>login queues on Coeurl
i'm sure glad these free Twitch sprouts are being given priority over me, thanks and good idea Yoshi
Other urls found in this thread:
What's wrong with seeing sprouts around?
Most of them are wowfugees lately
don't complain, the game needs fresh blood.
and plenty of them are going to burn out somewhere between ARR and HW because there's 100 quests of bullshit sat there.
I find it endearing in a way, seeing new players running around, experiencing things for the first time.
Hope it's ok to ask a random question.
Was this track of 1.0 used in any field area?
For some reason it's ingrained in my mind.
Oh and what do you think of the new ost? Is it superior to before meteor?
>What's wrong with a fresh influx of retards shitting up every roulette?
I know this isn't exactly on subject, but I finally got a gf thanks to this game. And no it's not a tranny. Unbelievably it's a real and actually attractive female. Just wanted to inspire hope in other former incels out there. Miracles do happen.
user, people will shit up roulettes no matter what you do. If you don't want to see them, do roulettes with friends.
you want the game to be dead in a year or two? because thats what not having a fresh influx of retards would cause, what the fuck are you running that sprouts are a problem?
Heavensward and Stormblood have the best OST's of any game this generation, and ARR is no slouch either.
Congrats on getting a gf who has probably sent nudes to dozens of people in this game, I'm super happy for you
>play SCH
>AST goes Noct
Alright I've had enough of being a loser expert roulette hero with welfare gear, what are some good pieces of advice for a DRK looking to improve? Is it too late to attempt savage?
thanks man
Delete noct
Literally useless
Whats her discord handle, I probably got her nudes
Read your class guide on thebalanceffxiv.com
It's never too late to attempt savage, just read a guide on it OR make your own pf that says blind run.
Learning new savage fights is the funnest part of this game but understand that this late in the expac most people expect you to read a guide. Just do it. Don't expect people to baby you for 70 minutes so you stop wiping the raid at the first 40% of the boss.
It's better for dungeons while you're pulling, tired of retard asts spamming regens on people and getting aggro before enemies are even in my range
I'm happy for you, don't worry about assholes in Yea Forums trying to make themselves feel better about being lonely and miserable.
well that's a pretty grim way of looking at it
they'll get better in time
won't they?...
That's a tranny
AST is probably the least efficient dungeon healer, though. Not that dungeons are relevant at all.
Also, even in dungeons, just precast shields out of combat then swap to diurnal.
arr had the worst ost, and any good songs in it were carry overs from 1.0
I see just as many "Gods of Magic" being retards as much as I see sprouts being retards.
>shitting up every roulette
the only roulettes they can get into are guildhest and leveling. you're not seriously doing those two are you?
Thanks man, I was already planning on reading guides since I don't want to inconvenience anyone. I was worried that everyone who was going to run it already has and fucked off until ShB comes out.
>have to join a discord to do baldesion
>there's players with macro ads for it shouting in every goddamn instance
I hate EU.
I finally did it
good on ya mate. I've loosely attempted finding a bf but it's hard to find guys that aren't complete cucks, autists, or secretly girls. I'm actually surprised at how many fujos play this game as guys... But I guess it shouldn't be so surprising considering how every cat girl is actually a guy irl.
Caster players all have an extra chromosome, red mages have 2 extra
some of them are people playing MMOs for the very first time and it's so damn cute hearing their questions in novice network asking the most basic questions.
I've met at LEAST three catgirls that are actual girls ingame. Not trannies, either.
>Join FC
>First thing they do is advertise their discord server
>Leave FC
Nigger these are adults asking for help with concepts children can understand, retardation isn't cute
using novice chat to get help? jesus they really are new.
discord is the new teamspeak, bro
Exodus has a pretty helpful and active novice network.
They're asking stuff like "what does the number on the side of the party mean" or "what's a ogcd", if you never played a MMO in your life you wouldn't know these unless you googled it.
I'm just used to people wanting to wear a crown on their name rather than actually help people, damn near every crown I see on someone is a sure bet they're completely shit at the game and never help anyone.
New and confused lvl 20 here.
This game has just a lot of stuff to unpack but I'm gradually getting the hang of it.
Any helpful guide you guys used?
I really have a hard time believing the Midgardsomr you fight in Omega is him "in his prime" and not the giant fucking dragon that destroys a city-sized battleship
Depends on what specific info you're looking for. The FFXIV playguide and Google/Reddit has answers for a lot of stuff.
read your tool tips, read your ability description, read your quests, don't skip cutscenes.
That's some industrial-strength autism you've got there.
Fair enough. That's what most people use it for on most servers, just to show off.
>Any helpful guide you guys used?
Reading the tool tips and active help windows that pop up, the game teaches you almost everything except your optimal rotation and what certain markers mean, but those markers also get introduced in dungeons with a huge margin for error so you can learn them
>have to join a discord
The only thing you "have to" do is click on the portal and enter faster than anyone else camping it. It's an open dungeon, they can suck you off if they don't like the fact you got in.
there's a really useful guide on one of the wikis that outlines at what level you can unlock all of the optional stuff
>have to wait until fucking JULY to play the game because shadowbringers doesnt immediately give you access to the previous expansions
fuckin BULLSHIT and i will not stop complaining about this.
since theres not a whole lot to do and since theres a lot of new players one of my favorite things to do is go to low level areas and help out any sprouts if I see them struggling with an enemy, like switching to whm and giving them a heal or a regen
I wish I could give them a shield or something, like stoneskin...
I always feel bad for sprouts when they have to do that one fight with the fly in south shroud where you have to use a potion on it or something, so lingering around there and healing them so they don't die makes me feel better
Get acquainted with the wiki and related sites that collect all the bullshit the game will periodically expect you to know.
>actually having levels in a """"healing"""" (read: cuck bitch) class/job
based trips.
also they did the same thing with stormblood. don't get access to heavensward for free until stormblood releases. they do it so retailers don't hate their guts giving away the game for free while they still charge money for it, gives them plenty of them to discount the games and eventually discontinue it.
protect minifilia
Good way to get BANNED
I love being a guardian angel for sprouts when I'm bored. Killing enemies that are chasing them is always fun, and it's sweet when they emote to me.
its a jew attempt to get me to shell out $40 to play it now then another $30 later for shadowbringer
Back in the dark ages of XI when a monster conning "easy prey" was generally able to kill a solo player, it was always cool to do drive-by protects/shells/stoneskins/hastes.
that's how I've been spending my content drought lately, helping new players with their dumb questions and old content. I either get their bonus tomes to turn into gil or I can have a good chat/friend request.
I played white mage to start the game but it got really boring
I'm a tank main now
PLD but getting sick of it
except i did pay for it. i paid for shadowbringers, and it includes all previous expansions. you fucking dumbass gorilla nigger.
It's a public dungeon, as long as you don't intentionally try to grief the place the GM's will be on your side.
I got SB for like $15 at Walmart like a year ago cunt, just bite the bullet and buy SB
Only if you verbally tell people you did it just to fuck with the run. If you go in and make an honest effort nobody can say shit. You cant reserve an open dungeon.
you can find stormblood for $10 at certain retailers. I know gamestop had it for a bit but then they sold out.
It's your own fault now doing any research, m8.
>I paid for Shadowbringers
Which isn't out, iirc they don't even charge you until the expansion does come out as well which means you haven't paid for anything yet
Learn to read man
You can force the charge early if you want.
>picks the two most basic jobs for their roles
Next you'll want to try dps and think about becoming a DRG
Capped my healer job for the first time. What's the best looking staff for White Mage?
that's a difficult one for me, I'm using a horde one right now (not the seeing horde version, that evil glow doesn't fit a white mage to me)
Canes are hard, the level 70 job one is liked by some.
depends on where you buy. steam takes your money right away, square enix and gamestop lets you choose when to finalize early.
Maybe try looking at some of the PvP staffs.. if you want to do PvP that is.
Real talk I legit hate discord. Every single one I join ends with one out of two retard types.
A)Special Snowflake Syndrome
B)Edgy NPC Syndrome durr based durrr sjw
Man do people on discord have any fucking personality?
fuck you, i REFUSE to fall for this fucking scheme. this is out of sheer principal now.
got it on steam which charges right away. idiot.
This it?
>Getting it on steam
You were asking for it you bloody idiot.
I got 15k Wolf Marks, actually got what I recall was the 90 IL healing set.
Here's your healer bro
Are the voice chats any different for you?
>plays on stream
>tries to call others idiot
piss off with your gay little fucking steam hatred, i use it because i dont feel like putting up with the devs ATROCIOUS account system
This is almost as funny as the first time it was posted, which is to say not at all.
Wtf Coeurl's been dead since 2.1
I like how Stormblood is now on sale.
And this is your other healer!
if your into energy butterflies, it's nice enough.
I use this.
I actually already have DRG as my secondary... The only other classes I liked were NIN and MCH but one of my buddies already plays NIN and I can't stand the changes to MCH they made in SB :^(
Whatever you say pal, I wasn't the one who got bamboozled.
>wowfugees all come in just before the 2.0 garbage quest line shortening
Ayyy lmaooo
>expert roulette
>SCH without any 52-60 abilities or level 70 ability
>Spams adlo and physicks
>Can't DPS because of his basic kit
You shouldn't be allowed to queue for any roulette if you still have skills that need unlocking
Just avoid cats in general
Did they actually confirm that?
shit this reminds me of back when some people used to meme it up and do raids without their job stones on.
Just empty silence, raid calls and anger for the first one.
The second one is just constant redpilling over niggers it's a bit grating hearing it 10x in a row.
No, but it won't stop people from acting like it was promised when it doesn't happen.
Canes clip through the White Mage hoods...YOSHI-PEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
How is a GM supposed to differentiate a bad player and someone intentionally messing up other than outright admitting it?
Man no wonder you aren't having fun, like the only thing simpler is red mage
I would start playing ninja and tell your friend to eat a dick if he complains, unless you guys are savage raiding then it doesnt matter
>Not an MMO guy
>Keep hearing this game is good
>Keep hearing this is a GOOD FINAL FANTASY GAME, with an actually good story and everything
>Have an itch that none of the other recent games have been able to scratch
>Still not big on MMOs
Should I bother?
Please tell me that image predates the invisible shield....
if you stay quiet in the overworld and don't take shit anyone tells you then it's good, heavensward is especially good, a realm reborn and stormblood are kinda ehhh but if you really like final fantasy I couldnt recommend it enough
Well what are you after?
Triggered Tranny BTFO
They don't. Checking the chat log for "HO HO HO I HAVE FUCKED UP YOUR PREMADE ON PURPOSE AND SHALL NOW LEECH!" is the only method of determination on the table. If anything, going in solo you could probably nail a few of them to the wall if they lose their shit at you and you ignore their barbs while simply playing and only talking about things relevant to the content inside the dungeon.
Play the free trial and form your own opinion, this question has been answered hundreds of times already. You'll just quit before you reach Heavensward anyway.
They're lying to you.
No. its an mmo first, final fantasy game distant second.
>got it on steam
your fault for being fucking stupid
they talked about it in a past interview but they haven't actually confirmed it but who knows they might do it at JP fanfest in March or the 4-5 hours long live letter they're doing in May
The game is literally designed from the ground up for people like you.
Good thing just by reading tool tips you can easily figure out a near optimal of not the optimal rotation. It's just multiplication to maximize potency. After that you improve a bit more by taking monster timers and party member timers into account. The game is easy though you only need to care about the second part if you're going brand new patch savage/ex or if you're ever pugging savage/ex (because you can't count of pugs for damage burst phases).
What can I say or do to bait elitist raiders into snapping at me so I can report them for hurting my feelings?
telling a nublet to do relic weapons is a kind of cruelty user, though the sharpened cane of the white tsar is nice.
She's talking about pvp, right?
Yeah well I’ve been thinking about pausing WoW and playing XIV for a bit but I watched some videos about it and honestly it looks like low end trash and if I ever were to quit WoW I’d rather play literally anything else but this chinese garbage
Only one way to find out.
Screw up mechanics that affect multiple people. Keep using only one damaging move and dont heal if you're a healer. If you're a tank sometimes provoke for a second and if they ask just say it was an accidental misclick. Dont ever spam emotes, but hit em with a /shrug or a /laugh if they say anything and they might double down.
She enjoys giving 'venturers the crotch rot.
Can I join your FC Yea Forums?
Oh most definitely
Penis v Pussy
>*ass hurt discord fag says something to you because you "stole" a portal
>*discord fag says something else*
I've wanted the arr relic axe for so long and since there's not much to do these days I figure I should do it now just for glamour's sake. Is it cheesable now or should I wait until 5.0?
I don't know about best, but I use this. Fits my glamour theme perfectly and it'll be damned hard to top.
I like how the BA portal case is a mix of hunting drama and PvP statics.
If tank pulls 3 or more mobs use AoE combo
You can get it done from start to finish in a week.
Yes user, pelvis versus pelvis
The older relics are as easy as they're ever going to get.
Getting to control who lives and dies is invigorating. Plus, if I don't play a healer some dumb slut will just spam Medica 2 until we wipe.
The one you fight in omega is him in his prime, but omega wasn't able to get enough data on him because Midgar kicked Omegas ass and wasn't able to fathom the extent of his attacks.
The only real beneficial point about this game for you would apply to "Not an MMO guy." You don't have yo talk to anyone to play this game. Most of the time other players may as well be bots. It's mediocre game overall with value in being the least shittiest MMO on the market, but that means nothing for someone not into MMO at all. Only entertaining story was Heavensward (English dub). Maybe ShadB will be ad decent story.
Healer noob yes, but I've been playing for years mate. I'm not above doing relic grinds. However I was half way in Sharpened Anima for PLD when I decided to start over for DRK's a little while ago.
>Put up items on marketboard
>Some fucker keeps undercutting me on marketboard by 1-50 gil
>Get tired of his shit so I undercut him by a massive amount
>He drops the price to my price but 50 gil lower
>I buy all of his shit up
>Resell it back at my original price
>Someone else buys all my stuff
>I profit big time
I feel so much better after giving up on BA. Juggling multiple levels of RNG for hours to lose it to Abdul the Support Group Terrorist just killed the fight for me.
This post carries the scent of Ul'dah. Are you a Lalafell?
Normally when you do this, it turns out the undercutter is a bot with a billion retainers all filled with the item being sold, and the moment you "buy out" his stock he just relists another 10 and undercuts you again.
>finish pagos
>haha surely pyros will be better
>lmao dude what if we put 20 mobs all densely packed together everywhere
I'm actually getting fed up with the market.
>Sell things at market price
>Check back next day, people crash the market so it's 500gil each for endgame gathering stuff.
Man fuck you people.
Undercutting doesn't actually exist, its a phrase thrown around brainlets who dont actually know how markets work.
>Fishing leves
This is only going to get worse when the cross world visit feature goes live. Everyone's going to undercutting datacenter wide instead of server wide.
Pyros felt really "early 2000s korean MMO" in mob placement
Hold up are you serious? MY little server Coeurl?! It's POPULATED?!
I quit after HW was out for a while but I'm dumbfounded to hear it.
Samurai Pizza Cats... I hope you are well.
t. M. Medici
it's very easy just tedious. books are the worst step, waiting for fates and doing leves is annoying.
>playing a slav in an MMO
unless ur a healer, how do u plan to spam heal urself through ozma, when he auto attacks everyone?
it's only good once you reach heavensward. i highly recommend people buy the job/level skip from playerauctions, it's not expensive.
u didnt even try to spell RDM.
>Gathering jobs
Nothing at all except when they're somehow (cough boosted cough) a level 60 tank class all of a sudden and dont have any stances on and wipe the party over and over and are also named kirito
Yea Forums help i just joined a BA discord and there are actual trannies in here. i thought it was just memes what the fuck.
That's why I've built up a nest egg of about 850m now and as much more as I can before then. There'll always be insanely priced mounts and minions and shit, but other than that it's going to be a heavy buyer's market and I'll probably have enough gil to last me the rest of the years I play.
Its a bare bones MMO.
"Good" is subjective.
I personally like it, but there's too much wrong with it to just straight up say, "oh yeah, you'll love it."
its not a "good final fantasy" but it has nice story moments, surrounded by 90% boring filler story moments, or low quality story moments.
There wont be any itch it can scratch.
>former incel
You havent had sex, you're still an incel
If you think that's bad you should check out the Balance discord
Well, actually I was just playing a bancho/greaser type in that outfit but that's the standard Miqote sit. Normally my dude just looked like a White Mage.
I hate card grinding but cant stop myself doing it, it shit, rates are shit, the game is shit and grinding some people is unfair.
Or you become a volcel
Either works
>buy the job level skip from playerauctions
what am i supposed to be looking for on here?
does tales of adventure: heavensward boost a job to 60 too or do i just have to grind until i can actually do story quests?
We told you user, it's not a meme. This shit is real.
Just avoid all general chats related to FFXIV.
How often do the tournaments happen? I want the Lightning card
Getting cards from NPCs is the easy part. You can just limit yourself to something small like 10-20 wins per day and the cards will come eventually without the frustration of just endless grinding. The nightmare of card collecting is getting the cards that only come from duties or card packs.
tales of adventure arr/hw is the story skip. the level skip is separate.
personally what I would do is reach 50 first and then buy the arr skip so you don't have to suffer through hundreds of filler quests and can get straight into heavensward.
why do lalafells want to be hyur cocksleeves so badly?
coeurlchads represent
why'd we get stuck on the containment datacenter bros
Every second week. There's four different tournaments that cycle and each one rewards one of either Firion, Cecil, Tidus or Lightning for placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd. You also get platinum card packs for getting a certain amount of tournament points, and there's a chance of getting each of those cards from the packs too. I was lucky enough to get Cecil and Tidus as platinum pack drops, and was able to farm Firion and Lightning from Tataru back when she was playable.
How about try being in a discord with your friends and not people who solely jump around public discord being attention whores
So is WoD derplander?
This is if I join a FC discord. I don't have friends who play MMOs nevertheless ffxiv
No, how are people still confused by this? Derplander is a stand-in for your character. Arbert is a guy from a completely different world who jumped into the body of a guy who looks like Derplander.
>played to ~level 40 last year
>free starter edition from twitch
can i redeem this on my old account for game time or would i have to make a new one? i only have the base game and some veteran rewards on my old account
all the servers moving to crystal are low pop. you can tell because they're all the current "preferred worlds".
except for Baldung and Mate-us.
In the original FFXIV intro he has companions exactly like WoD's companions
It's only voluntary if she has offered sex and you declined which, i guarantee, is not the case
Elezen are so tall they'll probably cause discomfort at the least. Wouldn't be shocked if they have pencil dicks too. A roe would gut a potato, of course. Mancats likely have barbed junk like normal cats. Hyurs on the other hand, are just the right size that most of the average ones are still enough to be as much as a lalafel girl would have ever hoped for in her wildest dreams.
Yeah, but that video happens in our world. If anything, the original FMV party died and the WoDs used their corpses as vessels in our world.
If you played as a trial yeah you can but if it's an account that actually "owns" the game then no
Oh awesome, so what rulesets do the tournies use? Vanilla/no modifiers or what?
I can't remember off the top of my head. They all have special rules but only one has rules that are any good for competitive play, which is the Manderville Tournament of Champions which I believe is Plus and All Open. Every other tournament has a dumb rule like Roulette, Swap or Order.
They gave away free copies of the base game to pretty much everyone on Twitch, which is a less embarrassing way of essentially going free to play
if I preorder shadowbringers do i get the other expansions now or would i have to wait until shadowbringers actually releases
You think video games will ever get to the point that graphics like in the cutscenes will be real time?
>sub fee
>$40 expansion coming out
>free to play
That's unfortunate, me and my friends head an FC + a discord however we have known each other since before playing FF
But it's also based since im in a position where i can keep people from orbiting and we dont have any dramatrannies, i implore you manyfacture a similar situatiom for yourself
take out the raytracing and excessive use of anti-aliasing and it should be pretty doable to run in real time
Ahhh fuck i fucking hate plus
the game is technically already free to play if all you do is roleplay/erotic roleplay. trial never ends.
Not exactly. Derplander and his band of merry retards in the FMVs is meant strictly to be the stand-in everyman representation of the player. You're supposed to imagine that it's your character in those videos. They recycled them all as the WoDs (probably) because it was the simplest way of visually establishing "these are the warriors of light from another world".
Arbert =/= Meteor
jesus christ
Back in 1.0 Koji actually said the party was meant to be their own set of characters that you might run into one day, but that's clearly changed with Derplander just becoming the full player stand-in. I just like to headcanon that they all died during ARR and the WoDs just used their corpses.
>tired of retard asts spamming regens on people and getting aggro before enemies are even in my range
That's a retard problem though, not a diurnal sect problem. Healers that aren't retarded know not to apply regen until after the tank has fully established aggro.
what were they thinking
Plus is one of the best rules since it can let you make a comeback even when you're in an inferior position. Without Plus, matches basically just come down to which 5-star card you use and when you use it. It's best when paired with All Open though so you can actually dodge your opponents attempts at Plus if you're paying attention. It's frustrating when it's against NPCs since they can instantly calculate moves that will let them trigger Plus. Seems to happen all the time when you have an NPC completely cornered and then their very last card magically happens to be the exact right card to get Plus and combo the entire board.
Is there ANYTHING that can salvage BfA at this point?
WoW officially goes F2P.
Gotta wait until Shadowbringers. It's a retarded Jew tactic to squeeze a few extra bucks on people that want to get started and catch up before it.
So is the meta staying the same for Shadowniggers? I feel like playing Dragoon but not sure how popular it is.
Just about everything in XIV is a retarded Jew tactic with a bit of SE tax on top, but who's counting any more at this point.
No one knows until we get skill info later. For all we know a meta class can get the WHM treatment.
>Lots of wow refugees coming in lately
>Suddenly square steps in and makes their EULA orwelian as fuck banning you for the slightest wrong think or not agreeing with someone or giving tips on someone's gameplay.
Seems like ffxiv babies can't handle the bantz and mommy square had to step in to cuddle them.
I preferred having a dead server with no one in Mor Dhona to the sprout retards jumping around currently. This Twitch Prime thing is fucking stupid
They better because I hate WoW for having so many fucking dead expansions quests and soon FFXIV will have a shit ton of padding for new players. I know it's a story driven game but the length is going to be fucking absurd.
They added nothing new retard. You still won't be banned for anything but RMT.
At least active players know they're getting Jewed. This whole "can't play HW or SB until ShB" completely puts off potential new players, and doesn't make any sense considering they're trying to bring in these people with the Twitch giveaway.
Can you even progress through the story quests at low level? Are there enough people playing?
They should ditch story skips. If you can't handle the grind you aren't worthy of seeing the endgame.
the MSQ is the better part of the game anyway because it gives you something to look forward to.
I watched the EULA changes on Asmongold his stream and everyone made fun of how SJW the game has become. There's a shit ton of rules now in place and even not agreeing with someone is seen as toxic. How the fuck can you defend that?
But has Yoshi directly addressed it in his talks? Because afaik the meta has not changed since it was instated in Heavensward.
Yes? The story is mostly solo, and the duty roulette will put people with you when you need to do a dungeon
Wait is this true? I don't need to pay for sub for the social stuff anymore?
Any good final fantasy XIV YouTubers?
Nope. Maybe Meoni but I've only seen 10 seconds of one of his videos.
You can get parties instantly for anything as long as you're not a dps, or a tank for 24-man's. This will forever remain true with this game.
hot opinion:
Zenos is a great villain and Stormblood was a very enjoyable and memorable expansion
you can't send tells to people unless they message you first and you can't use the marketboard. but aside from that you're free to say whatever in /say chat
>Can't fucking read
You're either baiting or underage.
Only because his design looks cool. Best looking Garlean armor. I honestly don't reject what his personality is like besides that one scene stepping on the bitch (based as fuck). Same goes for the story tbqh. It was all worth it for that bitch to get stepped on though. I hope there's rape doujinshi.
Who the fuck cares about what Asmongold says?
Remember* Fucking phonephone
Yoshi said no skills until like May or so, so no one even has a remote idea of what the shadowniggers meta will be currently.
>I hope there's rape doujinshi.
Her life is a rape doujin
Then explain this
Are you implying they just wrote it as a joke? Give me your character name so I can report you for not agreeing with me.
Zenos doesn't have an interesting or likable personality, but he's still a really fun antagonist. His battle autism is a perfect reflection of the player, and his voice acting is top notch.
They were restating it for the retarded twich kiddies joining in. Nothing new was added.
>login queues
I don't even know what this means, you can't log into the game? What kind of WoW bullshit do you idiots put up with?
Just don't call people a nigger or announce that you're parsing to players that would report you and you're fine. That's how its always been.
t. Someone that bots and sells gil for real life money since start of Heavensward.
>"Don't do bad shit please you Twitch loving fucks"
>you're not allowed to call someone a nigger or a tranny in public chat
this is the standard for literally every online game post-1998
hell you get banned from WoW for calling your character something like twogenders
stop watching streamers and read a book, maybe you'll grow a few brain cells
Sure thing. Guess it's all just a good ol fashioned prank. Not because FFXIV players couldn't handle the bantz from wow refugees and wanted their erp safespace safeguarded.
It's something that pops up when too many people are hopping in. It goes away immediately after closing it and hitting log in again. Why are you posting in threads about games you clearly haven't played?
too bad they'll butcher his personality like they did Nero once he joins WoLs gang in 5.0
The only difference between WoW and XIV communities is that there's nothing as retarded as the autism surrounding Mythic dungeons yet. The casual and raid scenes are the same, and both games have their ERP degenerates that can't contain themselves to just one server.
I don't get it
Fucking retard
Wish I had 7 other friends to do content with. Guess I'll just be the sad fucking salaryman on the train forever.
>its the ess jay double u's my favorite streamer said so :)
>what do you mean my favorite streamer was wrong no no non no FUCK YOU I KNOW ITS SJW'S EVEN THOUGH I NEVER PLAYED THE GAME HOW DARE YOU IMPLY ASS MONGOL WAS WRONG
>relive childhood memories and camaraderie by playing this game
Leveling in this game just isn't as engaging as (old) WoW, when does the game get entertaining
will this mmo let me be useful as a cute girl with gauntlets
I'm sorry.
Leveling never really does, but it does get slightly better the deeper you get into the game and get more of the endgame rotation.
you can be a cute girl who tanks. very useful
thats why mobile games are big in japan
thats not gauntlets
>I did leveling roulette as a lvl 68 samurai
>Thought I'd get some shitty lvl 63 dungeon or The Vault or something
>Got Doma Castle
>I fucked up and was wearing Shire gear
>3 of us were wearing Shire gear except the MCH
Gil making and market selling guides will have a field day with that and kill the market for good.
Not really your fault when half the time the roulette likes to spit you out in the same dungeon every other time. I can't tell you how many times I've done Sohm Al post 60.
i predict the meta will be the same but replace gunbreaker as the defacto off tank and whatever the next healer is cucks out sch.
At least Sohm Al can be done rather quickly.
I always get Labyrinth of the Ancients with Alliance Roulette and I almost never see the new player bonus. I fucking hate it more than getting Thousand Bores of Totorak in levelling roulette.
I just want WHM to be fun again, I don't care about meta. Just give someone more than Benis :-D and Stone 5.
>tfw seiryuu ex cucks monk so hard with postionals
bros...why they gotta rub the salt in the wound? first sam took our expansion, now they're taking our dps.
I think they're supposed to be reworking WHMs job gauge. I wonder how that's going to turn out, can they make something worse than lilies?
>replace gunbreaker as the defacto off tank
War getting cucked would fill me with joy
I'm an erp-fugee, I'm currently playing a teenage cat experiencing her first heat.
Will I enjoy this game if I'm an anti social autist?
should i play ffxiv?
Stuck in dragon dildo hell between it and Aery. I hate Aery the most though because its a gamble if people know how Nidhogg works while you can just blunder through Sohm Al even if you do the second boss completely wrong.
>its a rerun of Syrcus Tower again
At least the nice thing about the first two alliance roulettes is that its almost impossible to wipe unless Behemoth goes totally tits up.
>Get targeted by his ability that imprisons you above the ground
>Everyone ignores it and goes for the boss
>Can do nothing but watch the clock tick... down...
there's a free trial. just be warned that the beginning is slow both gameplay wise and plot wise.
Miqo'te don't go into heat you lorebreaking nigger
Calling it now, meta will shift focus entirely to personal DPS.
Both BLM and SAM have been getting consistent buffs, and now they're at the point where their pDPS outweigh rDPS from other "support" jobs. I also believe MNK received a buff in 4.5, but I can't be arsed to check. I also recall Yoshida mentioning the team is aware of the Crit-stacking imbalance affecting party comp, so I'm expecting substat reworks in 5.0
If they keep job design similar between now and then, and if MCH rework follows suit, DPS comp will most likely be BLM/SAM/MCH/4th (MNK, DRG, or SMN).
Lilies except each time you do a heal, you get one and increases the strength/mp of your basic abilities until it gets to a point where one Cure will empty your bar. And the only way to dump it is to do a MCH-tier burst window unless you want to completely fuck up and be inefficient
it's used in a bunch of cutscenes
don't think it's the BGM to any zone in particular though
i enjoy it so yeah
Ofc they do, look at me.
I also forgot that he mentioned piercing/slashing/blunt debuffs getting retooled, so I'm expecting them to be homogenized into an all physical debuff.
What's the best class for solo autism?
any tank or healer
which eu world should i be playing on?
I hope this is true. I fucking love dps jobs that focus on personal damage. Fuck raid damage boosting cucks. If your party is shit, your damage boosting ain't gonna help. Let a real SAM/BLM carry you.
SAM. It doesn't have any raid buffs to worry about. It's just you and your sword.
They should just remove the job gauges on some jobs. A lot of them feel tacked on and solely exist because everyone else got one.
Yes, its a single player MMO for the most part and you never really have to say more than Hello and Thanks for the Party.
For better or worse, its the best MMO that goes by the numbers on the market. It also has relatively quick content updates as far as the genre goes. Whether or not the content is good or not is up to the user. At worst there's a trial that goes up to level 35 (that you can level up to 35 on every job before actually paying for anything) so you can really test the waters before sinking any money into it. Downloading it can be a pain in the ass with constant launcher errors though because Japs can't code.
they're all dead
blue mage for memes
warrior for everything else
Sorry, I don't play WoW knock-offs with a faux-FF skin
Isn't that resetera HQ?
Warrior or Scholar. Scholar currently has the bonus of leveling up the same time as Summoner so you can have a pet based healer and damage dealer. SCH is pretty autistic about squeezing our their damage while their pet heals everything. Starts out as Arcanist and branches into both at 30.
I generally use the maple cane or the
pine cane myself
Then why are you here complaining about a game you'll never play?
>log in
>enter novice network
>ask "what do you think about the current state of world of warcraft"
>enjoy the flamewar between sprouts and mentors
No that's Ultros, Moogle is where all the french fucks are
I haven't been to xivg, not enough erp for me.
I wouldn't even want to share the same datacenter, let alone server
>tfw this game makes my gpu run at 80c
Did I make the right choice by going Maelstrom?
So what exactly do the expansions give you?
Is it just extra classes?
>want to play cute miqote
>dont want to erp
>dont want to be bland ass human
>dont want to be midget
>dont want to be amazon
>dont have expansion to be lizard
doesn't matter
You can change it any time. Decide by what area you like warping to the most or what corresponding housing area you like the most.
How do I get lovingly held by a femroe? I've tried everything. Tank, healer, hyur, cat, lala... being good, being bad, I still can't get a roe gf.
more content
>Giving gooks a monthly fee
and why should a greasy neckbeard like you, who will pay the sub regardless, have priority over potential new customers?
3/4ths of the game
trust me you're not cute being a miqote. you're just a diamond dozen in a manly crowd.
>Got a party of French CNJ and LNC in Gubal hard
I swear to god, this game needs to lock content until you get your job
Lizard shits are trannies anyway.
Huge amounts of MSQ (you are not getting the full story just playing ARR), thirty more levels to gain and associated skills, huge amounts of new areas to explore, huge amounts of raids and other content to do. The extra classes are a bonus more than anything.
You're already more bland being a mi'qote than you are being a human.
One gives you the best final fantasy story.
The other gives you the best end-game content in XIV.
heh heh heh, choose wisely
everyone knows lalafells are the cutest
Why would you play the game without the expansions?
what retarded emote is that?
just say you're gay dude
fantasia into one
there's still another choice, user
because i got the starter edition for free and dont know if i want to sink £50 into it yet?
>Not playing a lalafell to be a plague on the other players
I see. So it's basically just fluff.
fucking europoors
Look for expansion keys on G2A or similar key-sellers desu, unless you were enough of a chump to get it through Steam in which case you're locked to Steam for all purchases on that account
Pretty much. Pick the one that has the weapon glamours you like best and otherwise it doesn't matter.
it's whatever place you like to warp to to dupe trash dungeon gear for seals
that's basically it
That fucking outfit is too good.
>finally reached Final Omega
The best.
Everyone appreciates a Fem-giraffe.
One of the low-level wooden canes like elm or maple
sit emote
It's entry level slut glam. Get some fucking taste.
torreya cane or HW relic
Free trial up to level 35.
Low-level practical armor is best glamour.
look at that shiny pokemon
people take their gear off before queueing so they can't get any higher than lota(/syrcus) because they fucking hate void ark series
>walk into house
>see this
wat do?
what's non-entry level slutglam then?
Yeah, that looks about right.
You need the expansion to be a lizard? Even free trials? I was going to try it out and copy my friends thot lizard's look
Should I join the NN just to see the Dumpster Fire people make it out to be?
why did he sell the materia on the marketboard for 570 when you can get 660 from a vendor?
Better than the shisui trash everyone wore.
you need heavensward (or stormblood since it comes with it)
you can also download the stormblood benchmark/character creator and play around with it. it lets you transfer your created character to the trial/full game.
that horrible skin color sure isn't
making an au ra character requires heavensward, yes
same with the bunnies/hrothgar(maybe) requiring shadowbringers
are server xp bonuses just bait to get me to play on a shit server?
currently lich and zodiark that have an xp bonus in europe
Guy who took it, yes it was before invisible shield
Its for low pops, yeah
server really doesn't matter that much, and it'll matter even less when they put in world visit
but yes, xp bonuses are attached to low pop servers
That sucks but I get it. What about those mcbeeflargehuge dudes? Will I get attacked by barafags if I make one?
it's incentive to play on servers that don't have many people
they're incentives to get you to play on less populated servers. not like it matters anyway since really soon you can visit other servers as long as they are within your region/datacenter.
I wish XIV's moogles looked like Ivalice moogles instead.
Toss it into the fireplace
That doesn't make it good.
>will I get attacked by barafags if I make one?
what the fuck are you even talking about? yeah, you can make a roe if you want to and it doesn't require any expansion
you can also get one free fantasia at the end of ARR MSQ and it's the only one you'll ever get without paying money, you can save it and use it once you get the expansions or you can wait till ShB if you want to be a bunny fucker
depending on your server it's very helpful or just Yea Forums tier
>have to have a fucking surname
Well what do you recommend then?
Labrynth is like 12 mins to clear it. I like it because of that alone
Only 4 more months until ShB drops, anons. I hope you're close to completing all your SB goals.
Using the cobalt stuff myself. Need to get around to getting glamours for the tank weapons.
We'll make one for you! What's your race? =^x^=
fuck off
i want to cum inside alphinaud
Yeah you're right but i just have played a lot of NPCs who fucking hax and Plus the entire board the last turn
What kind of face is this?
The only ones I get attacked by are creepy male lalafells calling me daddy
very boring taste in glam
femroe is nice tho
>uglies wear ugly gear
Checks out I guess
my goal is to collect all the ex primal dogs but it's like impossible to clear shinryu ex right now.
The type a 40-year-old, unmarriageable, barren cat woman makes.
Reminder on what your race says about you.
Too much over designed stuff and it beats running around in swimsuit/slut gear or modern clothing. Mostly play healers anyway and just as lazy there. Just using AF3 on WHM and SCH and AF1(2?) on AST
God, she sounds perfect.
>Hit random
>Change one of the names with the one you want
Corny as hell but the costumes and CG aren't bad
Just finishing off leveling everything to 70. I am not looking forward to FSH at all.
>SCH still is the only one with comfy socks
It really isn't fair.
She knows she's old and undesirable
She must be desperate and ready to do anything to find a man
Like literally anything
>what the fuck are you even talking about?
I had a galka when I played FFXI and would always get hit on just for playing one. it was strange.
At least they are the perfect size to be punted.
I think I'll give the free trial a chance. Thanks guys. One last question though this isn't a make or break. Can I try out Blue Mage on the free trial? I imagine no but just thought I'd ask.
Do you have money? If so, buy the fish and turn them in for the leves. At least on my server (levi) a lot of the leve fish are dirt cheap,
am i supposed to care about the story
because im 16 hours in and im finding it very hard to
>beats running around in slut gear
>wears armor with a skirt exposing thighs
k, maybe consider something like this. It still looks decent on femroes
Alright. Do people honestly care if they have a tank that's running through a dungeon for the first time? Been queueing as a BRD before I do a dungeon with my PLD but I am getting sick of these wait times.
why does she need sunglasses if she's blind
Yep, that's exactly how it be.
t. Lalafell
post your character in a bikini top
>snatch a portal
>raid groups tell me they won't heal me and let me die
>next portal i come as a healer
>don't join any party, just heal myself
>next day notice another random healer
>raid gets mad at him too
>we just heal ourselves when the boss does damage
unless it's hawke manor? no
everything else in the game is linear enough that it doesn't matter if it's your first time or not so long as you can properly hold aggro and mitigate damage
but if you want faster queues without needing to know where to go then just play healer
haukke manor*
It's called the Burger King Crown as a joke for a reason
You can only reply to this post if you have played since 1.0 and have skipped literally every cutscene in the game
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and none of the class descriptions in character creation tell me what they do, is lancer fun?
I don't think I fall under either of those...
How exactly do the spawning of portals work? (Pagos-let here)
Don't be a lancer.
If you don't spend at least a few days up to a week trying to think up a name, you're not gonna love your character.
the arr story is bad until like patch 2.4. feel free to fast forward until after you fight ramuh, since that's where they start setting up heavensward and it becomes a lot more interesting until it starts to suck again in stormblood
Last I checked I have around 20 million. I'm cheap as fuck but i'll probably just go ahead and do that anyway.
That's from Orbonne right? I barely even feel like running it once a week for the coin let alone grinding it for a specific drop.
I play femroe and I just wanted to be cute while not being in a sea of other faggots that look just like me, so I guess I'm just a snowflake.
What did you think about the rape dungeon?
lancer is boring as fuck until you become a dragoon. literally mash 1 button for 26 levels.
So far Heavensward + Stormblood give you
1 race
5 classes (only 3 are actually locked behind the expac, samurai and red mahe were just added basically for free when SB released)
And a bunch of content and stuff
pick whatever you want, it doesn't really matter
archer is ok
>I play femroe
> just wanted to be cute
the chest is, yeah
the legs and head are PLD AF
what about the xiv naming conventions tho?
Kind of, you can rank up within each grand company and unlock shit, which isnt instantaneous by any stretch, so pick one you want to advance in, look up grand company rewards
free login period soon?
they do one every spring break, summer break, and winter break.
Watch this video
Spoilered, because it`ll trigger thread trannies
femroes can be cute
you don't have to look like a moeblob to be cute
>make seawolf roegadyn
>have a seizure on your keyboard
There, you now have a lore appropriate name
That's why we're saying we'll make a name for you that fits into the lore.
>I play femroe and I just wanted to be cute
It is extremely annoying that you can not log in at all when you're not subbed
Like is there even any other game still doing that shit?
They look like tranny sandra bullock
Play Conjurer to see devs bash shitty healers in the class quest :^)
>tfw a pvp vendor has glamor you want
Boy do I hate pvp in this game.
Doesn't this guy still not have a shield to this day and occasionally meme's into shit randomly?
>femroes can be cute
>you don't have to look like a moeblob to be cute
Right, but femroes still can't be cute lmfao
Femroes are only cute if you think Micheal Cera is cute. All fem roes look exactly like him
The fact you can't even update the game without being subbed is retarded
Just do PVP roulettes as a healer until you get what you want.
Just doing a frontline roulette gives you free shit anyways. Just do it when you're bored.
Because there are already literally thousands of players named Kirito, fag
I want to be a heal slut and take the cum of all my tank masters. Best race?
fucking bitch just do your frontlines roulette
just do what everyone else does. afk in a corner while you autorun. people are too lazy to kick you.
could be worse
>the things you wanted were locked behind the feast
id rather sit on a nigger dick and get aids than do the feast
Play BRD or MCH and turn off your brain. You'll win as long as you zerg like the mindless fucktard you are.
I hate PVP in this game for a different reason.
Most likely female Miqo'te or female midlander Hyur, but anything goes if you try hard enough, really. Just dress like a trashy street hooker and you'll be set.
Frontlines is fun. That's a fact.
>gives you free shit
Type B Hyur
Inoffensive, but not boring, probably, maybe
Anyway we need Viera on there
absolutely basado my muchacho
Which class has the best outfits?
This is important.
only when its seal rock. rest of the gamemodes/maps are garbage.
yeah I'll never get the best DRK glam in the game
You do a NM and get a buff on you that lets you enter a portal, portals spawn all over the map once the NM is dead.
Honestly they brought this upon themselves with their disgraceful attitude. If you're not in their shitty discord they scream at you, call you thief, tell you you're gonna die and put you on a list so they can ban you from their discord. Therefore i come as a healer, don't co-operate and they can either abandon their run or carry me, their choice. I don't be friends with crybabies, fast forward 2 weeks and the arsenal will be nothing but solo healers that fail dps checks.
>do new mode
>AFK and move around every so often before you're kicked
>repeat until you have the marks
I miss Stormblood launch when you got the same exp no matter how well your team did so I just AFK'd watching all of the Nic Cage movies.
Blizzard 2. Is it of any actual use?
Just doing the roulette gives you at least 1000 wolf marks every day, and I think it gives you an extra 500 as part of a weekly challenge thing. WInning gives you more, obviously, but you still get something for just showing up.
Just follow this advice and don't take it too seriously, invite some friends if you want.
I don't get it, if you have the buff to enter the portal, why do they yell at you?
I at least tried, but yeah the exp actually made it worth doing for leveling.
Haven't touched it since the nerf.
>New to the game
>Lvl 75 AF RDM walks by, casts protect IV, shell IV and haste on you
shit was pretty cool.
See Plus I am a feast meme apparently. The community fucking sucks because they are passive aggressive
Lancer has probably the worst early game experience out of every class, it only picks up when you become a Dragoon and get your jump shit
>all of these trannies hating on femroes because they remind them of the fact that they're men
Only 56 slots and they want to esport their way to Ozma.
I'm shooting for 18k marks. 1k a day then 600 avg per match doesn't make it any less grindy.
They're selling runs and being autistic spergs. Nothing new for these fags.
You basically cut into their stupid profit and "Blocked" a customer or whatever in their eyes. Or cut in a line you didn't know was there to begin with.
What race are you? I'm autistic and can tell you some conventions to follow based on that
What if I'm not a tranny and still hate them because they are all ugly and played by brainlets too stupid to install muscle mods?
I want a femroe gf so bad. But I am a min height midlander male so they don't even look at me.
>i hate the nin changes in sb so i don't get to run around in the af2 anymore
a bad feel
I'm not a new player, I was just commenting.
just do a daily frontlines
don't bother with feast
I lay male highlander. Nice try futa fag
Sucks you dont have a minimum of 7 friends to do wintrading with
It's everyones moral duty to take a healer into BA and waste slots. I won't though, fuck eureka.
Lionliege cuirass and arms of the golden wolf were all I needed from that shit show.
don't like futa, just tall, slightly dominant girls
>brainlets too stupid to install muscle mods?
Size difference is the best.
I'm not a tranny and femroes are disgusting ogres played by disgusting people
>playing fem highlander
>that's not a futa
based non-homosexual non-femdom non-cuck good-taste poster
>thinking that looks good
Why the fuck do all these randomly generated names sound like they're from straight out of Uganda?
You want one to force you down and sit on you and use you as their own personal toy?
Depends on the aesthetic you want, wanna wear plate armor and shit? Play a tank or dragoon, wanna wear robes or girly mahou shoujo shit? Be a caster
Many great glamours are classless anyway
Mystleteinn (or however tf it’s spelled in this game) from Sohm Al
such a mannish body, highlanders do it better, femroes are just men