Final fantasy

Which entry is your favorite?

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you posted it

I'm glad he knows he can't draw faces so he spares us from looking at them.


gross, figures the game with blatant furries running around would be a favorite of degenerates

For the longest time 6 has been my favorite but recently I’ve started leaning to 5 being my fav.

Prolly 6.

stop shilling your drawings here dude, it's getting pathetic.


>SJW version of Shadman

From just what I've played, VI > V > IX > IV > III > XIII but I really liked most of them. I really gave XIII an honest shot but it's the only one I didn't bother completing. Strangely enough I was just exhausted with it only a little after it finally opened up and let me swap party members. IX did something similar, railroading you with a certain set up before later letting you swap. Difference being I actually liked those characters.

IV is my personal favourite.

I need her to sit in my lap.

It's a shame IX wasted its amazing graphics on shit girls.

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Zodiac age. Ff12 International was already my favorite final fantasy and ZA just made it better. I'm gameplay>story any day of the week and gameplay-wise noting comes close.

I had ff3 snes as my first one. Lots of great rpg from squaresoft in the snes days. I think 4 had the better story but 5 had the better class system.

kys cuck

9, 6, and 4 though I also have a soft spot for the remakes of 1 and 2 and the remake of 3.

only entry I care about is my dick entering her asshole if you know what I mean

In my autism high school days, I imagined a sequel that would be the gang trying to revitalize their broken world in a Harvest Moon sort of game.

Everyone who bitches about CSR is a fucking faggot and should be hanged from the neck until dead.

worse perspective than shad holy shit

His name is Butz. Why did they change his name? In another port, it was Bartz. Butz is a real name. I know alot of swiss people with that as their last name. What gives?

Because it sounds like "butts"?

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I've barely played FfF but I love Dissidia. Wish NT PS4 wasnt dead.

Tactics and VII are tied. VII mostly from the nostalgia factor, though I still really enjoy replaying it.

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It's Bartz you dumb chink

No it doesn't. The 'u' is pronounced like in 'push.'


Eat shit Zoomers and Gen Xers.


FF5 for having the most fun job system and combat options with enough plot/narrative and character development to enjoy the ride, FFX-2 as a guilty pleasure.

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FF7 - FF10

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How do i get a gf that looks like a csr original lads

Fuck you faggoy. Yes, faggoy.

The thinking man's FF. In the end, everyone comes around to VIII being the series' peak.

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9, 6, 12

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So far from what I've played:


I'm currently playing IX and like it pretty well. We'll see. I've started VI like four times and I just don't think that game is for me. Like Sabin is fun to use, otherwise I'm just so bored playing that game.

Haven't played II, III, V, VIII, X-2, XI, XII, or any of the XIII's really.

Let's see yours fagala.

Is 9 worth getting for someone that's never played FF before?

It was, when I was like 14, not hating though. But XII is now my favorite. The world, the maps, the lore, I could get lost in my own head for hours on the bestiary alone. Flavor text>all

yes its very good

VI and X-2 are probably the only FF games I even like, and 6 took until WoR to really grow on me.

I think they all suck, personally.

>american shadman