Kill one

>Kill one
>Fuck one
>Marry one
>Befriend one

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Kill Haru, pump and dump Ann, marry Makoto, befriend Futaba as my mistress.


Kill Ann, fuck Haru, marry Makoto, befriend Futaba.

>Kill Haru
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Futaba
>Befriend Anne

Kill Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Ann
Befriend Futaba


Fuck Ann
Marry Makoto
Befriend Haru
Kill Futaba

>Kill Futaba
>Fuck Ann
>Marry Makoto
>Befriend Haru
On a side note, fuck atlus for making Haru's reaction to getting friendzoned so brutally soulcrushing. Every other girl just says "oh that's okay we're still friends!" and Haru wants to die. I felt so upset over this, especially with how late she joins the game and you probably found someone you liked and don't want to cheat on by this point.

kill Ann
Fuck Haru
Marry Futaba
Befriend Makoto

>kill Ann
>fuck Makoto
>Marry Futaba
>Befriend Haru for sweet rich-girl cash

Attached: e32cda94df73309303837e49cbb60779.jpg (995x1552, 282K)


Kill Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Ann
Befriend Futaba

Fuck Ryuji
Marry Yusuke
Befriend Morgana
Kill all of the thots

Kill Anne
Marry Futaba
Fuck Makoto
Befriend Haru

Attached: Cake.png (636x1122, 498K)

Befriend all!

Marry Ann
Fuck Makoto
Befriend Futaba
Kill Haru due to lack of other choice

Then again, I would really like to marry Haru for those sweet heiress buxx, but I can't pass up Ann

Ann, Haru, Makoto, Futaba
I like them all though.

Kill makoto
Fuck ann
Marry haru
Befriend futaba

Kill Makoto
Fuck Anne
Marry Futaba
Befriend Haru

Kill Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Futaba
Befriend Ann

Attached: 1521775390277.jpg (751x650, 73K)

Marry Makoto

>kill Makoto
>fuck Futaba
>Marry Ann
>befriend Haru

Attached: 75e50dedeeda72c8d3e22cf3f0f1c813.jpg (800x1125, 596K)

Kill Ann for being a dumb bimbo
Fuck Haru
Marry Makoto
Befriend Futaba

kill futaba
marry makoto
fuck ann
befriend haru

Attached: makoto best girl.png (1069x1500, 1.88M)

Haru obviously should have been the canon love interest. She's the sheltered princess held captive by her terrible father and forced into an unwanted marriage with a nasty prince for political points. She's waiting for the dashing rogue to sweep her off her feet and live an exciting life with.

But muh student council president... It's upsetting honestly. The other love interests don't come even close to how well Joker and Haru work together.

Kill Makoto
Fuck Ann
Marry Futaba
Befriend Haru

>Marry (and propably later murder) Haru for that sweet sweet burger empire dosh
>Fuck Makoto's plump ass
>Befriend Ann for the model friends
>Kill Futaba

>how well Joker and Haru work together.
Excuse me?


based sociopath

Only one option for me, Chief

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Literally this

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All these normies who like Makoto jesus Christ. There is nothing interesting about that character. She's outclassed by her own sister ffs.

>Kill Makoto
>Fuck Anne
>Marry Haru
>Befriend Futaba

That's just poor design from them honestly. Persona games have often been pretty bad at character development especially with the p5 style where the characters are introduced one-by-one as the game progresses and basically don't exist until their chapter shows up. It would be so much better if they just had all of the characters in or around Joker from close to the start and develop them gradually and simultaneously (even if its just slightly).

Like by the time I even knew Haru existed I had already Makoto to well past the romance part of her SL and I don't know if it'd be possible to get Futaba to that point by the time you hit Haru's story but either way. I absolutely would have gone for Haru if she showed up earlier and gave me a chance.

Attached: 1499898038_Makoto_All_Out.png (512x512, 93K)

These 4 are my favorite but I'll try.
Makoto (I still like her)

Attached: 1527109455580.png (1228x868, 609K)

There shouldn't be a canon love interest because it's a videogame and having the option to go with who you want is more enjoyable.

>Kill Futaba
>Fuck Makoto
>Befriend Ann
>Marry Haru


Attached: 1527567557349.jpg (760x793, 67K)

>Ann hottest
>Futaba cutest
>Haru thickest
>Makoto... uh smartest?

>kill Makoto
>Fuck Futaba
>marry Haru
>befriend Ann

Attached: 1543201052461.jpg (443x332, 17K)

Makoto isn’t hot like Ann, smart like Futaba, or rich like Haru.

Almost right, but switch Ann and Makoto.

>kill futaba
>fuck ann
>marry makoto
>befriend Haru
easiest it's ever been

Marry Anne and befriend the rest.
I love her.

Attached: 1522203870621.png (1170x1356, 456K)

>fuck ann
>fuck makoto
>fuck futaba
>fuck haru

Kill Makoto
Fuck Tae
Marry Futaba
Befriend Kawakami

Don't get how you guys get turned on with this knowing these girls are still in high school.

Makoto. Worthless character doesn't provide jack shit.
Ann. I mean come on she's hot as fuck.
Haru. Perfect wife material and rich to boot. You would have to be a retard to not go with this.
Futaba. Another obvious choice. I mean come the fuck on she can hack basically anything. You could get her to do shit like leak vidya info and dox people who piss you off.

I want to fuck Ann more than Makoto but also Ann is such a fucking bro while I dont want to talk or interact with Makoto never ever so I just pump and dump Makoto and hang out with Ann.

Kill Makoto
Fuck Anne
Marry Haru
Befriend Futaba

>Kill Makoto
>Fuck Futaba
>Marry Ann
>Befriend Haru

Anne may as well not even be in highschool.

Because with the exception of Futaba they all look and act like adults

Kill Futaba, Fuck Makoto, Marry Haru, Befriend Ane

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Makoto and Haru are 18. Also its okay to say high schoolers girl are attractive, they arent gonna change much from 16 to 30, saying the are unattractive it just lying to yourself.

Now I do agree that fucking a high schooler is wrong

>Kill Makoto
Shit character
>Fuck Kawakami
Literally asking for it
>marry Haru
Shes rich and cute
>befriend Futabu
Is a bro who can hack

>Kill Haru
Don't care about the 5head
>Fuck Ann
Wanna tug those ponytails.
>Marry Makoto
Perfect wife.
>Befriend Futaba
Autistic vidya playing buddy

I'd marry all of them.

Attached: 1549545125585.jpg (1024x759, 207K)

Disregard high schoolers
Acquire Kawakami

Ding ding ding

>Pick best girl

Attached: 9d833834a96444738fe243c8834eecc9.jpg (1080x1080, 510K)

>>Kill one
Makoto, worst girl in SMT as whole
>>Fuck one
Futuba, she needs a good mating press
>>Marry one
Ann, shes going to have high status, loyalty to you (lovers arcana canonity?)
>>Befriend one
Haru, friend money, potential side girl, sexy curls

Objectively best possible choice, disregard all others.

Attached: 134_135.jpg (1280x906, 387K)

Fuck Ann because she's hot. Marry Haru because she's rich. Befriend Futaba so we can play vidya and watch anime. Kill Makoto because she's objectively the worst girl.

Haru went down a full notch for me because of that’s shit, fuck that guilt slinging crap.

Makotofags are the worst. There is nothing interesting about your waifu face it. Your retard brains just assumed she was the best because she rides the motorcycle and went grrrr when she got angry. But if you take a closer look you can see that your favorite character is boring as shit and has 0 redeeming qualities.

Shit the fuck up, Harufag. The point of a wild card is that they can easily go with any LI and work well together.

This. Makoto is more robotic then Aigis.

Kill neet, marry geek, fuck thot, friend fluffy

Kill Makoto, throw her body in the river. It benefits Sae as well not having a parasite on her.
Befriend Futaba because she needs something she can handle.
Fuck Haru because her standards are so fucked that marrying her would just cause more problems, she needs a deep ducking and a hard reset that comes with it.
Marry Ann because she’s well off, grounded, and the most ready to be a mom.

Fuck Makoto's Belly Button

Attached: Makoto_Big boned.png (1024x643, 623K)

Marry Haru, fuck Makoto, kill Ann, and befriend Futaba. Shiho is the better character from the Kamoshida arc.

Attached: __suzui_shiho_persona_and_persona_5_drawn_by_hizuki_akira__577233e15c620ecffdbe247b9970487a.jpg (527x765, 164K)


Given how Ann's parent duped her I dont think she would like childrens.

I don't think that's true at all. I think she would want to have children and her experience with her often absent parents would motivate her to always be there for her kids.

Kill Futaba
Fuck Ann
Mary Makoto
Befriend Haru

Befriend haru, fuck haru, marry haru

Attached: IMG_1936.jpg (574x1024, 106K)

Ann’s parents werent abusive, they just weren’t there because they worked abroad, Ann lived with a live in housekeeper.

Fuck all of them, don't kill or befriend any of them, just leave without saying anything, then marry Mitsuru and befriend/fuck her for the rest of my life.


I never said they were abusive.

forgot pic

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>Kill Ann
>Fuck Haru
>Marry Makoto
>Befriend Futaba


>used goods

Kill Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Futaba
Befriend Ann

I never said anything about abuse.

>being a faggot and wanting just a cocksleeve with no emotional investment

Attached: Now it's time to crash this plane.jpg (2500x1600, 565K)

marry Futaba
Ignore everyone else

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I'll take it

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I wouldn't befriend, marry or fuck anyone that would have me as their friend, husband or partner. I kill myself.

Attached: 4.jpg (376x473, 258K)


Such pretty and cute feet

>Kill Ann
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Haru
>Befriend Futaba

My nigga



gimme a 2, 6 or 8


Come on, 3 or 8

I'll take any of the cake or a Haru.

Attached: __kawakami_sadayo_kitagawa_yuusuke_kurusu_akira_mishima_yuuki_and_sakamoto_ryuuji_persona_and_person (800x2206, 895K)

Fucking typo, my bad. I meant to say absent in the sense that they still stop by and see her, they just don’t come home every night. Ann never intimated she was distant from her parents.

Kill ann
Fuck futaba
Marry makoto
Befriend haru.

This is the objectively best decision

anything but 9

She says it was lonely growing up during one of the confidant ranks.

5 for me. Such a kind and gentle person, and she has the best swimsuit.

kill ann
fuck haru
marry makoto
be_____ futaba


>Marry Futaba
>Disregard the rest

Attached: 1545954841815.jpg (1140x1152, 1.08M)

Kill Makoto
Marry Haru
Fuck Ann
Befriend Futaba

Marry Haru because she's amazing, and adorable, and rich
Fuck Ann because you know she'd be the fuck of a lifetime
Befriend Futaba because I like dumb Otaku shit too
Sadly kill Makoto because she's the one left over

Attached: Haru - Formal Fluff.jpg (1000x1642, 290K)

Befriend Makoto, kill Ann, fuck the everloving shit out of Futaba until her cervix is imprinted with the shape of my cock, and marry Haru.
This is literally the only correct answer.

Kill Makoto
Fuck Haru
Marry Futaba
Befriend Ann

i have never played this game

Kill 5head
Fuck hapa
Marry robot
Befriend woomy

Attached: 1492276098419.png (192x277, 69K)

>you will never open a coffee shop with Haru

Just fucking kill me already

Attached: Haru.jpg (1080x1080, 1.32M)

Kill Ann
Marry Haru
Fuck Makoto
Befriend Futaba

Attached: DLRxctXXkAI15Cs.jpg (900x1200, 157K)

Kill Haru she is gonna kill me one dday
Fuck Makoto
Marry Anne
Befriend Futaba

Attached: 1548470150974.jpg (2894x4093, 3.18M)

>all these futabros
You're all patricians

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Marry my cute bimbo ann

6 or 1 pls

Kill Haru (by process of elimination)
Fuck Ann (even if she had no actual experience, she'd still try extra hard to live up to her reputation)
Marry Makoto
Adopt Futaba

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3 or 5 please

>even if she had no actual experience
What the fuck do you mean "even if?" She canonically has no experience.

It was lonely because she had no friends her own age, her family moved a lot for work and she used to live in Finland. One could guess that, when she got of age, her parents let her live in Tokyo with the housekeeper while they continued to travel.

actually she's canonically Kamoshida's cum rag until she dumps him and Shiho takes her place

That was until she met joker

Attached: ciVhZgF.jpg (1905x933, 284K)

Play the fucking game, retard.

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She never did anything with Kamoshida. He replaced her with Shiho because she wouldn't even let him go to first base.

Attached: 1537317093740.jpg (1920x1080, 696K)

he's referring to children in that screenshot. He wanted to start a family with her
>the mental gymnastics that annfags go to defend a used whore


how did you mod it?


All your children will have a 5Head

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fp is truly bp

I want every person that talks about her like this to suffer so much

lookin cool joker

I'm calling a spade a spade user. No need to be upset

I don't see the problem.

All you're doing is making up lies about a sweet, innocent girl that has done nothing to deserve the way you talk about her.

Yeah no problem at all

Attached: 1545366654114.jpg (2059x1697, 316K)

Give all the girls the same haircut and they're all 5heads.

Letting the volleyball coach have sex with you so that your athletically retarded friend can have a spot on the team is pretty deserving user


She never had sex with him.


That's what I would say too if all my friends found out I was chowing down on his cock on the reg

I know you're baiting but god damn is it obnoxious. His demands were never "sleep with me and your friend gets a spot on the team" it was "sleep with me or your friend loses her spot on the team." Which obviously she never did which is why he takes his anger out on Shiho.

I want to kiss her adorable 5head

Attached: Haru_PQ2.png (584x1264, 451K)

Marry Ann
Fuck Ann
Kill everyone else, shit fucking girls.

Attached: __takamaki_anne_persona_and_persona_5_drawn_by_ra_pen__459ba0ebf82ba4c8679ec6874b27260b.jpg (600x800, 242K)

rolling them


Befriend Futaba
Marry Futaba
Fuck Futaba
Kill myself after having a short but beautiful life with my wife Futaba

He was offering Shiho a starter position on the team, I just replayed that part recently.

No he wasn't. Anne even says she should have called him out on his bluff because Shiho was legit a great volleyball player and he never would have risked losing games by taking her out of the starting lineup.

This, except maybe not as rude.

Attached: 1543157163652.jpg (906x1280, 190K)

Best choice senpai

Kamoshida is a monster for making Shiho feel so worthless she wanted to kill herself. I want to help Shiho and make her realize that there is honor to be felt in being a cumdump. Of all the girls in the world, you were chosen as a personal cocksleeve. Take pride in that, and be the best onahole you can be.

>all these people taking kamoshida’s sloppy seconds
Literal cucks.

Attached: tumblr_pkc3wbXndB1y3nnxio1_1280.png (1280x853, 862K)

The true patrician choice.

>like Ann a lot at the start of the game
>vulnerable girl that stays strong despite being in a shitty situation
>seems headstrong and serious and not much of a joker at all
>after her chapter she just becomes some dumb airhead comic relief gimmick character
why did they ruin her?

beep and booppilled


First boy and first girl are always portrayed as bland past the beginning of the game. See Junpei/Yukari and Yosuke/Chie

They didn't ruin her, idiot. She acted that way because of the situation she was in. Once she got past it she was able to go back to being her usual cheerful self.

>bland past the start
junpei is one of the few characters that gets serious development

>wah my autistic gf

roLLING pls

don't you talk shit about my boy. he's had a hard life

Kill Futaba
Cum and dump Ann
Marry Haru for her money
Befriend Makoto (making her my lover)

No one goes from that kind of trauma to their cheerful self in a literal day
Ann is a sociopath who was faking empathy

Anne is extremely empathetic and it's one of her defining character traits. She is always showing the utmost concern for everyone's well-being like Yusuke during his arc where her main concern is helping him while the others just want more fame as Phantom Thieves. You'd have to be an actual fucking retard to think she's "faking empathy"

>Kill Ann
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Futaba
>Befriend Haru

Futaba pls

>kill haru
>fuck ann
>befriend the squid
>marry makoto

Attached: 1515622322781.png (1997x2048, 3.18M)

>kill Makoto (even if I dont want to)
>fuck Ann
>marry Futaba
>befriend Haru

Kill Futaba, marry Makoto, fuck Ann, befriend Haru

Pretending Sae is actually good is the most normalfag thing of all.

This. Replaying P3 Hardmode right now and it baffles me that people say the Chidori/Junpei romance was actually compelling in any way. And I remember him cradling her in his arms and shouting skyward
"What....what am I fight fooooaaarggg!"

between 6 and 0, gimme da real women

Does persona just never have bustier women?
Its got to be the only JRPG that doesn't have at least one token titty monster

A lot of the women have large breasts, it just -thankfully- avoids the absolute ridiculous titty behemoths that most anime have

kill haru
fuck anne
marry makoto
befriend futaba

make it more of a challange next time OP

No one in it is even above a B though

Ann is

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Give me Tae, please.

Kill Makoto, fuck Ann, marry Haru, befriend Futaba

Marry Anne!

Attached: 1540920810060.jpg (1392x783, 92K)

I love Anne!

Attached: Joker and Ann.png (1984x1760, 658K)

Kill Makoto
Fuck Ann
Marry Haru
Befriend Futaba

>befriend futaba
>mention how good sex is to her
>orange hair NEET slowly grows horny and desperate
>eventually surrenders and begs you to fuck her


Attached: 1434336360163.png (500x376, 228K)

good taste user I'm proud of you

Realistically if I was living in the P5 universe:
Marry Haru, she's incredibly rich and I'd probably become head of the company after a few months.
Befriend Makoto, she'll most likely rise up in the law enforcement ranks and it would be useful to have her as an ally in case I am doing shitty illegal things in the name of my business.
Fuck Futaba since as a former hikikomori she probably has the most fucked up fetishes.
Kill Ann by process of elimination.

Attached: 1548809353159.jpg (640x640, 68K)

Next one im romancing

Lets see, definitive one

They'll give us a definitive edition with Sae as an option, r-right?


Kill Anne
Fuck Makoto
Marry Futaba
befriend haru

That's the best part.

>Kill the ugly, autistic gremlin
>Befriend the bro tier blonde model
>Fuck the student council president's asshole every week
>Marry the cutest fluff


I really hate this waifu fucking posting shit but I told myself today I'd step out of my comfort zone and post in these threads so you fuckers will remember the name or maybe I'll make some friends who knows.

Kill Anne. She's just a stupid slut cunt valleygirl dumb bitch. Not many will miss her.

Fuck Makoto. You can't kill her cause her cop-sister will eventually bust you for it. You shouldn't ever marry unless the girl is mad-wealthy so shes a poor cunt. Also you can't fuck Futaba cause she's underage for Americunts.

Marry Haru, because she's rich as shit and she's the most powerful Persona 5 character so why not?

That leaves Futaba to be befriended. She hack hack cool shit for your video games and is into nerd / geek shit so you can nerd out about D&D or whatever the fuck it is you're into. If someone cries about you tripfagging on Yea Forums she'll just hack their Runescape account for you.

This is the only correct answer in the thread. Everyone else is wrong.

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Kill Makoto
Fuck Ann
Marry Haru
Befriend Futaba

Futaba is for friendship, not mistress. Ann is your on-call for a threesome when Makoto wants someone to dom her.

Kill Makoto
Befriend Haru and Ann
Dont fuck anyone
Just Marry Futaba
Also please dont make these threads anymore, it reminds me that Futaba doesnt exist and it hurts.

Attached: 59908500_p7_master1200.jpg (600x600, 171K)

W-Why is Futaba showing off her ear like that?

>Kill Haru
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Ann
>Befriend Futaba

Kill Makoto
Befriend Ann
Fuck Futaba
Marry Haru

I feel like Kawakami is getting a bum rap here, having her tits covered by atutismo's hair.


These models look pretty awful

Kill haru
Fuck Anne and sell her off to niggers
Marry futaba
Befriend makoto and fuck her

If only kircheis was here, he'd know what to pick...

How the fuck is fp always bp?

well i got nothing better to do

let's see who it is.


right answer

I want to marry Ann/e and befriend all of them.

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>>Kill one
>>Fuck one
>>Marry one
>>Befriend one

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Who said Ann with dark hair?

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roll me in

>Marry futuba
>fuck futuba
Who cares

>kill makoto, she's a cop
>fuck anne
>marry futaba
>befriend haru

this is objectively the best decision

Depends, whos feet do I get to see during the game?

Kill Haru, fuck Ann, marry Makoto, befriend Futaba.

Kill Ann, Fuck Makoto, Marry Haru, adobt Futaba as my sister for incest.

kill makoto
Befriend Ann
Marry Ann
Make love with Ann
in that order

Attached: 1498284891653.png (512x512, 212K)

marry haru
fuck anne
befriend makoto
kill futaba

anything else is actually objectively wrong, sorry!

Attached: 1547519802185.jpg (900x900, 78K)

>Kill Futaba
>Fuck Makoto
>Marry Ann
>Befriend Haru
This is the only choice. The patrician choice.

Marry Futaba
Kill Makoto
Befriend the other two, because I wouldn't want to do something that awful to Futaba

Attached: Futaba Eng.jpg (1500x1100, 405K)

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fuck ann
marry ann

kill rest

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this is important, answer me

>Kill Makoto
Say no more

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Is Persona 5 worth picking up? I liked 3 and 4 but I never got a PS4 until recently so I never really followed it.

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Friendly reminder that Makoto showcased a lot of sociopathic traits before she got mindfucked into being generic waifubait after she joined the phantom thieves.
>Manipulative and conning
>Inflated sense of self
>Lack of remorse, shame, and guilt
>Shallow emotions
>Need for stimulation
>Callousness/lack of empathy
>Impulsive nature
>Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others
>Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause.
>Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation
>Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
>Conventional appearance

Attached: 1535378188810.jpg (354x376, 8K)

She's just a high-functioning autist.

Makoto and Futaba's


Fuck and Marry this Joker.

Attached: 1546613528193.png (882x498, 864K)

if you're already a fan of the series. totally.

There's nothing wrong with reprogramming a hostile robot to benefit yourself.

Attached: makoto.png (702x416, 185K)

>befriend futaba
>fuck ann
>marry makoto
>reunite haru and her dad

6-0 are the only options

Yeah, it's doesn't hit the same highs of say P3s ending, or P4s group dynamic, but it's the most consistent nuPersona entry across the board, and doesn't shit the bed in any aspects like P3 and P4 do.

>remorse, shame, and guilt
She constantly felt under pressure and was embarrassed and felt at fault whenever she couldn't live up to other people's expectation.

I see this is the part of the Makoto circlejerk when we all pretend she didn't blackmail half a dozen kids with some of the shittiest blackmail in all of fiction to risk their lives fighting the mafia for her because she felt sad.

Attached: 1544767011388.jpg (655x557, 31K)

Oh no, Makoto herself is awful but mindbreak is hot.

more of this style

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Oh no, she absolutely did that. I'm just saying that she doesn't really showcase the sociopathic traits. She took advantage of the power she had over people who she thought was bad in order to accomplish something she thought was good, and then afterwards because she got in over her head and needed people to bail her out.

Does it bug anyone else how much plot armor she had too?
Like she gets taken to the biggest mob boss in the game's personal lair and leaves with less damage than shiho got from a fucking gym teacher.

8 or 3 lets go

I fucking hate how she did a lot of terrible shit, barely even apologized, and ended up getting her dick sucked for the rest of the game for doing absolutely nothing.

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>Marry Haru
>Befriend Ann
>Fuck Futaba
>Kill myself when it all comes crashing down

The plot armour comes in later though, where she makes her way into so many plot coincidences almost effortlessly.
Getting away from the mob boss without damage is a lot more fair since he wanted more from her, and you can basically justify not hurting her by saying he thought that actually causing physical injury would make her harder to control.


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kill haru
fuck ann
marry futaba
befriend makoto
would prefer to befriend ann as well but thems the breaks
but true dream scenario is having ann and makoto over for foursomes with futaba

It's really one of those things I suspect may be lost in translation a bit. I can understand the group treating her well because, in-universe, she is their senior in school, the stuco president, valedictorian, daughter of a well-known prosecutor, and "smart" enough to point out the things that nobody else points out (because that's how we know she's smart, everybody else has to ignore obvious things so he can point it out... yay shitty writing).
I can understand Ryuuji being nice because, as the resident outright delinquent of the group, she's everything he's not, but he doesn't resent her for that.
I can understand Ann being empathetic because that's Ann, and Makoto does stupid things, but she does so because she's under a lot of pressure.
Yusuke could to literally anything and it would be "understandable", in this case, sure, whatever, he sees her for her merits rather than her mistakes.

Awakening the persona does kind of come across as a "re-characterisation" thematically though, so it's fair that after she embraces her "rebellion" that from a story perspective, people are quick to forgive her prior transgressions.
The game can only fit so much more inter-character interactions though (prioritise are a bit messed up IMO but whatever), so we don't really see much besides when she gets her name and Ann has her "wow, you boys are the type to get wrapped around any girls finger aren't you?", that would have been an interesting aspect to explore, but we got one line instead.

Very easy to give best answer.

Kill Futaba, shes so fucking awful she almost ruins the game. Everything she says is a reddit LE EPIC MAYMAY

Fuck Ann, Holy shit I want to rail that slut and make her my side piece while my future (Marry one) is unaware.

Marry Haru, shes alright if you get beyond the forehead shes actually really nice and loving. Shes everything Yea Forums loves incorrectly about Makoto and Kawakami but she actually does it all. And shes rich as fuck!

Befriend Makoto and probably spend some time with her, help her find some love with my boy Ryuji. I really really think Makoto and Ryuji would be fucking amazing together.
>Ryuji teaches Makoto how to actually have a fucking life and enjoy herself
>Makoto makes sure Ryuji pushes himself where he needs and gets working hard academically and then he can make all the money he needs.

T. guy who was happy to hook Mishima up with Futaba and Ryuji up with Makoto because I'm a bro wingman.

The game just doesn't really develop the phantom thieves at all, or their relationships. They're friends, but the game doesn't show it.

The Investigation Team in P4 actually hung out together a lot and talked. They felt like a real group of friends.

SEES in P3, while not all friends. Still interacted with each other a ton and had more development due to not being impaired by social links. By the end, they really came together as the Nyx Annihilation Team.

It's kind of disappointing. I really liked P5's gameplay but everything else just seems half-baked.

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>please remember me the tripfag cries out as he is immediately forgotten


p-prove it

kill ann, fuck makoto, befriend futaba, marry haru so she doesn't have to marry whats his face

impregnate all



i did it

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Marry Anne
Kill mokota
Befriend futaba
Pump and dump haru to watch her cry like a bitch

>Serious development
I never understand this. Junpei's development is retarded. He starts off trying to be your friend, hates you because they chose you as a leader because you're the only one with both combat experience and skill with your evoker, gets pissy at you even though you literally do nothing to him or say anything harmful to him across the entire game, meets a girl who fucks him over that he falls for because reasons and then she dies and he MANS UP. Oh and he says sorry to you for his one sided bitch fest. This makes him an amazing character to people, when infact he's a fucking asshole whose entire arc revolves around him getting pissy till he finds a girl to fuck. Fuck Junpei, and fuck anyone who says he's a good bro to you because even Akihiko is a better friend and the guy only hangs out with you twice.

damn haru has negative ass, even futaba looks bigger

What is it about Junpei that causes people to only acknowledge the beginning and end of his arc, and absolutely nothing in the middle?

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What fucking middle? By all means elaborate

>The Haru Hill

Kill Makoto
Fuck Haru
Marry Futaba
Befriend Anne

Nothing to lose

Marry Haru(She's rich, bitch)
Kill Makoto(she wanna be a fucking cop)
Fuck Futaba(shits tight yo)
Befriend Ann(she's a fucking model yo)

Kill the robot, fuck Ann, marry Futaba, befriend Haru.

Still waiting user, elaborate


never have I seen a best fpbp

It's gonna be almost 3 years and makoto STILL creates inmense amounts of butthurt
That's why I love her

Kill Haru
Fuck Ann
Marry Makoto
Befriend Futaba



>kill Rise
>fuck Yukiko
>marry chie

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Kill Ann, it's for the benefit of her modeling career
Marry Futaba
Fuck Makoto for the novelty of screwing a robot
Befriend Haru

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Befriend Anne
Ignore Haru
Kill Futaba
Kill Makoto

>she's underage for Americunts
What did you mean by this

I don't think Sojiro would let you and Makoto in LeBlanc after you killed his adoption daughter



Kill Anne.
Fuck Haru
Marry Makoto
Befriend Futaba

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