This can't be real

This can't be real


Attached: siege1.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:

oh no no

Attached: siege2.jpg (1624x910, 143K)

Original thread.

FUCK I'm so fucking ANGRY About VIDEo GAME

C'mon, Shadman, do it

Is it ok if i'm 101kg and 6'3?


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what is that exactly? does it have a backstory?

I can't tell culture war threads and fetish threads apart now

Girthlock, Meal Team Six, Slampig

It doesn't seem like she should be able to hold her gun properly, her arms are too short and her chest too wide

the smell?

>Bear Mode mommy


>Peek corner
>Get shot right in the love handle

Thank fuck I stopped playing multiplayer games when TF2 went f2p

Took a look at apex the other day: every character is a female or a nigger and completely bland despite fortnite zoomer coloring

I get they are trying to put diversity and shit but shouldn’t military soldier be fit as fuck? They go to brutal training there’s no way in fuck one of them would be THAT fat, specially when she is an anti-terrorist

Who cares anymore least she looks like an actual operator

Well yea. She’s a videogame character.

Dear God what does the hit box look like?


is she intended to be fat? i dont play the game and seeing threads assumed it was about her lack of sexyness and that shes just some bodybuilder or such, hard to tell in that gear. if shes really just fat then its fucking retarded beyond belief.

Yes. I'm the same stats but if you're anything over 20% body fat I'd suggest watching your weight.

101 kg and 6'3? dude, i felt like a skeleton at 118 and 5'11"
if you wanna bulk fast do GOMAD and drink a gallon of milk every day while lifting 3 times a week, on top of whatever it is you normally eat. After a month or two when you've gained the mass and became a big boi transition to real food now that you have an appetite

since you spoilered it I know you aren't /fit/
That's kinda fat but you're tall enough that it may be overlooked, depending on other factors like how you dress, attractiveness etc
t. 6'4 190
this is absolutely pants on head retarded, she's 102kg not including kit, which based off the pics of her would be at LEAST another 12kg,
not to mention
this bitch is a couple of inches away from being a boulder


I hope she has a similar movement animation as Roadhog.

is her hitbox fitting her pillowy form?

definitely more than 102, at least 120
>t. fat cunt

Army trains you to be fast and efficient, not a “boulder”

>not wanting this absolute unit to kick ass for your team
If it was a man with those stats, you'd probably welcome him.

military standards are being lowered in the real world for the sake of diversity

>gets downed
>unable to revive, needs a crane to drop her back at respawn

"She weighs 150 kilograms..."

Attached: She weighs.jpg (1280x720, 67K)


You actually wouldn't even be able to join the military with that height and weight, her bmi is 32.56 which means she is literally obese.

If you can't put a 200-pound soldier into a fireman's carry, chances are YOU wouldn't qualify for membership in that unit.

Army training cannot compensate for being a big fat fuck who gets tired 300% faster than anyother else

absolute unit

Also because people in general are just getting lazier and fatter. The military is having a very hard time finding normal people fit for the job

The SASR would never let a fat cow in

for real? thats good. i mean they are mostly there for soldiers own good, maybe once "diversity" people will start to get literally killed due to their incompetence it would spark some long-deserved thinking about this whole charade.

Yes they would, because it's misogynistic otherwise.


Attached: 1533935603423.webm (720x720, 1.24M)

Military standard for things like desk jobs are lowered but being SASR would be impossible if you were that out of shape (and a fucking woman).

rent 4free

>Australian SASR
>The Badge says United Kingdom Special Forces

>2 threads with same OP

I want her to sit on my face!

Trump is a fat piece of shit

>Who cares anymore least she looks like an actual operator
No she looks like an obese middle aged woman larping, so pretty much what the character writers at Ubisoft look like.
>Did I mention she's so fat she wouldn't even be accepted into basic training in the Australian Army?
>Curved plate carrier, it's like they don't even know what a plate carrier is meant to do or how it fucking works and have quite literally created 21st century "boob armour"
>Really Fat, like fucking huge, like jumping from 7 feet she'd hit the ground with twice the kinetic energy of a .50 round and would be guaranteed to blow out both her knees.
>Jumpsuit half undone just begging to get snagged on fucking everything
>Pants so tight they'd split at the first sign of movement and have every braaap connoisseur lining up on her flank.

Thicc belongs is 100% fantasy hero shooters, not shooters depicting real world special forces units.

>getting this triggered over post-Raven Shield R6 games because muh women

Attached: Grenade throwing.png (1037x780, 121K)

Imagine it.

>daily fail as a source

Attached: yike.jpg (2048x1152, 145K)

Hehehe, I bet you weren't expecting me to fap to that, were ya?

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I was about to say that that's pretty fuckin' light until I realized this was in kg. How the fuck can this bitch even run?

It has nothing to do with her being a woman, every fucking single Rainbow Six game since the beginning has had women.

Fucking underage zoomer.

Lmao that nigga laughing his ass off in the background

I can assure you she is a realistic representation of what happens to your body when you reach WO in the Australian Army.

Attached: WO2.jpg (960x695, 184K)

>fat diesel dyke
>from Queensland

Checks out.

Note to self: I need to find me a busty chubby shortstack with a nasty temper and provoke her into brutalizing ME like that

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>actually screenshotting a Murdoch publication

whooooooooooooooooooo boy

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I'm sure there were right-wing turds whining about it on usenet, they just didn't pollute the internet quite as much as you do now.

>being able to get away with weighing 200+ lb at 6'3
I envy the tall.

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All the people

the eternal aussie shitposters strike again

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I think she’s cute, so whatever.

And? That's not what we're discussing, no matter how much you try and twist the narrative you disingenuous fuck.

102kg with equipment or without it?
It's not unusual to carry 50kg worth of gear.


Central Queensland too, not even a cute beach bunny.

t. fatass

disgusting fat dyke

Looks like a character from Fortnite or whatever it's called.

yeah it's fucking great i've been lifting for like 4 years now and i still look dyel as fuck

granted, my genetics appear to be dogshit for lifting anyway. plus i eat a lot of crap


Outside her manjaw, i like it

Now just gotta weight for the giant ass pics

was your mom a lesbian?

WTF Fact Cunt

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Low test faggot cucks ITT
>I like traditional, nonthreatening women that don't question me or make me look bad desu ^^

Attached: 1548090002571.png (960x821, 697K)

It's basically Zarya except instead of distracting Pink Hair it's a distracting ManJaw

I don't know how anyone can survive in that dusty, boiling shit hole

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>Three armour
>Is only wearing some tiny, curved front plate carrier
Does fat stop bullets now? What about bogan sheila screeching?

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here's your pity (you), you obviously want it.

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Not to play the devil's advocate here but
>Long time Farmer and Mechanic
More muscle than fat I gotta say

Attached: r6-operator-gridlock_conceptart4.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

Still better looking than No Makeup Ash

Don't talk about my Penny like that.

Attached: Penny.png (1024x576, 219K)

I was literally about to post this. Good on you.

not gonna lie that looks like the only female in this game that could actually kick ass. Reminds me of the scary broad female gym coach with calloused hands back in middle school who liked to practice shot put.


Actually just a skeleton that loves lardasses

And one for you.
Only true chads can appreciate this woman, like how only Drake was into Vasquez when she was clearly the superior female of the pack.

Attached: you.jpg (936x680, 81K)

>More muscle than fat I gotta say
Pic related is what more muscle than fat looks like.
Gridlock is considered medically obese for a reason.

Attached: imagine.jpg (474x655, 41K)

If this was a black person it would be called offensive, I mean if I was an aussie, I would feel insulted at this being the representation of my countries special forces.

Gridlock literally looks exactly like that woman

Oh and just to put it into perspective, Lidia Valentin is 1.69m and weighs 74kg, 28kg LESS than Gridlock apparently weighs.

She would make for a believable operator, as opposed to the gelatinous tub of body positivity healthy at any weight shit we got.

what gender is it? what was it's born gender?

won't the hitbox put her nowhere near top tier in the meta?
this just looks like the new turret meme man to me.

Attached: 1512144273147.gif (200x161, 986K)

That's not even remotely true.

>Or whatever it's called
>There now no one will know that I obsessively play fortnite.

>or whatever it's called.

imagine trying THIS hard to pretend not to know what a popular thing is to seem edgy

Why are you so obsessed?

Keep telling yourself that fatty.

Attached: ROFL.jpg (1000x1500, 203K)

>born gender
Kek look at this retard not knowing the difference between gender and sex

>I am blind
Personal problem there bud

Imagine being so butthurt you fatties didn't get into a game.

they stopped covering new heroes in armor because ubisoft realizes that only games with waifus and husbandos stay popular.

You're right, get your eyes checked.

Where's the bulge?

"Realistic average female body"

>tfw she'll never crush you with her thighs while you struggle for dominance in the bedroom

Attached: 1537441294707.png (378x406, 247K)

Lol I'm 6 foot and weigh 160, cry that you can't see basic similarities

>basic similarities
Oh do enlighten us you fat fuck apologist.

Hello new friend, please lurk more before posting dumb things

I can hear this bitch two floors away. mrs. king kong

>Don't care enough about shitty BR games to properly remember name and don't bother to actually check if that's the proper name or spelling
Holy fuck the stupidity

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I mean I can only lead a horse you know, if your eyes don't function I can't fix that. Sorry user

Just for you.

Attached: mmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg (4288x2848, 1.85M)

Attached: r6-siege-huong-dan-choi-kaid-3.jpg (1125x889, 143K)

>considered medically obese for a reason

God, I want this fat cunt to pin me down with her bulk and mating press me until I get her pregnant.

>ubisoft realizes that only games with waifus and husbandos stay popular
Why don't they make one, then?

No faggot, you made the claim, now back it up. No one hear agrees with you, change our minds or fuck off.

Thanks user, you brightened up my night.

He's wearing a vest underneath his shirt, you used to be able to see it in the title screen. Still should probably be a 2 armor though.

Bro you can’t just say that shit and give me a boner at work.

Oh lordy.

i bet most people itt don't even know what game this character is from

>insert vernacular Aussie insults

Attached: FoolhardyVastDragon-size_restricted.gif (500x338, 1.66M)


I enjoy discussing video games on Yea Forums!


>fat woman
>not american operator

uh huh

I actually don't and I've participated in a few threads about the character in the OP

What game is this?
Is this some Call of Duty spinoff?
If so, FUCK you for supporting most retarded/out of touch/money-grabbing gaming developers/publishers ever(EVERYTHING MICROSOFT,EA,ACTIVISION,BLIZZARD&UBISOFT).
Honestly, what the fuck did you expect?
Fuck you for being so gullible after so many years of repeated bullshit from same actors.

Nah man, you can believe whatever you want, I simply disagree, and gave my opinion, deal with it or seethe more, no skin off my ass eitherway, there's nothing to say, either you see the obvious similarities or you don't, finny thing is, I don't even agree with it being a thing, but you butt fucked mad boys will reee at anything you see that remotely upsets you, I was more just stating sowing that fat fuck "lifting" doesn't make her not a fat fuck, but hey whatever you need to get upset about to defend your secret fetish I guess.

>Being THIS defensive
This one actually made me chuckle out loud, thanks user.

is this skin real?

>mfw 230 lb 5'10
>mfw i somehow look like i need more muscle weight to look right

>tfw 6'3" 240 lbs.

How fucked am I?

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No problem bro, I like making people laugh

>mfw i forgot my face

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You have autism blindness if you see semblance there

Home girl built like a defensive lineman LMAO

Attached: FB2-02207.jpg (320x320, 24K)

Wait. 112 kg is considered a big weight for adult women?

I do, what now retard cunt?

>224 pounds


Attached: lsvbha.jpg (1082x818, 83K)

being from morroco i have never seen a 1m92 morrocan and he looks like a jew. but oh well i guess french people know more about morrocans then we do
Alibi best garl

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>the Dwarves are a stout, sturdy race, not easily toppled

You're right. Gentlemen, we can do much better than this.

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Imagine her sitting on your face after 12 hours of operating somewhere hot.

according to wikipedia, world record for her weight class is 153kg. so I guess it's not that bad.

after drinking all day, that shit makes me want to legit vomit

Absolute unit

Brosnan she’s too big already, you have to STOP!

All according to plan

Attached: the architect smiles.png (446x471, 283K)

>gave my opinion
You couldn't even do that right you flakey fat apologist.
>Gridlock literally looks exactly like that woman
>looks exactly
>basic similarities

You stop samefagging.

i haven't been lifting gym shit but ive been doing way more heavy lifting, like carrying 35lbs in each hand for a good distance. i noticed my weight going up a little, but i thought "i haven't changed what i been eating" turns out it was fucking muscle.


Attached: adf bmi standards.png (555x921, 69K)

Shad no

I fucking love Architect posting.
wish it caught on more.

And the whole time she's giving you this weird mix of bantz and encouragement about how surprised she is that a man weak enough to get pinned by a girl could have such a fat fucking cock.

We can't stop, we're only just beginning.

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armor only needs to cover vitals

Are you saying women don't use their heads?

never do they ever

I’m on board, do your thing Pierce.

thank you user, i needed that.

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Look at this dude

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oh no no no

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>Obese, female character creators create an obese, female operator.
Imagine my shock.

This never happened. The guy who made Gridlock made a lot of the original operators

>the guy
its a team and hes not talking about the modeler

Ew wtf

Yep, it's retarded, especially for a woman.

She's be a ball of fat.

I'm 186cm and 110 kilos, and I'm not a ball, but my belly is.

Yeah, the guy who made the concept art of Gridlock isn't an, "Obese, female character creator" either


The concept artists work off of the writers briefs, and the writing team is indeed a harem of obese women.

implying there isnt a team behind the concept artist

She's kinda hot

>Is it ok if i'm 101kg and 6'3?
As a ~75kg 6'3", you digust me.

Attached: FAT.jpg (1196x898, 373K)

Concept artists work off of briefs from the creative leads you retard.


There were people this fat in my squad
Being fat has nothing to do with being in the infantry

He cute

fucking kek

why does the shoulder flash say united kingdom if she's from australia?

>writing team is indeed a harem of obese women.
Still wrong. Stop getting emotional and look at the facts & logic. Nobody cares about your feelings of this issue

She is moderately bordering on severely obese! How the fucking hell is she a soldier? Her ankles must break from fall damage.

So glad I didn't buy into this piece of shit lmao

Rip Tom Clancy

Attached: youredeadcunt.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

I'll never not laugh at how Yea Forums used to lambast Fortnite for showcasing their diversity characters in the initial art... Only for the game *now* to be all about their stereotypical handsome white blonde male heroes and gorgeous white heroines.

They are just saving the fucking white males as paid characters.

>fat aussie sheila from queensland

well this is a bit too real for me mates. hope the cyclone takes us all.

This sort of idiotic socjus pandering is part of what killed overwatch and it will eventually kill this game too. Get fucked ubishit.


Attached: fatdyke.png (641x927, 44K)

>>t.moron who thinks making his own life as miserable as possible makes him a Real Man or some shit.
Enjoy your disgusting and obnoxious landwhales faggot.

I'll say this is a rather double edged blade for attention for Siege, because heaven forbids people talk about the game itself

Attached: Priorities.jpg (751x714, 81K)

Except Yea Forumsibtards have always said Siege was socjus pandering since its release and Siege is still alive after 3 years

Attached: 1549699766084.jpg (557x663, 150K)

That's how these games always operate. They frontload the game with the mystery meat and save the whitebread Action Heroes for the next fiscal quarter.


DYEL detected. the strongest people in the world are extremely obese accourding to the BMI scale. what matters is body fat %

Attached: big dog1.jpg (600x800, 44K)


Attached: 1529560662922.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

>paid for white:
You have
and possibly smoke
they fit the criteria

Attached: 1484278923600.jpg (946x1272, 208K)

they are obese though, its just not fat, just hypertrophy of myocytes

BMI is what militaries use for acceptable ranges so shove it. According to lardmerica she is SEVEN whole units above the acceptable maximum.

Attached: wew.jpg (638x168, 29K)

he's talking about apex

She’s 20 kg heavier than a power lifter of her height, and look at ther model. She’s a fat fetish insert.

I was talking about Apex, omae. I can guarantee the first Hero Pack for Apex Legends is going to be majority white, maybe even majority white male.

No you don't.

She can’t even make minimum Australian desk job standards.

a fat queenslander? checks out.

n-n-no bully

>tfw she'll never pick you up and carry you around while calling you a soft cunt
it's not fair bros i just want a dead set farmgirl sheila

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She's just genderswapped Steven Segal. Dunno why they made her Australian.

Attached: stevenseagallawman2-jpg-c65db8e2eb825d2d.jpg (2048x1365, 183K)

With her gear, even sans weapon, she’s well noth of 250, probably up to 300. She’s up there with rook and castle in weight.

same man..same
>gridlock will never crush you between her massive thighs after a long day working on cars

Attached: Sad.webm (1600x1600, 3M)

Look at her t pose. She looks at LEAST 35% adipose.

>Queegueg, get my harpoon

Attached: capt-ahab.jpg (819x614, 103K)

Ironically enough even with garbage like this and clash, it still has more white male playable characters than any other game I can think of.

Is he a fat fetishist?

why even live

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__560dfc0682217a00edecdcb9dea0fb73.jpg (392x495, 120K)

SocJus pandering is always a symptom, it's not the disease - sure you can treat at, but the effort's palliative. Overwatch turned Soldier 76 gay well within its death spiral, one they tried to get out of with Ashe.

>an inch taller than her
>weigh about 30 more pounds than she does
haha time to water fast

Attached: harold.jpg (525x296, 15K)

My nigga the game is garbage

is morroco a nice place user?

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she quite literally looks like my mom, and not in a good way

Who here /fridge/ masterrace?
God fortnite/anthem/siege etc are all such hideous games

>but shouldn’t military soldier be fit as fuck
Ha. Ha ha. HA HA HA HA
Special forces are a bit different. Once you're in, it doesn't really matter as long as you can perform to their standards. Which is great because outside of that you can fail tests for being too fit. Or at least that used to be the case.
>for the sake of diversity
It's not even that. It's literally getting harder to find people that fit what USED to be the standard. And of those that do even less are willing to put up with general military bullshit and if they do sign up they get out as soon as they can. Can't blame 'em on that last one, though.

He wasn't responsible for Gridlocks design you twat.
But nice try.

Where do you come up with this nonsense?

>Still wrong.
Sorry mate, but you're wrong on this one, can you guess who from pic related designed Gridlock?
>writing team is indeed a harem of obese women.
Is spot on.

Attached: HEALTHYATANYWEIGHT.png (1270x982, 1.18M)

How many more times do you plan on making this thread?

How many more bags of Doritos do you intend to scoff whilst telling yourself you're a strong, beautiful woman just the way you are?

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: THICCCCC.jpg (477x640, 48K)

Absolute pottery.

Attached: OHNO.jpg (531x3256, 1.65M)

>this is a 10 in Australia

Nearly two decades of service in a military cannibalizing its people to account for the lack of bodies. Most assignments with a sister service. Army gets fucked the hardest.
Reading what I typed reads wrong, though. I was laughing at the standard military members needing to be fit as fuck. The standards are as low as they are for a reason.
You can be as strong as an ox, but if you're as thick as one you're going to bust that tape and require retests and waivers. They've been talking about removing it for years and every year it's still a thing. And a few places have required an elliptical test in place of a full run at certain times for various reasons, but heart rate is taken into account for that. You could run marathons regularly, but if your heart rate speeds up you're looking at retaking the test three or five times before they finally waive you to do an actual run or ax it and give you the default "not-full" score.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this game? Every time a new female operator comes out there's a dozen of threads freaking out about them every day.

user I'm home now and I just want you to know you've encouraged me to jerk off, thanks.

Attached: 1550541795341.png (960x540, 929K)

yes, someone 20 pounds heavier than you can throw you around when you're drunk and specifically not trying to injure them because the crowd around you will lynch you if you do. Doesn't matter if you have a vagina or not, a large black midget surrounded by other black people would have just as easy a time doing this imo

More like 156 kg

She's cute honestly.

Attached: 1550883720596.jpg (2048x1761, 381K)

Gridlock, eat that Burgertown!

that drawing actually makes her Ara~ Ara~ tier

Concept art of Gridlock and Mozzie are literally shown when he's talking
>work off of the writers briefs
>but the narrative director doesn't count
Two of those women aren't even related to Siege. The guy in the picture is a game designer, not a writer. Stop getting emotional by making up fake news

trolling teh libs, epic style xD

She's just not conventionally attractive. She appeals to a certain demographic.

Attached: 1550554805264.png (2432x1135, 3.17M)

Reddit sure gets butthurt about that publication.


who is this supposed to appeal to?

My dick, obviously

Attached: 1550726718397.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

thats a man with a plan if i ever saw one

i was going to say the only people I could think of were those obscure THICC posters on certain porn boards.

>Two of those women aren't even related to Siege
The cope is unreal.

>affirmative Sir, lunch room stocked and secure.

She looks like a Wog

>Nord tries to fight a Dwarf

>making up fake news
>Two of those women aren't even related to Siege.
Might wanna take your own advice you disingenuous fuck, better still, go and tell the devs they have nothing to do with Siege, i'm sure they'd love that. Just make sure to remind them that you're only lying about their involvement to push your own narrative, i'm sure they'll be cool with it.

thats a thicc pusy

Could someone post photos of obese women in the special forces for comparison?

I can't seem to find any.

>That hour glass figure

Shits pretty fucked when actual female special forces are fit and attractive and the "fantasy" variety are obese bush pigs.

Attached: Jegertroppen.jpg (729x410, 50K)

Lurk moar. And in this specific case, the fat fetishists will keep it alive on their own

I’ve seen people be giant bitches in claiming it’s fake, which is fine. Post who really made this shit.

We did, but apparently you don't like it because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Go and hit them up on twitter, tell them their work isn't their own.

Show everyone how truly progressive you are.

I once saw this scan from an old book (maybe from the 1950s or earlier?) that had a chart about obesity. I wish I still had that scan; it had extremely strict views on its topic. A bodyweight that would be considered only mildly pudgy in the present day was described as severe obesity in that scan.

She looks kinda silly, but I suppose her bodytype kinda resembles some professional weight-lifters.

Attached: weightlifters.jpg (1190x1367, 218K)

Attached: Operator.webm (708x392, 231K)

Attached: Operator2.webm (720x400, 1.08M)

And none of those people are fit for combat in the SAS.

>here's your undercover operator bro

Attached: concealedcarry.jpg (538x385, 50K)

Navy Seals are pussies, we're Navy Whales!

Attached: whale.jpg (638x607, 123K)

Two kinds of people are staying on this beach—the dead and those who are going to die!

Attached: Normandy.jpg (900x1200, 207K)

I love mozzie

>talks about pushing narratives
>when you're doing the exact same thing with your own fake news
Can you even name any of those people in the picture?

>this is supposed to be a SASR operative
at least make her muscular

Attached: women in the army 3.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

You're really trying too hard here

Absolute unit.

>Can you even name any of those people in the picture?
How do you think I got their pictures?
Let me guess, you don't have a fucking clue who they are despite the fact that you've been vehemently discounting them.
What a shocker.

women were a mistake

Attached: womyn in the army.webm (480x360, 783K)

Lets Go Shadman give me some asspics

Not as hard as your dick.

I don't understand the appeal at all, but I love that he looks happy. Thanks for making my childhood, 007.

and? he's not SF. but apparently this landwhale is

I'm worried that Shad will pull his usual gimmick of making their head too big for the rest of the body. At least with Gridlock she's a fucking unit so hopefully the same problem wont happen. Fuck, I just want pics of her in general, really.

Don't talk to me about hard you faggot, I bet you're not even bulking for hell week.

Attached: EATBIGTRAINBIG.jpg (420x482, 37K)

Oh no no no no...

Stop getting emotional and answer my question. I know the names of three of them


Attached: BEARMODE.jpg (609x480, 42K)

Next time know what the fuck you're talking about before you start lying, it'll make your replies more convincing.

Jokes on you guys I love Thicc/Plump/Chubby girls glad to see her in. Ha, seriously though for people annoyed, even ignoring the design/skins (understandable if you don't like it) she still has good guns & a fun gadget. This is by no means a actually shit everything operator. We've seen that already with Clash. Remember clash has:
>Terrible Design (her design/skins are awful looking)
>Terrible Face
>Annoying Voice
>Annoying Gadget
>Boring Guns
>Bad Lore (Not important)

Know let's talk about something actually interesting: What new gadgets would you like in the game?

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underrated post


Unironically based

Attached: 2019-01-27-magical-instant-lovex.jpg (1200x973, 410K)

Deployable Bunnings Sausage Sizzle kiosk.

that looks about right for 102. Doubt she'd have that much of a waist though.

Why the FUCK did they have to make her from my country?

Based and milkpilled.

Dude, kilograms, not pounds. Guy's over 225 lbs.


>that looks about right for 102

Attached: 102kg.png (1686x1414, 3.82M)

I am conflicted.
On one hand she's pushing herself to her limit and still going on, perseverance should be praised and encouraged and a willingness to perform beyond ones limits is great.
On the other hand holy she gets overtaken by a dude having a leisurely stroll with the same kit in the full video, what the fuck lady stop throwing your lungs up

isnt this game about the "best" operators and most hard trained anti terror units around the globe? Why is there then a unfit fat person in the game?

Thanks for confirming I destroyed your emotional Yea Forumsincel ass epic style with facts & logic. If you knew the names of those people, you would have known some of them aren't character designers

Attached: 1532151772575.jpg (547x605, 75K)

Good God man, I'm 6'2 and I haven't weighed that little since I was 16, and that was lean as fuck doing track seriously (ab vein lean), 2 inches shorter, and with two weeks of throwing up everywhere bringing me to 76 I was so goddamn ragged I find myself shopped into holocaust evidence.

yeah as a long as you dont get your head cut off.

Dude, Kai Greene competes at fucking 113 and is not much shorter. She's not 102 lean or any fucking where near fit.

No one could lift an engine with the gearbox attached with one arm.

t. Mechanic

I didn't see well that the gearbox is detached, but still.

it's fucking retarded how they keep pushing this shit, and most of the time even IF they pass they spend the time whoring around and would get knocked up the second that they're about to be deployed not to mention how they fuck up unit cohesion and effectiveness

Attached: women in the army 6.jpg (1860x1880, 1.37M)

Not saying the Operator girl isn't fat but compare her arms to this girl. The girl in your picture has no muscle or even much size on her forearm but OP's girl's arms are huge. All the weight on your girl's belly is in OP's arms.

What did Ubisoft mean by this?

Attached: Wooooooooooow.jpg (701x441, 29K)

Attached: wimmin in the army.jpg (960x720, 133K)

One day I will be 250lbs of muscle

Attached: women in the army.webm (696x528, 2.94M)

Yeah, well, I was counting on some muscle. I've been up to exactly 102 at 188cm, when I first got into lifting and it wasn't pretty. I mean fucking look at her, her hips(read:muffin top) is almost as wide as her fucking torso is long. She don't look good. As I said, I don't think she'd have that much of a waist, but being that fucking wide she could be up there in weight.

The only thing that was confirmed was that you had no idea what you were talking about from the outset and then proceeded to lie in order to push your own agenda that was entirely driven by emotion, not facts.

Here are the facts.
Gridlock portrays an obese special forces operator.
Gridlock's design and back story were created by obese SJW writers.

Go and cry elsewhere, everyone discounted you and everything you had to say a dozen posts ago.

That's definitely more in line with most actual servicewomen I've met, in contrast to whatever the fuck is supposed to represent.

God this game is so fucking poorly optimized.

I want to breed with that dwarf.

Everything about this is adorable.

What a pro

>Gridlock's design and back story were created by obese SJW writers.

You can trace a lot of these shitty designs to devs wanting to self-insert. I mean you look at siege's cast even before this fat fuck and it's so much waifu/husbando faggotry and OC donut steel type nonsense.

>starts crying

Don't be mean, war is hell.

Attached: female police 1.webm (362x480, 2.89M)

Blackbeard has the best bio since it's legit just he thought SEALs were cool as fuck so he became a SEAL.
Boi just living his dreams

Americans should train in sumo wrestling for self-defense martial arts.

imagine if australia becomes embroiled in another world war and all the dole bludgers get drafted into the army

>we get the poorest training and equiptment and they make us do human wave attacks
>old farts and fat fucks being sent to their doom
>work for the dole becomes a literal death sentence
>work for the dole finally becomes exciting for once
>then i return to reality and remember im shit posting on my phone from a salvos store and the manager is glaring at me wondering why im not hanging up fucking clothes

>I can only eat a horse you know
ftfy lol

Get back to work you fucking dole bludger.

user this is a journalist.
If you're going to spam your gifs trying to prove woman are bad at combat, at least try to learn about the context first.

>takes place in mcdonalds
lmao did he steal her chips?


Why would a journalist allow others to force her to do something she doesn't want to do until the point of tears?
I don't buy it.

Attached: women in the army 7.png (504x697, 302K)

Attached: women in the army 5.jpg (960x640, 196K)

Same reason journos will do anything, for a story.

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Attached: females in the army.png (905x524, 60K)

Because she's a journalist? They do shit they don't want to because it forces them to get experience and knowledge on the topic.

Show me the article.

whats the source for this artist?

>mentally ill /pol/fag spams a somewhat vidya related thread with his political shitposting
And these same people have the gall to claim that some tranny discords are the real problem. Go back to your containment board.

Attached: 1550328934575.png (334x393, 265K)

Its from russian news:

>women in the army 6
You're obsessed dude, take a chill pill.

She's fucking heavier than big sledge. I guess he's wee sledge now.

And the woman crying wasn't a journalist.

Good job.

>/k/uckold still seething and getting emotional over Gridlock

>3 armour with a good gadget
Should be good for Terrorist Hunt.

How can you tell? So salty over your idiocy being btfo that you have to desperately argue that you weren't wrong?

Attached: 1446617825032.jpg (805x945, 211K)

that's a big hitbox

>How can you tell?
Because I watched the video? The woman crying wasn't a journalist and was in fact going through basic.
Thanks for posting it btw, I was genuinely curious and it's pretty big of you to post proof that you were full of shit.

Attached: 1501899170842.jpg (272x252, 8K)

>102 kg
Average murrican womyn

Attached: 1550888890735.jpg (400x605, 51K)

This is literally what Gridlock would look like trying to kneel and go prone.

>not Woff
confirmed for not australian pretending they are. fuckoff cunt.

you know what I love more than women and guns? Women and tanks:

I didn't post it dumbass, and you still haven't proven it wrong. She's obviously a journalist, just look at all the makeup she has on.

>She's obviously a journalist
They literally say she's one of the many female soldiers going through basic training.

Attached: gdo2u8ytq2g21.jpg (3024x4032, 1.1M)

>People will defend this.

They don't have a choice, she's an attacker.

no. thats a bush pig in australia, cunt.

for the faggot tards who cannot into google, here's the MINIMUM fitness levels the ADF wants from people before STARTING basic training. let alone fucking SAS training.

fat cunt might look ok. but SAS she fucking AINT

177cm 102kg is fucking fat, even for like a professional rugby player.

Especially funny considering there's not a single woman in the actual SASR.

the pollies tried, but the sas and ADF from the top down told them to fuck off and refused to lower standards.

>women only need to do 8 pushups

because its the entry point for basic. and in general service the ADF is fucked by politicians and bureaucrats deciding it has to be diversitied.

I don't know about that

I work at a prison with plenty of female CO's and its not diversity that got them there, its the horrible retention rates across the country. I imagine the same thing with the military, one day if they ever need to do the draft at least there will be some sort of framework in place for them.

Just keep them out of combat roles, unless its snipers/spotters since they are apparently really good at seeing camo

Attached: Lyudmila Pavlichenko.png (353x495, 160K)

it's fucking embarrassing that my country and the west in general has allowed obesity to grow this large into a problem. Michelle Obama was right to try and combat this shit. It's fucking disgusting.

>the point being chunkerpig can't pass even the minimum entry reqs for starting basic, let alone anything more strenuous

That's right, it's entirely about females and not the fact that she is crippingly overweight.
Back to neofag with you.

God I'd fuck that slampig whore.

>Lift a 200 kgs engine like a bag of rice

What did they mean by this?

What about 4rar?

good idea,bad execution. some of those meals were pretty much just cooked tumors

Attached: cancer burger.jpg (634x845, 123K)


Can't vouch for that, I use 7zip myself.

the general forces got screwed, but for some reason they stood up to the retards and stuck to their guns on SAS standards getting tanked so women could pass.

>gives examples of actually fit women being unfit for combat purposes
>no it's because she's fat
but to be fair I'll concede that a vast majority of males would also not qualify

Attached: german army.webm (720x404, 2.8M)

>Struggling at 8

I'm fat as fuck and I konk out at 20, this dude doesn't even look that chunky

german army camo is kino, i use it on jager

it's the onions in their diet

Attached: soyboy.png (1019x806, 1.43M)

it's not even proper form, that shit barely counts

it's a shame that they're getting fucked over

Attached: Nu german military.jpg (1052x701, 222K)

I like the guy in the back who looks like he's trying to fuck the ground.

You just encouraged me to go do 20 right now Gabber. Been procrasin.

Dude, hands on top of each other is a lot harder than normal, even if he's shaky and bucking his hips like he's in heat.

It's not supposed to appeal to anyone, it just is to keep from hurting women's feelings, because apparently attractive characters existing is too much for them to handle that it causes them real mental harm, or so were led to believe.
If that is the case it's clear that women shouldn't be in any position of authority since they're too emotional and mentally weak, if it's not the case then there shouldn't be a problem with having sexy characters, right?
But no, women are super strong but they must also be coddled and protected.

Attached: 1448951309586.jpg (959x721, 676K)

>the one on the right is the second shortest
>notice she's also the only one wearing high heels
Imagine how fucking short and fat she really is. Also that one on the left without the headscarf is a qt.

The funny thing is I remember women being offended back in the day by the fat woman character in Quake 3.

don't think they were required to do that judging from the others, why would he actually do that by himself unless he's never done an actual pushup in his life?

Jesus christ what the fuck. Also she should be a LOT wider at 224 lbs

What are some games with strongfat girls?


Why don't you consider getting a gastric surgery?
Its very effective and you will enjoy you life for once.

>inb4 "uh im good i like being fat"

No you not, you are in danger.



kill yourselves you fucking incels

Hammer from Fable 2
Tried to find a picture of her that doesn't make her look like an abomination, but it proved too difficult.

Attached: Pierce-Brosnan.jpg (615x409, 41K)

my auntie has been in she aus navy for 20 years and shes fat,

im not a german thank god, i just like how their camo looks

Fuck you, it promotes bad health.

>tfw can't even do 2 pushups
I can lift and carry full 40lb propane tanks with one hand but I can't seem to do pushups at all

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science fiction
god awful character design

Attached: 1542926010552.gif (100x100, 23K)

so youre saying it promotes violence too then? are you that retarded that you think anything in a video game is influential on real life? you agree with Jack Thompson then?

it uses muscle groups you haven't been developing that's all.

All those top things will be a reality in our lifetime. But an obese woman will never join one of the world's top special forces units, and then be considered so good that she is good enough to join an international task force made up of the best soldiers from all over the planet.

Well that might be why my upper torso looks like a prepubescent boy's.

Attached: 1500340599087.jpg (606x592, 57K)

no one
she's supposed to lower you standards and expectations

Nah, fat people should be the ones that kill themselves, they're an eye sore and cost society billions upon billions in health costs.
Society would be better off without them.

this is so fucking true. my DI's fucking ragged on our platoon for being the "playstation era." My Sergeants at SOI fucking ripped on us. Then I thought it was just them doing it because it was their job or something but NOP becayse. my C school and the permanent duty station NCO's would mentioned how shit my generation was.

and put my life in the hands of a couple of chinks working at some Jew run hospital? I don't think so. What if I kept binge eating after the surgery and exploded the band, causing internal injury and requiring more surgery to fix me? Bet that's what Cheng wants, bet he'd botch the surgery on purpose. Probably lurks r/asianmasculinity and is so threatened by my status as a white male that he'll seek to maim or cripple me while I'm under, knowing he's no match for my manly girth in a fair fight.

Attached: 15508195712741.jpg (633x758, 61K)

Stop jerking off grip strength mcgee

>game drops sjw stuff and follows the money
>lol Yea Forums was so stupid for making fun of them before hand


>Never seen a 1m92
Wa ssir tn3ess al 9azam

Attached: 1445303304378.jpg (2284x2028, 336K)

if you really hated someone, would you place them on the tracks facing the train or away from the train?

>opting for invasive surgery for vanity
>giving shekels to the gastric jew
sounds lazier than actually stopping eating

Attached: aw mah layggs.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

>Max Armor
>Min Speed
yeah he's totally dressed like rook and tachanka

the ground forces of the military in most countries are useless in the face of MAD/nukes
They can get away with much worse than this and it still wont matter. Let disabled people in, deaf, blind, who cares. There is zero reason for major aggression in the world right now

>warmachine demands more bodies
>give them children
>not enough
>they try and recruit women
>turn women against us and say that we're holding them back
>now women can die, defending their ego

You don't know if they did any other exercise before hand so thats kinda unfair to judge that on a video clip

gastric surgery is not a fix for a mental issue with food

That shit looks like it weights hundreds kilos, it's impossible to just throw it over your arm.

She's empowered by feminism, there is nothing she cannot lift.

they would have to do some very specific exercises to tire out the muscles for pushups.

That would also make zero fucking sense, to tire those muscles and then train them with some push ups.

You raise a valid point that I'm going to ignore.

Literally how do you, as a male, reach this absolute state.
At my worst, I was a fat kid and I felt like absolute shit that I wasn't able to do a single pull-up, but to get a heart attack at 10 push-ups? Lmao if they trip that guy over 10 times he won't be able to get up.

have you ever done physical activity as a group?

>do warm up exercises with a group
>physical activity that involve the upper body whatever that may be. one example be carrying a log with a group.
>cool down exercises which could involve push ups.

>have you ever done physical activity as a group?
no not really just alone, I don't see the point of training someones muscles if they're already been trained to supposed exhaustion.

endurance. we do shit all the time in the marines corps.

I'm a fatass and I could still do 30-40 proper push ups at the minimum, these guys are iraqi army tier

Attached: 1550873813960.gif (384x288, 2.75M)

Please post it, it gives me a genuine smile every time

They also use the imperial system, that doesn't make it any less retarded. BMI is a retarded system and top athletes in various sports are considered obese because they are ripped as fuck.

OP's bitch is a fattie tho

sounds like a recipe for muscle ripping, but it also doesn't sound that extreme.

I like that she's xbox hueg

It's more believable that a bearmode woman can run around with an M249 than a lanklet like Dokkaebi

Attached: 1545539638435.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

Looks like special ed gym class

Tell that to Ukranians

If it wasn't for the flag, I'd say she was a US marine.

No such thing.
When a woman is that big it's because she's fat, not strong.

Based architect.

Attached: 1524581111965.png (1288x843, 1.75M)

baw, poor little Ukrainians din dun nuthin

there's literally video evidence proving you otherwise. Please don't double down.

Yeah, even female competitive lifters are relatively slender.
The one in the OP is probably just an American woman.

Attached: 1537247658413.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

it's not extreme. I mean you take a look any kind of boot camp video it's basically the same shit. you're in constant state of exhaustion and still training. I have no idea the german guys in that clip are in their boot camp but could very much well be.

That's because regular armies are useless, they don't give a fuck.
That's why they are not lowering anything in special forces, the ones who are actually useful.

They did one thing wrong, getting rid of the nukes.

ubisoft is the most pandering game company there is so i wouldnt be surprised if the person behind this was a landwhale

>Lifting 138kg over your head is an olympic level achievement
Women were a mistake

Believe it or not, a body for weightlifting might be deemed less fit for that of a military position

>>Lifting 138kg over your head is an olympic level achievement
For men it might not, but women are weaker than men, so it is olympic level achievement for them.


Attached: Capture.jpg (368x335, 16K)

Have you seen spec ops soldiers?
They are not particularly ripped.

Attached: 1534067015309.png (831x941, 1.53M)

yeah that actually sounds pretty reasonable then.

>Pic related
God I would be diamonds, i'm currently an AusArmy reservist, perhaps I should apply for SASR selection for that experience alone.

Attached: Hot.jpg (1132x111, 32K)

holy shit, you're dumb. go kys pathetic faggot.

>baggy fucking clothing
>they're not that ripped

Coming from they same type of guy who thinks people needs to identify in their character, thats a good joke.

But hey i meaned that it normalize bad health, it make them look like they can do what normal ppl can. Wich is a lie.

what game is this?

Most Australian SASR are full cardio/endurance mode, literally like Mozzie.

Attached: SASR.jpg (640x360, 44K)

You're worried about Realism in fucking siege?


Depends on the teams that work on the game.
The one who makes Far Cry games seems nice, they've avoided politics so far.
I also remember AC Syndicate, which had an ingame encyclopedia and in the article about Karl Marx it called out the numales who believe in what he said.

Attached: 1526637367111.png (1625x809, 1.9M)

They're sinewy cowboy strong, they're absolutely not ripped.

I think you got your priorites all fucked up but thats just me

You wont pass if you get a boner

title of this video literally means "a tv host shoots for the first time"

That went off since the start of the game with unrealistic gadgets like EMP grenades and mini versions of tank ADS

Is anything I said wrong?

It help to reconstruct yourself, of course go see a psy too for your mental issues.

>mfw 182cms
Honestly she looks way more fat than 102kgs for that height, Im builtfat but Im nowhere near that thicc

Attached: 1356271844262.jpg (471x472, 35K)

Honestly, the one that triggers me the most is Blackbeard's shield.
How the fuck wouldn't a single bullet just send the shield flying?

Why are they pushing this fat acceptance bullshit nowadays?

It's not even hard to lose weight. Just eat a little less a day and you can be rail thin.

But its a fix for health issues

>unironically posting the bmi meme

Brainlet spotted

Call of duty IV

imagine being unironically fat

Attached: 1544632881072.jpg (1000x750, 486K)

Ubishill begone.
Come back when you're making something i can actually care about, like a new Prince of Persia or Child of Light 2.

It's what the military uses tho.

>mfw i'm 125kg, not fit, it's fat
>i'm slimmer looking than the one in the OP
Either she's like 5'5, or she's way fatter than that.

That doesn't achieve much, you need to take drastic measures.
I lost 15kg in the past few months by only eating once every 2 days.

I may be talking out of my ass but I'm pretty sure thats every SF in the world too

>You wont pass if you get a boner
Who said anything about wanting to pass?

So having a fat character exist in your game is fat acceptance now

Attached: 1550894295423.gif (463x352, 2.77M)

>bmi meme
fuck off fatty

>of course go see a psy too for your mental issues. *If you have the money to do so.
Most shitty insurance you get from your job do not cover mental health.

Keep hiding behind that false statement, and you'll regret this the moment you'll have a heart attack.

>Why are they pushing this fat acceptance bullshit nowadays?
Look at the people creating these characters.
It's always fatties pushing for fat acceptance.

When the setting of the game is extremely unnatural to have any obese characters, it is.

You are retarded and haven't even bothered to google translate it.
It literally says "tv-presenter Vera Kirienko fires from an assault-rifle for the first time".

No, it isnt. The character isnt being used as a political statement, shes just fat. You are the one applying meaning where it doesnt exist

>she will never embrace you, holding you to her toned body with her iron tough grip

Attached: 1549853490574.jpg (651x655, 58K)

Attached: 697937.jpg (1031x866, 180K)

Just give it an american flag and it'll be a realistic depiction of your average US marine.

Attached: 1546488216190.png (264x191, 10K)

you don't know what rainbow six is about, do you? at least what it was about. Nowadays Rainbow Six is shit anyways.


Pay it by yourself, health over money.

When will you ever learn, failed man.

Attached: 1519815101568.webm (480x480, 2.13M)

>Just eat less
Thats not how it works motherfucker, you just eat better, be physically fit for at least 30 minutes a day
You need to keep your diet balance roughly the same but with more filling foods, your diet will shrink naturally over time
If you just go slap on a fad diet you will just boomerang back and grow stretch marks

>Suicide Girls
The fucking irony.

She's a military woman, probably special forces, who's extremely obese. That's extremely unrealistic and can naturally be interpreted as a political statement. now fuck off, kid.

This, and you need to ban sodas, reduce or ban bread

>you'll regret this the moment you'll have a heart attack
You inferior lifeform, you're wrong. I'll be chomping down a 5th pizza when the heart pains begin, and I will know that my devotion to gluttony has been rewarded and my ascension to something far greater has begun.

Attached: 15508195712742.jpg (1162x890, 142K)

>Can naturally be interpreted
Thats the thing, you are again adding meaning when it was not implied due to your skewed political views.
She's just fat, deal with it, fucking Kike, trying to inject your /pol/ shit into every fucking discussion

That's sad.

Yeah Soda is the worst
Cut that shit out of me, started exercising 45 minutes a day and I lost 20kgs in a year

>She's just fat
Why is she fat?
Why would someone designing a character choose to depict tier 1 special forces operators as obese?

It's like you don't even understand what motivates people, let alone artists.

She isn't just "fat" retard, they made her fat, intentionally for reasons.


Attached: aeropel.jpg (1080x1440, 272K)

Dude i did the same but with more sport, and i lost 15kg in a month

How do you lose kegs if youre not drinking Soda

look at this faggot pretending he lives in a vacuum. go back to your mom's uterus, faggot. everything is political.

damn what an asshole

there are no fats in army. its clearly made to appeal to fats, to make them feel worthy, but reality is that no one wants to have anything to do with them. fats are worthless humans and world would be better without them

Attached: 5984686318182675384.jpg (955x1103, 683K)

>a man living his life how he wants to live and dying how he wants to die
I pity you, inferior lifeform. I will watch over you from higher planes of existence.

I didnt know the army had Mini remote controlled tanks and EMP grenades

shit i'm 55 kg she weighs almost twice me

Ban salt and sugar, drink more water, drink green tea with citrus

>Bundesministerin der Verteidigung, Ursula von der Leyen, spricht zum Abschluss des Pilotprojektes Ausbildungsmodul Sanität für syrische Frauen zu Pressevertretern in der Julius-Leber-Kaserne in Berlin, am 17.11.2016.
Those aren't soldiers you fucking retarded kike.

>She's just fat
Not even him but you can't be serious. Every country that has a SF advertise their unit as elite units. you can't tell me that "fat" is acceptable view for special forces when every piece of medium featuring any SF soldier are FIT motherfuckers. the only one with a skewed political views is you.

people that operate these dont go to front lines, they dont wear guns, and whats most important, they are not fat

Wife material

rainbow six was highly appreciated as a game because of its realism. Not only they put a woman in special forces but they put an obese woman as special forces? That's political, retard. I bet you ever played any rainbow six game, did you? You're the true faggot.

Really sad indeed, bro you so fat that you gave up on life.