Comfy switch thread

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Why do all weebs have 0 self awareness?

Switch is dead.

are you aware of your current location?

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So what is he supposed to do, not show anyone online his weeb themed switch?


Played some Splatoon 2 just now. Beat Shikhondo the otherday and while I could stand to be better at it I was thinking of getting Danmaku Unlimited 3 unless anyone has any suggestions.

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Is there even a Nep game on the Switch?

I always thought neptunia was a PS exclusive, I guess I was very wrong

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>Is there even a game on the switch?


>implying liking pretty girls in tight suits is gay

Cute Nep nips

>Is there even a Nep game on the Switch?

In Japan.
It's not out yet over here

Shitposting instead of playing wargroove. Going to be busy for a while so I don’t mind the wait until games come out. Not sure about Yoshi but might as well pick it up. The direct was better alright.


Fucking gay.

The only games on the switch are ports, and games for children/incels

>switch has been collecting dust for like 6 months
>not excited for one release in 2019
I love the switches design and everything but fuck is it lacking decent games. 2019 is going to be SHIT for gaming

How's your Amino and LABO my fellow nintendo brothers?

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Do you even know what a "weeb" is, you fucking retard?

Is this the /soý/ general?

If you're doing this unironically as a male you need mental help

Christ the samefag shitposting is strong in this thread,