Did you roll for any Dragonflower bait?

Did you roll for any Dragonflower bait?

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I needed Keaton for Special Spiral, but I liked him enough to roll for a second and also got Selkie.

As much as I would like infantry flowers and special spiral, nope.

When is the anniversary banner coming?

24th for that hide and seek vote thing.

>Legendary Roy this month
Hopefully he isn't another cavalry or infantry sword

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Got pity broke by Owain early on and quit trying afterwards

Saving for our boy.

Was he in a datamine or something? First I've heard of it.

The GooglePlay store leaked his event. Legendary Roy: Blazing Lion is his title.

Oh, did they have a date? I need to know if I'm gonna have to choose between him or that L Azura banner.

Roy a fucking shit
Wheres Dadwood

Tried for Keaton with the tickets, got nothing, stopped.

He's getting a brave alt eventually.

in 5 days

Convince me to roll for Special Spiral to put on one of these 3.

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Damn that's a lot sooner than I thought, thanks for the info, I've still got some F2P orbs I can grind out so that'll save me some cash.

got Selkie and Velouria in the same summoning session, and I'm happy as a clam.
oh hell yeah, glad I was able to save some orbs!

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It'll be this Roy.

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I got Selkie's bait, but I really want a Velouria because we have no idea whether she or Kaden will be the demote

better on ophelia.

No shit.

Oh hell yeah I get to save orbs.

Don't particularly care about the dragonflowers but I did spend 19 orbs and got Velour, the only one I care about on the banner. More waiting for Volug and Vika if anything, at least outside of royals. They better not fuck up Vika's art.
nice, easy skip and I don't have to wait on trying to get Duma

The more I look at it, the more I think it might be her. I'm hoping IS thinks Spd/Res Link is a good enough skill to stay at 5* because I want to merge Velour.

I'm saving my orbs for Brave Alm, really fucking hoping he's not a bow unit. Best scenario is he's either his Conqueror promotion or dressed like Rudolf.

no because that's exactly what IS wants you to do

Yeah? IS also wants you to play.

Easy skip on the furry banner

Who's ready for the Myrrh banner?

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I'm ready to get fucked over by Lyn.

God, I hope I don't get Lyn, I've got like, three of her hanging around from the last legendary banner.

I really hope its Kaden. He is a perfect Arena buffer and the only interesting one on the banner.

Rolled for Bathhouse Elise instead
>mfw lmao Reighs galore

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Kaden's got fun stats but he's a fucking awful character.

I need infantry flowers but I won't roll for units just to get them.

Panne giving cavalry flowers is nice since Berkut is also a project I'm working on.

Also Rhajat needs a refine damn it, she's the only 5* exclusive green mage without one

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I don't have one because I only started recently but I dread getting her over any of the other options.

Crackers when?

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