previous theme
>Vs Saix there is a mesh of Xion and Roxas theme
>Vs Nort team its the 3 guys theme fusioned.
Sometimes Nomura is alright

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Nomura is going to keep making what he likes as long as it makes money

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Why is there no good ost playlist yet for the game? Can't find shit

Its nice the blunder reactionary movement is dying down and we are back to our usual autismo.

Terra, Ackva, hit boll to pass test.

Oh man the casuals really gave me a headache.

>bawwwwww no FF characters
>bawwwwww Disney worlds make up most of the game

Reno is literally Axel. GET IT MEMORIZED . KH was always mostly Disney and every world has plot between them called Intervals in the theater. Fucking christ.

lmao I wanted those FF characters though, mainly because I wanted a FF super bossfight

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I think a final mix version can really fix a lots of this game problem and I feel like most people don't remember OG KH2.

I still dont get why Nomura didnt put any FF characters, there must be a specific reason.

Its not legal shit or anything like that, they show up on flashbacks and sometimes they are mentioned. I think I am nailing it down to two possible explanations, he either wants KH to become its own thing and not a fusion of Square and Disney or he is pulling a grudge due to all the shit SE pulled him through XV.

>when kingdom hearts 2 came out
>kingdom hearts 3 come out

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The villain design really went downhill after Ansem. He's got the sick ass coat, cool gloves, chest bared like a chad. I'm glad they took his outfit for Xehanort instead of just slapping the black coat on him like they did every other member of the Xehanorg XIII

>tfw no GIRUGAMESH big bossfight on the fransansokyo golden gate bridge where he has the 6 foreteller keyblades from another worldline
Just imagine

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Underrated music

I don't believe you, KH2 had 10.5 Disney worlds and revists to each of them except 1, there is no way people were whining about this.

>yfw projared was actually XV-kun the whole time

We've seen a lot of new characters and returning favorites, but we haven't really seen a lot of the Final Fantasy characters and obviously they played such a huge role in the earlier games. Are you just not showing them off right now or do you feel that you don't need to bring them back for the new game?

They obviously appeared from [the first] Kingdom Hearts, but at least for Kingdom Hearts 3, there's going to be a lot of [original] Kingdom Hearts. So most of the main characters from the Kingdom Hearts titles will appear and they will all have their problems that they need to resolve in the game. Because of that, Final Fantasy characters that actually do not have problems of their own … it's just a little bit difficult for them to appear in the game. But, obviously, the trailers that we have been showing until now is not everything. So all I can really say to that is just wait for a little more update to that.

Actually, in interviews throughout E3, I think every single interviewee has asked me about Final Fantasy characters and so I realize that that probably means that everyone's actually looking forward to them. There weren't that many titles out in the world that had all these Final Fantasy [characters] comes together in one [place], but nowadays there's just so many games out there that incorporates all these different Final Fantasy characters together, so I actually felt that it might not even be necessary to have another one of those in my game. But now that I've been talking with everyone, I've realized that maybe it is necessary, so I'm a little surprised by that.

>bawwwwww no FF characters
Only people who haven't been keeping up with the games complain. After 2, they've been getting severely cut with minimal roles with the exception being cloud, but only because they basically retold KH1 Olympus coliseum 3 times.

Were you not around? People complained about KH story as they always do and wanted it to be more like KH1 with a focus on disney instead of the OC characters.

fuck yeash that would be good, why the fuck didn't they do some contest shit like they did with based kurt zisa in kh1, there should be super hearless/nobody bosses in some of the worlds post game...

The Disney stuff were the big selling points in KH1 and KH2's advertising. Naturally, kids were disappointed that there wasn't as much Disney stuff in KH2.
BBS and DDD made the Disney stuff significantly less important, and really started focusing on the OCs and the plot of the x-Blade and 13 Xehanorts. After DDD doubled down on how important Xehanort really was, people who followed those games really got hooked on the OC story, and it was way more important than what was going on in the Disney worlds. When KH3 came out, people just wanted to rush past the Disney worlds, since most people just wanted to fight Xehanort already.

I feel its a different situation, KH2 added stuff while KH3 needs a rebalance and for that the team needs to understand whats broken, whats unfun and so for.

I have hope, I was messing around with some of the data fights and lot of the bosses have very cool kits that could make really fun fights in a 1v1 situation if reworked a little. I love how Marluxia, Xemnas, Xigbar and RIku kit is literally straight up taken from their original games.

I get missing the Radiant Garden guys, I do too, but you're not one of those fags who denounced the game because KH is "supposed" to be Final Fantasy with Disney to the point it ruined the game for them. I had one fuck say there was literally no FF at all when FF is in its games dna and references are everywhere

They were all just minor characters anyways and pountless if there was no explorable radiant.

Probably referring to how people complain about KH2 focusing more on the OCs instead of Disney villains like KH1 did

>beginner mode

Translation: I'm a lazy dirtbag.

I talked about KH everyday from 2006-09 on kh13, gamefaqs, naruto forums, manga stream forums and other random ass anime/game forums. People have called the Disney stuff in games since KH2 half baked

I liked Vanitas edgy muscle bodysuit thing and cool helmet.
At least Xemnas got his Zebra coat to stand out when he needed to deliver on a final boss mode.

Because they totally had more than bit parts in CoM, right? So there shouldn't have been more of them in 2 with more importance? Numbered entries are held to a different standard than the handheld ones.

He has two completely valid points. The KH original cast is still the Square side of the crossover with Disney and for KH3, they were all filling in the slots that would have been taken up by a FF character (for lack of anyone else to use) in previous titles. The previous Organization members for example.

The other is that with how many FF crossover games there are now there really ISN'T that much special about them appearing in KH anymore. It's not like they ever really interacted with the Disney side of things anyways outside of the Cloud/Zack deal with Olympus, where Zack was only there in BBS because it was clever.

San Fransokyo was pretty fucking good thematic/story wise. The cast was fun and the VAs were not awful unlike most diney worlds.

It just needed to be longer.

I wish they actually did something with customization in 3
Like what was they point of putting it in 0.2 if you weren't gonna be able to put shit on Sora?

>fuck yeash that would be good, why the fuck didn't they do some contest shit like they did with based kurt zisa in kh1,
That is because we got a simultaneous release with nipland this time around.
Original nip version of kh1 had no superboss except for the bosses in hadescup.
Ice titan, phantom, Kurt and Sephy where added in the english version.

I say fuck off with Disney and Nomura should just focus on the kingdom hearts characters and the world we will be visiting will all be Square stuff (Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Nier, Chrono, etc...) and maybe some crossover stuff with other company like Nintendo for a Mario world or something.

Fuck Disney and fuck Donald.

That's what angers me. KH3 just did what every game since 1 did but were surprised. They simultaneously hold up KH2 as a golden standard but are completely obvious to its problems and blame it on 3.

It would be cool if you could link your KHUX account and the final command was your character name.

I honestly don't get all the hate for the game. The world/level design was arguably the best in the series, and it wrapped up a lot of the plot points pretty nicely and had a lot of nice hype moments. My biggest gripes with it was Kairi and Axel and actually damn near everyone being useless jobbers, and that they went full retard with the finishers and it feels like none of the enemies hit as hard as they should. I think with a final mix version with some extra content and a few of the more egregious things ironed out, it could be a contender for best in the series. Feels like most people I see bitching about it on youtube played like 1/2 and nothing else and complain that nothing makes sense.

Straight up replacing characters is never a good idea for a series, imagine if every Donkey Kong after returns used those voodoo masks instead of kremlings from now on? People would be rightfully pissed because K. Rool and his lizards are an intrinsic part of the series. The people who care don't give a fuck that Dissidia exists because that's a different series altogether, if you're willing to just throw fan favorite characters under a bus because it's not cool to use them anymore then you're a shit writer, plain and simple.

t. terranort

>Donald and Goofy talk through the speaker of your ps4 controller in the fight against xehanort.
Nigga what. How did I miss that

KH2 disney world were so fucking bad but for some reason people seem to have forgotten that.

>this fucking shill circlejerk of a thread
How do you "people" live with yourselves?

I can't believe only one game in the entire franchise has Disney characters (outside of Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Yen Sid) that are actually relevant to the plot

>I'm already half-Xehanort, who is actually a scapegoat to start the Keyblade War so I can revive the Foretellers and the Master of Masters. I'm helping the old coot out until it's done. I've been tasked to watch over the old coot's Keyblade, which is actually my Keyblade for millennia and have had plenty of semblances since.

Attached: half xehanort.gif (500x281, 1.29M)


10 year aging up of the characters when?

Why are they still 14 year olds

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Holy fucking shit, people talking about a game in a thread about that game! Call CNN!

They were really short.

Coded with Jimminy Cricket?

Because they'll lose their marketing appeal if they were older. 20's is considered hag territory in Japan.

absolutely based

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It won't happen because Japanese sales of the series will fall 95% when they find out the characters are too old to be in high school.

I would have been satisfied if there was hades cup and they at least made an appearance there but fuck it, looks like nomura just wants to move on at this point and I support that decision because verum rex looks interesting. man I miss fighting and beating the shit out of hades too

>violins playing in the background

This game is a 7/10

Beautiful ost
Very nice looking
The world are the best the series ever gotten

Pathetic post content
too easy
story pacing

The first two can be fixed in a final mix version. Imagine a fight like the data organization in kh2 of ansem, xemnas and young xehanorth at the same time on critical and level one run.

Attached: olette cheers.png (327x364, 78K)

>nooooooooooo this is Yea Forums shit on the game SHIT ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Based. I don't care about old fuck Xehanorth anymore.

Team Revolver Luxu rise up

Because aside from one or two exceptions, they were short and to the point. Their empty, contentless nature had a few minigames or challenges strewn about in sections to vary it up, but they were short worlds, even on revisits. That doesn't make them good, mind you, but it's a lot better than fucking Arendelle taking way too long to basically have the entire Frozen movie run in the background while you just climb and sled mountains and labyrinths.

That Sora design is unironically great.

I would change Riku to look a little more like Ansem SoD though


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I refuse to play the mobile game. What the actual fuck is Chirithy?

Replace the Afternoon Streets with Lazy Afternoons and it's perfect.

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KH3 have less worlds which is why they obviously take longer to complete.

What was up with that ice labyrinth anyway. It felt out of place, at least make it so Vexen does it and it makes more sense.

The personal helpers of the Keyblade Wielders of the pre-and-post Keyblade War. Basically team pets and assistants that also manage the Lux currency the characters got from slaying Heartless.

The thing is that that Chirithy in KH3 is Ventus' personal one, because for still-unexplained reasons he's one of the new Union leaders in Union X, the sort of second-half continuation of the phone game.

So Ventus is like 100+ years old?

Either that or was flung far into the distant future where Brain's evil is rule.

Only technically, there's some time travel involved.

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Here's the KH2 version

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Longer doesn't really mean better. Plus the disparity in content amount is fucking massive. Twilight Town is barely there as a world, Olympus is a fairly straight shot for a decent length, and then the rest of the worlds after that vary wildly in how long they actually last.

Possibly. We still don't have a definitive idea of how much time between X and BBS has passed, just that apparently a second keyblade city was built ontop of the ruins of the old one which disappeared too, and then Eraqus and Xehanort fucked off to elsewhere. He could be in some sort of time travel shit. The story's being weirdly vague and dancing around some of these questions still, which doesn't help that you basically have to wait for the snippets of story to come out in Japan for people to translate, because the US won't see this shit for years. We've not even reached the fucking Keyblade War if I remember right.

The MoM is his own character

Probably. Note that Marluxia and Larxene also take part along with him so what happened to Ventus likely happened to them as too. Apparently Luxord and Demyx as well but we have yet to actually see them in the game yet so can't confirm on those two.

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>Terra is so op nearly every form of the main villain has been relying on some part of him for power.

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So KH3 was 'fine' overall, but when are we getting some DLC so there is some actual post game content?

fukken perfect mate

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I don't think there is any word yet, but holy shit I really wish there was more to do.
Hopefully they announce some DLC at least in the works soon. Just to give me some hope. I can't wait another fucking year just to hear a "wait another decade" announcement.

Depends on how busy Nomura is with working full steam on the FF7 remake now. If we want to use Final Mix as a standard those usually came out a year after the initial release, but they're not exactly working with PS2 level tech anymore.

>Blocks your path

Attached: tt06.jpg (1920x1080, 1008K)

Nomura on dlc
>Right now, staff are taking a break and I can't speak of the details. Nothing has been decided, but if we do have paid DLC, I am thinking about offering one piece with deep content rather than several fragments of things. Also, I am also considering some free downloadable content separate to that. Well, I'd rather prioritize the next game than work on DLC for a long period.


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>All of the best Organization members will be back with Keyblades.
Can’t wait.

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>Can't believe anyone finds text to voice funny at this point.
That's how you know they're from Yea Forums. The sheer laziness of the production quality, the random insertion of old music, twitter screencaps and laughing noises and text to speech shit. No one in this shithole has the balls to voice their own anal vore shitposting and it fucking pisses me off. If they do it's in hushed tones because they don't want their parents hearing them.

who the fuck is Luxu, I thought Xigbar was Braig



It is too easy, the pacing is really bad, the payoff to decades long arcs was rushed, some worlds are super tiny, and there is almost no post-game content. And KH’s ever present boner for minigames remains strong.

It’s a good game, but it’s definitely no 10/10

because time doesn't flow normally across all of these worlds allowing generations to pass by in some while to other people, they're still the same age and also because you can just cheese death and basically become immortal by constantly separating into heartless and nobody, getting your body back, and doing it all over again. alternatively, you can just build a fake body or hijack someone else's

He's been back and doesn't need it

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Does anyone have the Pence insulin vocaroo?

Luxu's some nerd from the mobile game who was controlling the body of Braig to help Xehanort along with his dumb Kingdom Hearts plans

I miss Billy Zane. He was clearly enjoying himself but Disney were conservatards at the time and blacklisted him for being un-American.

Luxu has appanretly been body hoping for years and stalking whoever is in possession of No Name. Braig/Xigbar is his most recent alias.

too bad he is such an idiot that he cant use it right a villian has to do it for him.

Going to Twilight Town and having everyone mention how they miss summer vacation was trippy as hell. After an entire game about the time gap between KH1 and 2, you'd think KH3 would be even longer, but... no. Huh.

anyone find it kind of weird they retconned a lot of shit for KH3, your heart be your guiding key and xehanort's obsession with chess and using it in dialogue


>The world are the best the series ever gotten
Also OST is questionable cause Skrillex and remix songs

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This game and franchise is so fucking terrible, why did they bother after 2.

It made literally no fucking sense storywise. They acted as if Dark Baymax was the original despite it being established in the movie that Baymax is the green chip.

What are you talking about? Terra beats the absolute fuck out of everyone and everything that tries to fight him
Xehanort only had a chance to begin with because he got blindsided by the X-blade exploding

Well, at least the story pacing for this game wasn't even a fraction of how bad FFXV's story pacing was.

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Come the fuck on, Nomura

Hell, they forgot certain tidbits from DDD. That was 7 years ago sure, but the end of that game had Master Xehanort outright saying to Mickey and Riku's faces that he took over Terra and they barely reacted. Then KH3 has the pair putting two and two together after Olympus and acting shocked about the idea that Xehanort may have taken over Terra's body.

>remix songs
I will fight you to death if you shit on two and a half Norts.

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Most of the arrangement are great. Some are arguably better than the originals.

You don't even know the half of it.

You're not gonna say KH1 world were better right?

Ye and so is most of the CoM org members plus Luxord and Demyx. Look at Twilight Town secret lab and you can see there are more pods used so they probably used that.

Twilight Town is not a normal town since it seems similar to Daybreak Town, thematically and architecturally wise.

The character Luxu didn’t exist until UX but Xigbar being more than he seemed has been foreshadowed since 2FM.

KH1 was hard to play due to early controls and some obvious throwing darts at the wall, but the places actually felt like Disney worlds turned into fucking Legend of Mana dungeons. KH3 doesn't really have that, they're either big open spaces or straight linear paths.

What I find to be the weirdest overlooking of shit from DDD is that getting Norted appears to have no actual effect on your personality, motivations, or even loyalties
Despite being told that the new Org all are pieces of Xehanort they fucking hate the guy and only rejoined with the Org for their own dumb reasons, with fucking Vexenort just straight up being one of the most instrumental people in stopping him
What was the goddamn point?

I guess no one really dies in kh, xibar got his ass destroyed like 3 times and still keeps coming back.

>Woody burning Xehanort like no one ever did
>Mickey trying to nuke Xehanort with Ultima face point blank
Thats the shit I love KH for.

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If they are giving keyblades to anyone why not give them some combat weapons to these guys, Hayner seems to know how to fight.

Fair point on that one too, yeah. Demyx and Vexen are both still norted, the ending even shows Vexen still has yellow eyes, but I guess putting some of Xehanort in someone doesn't mean shit ultimately, just a means of creating darknesses for collateral in the big plan. I'd find it amusing if Xehanort comes back in a later game as a result, but then after being a dindu nuffin in KH3 he'd probably offer advice or some shit.

Org members using keyblades in conjunction with their Org weapons is my fetish
Can't wait for Even with the keyblade + shield combo

Yeah no, but Scala was great too bad you dont get to here the full thing
It had actual level design but was retarded, kh3 is just more hallways like kh2, with Frozen being the absolute worse

What no one really knows about Luxu is that he's actually Brett from that episode of Seinfeld and he body hopped into him after he died in the ambulance at the end of that episode

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Every scene she was on KH3 it seemed they focused on her crotch. The spats on that part fucking rug when she moves, jesus christ Nomura.

>Ruins your franchise

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>saves KH3s atrocious story

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>Lauriam’s keyblade will be just a big as Marluxia’s scythe.

Thanks bro.

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The only thing missing from that fight were Riku and Mickey specific limits and maybe more of those kind of cutscenes at the beginning of the fight were both parties regroup.

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i'd rather shit ice cream than shit poop.

Someone should send those vocaroos to Just a Pancake.

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>Xionfags unironicslly believe that any writing regarding the puppet is good.

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>The Other Promise
>Rage Awakned
>Tension Rising
>Not fantastic arrangements
3 even has two new versions of Tension Rising.

It's right there in "his" name, the Master of Masters is Sora's MoM

>but the places actually felt like Disney worlds turned into fucking Legend of Mana dungeons. KH3 doesn't really have that
they "felt" like dungeons because they were just a bunch of tiny square rooms painted to look vaguely like the movies, in kh3 they went all out and basically recreated areas from the movies 1:1 and yet the former felt MORE like you were in the disney movie than in 3? you might be retarded user

More people die in Disney movies than Kingdom Hearts

HYUCK! Gawrsh all this power is inside of lil' ol' me? Defeating Xehanort will be easy!

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Namine is now the most cutest KH girls.

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Glad 3 made Donald and Goofy actually relevant for once. Them being at Sora’s side really made the final battle.

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>That shit eating grin at the end taunting Xehanort
>This was moments before he send Axel flying through rocks effortless
Whats his Zetta move?

God it pissed me off seeing all these people hate KH3 so much for views.

Every flaw it has is not new to KH3, you should know what you are getting yourself in to because you should not start with kh3.

Shes up there with KH3 Kairi, but as a namine fag since I was fucking 6 and playing KH2 seeing this shot made me very happy

Why cant Namine get more character development :(

KH3 kairi is literally the worst girl though

kh1 kairi is the only good kairi

We need heartless and Nobody superbosses that reform into another superboss after you beat them.
Dragon themed nobody and heartless, you beat them and then Bahamut spawns in space for a gummiship superboss, beat him in space and he crashes on a world and now you gotta fight him a 4th and final time.

>reason why Kairi didn't fight at all is because of her short as fuck skirt
Can't make this shit up.

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Wrong, best. Looks great, sounds great, and despite what everyone says about "Kairi did not do anything" she did more this game than any other and had no real training (she only had Lea, a fellow novice, to practice against) yet STILL stood up to Xion 1 on 1 before Sora entered the fray.

idk user seeing her have a mental breakdown mid fight was pretty powerful

She's got spats under there in 3. Really, it's moreso she's just incompetent as fuck. Who did she and Axel even hyperbolic train with? Because apparently it meant fuck all, so they probably trained with no one if Merlin's fucking around at the bistro.

Are they any good?

I hope you are joking

>Who did she and Axel even hyperbolic train with
themselves, which is why they both got yeeted, they did very well going toe to toe with Xion and Siax for as long as they did.

>when both Kairi and Belle got grabbed in the same way but only Belle was smart enough to get out of the hold and run away while also holding the flower

Do you think when he changes vessels he yells "NEW BACKDROP"?

Its salt and sugar, our brains are literally made to find that delicious.

the ending was a complete disappointment. Final boss was lame. I wish we could go back to the final boss fight like KH1. You had to fly around and dodge attacks, Ansem's final form was pretty fun to fight compaired to Xehenort.
not enough worlds. and yeah I can complain because it's not hard to generate a large sand box area.

lucky emblems was a great move actually and a free roam gummi ship made the gummies ship a lot more fun to do.
As simple as the boat was in pirates, I loved it, I loved going to the islands and searching for treasure. I mean there is a lot to be desired but it was a good start.

graphics were good. script was awful.
story was dumb, Sora was very obnoxious in this game.
Combat wasnt that bad just the Disney rides got old real fast. You dont even get to ride the train one where ever you want.
I guess what I am saying with the combat is fine except the triangle commands can be a bit of a nuisance when you have to accidentally activate the ride and do piss poor damage, they dont feel satisfying.

No hidden bosses except one easy one you can beat at level 40 if you are good at the game lvl 60 if you are average/awful like I am. Minigames were dumb, cooking levels were dumb and if I am going to cook then let me cook not crack open an egg and call it done.
over all though I feel this was the worst Kingdom Hearts game, well not as bad as the KH X, but it isnt as good as the other games including handhelds.
It has potential but it squanders it.

Meanwhile Mickey was on stand off with 4 org members.

this one has to be fake. I mean the text wise.

I thought Mickey was using stop.

no ... no she didnt.
I like his low effort animated shit.

No that was earlier when riku stopped him because he needed to conserve energy for the actual organization fights.

It was Xehanort who used Stopza

Xehanort pulled a grudge and stopza'ed instead.

>Putting fucking SEINFELD SPOILERS without saying it

You dirty devil.

>You're a replica Rik- I mean Xion.
>angsts about it.
>Nbody loves or cares about you Namin- I mean Xion
>angsts about it
>You need to die so that Sora can wake up Roxa- I mean Xion
>angsts about it.
Her whole character is just one big retcon and everything about her is recycled from her "character arc" to her design.
Repliku's death and breakdown was way better than whatever melodramatic schlock they wrote for the puppet.

There's gonna be more bosses in a patch or DLC. KH1 had one secret boss before final mix in Japan

I remember getting multiple secret boss fights in KH1, or were those big heartless fights not considered secret fights.

>Tfw no Black Cauldron world where the Horned King controls hordes of heartless
>Tfw no Mary Poppins summon where she scatters Hp and Mp orbs everywhere
>Tfw no George of the Jungle summon where Sora Donald and Goofy scream “Watch out for that...” as he smashes into the enemies
>Tfw no James and the Giant Peach summon where the peach rolls in as the giant rhino cloud chases it
>Tfw no A Bugs Life world where Sora Donald and Goofy are bugs
>Tfw no Dinosaur world where Sora is a Lemur
>Tfw no Emporers New Groove World where the trio become Llammas
>Tfw no Atlantis world
>Tfw no Petes Dragon summon
>Tfw no Mr Toads Wild Ride summon
>Tfw no Jungle Book world where the trio become animals
>Tfw no Great Mouse Detective world where the trio has to solve one of Ratigans crimes
>Tfw no Oliver and Company world where the trio become dogs
>Tfw no Muppets summon that pours out dozens of muppets like the dream eater summon
>Tfw no Treasure Planet world where the trio mentions how much Jack Sparrow would “love this place”
>Tfw no Flubber summon that has the green shit bouncing all over the screen
>Tfw no Mighty Joe Young summon that unleashes the giant gorilla on the heartless
>Tfw no Inspector Gadget summon where he rolls in with the Gadgetmobile and fucks shit up
>Tfw no Cars world where instead of the olympus collisseum we get a full circuit racing minigame with tiers
>Tfw no Finding Nemo world
>Tfw no Incredibles world

B...but at least we got Hercules for the 7th time a..miright fellow fans!

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>Playing heart chess against this loser again
>He has never managed to beat me
>Checkmate him like usual
>For some reason he starts spouting some nonsense about light and darkness and move his piece
>Dude thats not how you play, what are you doing
>He uses FUCKING magic to get more pieces and returns the ones I already took
>Whatever, the master told him he was "special" so I indulge him
>The special ed kid "beats me"
>He says he doesnt want to play again and pulls out another game
>Man I cant wait to shank this nigga on the back soon.

Attached: ow8s6ecf12n11.jpg (886x968, 77K)

The whole point was that she is an amalgamation and should not exist like literally. Despite that she made connections with people and in the end was killed and forgotten until she was being used as a xehanort.

Combat was a joke, could fire and wind spam shit to death. Basic bitch magic shouldn't be that effective, and just leveling up a key blade makes it ultima tier

Those were added in the american version, because it came out months after the nipponese version.

why do you list all the least popular movies in the Disney franchise?
like it's no wonder they didnt get in, none of them were big in Japan, well maybe incredibles and Nemo were.

>mickey literally yells ULTIMA

are you retarded

You and me are best friends now!

Attached: salty pantsu bum.jpg (584x313, 130K)

So the first JP version of KH1 didn't have stuff like Zisa or Phantom?

>Be me
>Get my ass beat in hear chess by this silver haired fuck every day
>stumble upon secret technique to bring back pieces from the fucking past
>finally going to beat this overconfident prick and see him cry
>pull the trick first fucking try
>beat him
>"Wow good game you beat me Erequas!"

>Game about literally exploring the Disney Franchise
>Every game has like the same rotation of worlds with nothing new

Nope, but they got final mix pretty fast

>should not exist like literally.
Where have I heard that before?
The memory thing is also a dumb contrivance thing.
Her being an algamation is a nice way of saying you like to eat recycled shit, because you like hot topic flavored kairi.

Attached: NlqXrxU (1).jpg (2746x1358, 520K)

What do you mean? Goofy died in KH2.

Ironic that a 2016 electionfag using onions memes that are way past their expiration date is complaining about anything being reddit incarnate

>like Xion
>Over my favorites KH3 Kairi or Namine
Slow down there buster, I can just appreciate characters for what they are.

wonder why the MoM didn't just live as long as Luxu has been, Luxu found a way to keep living forever which seems to be just mind/heart transplanting (not the Resident Evil Revelations 2 mind transplant way)
fuck if Luxu could time travel and bring back each person he "was", there would be a shit ton of Luxu, even more Luxu than Xehanort
imagine, the guaridans of light VS 1000 Luxu

What was his deal anyways? Pre teen Xehanort was pretty chill but his teen version was a edgelord prick.

His Zetta move is having unbreakable defense. He took on a swing from one of the most physically powerful characters in the series. Terranoort basically killed Ven with that hit, and Lea was planted firmly in a wall

Why are Terra and Roxas so kino? They were the best boss fights in KH and stole the show every time they showed up in KH3.

I am not saying Kairi are good characters though, but saying that the puppet is any better or hell that she saved KH3's writing is fucking retarded.

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He probably inherited No Name and got a fascination with darkness that made his negative side take over. I imagine we will see this in a side game going off the line Xehanort says to Eraques "When the world needs a defender Eraques, they will pick you Eraques. But that doesn't mean I can't be there for you."

I speculate we will get a side game playing as young Eraques that shows whatever threat the young versions of them take on which will lead Xehanort down the path he has gone.

MoM is just future Braig/Luxu who split his heart from his body in order to time travel just like Xehanort did.

Fuck this was hilarious to me.
>hold on the game isnt over
>what? you cant move you have no places to go?
>never underestimate light
>I told you never underestimate light
>oh yeah. sure when darkness follows the rules mister light here gets to fuckin cheat is that it?
>the game isnt over yet
>(flips over board, chess pieces scatter every where the white crown piece hits and stabs the light kid in the eye)
>OH SHIT I GOT THIS! (dark kid yanks the piece from the light kid pulling out his eyes in the process)
>FUCK! (dark kid jams it back in to the light kids eye socket screaming insues)
(light kid falls to the ground screaming cradling his eye)
>dark kid runs off

Moral of this story kids? Don play chess with retards.

Attached: Kingdom-Hearts-3-Xigbar.png (1280x720, 682K)

KH3 Kairi is great though, as is the tiny bit of Namine we see

Reminder that according to the journal, Terranort not only survived Zettaflare but wasn't even knocked unconscious by it, simply retreated. DarknessChads win again duckcucks.

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the game is exploring popular Disney franchises, you dont see any of those characters walking around Disneyland do you?

Terranort is the strongest Xehanort vessel by far.

Did Nisio and Akira finish that thing? Do they have another protect?

i really wish to try that ice cream

it's part blue part salty cum

>KH3 sucks
>KH3 in a nutshell sucks

Was it intentional?

Sorry, all the female characters could be cut from the game and it'd be better, or at least unnoticeably different

I'm sorry what?
she is great at getting caught.

As someone who adores the game, it is too easy. My only major complaint.

I believe you

I love how Sora, Donald and Goofy acted almost indifferent to Xigbar appearing in Olympus, they treat the organization as some current enemy they have to defeat once a week

Attached: luxord black box.jpg (829x1646, 599K)

member when in worms you were winning but your friend randomly got donkey and demolished you?
Its "unfair" but its still in line with the rules of the game

The finished it, but the scanlator group died halfwaythrough translating the series.
Luckily enough after 2 years a new group picked it up and they released a new chapter 2 weeks ago and they released a new chaptee today as well.

that image. you mother fucker. That is hilarious.

and great at saving the universe by keeping Soras form together WHILE SHE IS DEAD

And despite only being able to train against fucking Lea, a fellow novice, she was able to go toe to toe with Xion and SIAX, both very powerful opponents.

Is Luxord plotting to crash that plane?

>member when in worms you were winning but your friend randomly got donkey and demolished you?

I remembered not being that good.

this scene was pure kino, for ages nobody took donald and goofy seriously

then fucking get off my board fucking zoomer newfag

yeah, with no survivors

They will probably just transform they keyblades into their weapons for some moves like Axel did

I thought it was fun enough.

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>oh shit we don't have anyone to pair Ventus with
>I know just pair him with the fucking cat

I liked it too. Thanks for reminding me it existed.

Had this prediction for such a long time that it was one of the only things I was hoping for in KH3. I fucking lost it, it was everything I hoped it would be and more.

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see here is the thing, she is great because she fucking breaks the rules.
You never see them train, just talk, which fucking sucked. Then she fights experienced fighters? For some reason in gameplay battle, to me, doesnt count. Let me take you on a ride through my mental gymnastics here. She showed no competence during the cut scenes, like none, she hits one heartless. then has to aid axel only to do nothing.
Being dead only to break the rules of being dead, means she isnt dead, but she kind of is, is bullshit. If anything breaking the rules was pretty dumb here.

>be me

Luke Skywalker died

I am a boomer, but I dont remember worms. Oh you mean Worms the game, fuck I thought you were using an acronym of another kingdom hearts game. like Kingdom hearts W.O.R.M.S. but there is no game like that! that I know of.

Neat. But why would you not equip the item that lets you keep your camera out even when getting hit for this video?

as an American, I cant save this to my hard drive out of patriotic pride, but I still find this funny.

And if she is supposed to be so important to Sora, why not even a hint that he is even thinking about her at any point in the games before that pre-finale reunion?

Cause he performed

he did, when he said he had one more thing to alone. I mean it was wierd that Mickey goes its finally over with a basic smile on his face.


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Cant wait to play in 10 years when I’m almost 40

fucking retard chess...
but I think the next series will be about the darkness being the good guys and light being too controling. like lawful good over stepping its bounds.

I said before that. When he is playing pirate, or agonizing over how much he wants to show 'Riku' how cool the big city is. Until they share the fruit, it's hard to imagine that Sora even likes Kairi.

Pls gib tips on how to beat zodiac aqua on 0.2

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you think that maybe, that Nomura would consider sora thinking of Kairi that much be obsessive? I mean you have a valid point. But when it comes to traveling around to different worlds you think Sora would talk about Kairi more. Kairi talks about sora all the fucking time.

>as an American, I cant save this to my hard drive out of patriotic pride

dodge and elixirs rofl

yeah some of us still have it. It's hard to make a plane joke here with out someone cringing it might be a 9/11 joke. I mean this is post Sienfeld "make the plane out of the black box" jokes too.

is very different. Riku is his only close friend, he is the one who insisted to leave the island even though Kairi suggested escaping only she and Sora but it was thrown at last moment. So for Sora talking about Riku when he is in different places, is a way to imagine how much Riku would love to see new worlds outside because this is the things he would love seeing, while Kairi is just fine where she is as long as Sora comes back to her.

yeah i can see why this was barely ignored

>while Kairi is just fine where she is as long as Sora comes back to her
She never stays where she is, and Sora never comes back to her.

well that's not Sora's fault that Kairi can't stay in one place. on the other hand Sora realize they can't be together so he sacrificed his life just to keep Kairi safe

But I don't have any elixers.

I don't get it


just like your mom and dad?

every plane has a black box to record what is happening on the plane.
usually the only thing to survive a plane crash and tell us how the crash happend.

I'm already half Xehanort!

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the other half is gay