What does "ethics in games journalism" mean to you?

What does "ethics in games journalism" mean to you?

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harassing women

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It means big tittied women in vidya with no complaints from trannies

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I didn’t like Piper because she harassed and bullied the mayor.

Look, I don't care one bit about your shitty RPG maker trash game that no one will ever genuinely care about. Just suck my fucking cock and I'll write some nice words for you and maybe you'll get a few sales. Deal?

It means we need to put fewer brown people in video games because they make me butthurt

Hate newspapers

Nothing because they dont exist.

Maybe not injecting politics when giving consumer reviews? Or if you are giving a consumer review of something your friend or donators made, indicate that. That's what actual journalists do.

>mfw all the shitty Indy rosaries have to miss out on #metoo because admitting they were ‘forced’ into having sex for positive publicity would prove gamer gate right.
There is still some justice in this world it seems.

keeping politics and bias out of reviews

correcting you when you're wrong objectively isn't harassment.

well, ethics are shit, games are shit, and journalism is shit, so i'll guess they mean shit.

a cover for an online harassment campaign triggered by a sweaty nu-male and his band of online incels who obsess over cucks

Autism, off yourself

the patriarchy doesn't exist, schizo.

It means kill all (((journalists)))

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Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.[1] The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value, and thus comprises the branch of philosophy called axiology.[2]

Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. As a field of intellectual inquiry, moral philosophy also is related to the fields of moral psychology, descriptive ethics, and value theory.

Three major areas of study within ethics recognized today are:[1]

Meta-ethics, concerning the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions, and how their truth values (if any) can be determined
Normative ethics, concerning the practical means of determining a moral course of action
Applied ethics, concerning what a person is obligated (or permitted) to do in a specific situation or a particular domain of action[1]

The videogame creation industry and videogame journalism industry need to be completely independent from one another with no special treatment given to specific individuals or corporations.

Not having calls to harrassment for people you don't like or disagree with, being willing to take a smaller paycheck in order to get the truth out, and being skeptical about everything until it is proven to not be shit. I'd also say having a genuine passion for video games and it's well being would definitely help.
Tell us the news, not your opinion on them.

Hate News.

Also, you have to start with Plato and then make your way up to Kant to fully understand video-games journalism

it's a phrase that has no meaning
games journalism is a joke and anyone who seriously pays attention to it is retarded or likes to stir shit up on Yea Forums with OHNONONONONONONO threads

I remember like 5 - 10 years ago when reviews being paid off was still a controversial issue. That shit's been standardized and basically accepted (the age of youtube 'influencers') and the new hot button topic is political shit.

Different day, same bullshit.

Meep Meep.

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then why do we call it MANkind, brah

Keep agendas out of my games, having better informed journos (they literally pay them to talk about vidya so I'd expect them to know how to fucking jump or do some research before making claims that games are racist because there are no blacks at all) and also not letting devs get better reviews because they did a favour to some reviewers. If said favour was a case full of money or was riding miles of cock is irrelevant, the point still stands anyway.

To me it means that many, many people thought and probably still think that reviews are journalism, which is really depressing.

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It means you need to continue to feed her big boob juice

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>game journalism

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I know you're baiting, but still,

>2. a human being of either sex; a person.
>"God cares for all races and all men" synonyms: human being, human, person, mortal, individual, personage, soul
"all men are mortal"

how exactly is inserting a political message into a game unethical?

people complaining that metacritic scores are too high/low in the end...all the ethical and political stuff is just dressing

It's inserting them into reviews thats unethical. Nobody cares about your hot opinion, we just want the facts. Inserting them into the games themselves is obnoxious and a sure fire way to sink it regardless.

how exactly is reviewing something through a political lense unethical?

>Nobody cares about your hot opinion
Then why are you reading a review, that's all they are

News and analysis.

Depends if they are well written or not. If they were like Hamlet or the Magic Mountain then they would be fine, the problem is that most game writers don’t have any complex ideas and can’t write artistically for shit

the border of old and nu-Yea Forums and the influx of phoneposter and the creation of pedophile 8gag

The idea that "inserting politics" into a critique is unethical is extremely strange to me. I remember when the first Army of Two game came out, Kevin Van Ord at Gamespot reviewed it and spent most of the review talking about how he hated that it glorified PMCs. I thought it was a shitty review because he drove that shit home way more than he actually talked about the gameplay, but "unethical" never crossed my mind. Why would it?

because then it isnt video games anymore, and it isn't journalism either. It's political blogging held up by false advertising.

Games aren't dishwashers you fucking moron, you can't "objectively" review an artistic medium

A subjective critique piece is not the place you should be looking for either of those

the mayor was the a synth or at least swapped for a synth

Reviews are not journalism to begin with

yes you can. All art critiques are objective in the circle of actual art.

then why do they get to advertise themselves as game "journalists"?

The problem you see here is that nu-Yea Forums (i.e. those that came with GG) conflate politics and being paid off for reviews. The latter is obviously unethical but has been around forever (remember Kane & Lynch? )and GG did pretty much nothing with it.Then came the retards who wanted to make everything a grand overarching conspiracy theory, muddying the waters, hence the "IT"S ABOUT ETHICS IN GAMES JOURNALISM" becoming a running gag.

I dunno, ask the million gamergoober goofballs who call it "games journalism"

link me some hot objective art critiques then, or hell, a single objective game review

it means if they serve me garbage and do me a mischief because of greed and social politics i WILL shove my entire leg inbetweenst all of their ribcages, anyone who had any hand in this existing will DIE period

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Sure, but the problem is less politics itself and the fact that games as a medium are transparently being used to push an ideology. Evangelizing your own opinions through vidya is like taking a steaming shit on them.

The fact that a turd can become a timeless masterpiece acording to reviewers,blue checks and their following masses just because it had some blacks, gays and stronk womyn in it and it shows that WHITE CISHET BAD/INCOMPETENT, WOMYN GOOD, YASS QUEEN.
Meanwhile the common consumer and the people who enjoy games are being given a turd.Luckily even that previous stratagem isn't working in some games lately.

they better watch out... never anger a GAMER!!
mess with the best, die like the rest...

They aren't trying to be video games and they aren't trying to be journalism. The outlets that do this never have any pretensions of appearing as anything other than what they are.

So pardon me if i really don't see the problem. The only problem in my mind is the people who rage about it. It's called clickbait for a reason.

the sites advertise themselves that way


I never understood why this actually gained any traction whatsoever
Like games """journalism""" has literally always been a joke
The majority of the """""""journalism""""""" that goes on is people posting press releases from game companies, or publishing interviews with people from game companies, conducted with a marketing/PR rep from the game company present to make sure that the company line is being followed and nothing they don't want printed gets said
And then the rest of the time is writing what they thought of the 25th game they rushed through that week and prepping top 10 lists for the end of the year
Did people think Official Playstation Magazine has ever been overly concerned with the ethics of the press

fashies are so quick to silence the news

Look man, the people who gave a shit about GG weren't even born when OPM was relevant, it was their first Jeff Gerstmann and were egged on with people with an axe to grind

well if people call it games journalism because the sites advertise themselves that way, I guess there's your answer: they get to call themselves that because everyone apparently just accepts whatever they're told

>The outlets that do this never have any pretensions of appearing as anything other than what they are
bull fucking shit, if places like kotaku acknowledged openly what they were on the front page of the site they'd die in a week.

are you dumbfucks really saying this was all just a big shitpile over semantics, of all things? come off it

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except for people demanding ethics, who rightly call them out on being lying sacks of shit

So blacks, gays, and women like a game because it has blacks, gays, and women in it, the fuck do you care? It's not like bloggers go around propagating outright falsehoods like saying Fire Emblem has assault rifles or some shit. They just say they like the faggots in the game or it's 'problematic.

These articles are BY SJWs FOR SJWs, what the fuck is the problem?

You're literally just mad that someone has a different opinion, faggot.

That's not what I'm saying at all, no, please reread

it means no game journalists

it means reporting on a game and not the social justice aspect of the game
writing about the gameplay
or writing about the production of the game

too many journalists write whether they like the game or not
either that or they write about how the game is good for feminism and good for social justice

i just wanna play games that kind of shit is why i don't read gaming news anymore

>These articles are BY SJWs FOR SJWs, what the fuck is the problem?
They're wrong and if you leave them alone they'll take over the industry.

Nothing much anymore, I get all my news from fringe sites and message boards. Do not check out professional journalism at all anymore.

What are you faggots doing to help change games journalism besides shitposting on a mongolian carpet weaving forum??

They'll take over the industry if they deserve to take over the industry, aka if thats where the market is.

And if that does happen, you'll know what its like to be a minority audience that isn't catered to and is, in fact, offended by mainstream content. You can see the irony here, right?

Piper was blowing the synth issue out of proportion, and terrifying the populace into thinking their friends were replaced by evil robots—some guy even killed his brother or friend or something. The mayor was telling her to stop freaking out people without any actual evidence, she took this as him trying to hide the truth and started accusing him of being a synth.

Not reading or interacting with any of it, as I was years before GG was ever a thing and will continue to do presumably until I die
If any positive changes come about, it's because of my staunch withholding of clicks. You're welcome

>if they deserve to take over the industry
The problem is that they spout lies out the ass to forcibly shift the market. It's dishonest.

>It's dishonest.
Welcome to capitalism my man


>writing emotional blogs and calling it news
>slashing points off of reviews for petty personal reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the product
>trading favors and money for press
>"competing" sites working together to spin the news or blacklist people out of the industry

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We are replacing them by giving eachother honest criticism and opinions.

Never existed and never will. It's all just advertising.

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I'm not going to defend capitalism. If you say that lies are par for the course in the current system, all that does is make that system evil.

core values

Absolutely nothing. I don't know why anyone paid attention to kotaku in the first place.

im not aware of whatever lies youre referring to so unless you can cite some examples there's really nowhere else this line of conversation can go.

god THIS
how the fuck can anyone seriously give credence to the idea of "games journalism" in a world where doritopope happened

Now you're getting it

Its the entire "games are sexist and bigoted" angle thats just flat out untrue. Yet somehow, it's pushed by everyone and their mother.

Man, Geoff was really depressed that week after this.

Calling it "journalism" is retarded.
I don't call sports pundits journalists. I don't call movie pundits journalists. So why the fuck would I call video game pundits journalists?
The whole mistake from the beginning was calling it journalism. It attracted a bunch of idiots who thought they'd change the world but couldn't hack it in real journalism.

It means publishing stories attacking politicians I don't like, #fuckdrumpf #institutecollusion

keeping politics and bias out = harassing women and minorities

>These articles are BY SJWs FOR SJWs, what the fuck is the problem?
The problem is that their bullshit actually permeates into real videogames, meanwhile our bullshit gets censored and heavily frowned down. You can't have fighting games with attractive females in swimsuits because it objectifies women or you can't have a fps with a gruff man because you gotta make space for that empowered strong black girl with an afro.
>You're literally just mad that someone has a different opinion, faggot.
That is basically what they have done. Even what some could call the seed of this problem, Anita, can't handle different opinions or just being called out of her inaccuracies or lies to the point she blocked commentaries.
They want to impose their way of thinking into videogames while not even caring that strategies to bleed the consumer dry keep getting cheekier and cheekier.

>Make AAA game
>Place some profeminist, prodiversity crap
>If you aren't retarded it sells fairly well despite that, because the general public gobbles up AAA game

>hurr durr it's capitalism
Fuck off, Doom, Assassin's Creed,Ratchet and Clank, etc weren't made by commies.

Marxist, corporatist, and zionist agenda pushing isn't news, reddit.

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Seriously, dude looked like he wanted to kill jimself during the announcements at whatever the fuck party that was.

Only crybullies that want undeserved control actually talk like that.

I installed adblock.

>You can't have fighting games with attractive females in swimsuits
Pretty much every fighting game on the market completely contradicts this.
Yeah you can cite DOA6 being toned down or whatever but that game will still be all about the tits and there'll be a ton of overpriced swimsuit DLC for it, just like last time. You should probably also check out footage of any SFV female whilst you're at it. Oh, and have a look at SNK Heroines.

>people STILL occasionally make videos praising Sarkeesian's criticism even today
Even if you agree with her general idea that everything is bigoted and needs to be changed, I don't know how anyone could forget her disproving herself on Hitman: Absolution on the dot when she lies about how the game encourages you to kill strippers. What an idiot woman. Can't even slander without walking on a rake.

toning it down is the problem. There's no reason why any of that should be censored and the fact that it is demonstrates the direction the industry is going it.

When I say you can't have it is not only that you get games like DOA where you literally can't thanks to censorship.
There are still games out there with sexy females but the complaining is there and they won't stop until you have fighters wearing burkas. The fact that Senran Kagura games would literally die should they ever reduce busts and start covering skin because they have already found a niche to cater won't stop your local sóyboy from complaining about the sexist state of the industry.

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The devs chose to do it. Don't like it, don't pay for it. We're not owed anything

I won't but I will bitch and moan about it.

Why does feminism insist that women become a shittier version of men?

"Perfect dude with tits" is how 3rd wave feminists write strong women, they're not allowed to be human, have weaknesses, have moments of doubt, be deficient in any skills etc. See that nu star wars cunt for details.

rogue one > star wars ep 7

A number of things, all of which boil down to: you have to be on the side of your audience. Not on the side of the game companies and not on the side of any external special interest groups, political or otherwise. Those don't matter. All you must care about in the world is the benefit of your audience. Your audience (gamers) are defined as angelic beings who cannot do wrong no matter what, and if you are in games media at all, you exist to serve them. That is the full meaning of your life if you are in that profession.

THAT is "ethics in games journalism". We haven't had that in a long while, probably ever actually, but lately it's been especially bad. Games media has open disdain for the people it exists to serve, lectures at them from an ivory tower, and actively undermines their interests. This on top of being incompetent and easy to bribe, which they always were.


Objectivity. Something gaming "journalism" (if you can call the joke that is writing about videogames by that term) sorely lacks.

Keeping them honest

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