Kill a series and revive one

kill a series and revive one
>kill Nier
>revive No more heroes

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Other urls found in this thread:

NMH is still alive

>kill Nier
>revive Metal Gear

>kill overwatch
>revive sonic

Kill Anthem
Revive Mass effect
[spoilers] please. Fuck it, I’m replaying the trilogy again. What class do I role, I’ve played vanguard and soldier and engineer

>kill fire emblem
>revive klonoa

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>Kill OP
>Revive nier

Fuck you.

>kill Bayo
>revive Shinobi

>Kill Fire Emblem
>Revive Advance Wars

kill DMC
revive Ninja Gaiden

>kill devil may cry
>revive bayonetta

>kill souls games
>bring back castlevania

>revive bayonetta
do you live inside a shoe?

>Kill souls
Fuck you souls is gre-
>Bring back Castlevania

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Uh, user, NMH just had a game this year

>Kill Fire Emblem

>kill a series to bring back one that's still alive
Are you retarded

Kill Okami
Bring back Zelda

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>Game I don't like
>Game I like
Wow so original.

>Kill Splatoon
>Revive Advance Wars

>Kill Megaman
>Revive Lost Planet

mobile cancer isn't video games

>Revive a game that was the same shit for 6 installments and got progressively worse each time, just like Classic, X and Zero.

God you mega fags are insufferable.

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They COULD make it better you know.

Kill Final fantasy
Bring back Pre-Vesperia era Tales of.

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only if they give it back to Itagaki

They could also be Capcom, the creators of Resident Evil 2 Remake, and Mega man 11.

>kill Diablo
>revive Diablo

>Kill KH
>Revive Kane and Lynch

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>Kill Splatoon
>Revive Banjo Kazooie

>Pre-Vesperia era Tales of.
What's wrong with Vesperia?

Kill Kirby
Revive Kid Icarus

Do it Sakurai. And take smash with you while you're at it.

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>kill Fallout
>revive Dead Island

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I'm including Vesperia in that. Basically anything LMABS before the awful spiral downhill of battle changes.

>mobile cancer

>Kill Dead or Alive
>Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

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>Kill Kirby
Honestly I think Sakurai sees Kirby as dead to him.

now that's a meme I haven't heard in a long time

NMH isn’t dead you daft cunt.

Engineer's always been my favorite, but Infiltrator was my most fun playthrough.

Kill Zelda
Revive Medal of Honor

let me guess, you're one of those people wearing the yukata and emil mask while I was barhopping in LA last weekend.

Kill Neptunia
Thats it, I don't care. Just kill Neptunia.

NMH games are shit.

>kill battlefield
>revive crysis

Try this on for size
>kill Fire Emblem
>revive Fire Emblem

TSA might be shit but that doesn't mean the whole series is

>that NMH3 debug room at the end of Travis Strikes Again

I thought that was a brilliant finale to that game. Granted the 8-bit cliffhanger before that was kinda weird and dumb but the sneak peak into NMH3 was incredible. Has a game ever done that? Reminds me of Banjo Kazooie's ending.

KIll Kingdom Hearts
Revive Trauma Center

Why don't you actually play some NMH games before you shit on it over a spin-off, zoomer

Besides it was an amazing couch co-op game. One of the best co-op experiences in years.

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Joke's on you fag, I wear that while I go bar hopping.

>Kill The Last of Us (absolutely did not need a sequel)
>Bring back inFAMOUS

>Kill Rabbids
>Revive Rayman
As it should be.
Can anyone post the R1 version of pic related?

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>kill Halo
>revive Timesplitters

Based and Huepowpilled

Were you the guy or the trap, it was during a veterans parade is all I remember.

you get it...


>laaaady bugbug

>mark zuuuckerbug

Reminded me of that Hawking-esque vocoder voice

>TSA getting its first DLC in a week
>NMH 3 confirmed to be in development
>might be revealed at e3 since Suda says he has plans
>NMH is dead

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We literally just got the best NMH game.

I cant fucking find that TTS voice anywhere, I was told to look for Unreal's available TTS but I cant find shit

Kill Persona
Revive old SMT

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>kill pokemon
>revive medabots
sorry pokebros

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Shouldn't you wait until we see what SMT5 is like?

NMH is still alive OP. A better choice would be
>Kill Dead Island
>Revive Timesplitters

>kill fire emblem
>revive langrisser

I'd be fine with killing Nier, they're not gonna top automata anyway.

>Kill Ninja Gaiden
>Revive DMC

>people listing series that have no relation to each other
>people listing series to revive that arent dead

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>kill a series which last game was released 2 years ago
>revive a series with a game released this year
You're a special kind of stupid.

>implying Dead Island isn't already

Kill Pacman
Revive pong

At this point it would be a kinder fate than letting its downward spiral continue.
Also Medabots is cool

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It has to be a tough choice or else your game is revived as a smartphone game.
>Kill Valkyria Chronicle
>Revive Valkyrie Profile

>Kill DMC
>Revive Ninja Gaiden

Automata is Taro's worst game in terms of narrative
But it's not like you played anything else by him so that statement might as well hold no meaning at all to you

Kill Senran Kagura
Revive Valkyrie Drive

I admit that the only other taro game I played was nier gestalt

Read a book fagola

Based Raybro

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>nier is a series now
we did it bros

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Kill dragonball, revive killer instinct

The NMH1 voice was the Mac whisper voice.
Put this in the Mac TTS program.
say -v Whisper "Bad Girl" -r 65

I doubt it could be worse than Drakengard 3 and how uninteresting the first branch is compared to D1

>kill a series with only good games
>to revive a series of 3 games with only 1 good game
Oh I get it, one of THESE threads. Ok, here I go:
Kill everything with Mario in the title
Revive Karnov

>Kill fire embloem
>revive advance wars

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Kill this guy and revive beyblades