What was the last game you went to a midnight release of, Yea Forums?
What was the last game you went to a midnight release of, Yea Forums?
I watched Dragon Ball Evolution with my friends on the midnight release.
Never went to one
Going to a midnight release is weird as fuck
literally never. I'd rather sleep.
I worked the Halo 3 launch at Gamestop. Those giant fucking boxes for the collectors edition sucked ass, and we got like 50 in that just took up all the space, and wouldn't sell.
none because I'm not a fag, but in 2019 it's actively stupid because games are not finished until like a year after release
halo odst with my brother at gamestop. we were the only ones there
pokemon xy
I attended the release of MoP. Blizzard was holding a free event at the Irvine Spectrum. It was pretty fun.
I don't think they even did anything for BFA.
Nintendo Switch/Breath of the Wild midnight release was the last one I went to
Wrath of the Lich King, and it was the last one I'll ever go to.
>Waiting in line
>Dude drives by to throw eggs at us and calls us losers
is that gary busey's son
I remember being really excited to get chiefs helmet only to find out it was barely small enough to not be an actual wearable helmet. Titanfall 2 did it right
I guess I was lucky enough to where growing up my dad was deployed in Japan and AAFES/Exchange overseas was dumb as shit about game release dates so they just sold them when they got them, pretty much got most big releases a week before launch.
As an adult just doesn't seem reasonable with digital downloads being a thing.
unironically and only once for your pic related
went to one for pokemon sun/moon and some Yea Forums porn drawthread cringelord attempted to hold a conversation with me and failed miserably
That's decent. Seems like single player games have the most energetic midnight releases
BotW because I had no classes that Friday and was pretty excited for it. The only midnight releases I really enjoyed were Brawl and Smash 4. They ran out of GC adapters and couldn't fulfill a lot of people's preorders but one of the employees waved me over and whispered he could switch my preorder to the last full bundle available. I still don't know why he singled me out. Starcraft 2's was kind of fun too I guess.
Why would you ever go to a midnight release when you can pre-order and pick up your game the morning of it's release? Do people enjoy standing in long lines with basement dwellers?
Cmon man, r/wow are the only guys still trying to make retail good. Why give them shit?
>MMOC are nothing but marketers nowadays
>Wowhead and Icyveins are omegajews who are only still around for adbux
>Even /wowg/ is devoid of shitposting now and they're all just bleeding off as the day go by
But then I gotta wait until they open after I wake up. On a day off, that's valuable gaming time just going to waste.
I went to one for DQ7 3DS. There was a pretty big line, which kind of surprised me, then I found out it was for an NBA game that released the same day. I was the only one there for DQ
I went with my friend so he could get fucking no man's sky at the midnight release and we went back to his house and played it and it was fucking awful. He was super disappointed and I laughed a lot.
Don't think I ever went to one. Parents were rightfully never willing to take me before digital releases became standard and I never really bothered asking. Now I have no reason to go as an adult. If I really want physical I'll just wait 2 days for the mail to come.
Metal Gear Solid 4
>wotlk launch
>pre order from game stop
>they're an hour late
>people who preordered at wallmart across the street drive by and make fun of us
Fucking gamestop
I've only ever cared enough about a game to want to play it the nanosecond it dropped once and that was Sonic Mania. Even other games where my hype was at 110% like Splatoon and Smash U I just picked them up as soon as the nearest shop opened that morning instead.
gears of war 2 was the first and last time
Darksiders III. There was only one person there for it besides me. Still, fuck you I liked it, etc., etc.
based and hilarious
i went to a 24hr walmart when wow first released and they weren't selling it
Red Dead Redemption 1
You posted it. Skipped class the next day too.
looking back
we were actually eggable fucking losers, im finding it hard to blame him
I've never been to one, but I wish to do so at some point
Reminds me of when I got Gravity Rush for the Vita (not a midnight release but still). Couldn't pick it up until like 5 or 6 at night but when I got there the guy said I was the only one to buy it that day.
Still think about that sometimes. This is easily my favorite franchise of the entire generation but it's just completely uncared for. Even when Yea Forums discusses it, it's just waifufaggotry 90% of the time.
that was me, loser
Literally never. But back in the day of physical releases my dad was temping overnight at wally world so I could get whatever 10% off
>socially awkward
your story checks out user
Starcraft 2. Friend and I showed up 3 hours early expecting a huge line, I think only about 10 people showed up.
Far cry 5. About 15-20 people showed up and most them smelled like hot garbage
Smash Ultimate
I left with my pre-ordered copy of Katamari Reroll
pokemon sun and moon was the first and last time I went to a midnight release.
The fact that the 16 year old me was the youngest and the cleanest scared me straight and I've never bought a nintendo game again
dark souls when I was 18, I got the collectors edition
funny thing is that most people who came to the midnight release didn't come for dark souls but for rage
Only 3 people came to get dark souls at of the 20-30 people that were there
Is it playable on Vita TV? I don't have a normal one.
Switch release. I don't work so I stick to nights since my fiancee does nights at the hospital. Easy reason to go to the local store with a group and dick around.
Diablo 3. Didn't get to play it until two days later though because ERROR FUCKING 37
ODST had insane pre-order numbers. Your store must be in the middle of no where.
Arkham Origins
Before that was Black Ops
Both were lame as fuck filled with cringy autists and both times I got home so late that I didn't even play.
I went to one for KH3 a few weeks ago. It was cold as fuck.
faggot retard
I was about to give you shit for being underageb& but I just realized even sun and moon was already three goddamn years ago
time flies in all the worst ways I swear
modern warfare 2, it's the only game I ever went for as well
I was too young to go when I actually wanted to go to them and when I was old enough I'd just buy digital or order on Amazon
Madden in like 2008.
I bought and played ME3 on Origin at midnight if that counts.Of course I would never buy a physical copy.
OP is a redditor, he took that image from r/wow.
Either MH4 or MH4U
Still remember trying to game the system by fucking with the time settings or something in the parking lot to get a good decoration pool.
FF 13
here's a pic of some guys who were there too, in 2009 phone camera quality.
fuck you
I'm sorry user.
we dont have midnight releases here. just early morning releases. last one was dark souls. I found out about it a day before it released, thought it looked like something i would like so went to the store when it opened and the lady had to go get a copy from the back i was the only one there. Before that it was skyrim, there was like 30 people waiting outside.
I went to the Halo 2 midnight launch at Gamestop. Some kid jumped into the fountain in front and stomped around kept yelling "HALO TWO WHOOPDEEDOO!"
no, fuck you
RDR2. I wanted to play it a couple hours early
Super Mario Odyssey. Best Buy is a 3 minute drive from my University that I was already staying at until midnight to finish an assignment. So I finished up and bought it. Worked out well honestly.
What's your most regretful midnight launch?
Mine is Final Fantasy XIII, I was super hyped to be buying a brand new FF game at launch for the first time.
I got hallways and short films. Fuck. Ended up dropping it 30 hours in when I realized it wasn't going to magically get better.
Skyrim. It still stings.
For anything it would be the SNES classic where I spent 24hours trying to get it for my brother. Went to 2 walmarts, a target, and finally stayed at a bestbuys until morning.
For just a game for me, i think it was fallout new vegas I think. After that I quit gamestop and started getting stuff from best buy.
Kingdom Hearts 3.
It was the 9 o clock release actually.
I got it a few hours early
Some publishers are cool with 9 PM now and I like it. Who gives a fuck if it’s 3 hours before midnight, just let people play.
GTA4. I only went because I was working in a warehouse so midnight was my morning.
Eh, I never played WoW cause the general consensus back then and now is that only losers and geeks played it and I definitely didn’t want to be associated with those fags. Now I’m stuck on Yea Forums with the very same people I always wanted to avoid being associated with. Well at least I didn’t waste my life on WoW like some of you losers!
It was cold as shit and I already had mine preordered but my gf wanted one so I kept them company.
Before that it was
>Halo: Reach
Chill as fuck, a cool night but not cold, had like 4 other friends waiting with me. Got the Legendary Edition, though the Heroic would have been enough since I don't display the statue anymore, Halsey's journal is a 10/10 collector's edition item.
Halo 2. Time fucking flies man.
I've never been to a midnight release.
I work mornings and I need my rest. I can play afterward.
Can't remember my last. I know the first was for Final Fantasy XII.
PS4 launch. Went surprisingly smoothly even for a man child hut like Gamestop
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
...well, actually, they released it at 9pm the night before its launch date. Close enough.
In terms of actual midnight releases, Brawl was the only game I did that for.
Batman Arkham Knight. Never again. Midnight launches have become a cringe fest.
Halo 3
>t. normie
>losers and geeks played it
I'm with you. I just don't have the time or enthusiasm for midnight releases.
I went to the kh3 9pm release (they don’t do midnight anymore) and honestly I’ve never seen a more disgusting group of humans
>group of multi colored hair landwhales start singing simple and clean before getting embarrassed and trailing off
>2 grown men with cat ears pretending to be sora and Donald with one screaming heal me Donald and the other screaming thunder
>numale vlogging putting his camera in people’s faces asking if they were excited for the game
>people making WAHHHH noises when their number wasn’t called for the raffle
>GameStop employee telling everyone may their heart be their guiding key when they got the game
It was like a fever dream
Education clearly doesn’t work