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I have a bf


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government corruption-induced poverty

Because I've lost control of my life

Here's your gf, Yea Forums.

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why do girls ask this?

Because I accidentally clicked on /pol/ once, and now I'm convinced that all girls look like they fuck black guys.

I hate myself too much to have someone love me.

all according to plan

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sorry user, you're cute and funny but I already have someone

>tfw a girl likes you

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I have nothing to afford one they couldn’t easily get from anyone else

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too busy drawing

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I do. It's alright.

/r9k/ and WizChan-types really need to get out of the mindset that getting a girlfriend will magically fix all their problems, though. Even if you managed to find a girl that'll put up with your shit, chances are if you were a miserable sadsack with a chip on your shoulder about everything when you were single, you'd still be a miserable sadsack with a chip on your shoulder about everything even if you weren't.

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Because most girls I've ever talked to thought I was gross and the one girl who seemed somewhat interested in me sent me a half naked pic once which I shared with my bros and then she got mad and never talked to me again.

draw ranko

Too busy jerking off to rin

White women need to be gassed.

Because I don't deserve one right now

Thanks, I feel the same.

I did have one but I went crazy and thought she was a succubus now I can't bring myself to apologize for pushing her out of my life

>I went crazy and thought she was a succubus

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I AM the girlfriend. Thank god I'm not an incel anymore.

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I have 2 girlfriends that I cheat on the other with

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because I don't take care of myself
I look like a hobo most of the time and generally telegraph to everyone around me that I don't belong
and that's when I do go outside, which I don't do very often

>not wanting a succubus
user hates enjoying life

I'm a NEET and literally over 99% of women outside of schooling systems are prostitutes.

They would not enter a relationship with a man unless he has money to offer, or will have money to offer.

Even ridicolously attractive men are incels if they're NEET, unless they live in very favorable (usually rural) environments.

he based

I haven't felt that in a long time

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The most uncomfortable feeling of all time

Because I feel awkward when talking to women I like.
Because I don't know how to conversate with women I like.
Because I'm incapable to expressing my feelings out of fear of rejection.
Because I feel fucking retarded whenever I try to hang out with women I like.

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I feel as if I have to be in a higher paying position and live in an apartment to be attractive to a woman.

I'm old, women my age fucking suck, and younger women all want babies, so I'm going to be alone the rest of my life and that's OK. Sex/relationships aren't really that great to begin with.

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I do have one.
We play vidya together, she likes casual shit but I don't mind since she isn't the kind of girl who brags about playing mario for 30 seconds while calling herself a gamer.

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If you think you're in love with someone, jerk off while thinking of them.
After you cum, do you still love them? Do you still desire to be with them?

I'm a manlet. And if that wasn't enough, I also have a general lack of self-confidence, as well as minor depression and anxiety. I'm not socially inept, but I am rather introverted.

I don't think I have anything to offer in a relationship, anyway. Nor do I even know I would meet any such girls.

would you?

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I do though.

I want to die.

girls smell bad

High maintenance, overall mediocre experience, potential post-relationship damage.

i kind of have one, shes 30, lives with her parents and is super shy. im apparently not allowed to leave her because she’ll die alone but she also never wants to do anything

>Never had a gf but I read all about relationships on the reddit page thing

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Because i'm unemployed and live with my parents

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