How is that game going Yea Forums? You are making a game right?

How is that game going Yea Forums? You are making a game right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just finished coding for the tutorial boss.

who is also the second to last boss in the game if you dont count the secret bosses

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No I'm trying to think up a website name.

Still learning css to proceed with javascript afterwards, man this shit is boring but I really want to make a text rpg

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one day I'll start, can't decide between fantasy srpg or space srpg

well, are you?

I can do coding(Professional level C++), and I’m a good writer.
But I need artists to make animations and shit lol.
It’s easier to just go and get a job at a vidya company... you know... do that same things, but actually get paid like 4K a month because high skill programmers are expensive?!?

Soon,I'm learning math again.

I have everything I need, but can't find a decent download for some motivation

how the FUCK do you even land a job at a game company?
I've tried like 5 different companies and I never hear back from them even when I can show them I can actually make games

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>mfw Unreal 4 compile times

pls stop using templates thank you

As someone with no game developing skills, should I start learning coding or art first? At the same time?


wish i knew how to code bros. game dev seems fun i just wish i knew WHAT i was doing, using these blueprints is cool and all in UE4 but i really wanna get into programming.

Coding. It's the foundation for everything. If you can only draw, there's no game.

what do I read to learn making games
do I just do engine tutorials

pew pew pew

Attached: unknown.png (971x549, 772K)

>secret bosses
my nigga

Yes. Do as many tutorial as you can and try learning everything you can.

suppose i were to make a semi-telefang clone. give me your thoughts


I'm working on something but I'm not too sure about implementing a meme feature that would require the game to be always online. Not DRM related, not even something the majority of players would ever see. But it will probably wow the few that see it.
Yay or nay?

I remember watching those shorts with this characters on newgrounds. Hows the game going?

Well, I would not make the game be always online. I would enable the feature if the game can connect to the internet, but not mandatory. Unless is an important mechanic of the game that really requires it of course.

it's got lasers in it now! update march, EA in april, 1.0 this summer.

Go learn Ruby, Python or Lua.

why not start him off with c++?

What are you fucking crazy

I've been procrastinating for weeks on youtube and netflix, I was turning 2D sprites into 3D models to get the basics of blender and to use them in an octopath style remake of the first pokemon games

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whats wrong with that? there are plenty of ease of access tutorials for c++ out there

>I've been procrastinating for weeks on youtube and netflix

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Get on my level, it's been a year since I booted the engine.

>explaining virtual functions to people who don't even know what an unsigned integer is

what are you doing

nigga we're not in the 90s

Well, I would just write them that I have a Masters Degree in Mathematics, and I have a recommendation from my internship as engine programmer where it says that I can code like a pro.
And then they will hire me.

If anyone has a small project that is mostly done and just needs 2D art assets, let me know.

I spent 4 days arting a friends flash game and the publishing offer he got rose from $500 to $4000.

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Do you even use advanced math in gamedev?

>even when I can show them I can actually make games

can you post an example?

i'm still fucking procrastinating help

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Yes, but do you? Shaders and other gay shit the engine guys should be taking care of aside.

How do you think physics works for example?

Love2D is better than anything Python or Ruby offers.

Well, not him, but I AM the engine guy.
Also, if you just do scripting, then probably less actually

>engine guys


Engine guys are the only real game developers. The rest are going to get replaced by procedural generation in a few years

Dunno man. Seems easier to automate "get physics right and make this look good" than "come up with an original and fun game concept"

is unity any good for Street Fighter-like fighting games?

“Make this Look Good” is the Artists.
“Get physics right” is the regular programmer.
An interesting game concept is what the director does, lol. That’s one person. So it’s left with the director and engine guys

Trying to recreate Sonic Adventures Emerald Coast in the bumper engine

I'm also modelling very simple guns, going for a Ratchet and Clank style.
If anyone can design a Ratchet gun right now in paint or whatever ill model it

Attached: Ratchet2.jpg (428x326, 30K)

i managed to get my game's bullshit to work independent of framerate so i'm pretty happy about that

Maybe a little

So ideas guys finally get their time of glory? Noice.

>spend nearly two years working on a game
>nearing completion, but it's all shit programmer art
>hiring artists now, either good ones flake on me or it's overpriced mediocrity from china who has trouble interpreting my wants
>can't find anyone who does traditional animation
>90% of the people responding to my looking for hire posts are under qualified with like 10 total pictures in their portfolio, or didn't even read the style I am looking for
What do? Hunt down specific artist styles I like and just offer them enough to blow through my personal savings?

A nice offer but I am extremely picky, though if you can pull off anime fighting game designs/animations you are probably my guy.

Wait people still make flash games these days?

Not really a game right now, but I'm making my own ASCII roguelike engine using C++ and the Windows API.
It's going pretty slow because I procrastinate coding to play games, then I procrastinate games to watch stuff on Netflix and then I procrastinate that to browse Yea Forums

Find an unqualified one with at least one good example on his portfolio and offer him to make like 2 models for you as a test, if they are good, pay him for the rest.

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I'm just making a dumb little RPGMaker project.

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I made the mistake of going to university and learning about how everything I do is wrong structure-wise in programming and now I feel like a fucking cripple because I constantly overthink everything but don't actually have the experience or skills necessary to plan with design patterns. I'm staring at a barebones game loop currently completely stalled because I can't decide how best to implement it. And the worst part is it doesn't matter. I'm not even making a game at the moment all I want to do with this project is figure out some pathfinding shit.

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Got anything to show?

i dread the day i have to hire an artist. i assume i'll have to sift through piles upon piles of memey pixelshit before i can find one decent artist

what are you finding difficult about pathfinding?

Draw your structure on paper first if you can't do it while coding.
There's a reason why CS courses teach you how to design your software on paper.

SFV was made with Unreal 4, if that means anything to you.

>want to find someone who can make something nice music in famitracker
>everyone i've found just makes fucking wubwubwub dubstep on it and nothing else
i'm literally 5 seconds away from just learning this shit myself fucking hell

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most of programming problems already have a solution and most are on stackoverflow. There's also a stackoverflow about code review to ask about how to optimize code

Can't you just go to youtube and see what people use for pathfinding? I know reinventing the wheel on your own is a meme all overtheoretical degrees kind of force you into but...

yes and its going well

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I'm also trying to learn how to use FamiTracker, and it's fucking hard.
I think I need to study music theory.

you know nothing about gamedev lol

The moment you see those frames or load times improve from threading is always great. Did some of this yesterday.

There are many images I want to unsee every day I browse for artists. Pixelshit is a very minor offender in comparison.

Nothing yet. I haven't got to it. I just need a place in a game environment to play around with the various algorithms (mainly Dijkstra and A*) so I can write custom neighbours functions for them so actors can skip nodes and jump and shit and test how fast the implementations run and stuff. Life was so much easier when I could just spaghetti code everything together without guilt.

Yeah, you're not wrong. I've tried drafting UML diagrams before, but I don't really trust my understanding of separation of responsibilities or anything.

Thanks gents but I can't find anything that covers the exact case I'm trying to reinvent the wheel to cover. I'm probably just massively over-complicating it but that's life.

tfw found a very talented and cheap artist but I'm too lazy to work on the game


Shout out to one of our boys, he made it

>I've been procrastinating for weeks on youtube and netflix,
HAHAHAHA, try years.

Program an AI to do the art for you
It's the hip new thing

50 games release on steam every day why do you think yours wont immediately get buried under a pile of dogshit?

holy shit, thats amazing. is that one guy from here?

I'm gonna make a crappy sex text rpg game.
Though to be fair, I won't put it up on patreon because I have standards.

That was better than expected
Have you seen what these 50 games look like theyre trash

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More then you

was it you?be honest.

steam doesnt do shit to promote indie games so yours will be lost at page 10 of new releases list. By the end of the day. Assuming 10% of people review games they buy, you'll sell like 100-400 copies.

Oh shit I think I'm friends with that guy on soundcloud. Fuckin sweet, he deserves it.

do you even have a degree and experience as a programmer, you fuckin dingus?

Nah, I remember checking a thread on here, and saw user showing off one of the stages that appears in the trailer (city level) and one of the bosses (the green caterpillar)
It does remind me that I need to put time into pixel Art as well

Whats it about

ive seen his progress posted in /vg/, as well as his composer, whose soundcloud is ec2151.

I'd advertise it obviously.i want to make games because i like games too,money is nice and i'll try make it but still.

because i'm releasing on gog exclusively

damn this gives me hope. we can all make it guys

Everything. Might make it a manifesto.

uh sorry kid no one watches cheap ass google ads and thinks 'yo, i'll buy this game!'
Unless you make something 10/10 you won't get any attention.


Well, you obviously have to shill it around a bit. At least among fans of the genre you are making.

>implying i'm doing it for money

Hes not the only one
I also remember this cute little game that I really enjoyed a lot called
And it was also made by someone here

I finally know what I want to do for a level.

Sorry i ment to type expedient

>tfw stuck in raytracing hell


okay thanks for the advice.

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Why the fuck would you be trying to raytrace

Do what I've been doing, you get a gf or bf that knows whatever you need.

>being monogamous in 2019
y i k e s

Usually this makes more problems than it's worth.
Keep it simple.

Oh believe me, I need a lot things, I need many people to help me out.

Because I suck at drawing, if I knew how to get good at making art I'd do it in a heartbeat

Pixel Art bros how long until I can make shit quickly?

Attached: Demon 9.png (320x320, 12K)

Every game looks the same now; there's no innovation.

Here's whatever that is but better.

Attached: 4chgun.png (826x751, 40K)

Train yourself on other styles before making your own (Pic related, is my adaptation of the LISA style.)

Attached: PaintDotNet_yZmpj5lXyc.png (1007x250, 18K)

In a sense, I feel this is correct. I need to find someone who specifically wants to be invested in the game and can see the full picture like I do, and not just outsourcing artwork to some random person. I have always known this, but I view this as step 2 of my contract work because I cannot get people interested in a game that has shit art. 2 hours of an artists work will get more attention than 2 years of programming.

You're probably right but I also got a bad feeling I'd be absolutely shit at it

I know exactly what you mean. I think you should think about why structure is important, and how it will benefit you in the future. It's not like someone is going to be auditing your code, it's all about your own benefit. And, if the horror stories I've read are true, I'm pretty sure that most production code is absolutely godawful in many respects.

Don't forget, iteration is important! Better to make the same project 5 times over in the time it would take you to do it once.

Questions without answers are useless!

being shit is the first step to being great

I believe in you (and your trips) user.
Research the basics and learn how to manipulate them, If you ever get stuck look up "saint11 pixel art tutorials", the dude has definitely earned his name.

>all the big engines have gone all in on "you don't have to know how to code"
>tutorials are so simple that they could only get easier if translated into Afro-English Pidgin
>meanwhile public domain and CC-BY art assets are still in low supply and of complete shit quality

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Friendly reminder that anthro characters in games are nohing wrong

y'all'd've shoulda coulda learned to draw

do furries buy games?

no but they'll pay for self insert porn

only if their designs aren't shit

then they wouldn't be anthro

you either aren't offering enough money or your game pitch isn't good enough

no, my game making career ended in 2017 because I'm a racist prick, it's 2019 after all

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how much are you willing to pay

Post an example of said tutorials that are easy to understand.

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you're an idiot

What was the game name? No one hear gives a shit about virtue signaling, we just want to play good games.

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Shaun Spalding tutorials are always recommendable. Gamemaker Studio will always remain a meme, but the vids he has on GML teach most of the basic programming logic concepts that you would need for any language. If you can't follow those, then you truly have no hope.

just use a pseudonym?Also what are you banned on steam?

Fuck I knew I recognized that segmented snake boss going in and out of the water from an /agdg/ game

Your 'career' shouldn't depend on some nobody's forum. Just like make your own site lmao

I like this adaptation also are you making a fangame or just doing it for learning

I'll be back when I turn into a good person and actually want to purge the alt-right like any reasonable person would, I still have some doubts about it because I lack faith in the greater good. But I try my best to hate the alt-right.
Here's a link to the .swf version.

>Book on software architecture costs LITERALLY 1k

Attached: batface.png (127x173, 59K)

Just stick with it

no I want to become a better person, and start hating the evil right, i just have a hard time swallowing the fact that the left are inherently better people

There are several guides that go through that buddy, and the different types of languages. and gamejolt would probably throw me out for making casually racist games too, the world is changing, it's probably time for me to change too

>no I want to become a better person, and start hating the evil right, i just have a hard time swallowing the fact that the left are inherently better people

Not based at all

you know what to do

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what does video games have to do with politics you mongoloid

okey i am back and i will try this
i think this was posted right as i closed the thread

>one side is more evil than the other

Both sides are shit, just stick to the middle and quit believing one person is inherently worse than the other. the left is also has highly corrupt and sociopathic people (see: Jussie Smollett and the Clintons)

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it is based as I live in the EU after all, we believe in decency over freedom

Yes, the king will throw you out of his court when you insult him.

sticking in the middle is for those that want to die if a conflict breaks out

>we believe in decency over freedom

Child brides aren't decency user

>pretending you're in a real war instead of people having larp fights on the internet

that is a highly racist statement, you should learn to respect other cultures than just your own

Made a new event room for the next version of the demo

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Alternately, double down and get massive publicity. Claim it as a social experiment and that it doesn't reflect your personal views for plausible deniability.

But there's an idea

Like it or not shit like Blueprint is the future

blueprint isn't efficient, it's only useful for amateurs

I know this might sound funny but several developers actually frequented Yea Forums back in the day, now, not so much, but there are still some talented content creators here.

or I join the hivemind of the left so I have an excuse to harass people over the shit they believe with impunity, that also seems quite fun

Fine, give up you collossal faggot. Instead of sticking up for your principles just cave like wet toilet paper and become another faceless, soulless numale faggot choking on the dick of your kike masters.

>he shouldn't had tried to leave
Something's not right about this

>We already have AI that can generate 3D objects from 2D images, animations from videos, music/chord progressions on the fly, and soon AI that can self program and debug itself

Damn, not even being a gamedev is safe from automation. At least it will make indie dev so low effort that even nodevs could pump a game out in less than a week.

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Also got to become the 3rd most popular paid game on!

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>rewriting enemy code 1000 times because you want to add a new thing they can do, but it breaks all the other stuff
It's good fun regardless

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racism isnt a princple, its a lack of principles

The opposite of this guy

You sound like a huge faggot.

Completely passed me by, fixed

I really don't have any principles, other than that I like annoying people by principle. Why should I make "racist games" when it seems that I might end up legally accountable if the laws get worse here in the EUSSR, when I can shit on people that the government opposes instead and suffer no consequences.

that's a lot of (you)'s, feel triggered you nazi?

Accelerationism is a valid strategy. Be sure to take welfare, too.

Clearly we must combine our powers

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im still working

I'm arresting myself for racism

It literally isn't up anywhere. It's a book that's meant to teach "common knowledge" that you pick on the field as you go and it somehow costs 1k and isn't available anywhere to pirate.

Yeah no, you can make a lot of noise with some provocative title, and use that as a marketing tool. Kingdom Come did that and look where it is now.

>It's a book that's meant to teach "common knowledge" that you pick on the field as you go
try picking it up yourself then

That sounds like something someone with zero backbone, would say.

To be honest there's nothing wrong with starting with plain jane procedural C to get your feet wet. Arguably C is ideal because it's a simple language without a clusterfuck of features like C++.

go to the library

what should I do when half of my friends are literal commies

My mind keeps telling me to start with GM or Unity, but my heart keeps saying RPGMaker

Why would I do that if I can save myself time and energy? I have lots of projects and I won't live forever.

after much self loathing i finally realized my game will never get finished if i dont start on it. Im shit at coding so came up with a nice little game idea that should be easy to make and then ill work my way up the ladder of adulthood

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Heres what i have so far, taking longer than i thought it would

Attached: anongun.jpg (581x395, 38K)

I work on unreal engine so I'm not allowed to make games anymore

Workin' on hitbox accuracy and figuring out why the weapon trails disappear at certain angles.

Attached: 2019-02-22 23-04-31.webm (600x338, 2.54M)

guys i have a plan, my game will be the best game, it will be goty and BTFO NINTENDO Games, trust me

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If you enjoy playing soulless trash, sure.

because real smarts are infinitely superior to book smarts
books aren't a shortcut to ability

Finished the vent on the top
I guessed the thing at the bottom was supposed to be a side grip

I know you are probably gone user as i saw your post 50 minutes after it was posted, but thanks for the picture
took longer than expected

Attached: anongun2.jpg (1254x491, 143K)

I'm working on the a sequel now
I'm pretty happy with how its comming together

Get better friends, you don't lay in a bed of snakes, you don't eat dinner with scorpions, they are taking more from you than you are from them, that's not how a good relationship works.

Just testing on how to make a 2D Sprite into an illusionary 3D weapon like doom/Duke
Made a quick doodle

Attached: gun_test.gif (128x128, 6K)

A smart person learns from his own mistakes, a wise person learns from other people's mistakes.I gain nothing from committing easily avoidable mistakes for those that have some knowledge on the field.

>you don't lay in a bed of snakes
Those were always my favorite fear factor challenges.

But life isn't a game.

Learning from your own mistakes is what makes you a good programmer and teaches you how to think

Any UE4fags know how to fix that stupid StaticStruct error? I made a header to contain the structs but it won't work for some reason.

finally got scanlines implemented bros

The camera panning around is a bit shite in my opinion.

Unironically a great non-sequitur. Thanks for the laugh.

Nigga I can do both, the whole reason why the human race is where it's at is because we build upon previous knowledge discovered by other people. If everyone were to always start things by themselves we would never do anything productive or new, the whole reason why we have computers and programming in the first place is because people read books. Now provide something interesting or stop bothering me.

Let's see for how long you'll be laughing. People like you have a constancy of self sabotaging.

my game is free

I'm not the euro commie cuck, I just like snakes.

looks awesome!

make the camera a bit slower.

I sense this is more about design than it is about architecture. Gonna read it anyway.

wierd how even gamedevs are using the misnomer 'hitbox' now when they aren't boxes

what's the difference? It's certainly not about game design

Like I said, self sabotaging.

I don't know which medium I want to focus on, I just know I wish to create.

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they're great to hang around and they want policies that will ruin lives, as long as it doesn't affect me I'm totally fine with all that, after all I'm going to sacrifice those friends first when the going gets tough

Grant me more wisdom. What are you talking about?

just keep going at it until it clicks

Attached: Monster_Red.png (560x560, 19K)

I haven't seen a good book on game architecture, the one I linked covers the game loop, and you aren't going to learn good game architecture from a traditional software architecture book which probably teaches you about heavy OOP patterns which will waste your time
At the moment the best way to learn about that is to dissect other game engines and again, learn from your own experience, you shouldn't be writing an engine if you're a beginner and don't know what you need

My only sort-of-ok talent is writing. No one cares about writers in video games, so I wouldn't even fit in a random indie dev team. Feels bad man, but at least I still fucking love vidya.

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Can you post some samples?

>"those animals with a retarded mentality are in direct contact with me on a daily basis, how could it affect me?"
Guess what, when shit get's though you need a thigh knit circle of friends to support you and each other, it's the main evolutionary point behind friendships, if your friends are useless for that, then they aren't your friends and you're wasting time and energy with them.

This is my last reply because I'm not gonna waste my time and energy with you anymore. You'll deal with the consequences of your choices.

Zoomer autist

hitbox is a zoomer word
usually they arent boxes, they're spheres, capsules or meshes

Hitbox has been around longer than you have you zoomer.

I'm 33, and they aren't boxes

it doesn't matter its the term used.

A hitbox is an invisible shape commonly used in video games for real-time collision detection. It is often a rectangle (in 2D games) or cuboid (in 3D) that is attached to and follows a point on a visible object (such as a model or a sprite), though circular or spheroidial shapes are also common.
Fucking zoomer

yes, an incorrect term

Jesus fucking Christ I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

Attached: hate.gif (320x240, 775K)

if your going to be a pedant, be a productive one and focus on your game

I'd hire a writer but most """writers""" around here consider writing quest threads and ERP as writing experience

the term 'hitbox' comes from fighting games, where they were actually boxes. in 3D games they usually aren't. It's a misnomer

There is no such thing as an incorrect term. You fucking idiot.

yeah there is
I could call my cat a dog

I have more than a few circles of friends, some of them more important than the rest, most scandinavians seem to have lost the will to survive in the last century or so, but I can't do much about that, other than hope that I get the opportunity to sell my commie comrades as slaves to the muslims at some point, I feel that they need to know the truth about multiculturalism

you sound like a complete faggot

that's why I'm here

that's why you shouldn't be here

just like learning japanese, making a game is impossible
just give it up

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>in 3D games they usually aren't. It's a misnomer
They are, because it is very simple to calculate if 2 boxes collide with each other (thanks based math). Polygon based collisions very taxing.

well you clearly are a delusional faggot, lol

It isn't actually, ellipsoids are easier and usually have more desirable collision properties, which is why they're usually spheres or capsules

I've got no idea where to start. I need to learn everything from scratch; how to draw, how to model, how to code, etc.

if I make a game free, but accept donations, can I use shit like very obscure japanese songs no one will ever recognize without being sued?

this, love2d is arguably the best 2d game engine out there.

looking forward to seeing more raylib in the future tho


I guess so, but I use royalty free japanese music just in case.

I've actually had an idea for a game for a while and worked out most of the plot and stuff, but aside from being an idea guy/writer, the only thing I'm moderately decent at is music. I made a few tracks for it too, but I tried learning to use python and gamemaker on several occasions and I have no patience for it. I also suck at drawing, so that's out the window.

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Probably but it's a bad habit to get into
if you become popular you can get into trouble

damn user? how do I get there? my dream would be basically a game like that, but with spells, and online.

>why the weapon trails disappear at certain angles.
it makes no sense for them to be selectively drawn unless you've programmed it in.
are you using some shitty engine like goddot?

how hard it is to make a jrpg?

Content grind content grind, beep bloop 4 hours a day since the wagecuck keeps me away glug glug clink clink back to gamedev kys nodevs

Attached: SwampWIP.webm (800x344, 1.7M)

It's going good, I also got contracted to make art for another game so I'll finally be able to get enough money to pay for music

easy, use RPG Maker

can I make valkyrie profile on rpg maker?

probably not

Hello fellow future MadeItDev. When are you targeting for release?

such a dumb concept just make a real action game instead of wasting all those animations.

>It literally isn't up anywhere
Even libgen? I don't believe you.

When its ready. Aka never, god help me I want to die.

Attached: RaftDoging.webm (800x348, 1.7M)

Was this the game they showed off at the Yea Forums awards thing? It actually looks pretty cool.

Do you hate unity by now? Are you going to switch engines after this game?

working on lowpoly model, gonna texture tomorrow after get the hair ready

Attached: model.jpg (636x772, 49K)

I've been trying out RPG Maker but trying to make scenes is kind of dog shit because of all the ressources you use. Plus I'm using all original assets and i don't feel like paying for another software

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Boku, you are just feeling the "I'm shit" Syndrome. I want to buy your game and i will the second you release it, but you need to get a grip man.


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>trying to make scenes is kind of dog shit because of all the ressources you use
MV devlet here, what do you mean by this?
Making cutscenes? What resources?

Agreed. It was good for a few laughs in 2017 but that kind of self-hating "haha I don't want to be alive anymore, hey does anybody else avocado toast and nihilism you guise" schtick doesn't wash anymore. It's not compelling, honestly I'd suggest getting a grip when representing yourself and your game, even on an oceanic card counting chatroom

I'm also making an RPG Maker game!

I'm trying to make a Chrono Trigger style game in Game Maker. Is RPG Maker capable of Chrono Trigger gameplay, or is it mostly for basic Dragon Quest style games?

Maybe you should take a break from development and do some PR work. I say that because I foresee a lackluster release due to no real exposure or marketing plan. If you make the right contacts it could ensure the game launches strong. But as is now visually, I think pic related (from one of the trailers) sums up how it's going to go, except that most people won't even give it that and will skim right over it.

Point blank, no matter how much you polish this game the current visual style is your biggest hinderance on launch. If this were released by nintendo and associated with a known IP it would soar but without that you have no strong selling point. The good news is that with the right tweaks in color/theme/other stylings you can end up with something completely unique and that has a strong draw to potential players. I'd recommend watching Alexander Bruce's gdc talk on Antichamber and the lengths he went to to distinguish both himself (when shilling at conventions) and his game from the rest.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at 12.04.39 AM.png (810x196, 38K)

It's capable of anything you can code in javascript, but there are definitely pre-made scripts that add the movement and combat if you're looking to have somebody else make most of the game for you

That Jbomb guy was a player I met in CS:GO and was mad I destroyed him btw

I've been changing spawning and navigation rules for NPCs, so that they no longer spawn inside stations and will avoid flying into them.

Attached: UnderspaceNPCsFlyingAbout.png (1609x905, 1.98M)

Should i bother trying to learn how to code or go for the quick and easy option?

Wanted to make one more asset so i have something tangible to show on screenshotsaturday

Attached: spellfist_captive.jpg (1542x844, 728K)

Also slowly giving bigger ships (not capital sized but things like fishing trawlers and asteroid miners) proper models finally.

Attached: UnderspaceBiggerSheppens.png (1767x981, 917K)

>pre-made scripts
I may need to explore this if it makes development faster, or at least to test things out. What would I need to do if I were to look for pre-made scripts?

Otherwise, yeah I don't know anything about coding. I am trying to learn though, and I'm doing what I can with GML.

Middle ground. Go for an engine that'll let you get started without much code but will really let you fly once you bother to get off your arse and learn.
I learned to code because I found a plugin that was 95% suited for my game but wasn't perfect, so I learned some basics to be able to tweak it, then I tweaked some others, then I rewrote whole blocks of another, then wrote my own.

Just learn enough to tweak, then learn a bit more to tweak a bit more, then do a codecademy or something to get enough to write your own stuff, however small, it builds into something more and within a few months you'll be coding and actively looking to get better.

This guy makes something that'd allow for what you're looking for, mechanically. He's using all default art assets here, but imagine how it'd look with actual art.

I really like MV, it's a nice, humble little engine and is capable of some really neat stuff if you want to get to grips with javascript, like I said here


me too friend, good luck


I have 0 artistic skill to make models, Dont know shit about programing and I dont have any good idea

Everything is great OP



it's just a childish poly to get attention


Please post someplace else, this is irredeemably terrible banter.

Seethe nodev


>tfw no free world Homeworld game

I must learn to dev

I CAN'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING. I used to make music for games for a living but now that I have quit my fulltime job doing just that, and I have some passion projects lined up I'm just not into them at all, like I'm burnt out and not passionate for anything.

Any samples of your music?
I've been around for a while

Listening to your stuff, not bad so far. What passion projects are you trying to do?

Been working (or more accurately, not working) on my first prototype level since 2012. It's still not finished yet. Maybe I should give up at this point. Doesn't help that importing it to GMS2 breaks things so I'm thinking of rewriting the game from scratch on the new engine so now I feel even less motivated to work on it.

Attached: little to no progress.webm (1280x720, 722K)

kinda ambitious and impossible projects for me, like some stories or VNs with some nice gameplay, and a beatemup. just trying to learn, but it's been months since I've done anything, I have no motivation.

just trying to learn, but it's been months since I've done anything
Sorry, but that's not trying to learn, that's living in denial of the fact you're clearly not that into game development.
We all do it, for years I liked to hold an image in my head that I was an avid reader, that what I wanted most was to curl up on a rainy sunday with a book, but after a year of rainy weekends and not a single book read I had to let go.

The stuff you've been doing instead these last months must be what you like doing, it's time to come to terms with that and be okay with it.

>The stuff you've been doing instead these last months must be what you like doing
which is just playing video games
for a while, it's great, but I can't just do that and expect to survive.

Great, now that he made it we can start hating him.
Wait, this isn't /agdg/.

Attached: 1550606091243.png (1280x1280, 786K)

More like thinking about making one. And by thinking I mean I complain about games.

Right, but nobody gets into game development to survive, man, just like you don't play video games with the expectation to live off streaming.
Game development is not a viable job path for individuals unless the hobby project you worked on after work every day suddenly explodes to the point where you can afford to leave your job.
I mean, by all means try to prove me wrong, and I would 100% hope that it works out for you and love to see you post progress, but it's a dream that's not going to come true for most people, no matter how hard they work on it everyday and you're not even at THAT point, yet.

If you don't want to work on it despite having all the time in the world, let that tell you something. Life shouldn't be this hard, man. You're holding onto something like you want it, but I'm just suggesting maybe, in your heart of hearts, you don't. And that's perfectly fucking okay, by the way.

I give up

Attached: 1527060610768.jpg (1277x839, 153K)

>saw this dude making his shit years ago in /agdg/
We're all gonna make it bros

Attached: motivatedred.jpg (114x125, 3K)

you might be right, but I don't really have anything else I want to do more than this, and it already seems like I don't really want to do it at all anyway.

I'm really liking your tracks, and some of them could work well for a game I have in the works. Want to become the next C418?

What's the word used in 3D animation to describe a change in the number of faces and verteces during the animation ? I want to look up tutorials on this but without the exact word I won't find any.

Attached: 1414786845916.jpg (452x277, 31K)

>a change in the number of faces and verteces during the animation ?
"Not a thing that happens".

>I want super art style
>I can pay (little) but the artists never understand me or can't reach my high standards of quality (wich I can't pay)
Dude, cash out the money. A good artist is 3-5k a month.

you sound like you're projecting hard

that's generally not something you do in video game animation

If I want to animate a mouth for example. Can't i just fuse the two lips polygons for a smoother result in the closed state ?

Attached: 1501669201723.gif (512x807, 469K)

I dont think anyone has ever done that

These posts are funny. I will have to remember this.

If you change the amount or the order of vertices you're basically breaking the reference point for skinning, so at best you 'll get errors (like seemingly unrelated vertices moving), at worst it'll just won't work.

And i don't see how a fused mouth will provide a "smoother" result.

>Can't i just fuse the two lips polygons for a smoother result
that's not any smoother that just clipping the top lip into the bottom lip
mesh deformation is reserved for things like real-time destruction, not character animations

Hit a sore spot, did I?

no, you're just make a large amount of assumptions about someone you know nothing about and exaggerating how hard it is to make a living off games

>And i don't see how a fused mouth will provide a "smoother" result.
Imagine something like pac man. How can I have the perfect looking sphere again with a closed mouth ? 100% sure it will look like shit if I just make the two lips overlap

Job development is like any other job, not some weird dream come true

>100% sure it will look like shit if I just make the two lips overlap
that's what the rest of the world does, not sure why your case is any different
for pacman you just set the vertices from the top lip and bottom lip to the same position, which is no different to the renderer than sharing vertices

>Job development is like any other job
Well yeah

Game = Job, fuck off brain

I'm working on my first game at the moment.

The game I really wanted to make was a turn-based game in Gamemaker, but even with small tutorials I just don't have enough information how to create decent A.I, which I have no idea how some many games manage to overcome this situation

what kind of game is it?

I assume they move? otherwise just make weighted skills and skills that weigh more are more likely to be used

And as always, more progress. Redid the space anchors that capital ships have to be more what I envisioned for their movement.

Attached: UnderspaceAnchorMovementNA.webm (1920x1080, 950K)

My next game is still in its early phase.
The stuff I sell on the asset store finally broke the 50$ threshold tho.

Attached: Rich as a Rotchild.jpg (975x99, 29K)

>always tried to learn programming with the ultimate goal of making my own vidya
>lose motivation after a week or two despite finding it interesting
How the fuck do I escape this hell and what exactly is this magical thing called motivation

Attached: 1509312308920.png (600x600, 29K)

how do I uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

make a game? I can't program or draw or music or write

Attached: 1543089240322.png (512x512, 230K)

if you lose motivation it can't be that interesting to you

I don't want to reveal any information until the game is at a playable state, since the concept of the project I don't want to reveal until proven. All I can say it that it's a new kind of Dungeon Crawler that I'm shocked no one has created yet.

It's really the que of choices. getting basic pathfinding and attacking is fine, but when you have to add tactical deptth to the a.i from a whole series of actions and using the map to your advantage, I'm always going to to have stupid A.I unless I can figure how to tell it to play correctly.

Thanks for the answers. Most of the things I'm aiming to animate are liquid looking blobs with eyes and mouths.

Attached: zww-misc09.jpg (320x450, 38K)

>space anchors
On one side I'm dying for a new Freelancer-ish game and willing to tolerate a lot of bullshit for it, on the other side this is such a fucking heresy physic-wise ...

the easiest form of tactical AI which you can see in some JRPGs that allow you to program your party members, is you have a series of ordered conditions, and it goes through them each frame to find an action, like if health < 10% heal self, if party member health < 10% heal part member, etc

>clipping will look bad
>posts an example where the top lip clearly clips into the bottom one.
Good job, buddeh.

I mentioned movement because it's the only thing that really brings choices for AI in turn-based, otherwise making it exclusively target your weaker characters would feel retardedly frustrating

I'm never gonna make a game

Attached: 1485620779544.png (298x274, 59K)

Freelancer didn't obey physics in any capacity either.

he actually made it

Attached: 1456827511063.jpg (191x234, 6K)

are you that user who posted poorly modeled slime weeks ago

They're not anchors in the sense that they keep ships anchored physically, they're metaphysical anchors that keep larger ships from being consumed by eldritch space storms and brought back as ghost ships.

That's even dumber.

This is the in-game result I want to avoid. I think it would look better looking like a clean drop. I was just posting the kind of ennemy everything in my game will look like.

Didn't start any modeling, that's why I'm asking.

Attached: Yellow_ChuChu_(The_Wind_Waker).png (269x252, 26K)

Not really, what else is going to keep a large ship from being consumed by a space storm? Definitely not the crew's willpower.

Attached: UnderspaceNewLighthouse.png (1603x902, 701K)

So ... W40K type of hyperspace stuff ?
Doesn't that mean you can fight giant organic-ish space monsters on top on regular spaceship in this game ?

Oh yes, very much so.

Attached: UnderspaceUndersnakeNA.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

>I don't want anyone stealing my idea
I remember this phase, so adorable

that's a big snek

Doing over your UI would make your game look alot more professional
Use some decent spacey fonts instead of plain ones

In what way blueprints are less optimized ? What shit do they add compared to UE4 C++ ?

i knew it, reading his comments on Steam forum makes me think reading posts in here

UI is being redone, it's just that the assets aren't finished so they aren't in game yet.

I'm trying to work out an actual tileset. My first time doing this.

Attached: Tileset2.png (256x64, 1K)


got a link to the tutorial ?

I don't know if I should start making a game or go practice/study programming so I can finally change my job
or just play vidya all day and complain about my life

Attached: 1543931441672.png (489x424, 129K)


as if fat fuck makes games, he's playing factorio and shitposting 24/7

Got some decorations done, i'll probably invest in some localized post-processing volumes, to get different parts of the dungeon lit differently. The biggest struggle is wanting to make everything lit with "real" sources and not have some bullshit ambient light a-la DS3, but also make the player actually see fucking something.

Attached: spellfist_halls3.png (1538x962, 1.81M)

Should I bother learning to program from the ground up like a CS student or should I just dive in and shit out a game?

It's amazing that neither Unity, Unreal or Godot have ambient light volumes.

Don't listen to anyone telling you to learn the "fudamentals" first. Yes, if you have a passion for learning the ins and outs of anything it will be immensely beneficial, but you'll more than likely just get burned out on the details.
Most people who make the games and professional software you use every day don't know overly much about the languages and technologies they use day in, day out. They know enough to get the work done.
And the sooner you get the endorphins from seeing a 3D sphere roll on an inclined plain that you control with keyboard input, the more likely you'll be to stick at it and release your marble madness clone to Yea Forums's ire and disgust.

>ambient light volumes
That's like 10 lines of code (in unity)

Dude same. had a path to be a graphic designer, then decided to add a minor in CS, and need to learn maffs again.
Is there a way to just learn this stuff on youtube and free websites or should i go to school to learn C++?

what the fuck do i put in the object hole
putting an object ref wont work and apparantly thats the only thing thatll fit
who the FUCK came up with blueprints

Attached: aaaaah.png (1266x545, 117K)

It's actually a complete rewrite of the entire lighting engine. It's currently impossible to have local ambient volumes in Unity.

You don't need to cast if an object is already the class you're casting to.

thought the same thing
doesnt work
no clue why but it just wont work
pic related WONT WORK

Attached: aaaaAAAAA.png (815x273, 31K)

You're doing two different things

When you set an object variable it's already a Dialogue Object reference, so you can do straight object->set dialogue ref->get text
When you're trying to get text directly out of it then it won't work.

So in here you can directly connect object to Dialogue ref and then get the text, but in you need to cast, because your "object" variable is just an "object reference" variable, not "dialogue object reference"

ambeint lighting is a variable you can change via code at runtime.
use trigger boxes
on enter trigger - fade to desired color/strength.

I'm talking about local ambient, as in making one room darker than another without changing the global ambient lighting or making use of static baked lighting. Cryengine has these in the form of clip volumes.

You can use individual post processing volumes in UE4 and tweak ambient lighting for each one independently, you can also make them overlap and it'll blend between them as you go along.

>without changing the global ambient lighting or making use of static baked lighting
I think i see what you mean, but that seems to be a very niche thing that even many very acclaimed AAA games seemed to work without..

That changes the whole ambient light and not just inside the cube but it's such a subtle difference that it doesn't really matter.

>That changes the whole ambient light and not just inside the cube
What? That's only if your post-process volume is unbound, if it isn't, it's effect will only work inside the volume bounds.

that dont seem to be cuttin it
diag ref prom and 'object' are both object references to the 'dialogue' blueprint class (which holds the text), and when i simply try to get the text from the dialogue blueprint class this way I get jack squat
are widgets just fucked or do i have a truly small brain

Attached: worm time.png (1538x421, 88K)

It changes the global ambient light while you're inside it, I'm not talking about the range of the cube itself.

i think what he means is that you can look into that room from the outide and it has this local ambient lighting.
Otherwise I'm not sure what he means.

Like so

Attached: ambiance.webm (1414x718, 2.34M)

Oh, in that case, yeah, there's no good solution except placing fake ambient lights (i've seen those made for UE4 for real cheap, performance wise).

Yeah, this is what we were talking about.
You can easily do that in unity and probably unreal, too.

You're guessing right. Like how if you're standing outside during the day and look into a cave or a tunnel and it gets darker where the light is occluded. While this can be achieved with baked lighting or UE4's DFAO to a point, in a fully dynamic situation there's no real solution to adjusting the ambient light of a specific area.

If I want to make a VN what should I use? Unity or gamemaker for 2D?



I fell for the godot meme

What the fuck is up with people following me and then unfollowing after a couple of days

It's going OK. Scrollbars work now, the musician sent me a really good new track.

Attached: fff.gif (576x304, 829K)

I think it's a mix of them expecting a follow-for-a-follow, or thinking you'll post more of a very small pool of content they like, or that you're posting too often/too little.

What happened to Anubis?

yiff in hell furfag

What's a good 3d modeling software? I'm making an cutesy Harvest Moon/Rune Factory style game (Harvest moon gameplay, Rune factory Personalities). I was thinking to make it kinda in the same style as the Links Awakaning remake for switch, but I'm still digging around for inspiration

Attached: downloadfile-2.jpg (1200x681, 816K)

I wish to laugh at how ugly his girls are.

>How do I do thing?
>Convoluted answer about implemented your own solution there is already a standard library method for

They aren't though? All characters look consistent with his art style

That's what I said.

liking to a library isn't an answer though

>What's a good 3d modeling software?

It's generally said:
3ds Max for

>Maya for
>Animations / Movies

>Blender for

Been using 3ds max for my stuff, but I think of switching to blender with their new 2.8 version.



ZBrush for:
>High detail sculpts

Sorry what is a C418? Also you actually wanna work with me?

oh and there's also

Houdini for:
>And magic
But it's darn complicated.

Dont wanna nitpick but whats the point of having a horizontal scroll bar? Just limit the text horizontally so you dont have to have a horizontal bar. Seems like a pain to have to scroll both horizontal and vertical to read that

You're right, most likely I won't need it but just in case I do need it. Wasn't much effort to support it anyway.

I'm working on boss designs

Attached: Larva.webm (1188x706, 2.5M)

wtf are these shaders

if you'd did any actual game development you'd understand that this AI meme is just a meme
it will make some small parts of asset production a little bit easier at best

That blurriness just doesn't work.

changed the particles and finished the inventory

Attached: dhc-2019-02-23.webm (960x540, 722K)

how do I start with godot

Attached: 1507863488858.jpg (444x719, 57K)

First answer why you want to use godot over the alternatives

I'm a freetard
and I don't like Unity from my past experience working with it
and I feel like ue4 is overkill for what I want to do

read the docs

Looks like something notch made

Just start.

you cannot fool me.

Attached: djago.jpg (236x214, 20K)

Please stop reminding me that I'm a 23 year old high school dropout that's turning 24 in two months and that I have absolutely nothing to show in the last 7 years I've been a NEET.

It's all over.

I don't have any assets, I'm working on a texture loader now because I kinda know what I need to do to achieve a mode 7 effect.

You start by waiting for Godot 3.1

You don't know what advanced mathematics are if you think they are used in any sort of game application.

Imagine being 28 in 3 months and still only making an rpg maker game that you hope will net you an actual income.

I have been planning at least to make a game inspired by the first Mirror's Edge and grab the feel of that Urban environment it gave off. As for now, I am writing down the story because I don't want it to be a complicated mess. Also it is in my plans to make the playable character be a qt girl

Attached: Faith_prima_guide.jpg (672x936, 337K)

I'm currently paying about 400 USD for character design + single digital artpiece of character on a white background. I have no problem with this price or even higher if it is quality work, but not for mediocre work.

Is too much or not enough?

way too much, you got swindled

>nice music
>in famitracker
not easy
try it yourself, I have no issue with standard DAWs but famitracker is a special kind of hell

I'm likely going to pick up art and modelling on my own, because I dread working with an artist. I've remade my systems and refactored my code at the drop of a hat if it would make it better for the end result, I can't imagine working with an artist who does take a "it's good but it could be better, do it again" once let alone several times before going full butthurt like a woman and disappearing.

Artists don't give me the impression of being people that can take pressure and being told that they can do better, unlike programmers.

Attached: 1426858342702.jpg (456x320, 31K)

Why there is no Source engine?

Attached: 1550935414941.png (334x372, 202K)


Attached: 1520997396507.jpg (627x640, 86K)

I burnt myself out with that stupid UE4jam game I made. Slowly getting back into work by trying to figure out a design for the MC and doing some misc props.
Webm's a month old but stuff hasn't moved much.

Blender should be more than enough for something in that style. The geometry is simple, almost every prop is a variation on a primitive.
For texturing, look into Substance Painter/Designer.

Attached: 2019-01-28 10-57-25.webm (888x500, 2.88M)

You're definitely making up problems for yourself being and artist doesn't make you a certain type of person maybe just look for a good fit for your project, if you care this much about it than you'll find someone who can do it right and help you create your vision.
Or just do it yourself and fuck it up bc you're not properly trained. I doubt your game will be good anyway.

Unity and Unreal are the chad engines

t.assmad artist that got called out
>not properly trained
Anyone can learn art if they want to, artists have an inflated sense of self-importance for some reason, acting like nobody else can pick up a pencil and start learning if they want to.

>I can't imagine working with an artist who does take a "it's good but it could be better, do it again" once let alone several times before going full butthurt like a woman and disappearing.
any good artist can take criticism
but you need to pay people if you want someone who wont flake

>not properly trained
artists don't need 'training'

Yeah I thought so, but it's even worse than that. This time I've already put 8+ hours of work into this sketch alone with my poor and slow editing skills, which will all be useless because I have pretty much decided the design is not save-able. But my standards for this character are really high, easily willing to put 1-2k into this design since it would be the poster character.

that's silly. graphic design is a skill.

You have all the tools to do so, so JUST DO IT!!

What's the point of making a game if nobody's gonna like it?
Should i make it solely that i would like it?

tools yes but no skills

Attached: 1525160308132.jpg (329x398, 102K)

Not him but if anyone can learn art then why are there even people commissioning people to do art for them in the first place instead of doing it themselves?

>artists don't need 'training'
What the user said, art is a skill and like all skills, you need to practice and hone them. You're not going to become masters at art in a few hours, same rule applies to every other skill like programming, music, etc.

Just learn a skill, m8. Your main goal should be to learn programming and then one or more secondary skills like music, writing, or art.

okay, I'm pretty good with FL Studio (that's a thing for making music) ask me anything!

Skills can be acquired. But if you dont work for it you will never develop any skill, also failure is a great teacher, dont be afraid by it. Fail, fail harder and faster.

Attached: 1534292072834.png (1451x779, 484K)

Someone should have told Hitler that.

already know programming because it's my job but god anything requiring to be creative seems so impossible

Too stupid to one-man-army it and too asocial to join a group

I'm kinda hopeless right now. I'm making my game, but I can't compose music, so I'm losing my interest in my project.
I tried famitracker, but all my chiptunes sound like utter garbage. And, to be honest, with the project I have in mind, I don't even think that a chiptune would match.
It is way too hard, mates. I'm losing my energy.

Attached: alright.png (630x627, 395K)

why do people think music is relevant to gamedev

I don't like chiptunes at all so I don't make them.

I can't make a game without music.

finish the game and then get someone else to do it
music is something you can put in right at the end


That sounds more like a creativity problem than a skill problem. I genuinely don't know any good solutions for that except for maybe just practice new things until you start being creative. I seriously can't help you with this one.

How can I acquire a unlit shading style but with shadows working on my character? My character doesn't look smooth unless I use unlit..

Artists vary as much as any other group of people, don't be dense. And iteration is a critical part of the creative process anyway, most artists provide a draft for feedback and then will iterate on it.

I donwloaded it last week, what are some good sites for free instruments/sounds ?

look up:
>Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra for Directwave
very good workable orchestra that someone repurposed to be used in FL Studio natively
>DSK Free
download everything from here

>manifesto website
what public place are you planning on shooting up my dude

So I notice people go this route a lot when providing "constructive criticism". When somethings unfinished, it's safe to assume the glaring "issues" are things that are WIP.

yeah that occured to me but I've seen alot of indie games with UIs that look like that on release

Where is the object "object" being defined?

Should i even bother with RPG Maker? I've tried some camera plugins and they're not giving me the satisfaction i need by being absolute dogshit

Attached: 1541389396302.jpg (245x204, 51K)

This and set the central point to that dead char with the camera panning halfway between the talking char and the dead guy.

Good graphics.

nice bait its just a fucking glorious trainwrecks post lmao

Thanks, will check this out

>tfw making a living on gamedev but feel like I just hacked my way in

should I go to school for programming, or just continue to hope game engines remain easy as shit?

get royalty free shit nigger
there are tons of good shit you can find that was never used anywhere else

Adding to this guy, I'm fascinated by the collapse of governments and I read journals of people that can be verified to have survived those collapses. I'll never forget one line that talked about a dude that had materials and weapons but was all alone and the scavengers only had to wait for the hoarder to get injured or sick. It was something like "He had plenty of arms, not enough hands"

in the widget itsself

I need to rip a few more sound bites from Tsuchinoko, and edit her last line to "So they DID go extinct after all" when she clears a stage.

I don't want to use the original dr. Mario music, but that Youtube remix with her screaming doesn't exactly work as game music either. IDK. I might look for some help on that part.

The engine works fine though and all the menus and stuff are more or less finished. I just need to design the last 20 puzzles.

Attached: db4.gif (444x408, 218K)

nice waifus

don't use the source engine nigga
it's a fucking mess and not even valve know how to use it

that CS:GO battle map is pretty well crafted for a fucking BSP based engine.

Wholesome thread


Attached: nrhj2rz4qu911.jpg (804x802, 85K)

Play videogames, listen to music, watch movies. Inspire yourself by things you actually enjoy, and think of ways on how you would do it or how you would improve it

Currently in analysis paralysis over my global event system.

Attached: 1530222433158.png (576x597, 60K)

Dude i've published a book, and several short stories - wanna hire me please?

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It's going pretty well.
Making a porn RPG maker game, but with a decent focus on the non-porn aspects as well.
Commissioning artist for the sprites and CGs, got the concept art for 3 party members being worked on now.

Attached: sipsip.png (660x669, 382K)

Tempted to just make a Hollow Knight on Unity and hire some student artist to do all the art for cheap.

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Hollow Knight was made in unity
also art is one of the most expensive parts of game making unless you do it yourself

>tfw gf is a good 3d artist
hmm might duo

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What is the easiest language to pick up that has good, consistent guides? Every time I try to follow a Unity tutorial, they're always using different versions and things are in different places.

Enjoy ruining your relationship when she doesn't stick to deadlines or outright doesn't want to do the project anymore.


lmao yikes, try not to be too salty...

The most important part of a game is always the programming, sure. You can't have a game if you don't have code. But art/music, etc. can really bring a game to life and have a lasting impact on players. I think beginner programmers put too much importance into art and music, but when programmers start to git gud, for some reason they then think art/music are completely pointless.

Fuck off with this shitty advice. I hate games with bland royalty-free sounds. If you want your game to stand apart, you need to learn how to make music tailored specifically to your game, (or get someone to do it.) Give me memorable themes or otherwise unique sounds that I can associate with your game.

Royalty-Free should only be a last resort if you really can't/don't want to make your own music.

Someone's projecting...

t. no royalty free finding skills

Why would I be salty about you being an idiot? Is English not your first language?

Nice samefag.
It's a well known dumb ass movie to get into a project like this with a girlfriend or boyfriend.
You're clearly underage though and will have to learn that the hard way.

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I know you won't believe me, but sure x
Stay salty.

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Do you set the object when you construct a blueprint? If you set dialogue reference in the widget you don't even have to make your GetText function, it'll pop-up in a drop-down list when you click Bind on your Text.

Well yeah, that's the point. Make your own music and you don't need to find royalty free music at all.

Can i make a game in Unreal if i do not have artists to make models for me? I mean i want to make it myself, and i am working on Unreal, is it even possible?

>Seething 12 year old throwing out every buzzword he can think of

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So what's the easiest game dev suite? I'm autistic of brain problems.

Don't know if you've considered it or not, but I hear the new version of Blender is a lot more newcomer-friendly. I recommend giving it a shot if you want to learn 3D.