Let's be real for a second, this is the greatest JRPG ever made

Let's be real for a second, this is the greatest JRPG ever made.

Attached: Shin_Megami_Tensei_Nocturne_NA_cover.png (256x360, 172K)

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It's good but not the greatest. Lots of flaws

raidou 2 is better i think, would need to replay both back to back to verify

Gameplay-wise? Yeah, probably. Story-wise? Ehh I'm not sure.
Either way, it's high up there.

I never finish SMT games for some reason. Got 40ish hours into Nocturne and just stopped.

Too much rng and most all battles are just buffing and debuffing than guessing the enemy weakness. Once you get Meditate the game is piss easy anyway. Did love the music and atmosphere though. It's not a bad game,but not the greatest one either.

No but it's pretty great.

What's the best SMT purely from a gameplay standpoint?

I love it just for the sake of being able to punch your friends if they're being retarded shits.


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Unironically final

It's my personal favorite favorite video game but that's debatable. I do think it is a masterpiece.
Nocturne is still pretty easy user. If the game had the difficulty of the hard type mod then yeah, I would say it's combat is the best in the genre.

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IV:A is probably the best from a pure gameplay standpoint but the problem is every other aspect is pretty bad. If you deal with the terrible story and cast and the reused areas from SMTIV then the combat on higher difficulties like War is great though.

Is there a hardtype that's compatible with the Chronicles version? I hear good things about hardtype, but I don't want to give up Raidou.

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>Gameplay-wise? Yeah, probably
why? press turn is fun and all nocturne is extremely easy to exploit just for the fact that buffs/debuffs are permanent unless manually cancelled out, once you get into the groove nothing is threatening outside of select situations

For SOME reason I think of Huey from The Boondocks whenever I see this. I dont know why.

That's not etrian odyssey 3 though

I believe both mods can applied with no problem. The guy that did the Chronicles mod was pretty active after its release and made a few updates to it as well so maybe look into those.

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My nigga, hardtype is fucking goat

It is a good game.
Just wish you could skip the cat and mouse Dante chase in the 3rd kalpa

definitely the best on ps2 at least

yes someone please answer this

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You could just not do TDE.


>t. yhvh

Nice try but I'm coming to kick your golden ass

IV:A is definitely the best in terms of combat when it comes to mainline SMT, but the dungeons are pretty shit.

Just beat matador was easy as shit since this isn’t my first smt and I always try to go for buffs

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Strange Journey has the best dungeons, unironically.

Attached: StrangeJourneyMap.jpg (675x1090, 566K)

Not him, but I find that I like the game specifically because of how it feels when you're in that groove. Like, you've reached this point where nothing can really touch you, and you've gotten there on your own. Now granted, I've only played through the game once, mostly blind, so maybe repeat playthroughs would make me change my tune.

This game is fucking boring and mediocre.

Well considering the fact that Matador is put there specifically to teach the player to use buffs, I'd be pretty worried if you couldn't beat him using them. The reason people talk him up so much is because he stone-walls lots of people coming in from pretty much any other RPG franchise, where buffs and debuffs are almost never worth using.

>Well considering the fact that Matador is put there specifically to teach the player to use buffs
Matador wasn't in the original release of Nocturne, he was only added in the Mainiax version. Him being there wasn't intended game design, they just incorporated him into that area to show off the new content and TDE.

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Did you do your part and ask for a remaster/remake in the atlus survey?

Yeah, I told them I didn't give a fuck about anything else and just want SMTV and some remakes of the older game.

yeah seriously this game sucks dick

I told them I wanted Etrian Odyssey 3 Untold.

It really does, but that shit is NOT for the feint of heart. This board is cool for liking Nocturne, but Strange Journey is only for the real hardcores.

Really? SJ's dungeons really aren't that bad. I feel they're the best in the series though.

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I'm ain't wasting it on this, I asked for Persona 5 Switch or Devil Survivor 3

vote for something else besides Persona in the survey

SJ has a high retreat rate, so going through those dungeons is pretty painless. I'm playing through this right now, and it's actually a lot more forgiving than I remembered.

a crossover project with Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios would be cool

IV: apocalypse.

is because you already played it, for a first timer that game is a punch in the dick, that's why I never recomend start with it

I didn't have a hard time with combat, more so just navigation. But depending on how long hunting down an invisible door takes you the battles can rack up and wear you down. And once parallel dimensions, dark rooms, and teleporter mazes get mixed in... holy fuck. But beating it was pretty satisfying.

already voted for more trauma center user

That would be Xenoblade Chronicles or X.

the original xenoblade sure, but x falls too hard for muh open world
gears and saga 3 are better anyway

Great game but some of the Kalpa dungeons and that teleport one towards the end were annoying as fuck. Came off as very trial and error which I'm not a fan of.
Should I play the original SJ or the redux version?

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if you have a hacked 3ds, redux is largely just a flat upgrade with more to do

but if you dont have a hacked 3ds, emulating the original is better than buying it physically, the changes aren't that much better

>No defence



Is the original plus a cool extra dungeon that makes look the Kalpas like a picnic.


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whoever did the translation is GOAT

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