I've never seen a man so deflated about the current state of video games.
I've never seen a man so deflated about the current state of video games
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You don't go here often do you?
I think you meant to say it's up.
I'm not his shill so why would I do that, I think his Kh3 review was awful but this recent vid made a good point
He's not wrong though
>I've never seen a man so deflated about the current state of video games
How about all of Yea Forums
>I'm not his shill
>comes personally to Yea Forums to make a thread about e-celebs
Make us a favor and stop wasting our precious oxygen.
His video was about video games, this is a board for video games. I don't see what the issue is, and I've been here longer than you trifling newfag shit-heel pretending to be king of the sandbox
fpbp tbqh
Nah, that's a big nono.
You're right. This is a board for videogames, but not for e-celebs.
Go shill this YouTube STD in your discord server, nigger.
But you've got that the complete other way around. His KH3 video was great, but the new one was just nonsensical rambling.
He was just referring to AAA games. And let's be honest now, AAA game companies have been making the same derivative, lowest-common-denominator appealing schlock for years now. It's tiring
>he's right you know
you haven't seen me
He’s right but what he said wasn’t anything everyone hasn’t heard already.
The last part of the video made me sad an confused, remember Lost Planet? Alan Wake? Time Shift? Red Steel? Those games were fun as fuck actually... I'm really sad that there's not much like those games anymore.
>Red Steel? Those games were fun as fuck actually
Some of them were good sure but they could also be generic and despite being hyped up never went anywhere. I think he's commenting on the disposable nature of video games. Anthem will be little more than a faded memory in a few years even though they tried to make a hype train for it.
Yeah, sorry. I liked that game a lot. Is it supposed to be bad or something?
That's a really odd connection there because plenty of those "generic games" at the end were actually pretty distinct and had their own special gimmicks and mechanics and didn't bleed in with everything else. Like are you really gonna tell me Lost Planet is generic? It's certainly a lot more memorable than Gears of fucking War which did get hyped up and got a bunch of sequels.
I have never played Lost Planet or Gears of War. Guess which one I've heard of before. If it was a good game I'm sad it didn't get sequels.
indie games are mostly shit too user
How about you play some video games instead of discussing some faggot that plays video games?
Red Steel 2 was fun, Red Steel 1 was terrible
Lost planet actually had some pretty interesting marketing it looked like Starship Troopers on steroids.
Alright fair, Red Steel 1 sucked, I for some reason thought Red Steel 2 was the only one for a moment. Which I guess proves his point.
Lost Planet actually did get a 2 sequels, the 2nd being great and the 3rd one kinda sucking. But anyway my point was I just didn't understand why there were some criminally underrated games among some actually kinda bad games at the end. Not only that but even a lot of the bad games were less generic than the shit we have now.
I didn't say anything was shit. I said that the biggest games of the year are always the same kind of games
I really respect him for how mad he was able to make the kh3 crowd
it's just a bad game
>People don't know tons of animals love the flavor of various metals, on top of the natural urge for mineral intake
>I said MINERAL intake you faggots.
it's funny the talks shit about all those games being the same when all he plays is party games rip offs and platformers.
you haven't seen me
I remember Brink
You guys missed the fact those were all EA titles, that have been abandoned or by a studio that EA shutdown when it failed to meet their expectations, i.e. projected profits.
That's pretty much all the video was, EA titles are indistinguishable from all the other ones out right now and old titles that would make interesting games are dead because they don't make money.
I hate defending the japs when they do shit themselves, but in this case alot of those games mentioned got handed over to western studios who wrecked things up under the guise they're making games that westerns are most attracted to. And there's a huge chunk of the current game dev industry that's just game design majors that are just hipsters given a skill akin to knowing sociology and the usual SJW machining that happens in any liberal arts major. Andromeda and The last two Dead Rising games emobidied this.
Dead Rising 2 was made by the same western studio but they only improved the game instead of fucking with it. And that's the other issue in the industry with the west or east: fucking with what isn't broken. The first major case of this was Mass Effect 2.
i loved this faggot when he pretend to be good, now he show how he is good at games, makes lee meme videos and 5 minute "reviews"
Aww, it's okay Dunkey-wunkey! Want some yummy nummies to make you feel better?
Lost Planet is crapcom
>that part about helping a rebellion overcome the oppressors
For once I'd like to be on the side of the oppressors, trying to put down the rebellion, acquire more political power and one-up my ambitious rivals.
why do I read youtube comments?
Knack 3 when though?
kys nigger
>Girlfriend's channel is literally just her forcing him to eat shitty food
uh oh look at I'm gonna say it again
c r a p c o m
>there people on this board who are STILL assblasted about the kh3,octopath,splatoon 2, and xenoblade 2 reviews
she cute
There are?
considering he goes back like ten years to GUN and shit, yeah this
Remedy Entertainment is awesome and I enjoyed everything from Max Payne to Alan Wake from them. Remedy aught to make more games.
GUN isn't even bad.
Lost Planet 1 was fun. The rest were pure garbage.
Wrong. Improved on a lot of the gameplay aspects like Boss Fights and diverse locations.
>man with no patience for anything but "lel so fanny" action games upset that AAA videogames don't stimulate him in his late 20's.
Dunky is right about a lot of things, but if he's unhappy it's his own fault for never pushing himself out of his comfort zone and remaining a pleb.
at least she's not pretending like it's something on it's own like Marzia
he is autistic but at least he is honest. Whether he is in his comfort zone or not doesn't change the fact that we been playing same AAA game released over and over for more then 10 years.
Reminder that new Dunkey is soulless trash
based. fuck square
Megaman truly was great, but his league videos were shit and on average his shit is way better now
I often wonder why people do this shit?
The money? the Fame? or do they think playing video games for a job will be fun.
People often ask why I don't became a video game youtuber and besides the usual reason of I don't have the personality for it I think it is a bad idea.
Games are my hobby to make it my job would probably ruin it.
Even if I had a week off work and nothing to do I probably still wouldn't finish a full game, imagine forcing yourself to rush through multiple new games a week so you could review it.
Seems like it would suck all the fun out of games.
Most of these people end up trying to branch out or become depressed.
I mean pewdiepie seems to hate games now.
>Lost Planet 1 was fun. The rest were pure garbage.
Lost Planet 3 is the best game in the series and one of a very small number of Capcom games with genuinely good writing.
He wishes he was deflated, fat neckbeard faggot
Anyone who pretends e-celebs is a big blight when this board allows
>Web comics
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
is deluded.
>it's league so it's bad
I don't give a shit what garbage he spew about how they weren't good, his "Escape from ___" series was golden and almost all of the videos have some unique and entertaining theme to them. His new shit is like someone badly trying to imitate vintage Dunkey, he's literally become a clone of himself.
the fuck?
>Lost Planet 3 is the best game in the series
>there's still people assblasted about people here mocking Dunkey's shitty videos from weeks/months ago
Not everyone is gonna love your favorite RANDUMB XD eceleb
Who was even offended by Splatoon 2's review?
He literally was a massive scrub who thought no aim assist on a pad controller was good.
Lost planet 2 is superior in every way.
Is this opposite day? Bet you liked RE6 as well.
aww a little zoomer is upset, go to Yea Forums and talk about your YouTube babysitters little man
I got entirely too much enjoyment out of a bug I discovered in 1. Found out that you can make your character's wrist spin a full 360 if you turn the remote sideways and spam the "ready grenade" button.
>Trying to look cool in front of anonymous people
>Used instead of using an original insult
>Only made post-Fortnite.
>Trying to seem wiser as if Youtube isn't more than a decade old
Zoomer as an insult is in itself zoomer speak.
god shes such a fucking goblin. shit like this makes me thankful every day for my wife not looking like a fucking dumpster fire.
>Yea Forums complains about generic games and they suck eachothers dick all the time
>this dude complains about generic games and he's reddit/discord/resettera or some shit
man it's sad, "thing popular = thing bad"
Those aren't allowed here, you mongrel.
she has an amazing ass, her face is kind of irrelevant
Who cares what this fatass retard thinks, he's only popular because of his nigger tier voice.
>Pepe and Wojak are literally everything people complained about reddit's rage comics
> lol threads
>What game allow you to [insert roundabout context that is used as bait to whine about racial and political shit here]? thread
>Twitter screen shot thread
>whining about incels while doing incel bitterness threads
>I've never seen a man so deflated about the current state of video games.
yeah because the ones who are even more deflated don't even bothe rto make videos you stupidfucking zoomer imbecile cunt fuck you your mom is gay and im friends with your dad