Holy shit this game is sublime, what other 10+ year old vidya are you playing for the first time?
Classic General
Just completed MGS1 for the first time a few months ago. Playing the 2nd now. Don’t know how i’ll play 3 or 4 seeing as I’m playing the PC ports of 1 and 2. I’ll see once i get to it.
Nice, looking forwars to getting the HD collection soin, feel a little dirty for only playing 4 and 5.
I haven't played anything too old (for the 1st time) in a while now.
Did play through the whole Drakengard -trilogy and original NieR last year, inspired by the awesomeness of Nier:Automata. Taro's one crazy motherfucker, and I love it.
However, during the early 2010s, I did indeed go on a desperate hunt for older classics, as the gaming had really started to go shit.
Ended up trying out and loving the hell out of numerous gems, such as the System Shock 2, Parasite Eve, Banjo-Kazooie, Fatal Frame, BLOOD ...
They literally do not make games like they used to. And in no way do I mean that in a malicious, sarcastic manner; I thought I'd just gotten old and tired of vidya for a while there, but all them old-timer's evergreens proved that the modern shit was just that: shit.
Luckily, the 2017 ended up being a nice change of pace even on that front. Shame that 18-19 don't seem to live up to it at all now.
It has practically the WHOLE SERIES, from the 1987's MG1, to 2010's Peace Walker.
>only playing 4 and 5
Welp... way to spoil and ruin the whole experience.
>Don’t know how i’ll play 3 or 4 seeing as I’m playing the PC ports of 1 and 2.
MGS is one of those very few exceptions where I'd honestly recommend going out and buying a dirt-cheap, used PS3 + the HD / Legacy Collection.
It literally is the definitive way of playing those titles, not to mention you can experience the entire series on that one console alone. The console itself costs like, what, 50 bucks now? And the collections can be found for a tenner or two at best / downloaded from PSN Store.
Failing that... I guess you could sit tight and wait for the RPCS3 to get better? I think it can already run MGS HD collection a-OK, but obviously you need good PC to get good performance. And even then the experiences may vary.
PCSX2 is the other option, but it's still kinda shoddy and hard to run well.
>Welp... way to spoil and ruin the whole experience.
I'm sure the games are good enough to outshine my foolishness.
I'm sure they will be.
I have seen a few similar lost souls like you in the past, and most of them indeed enjoyed going back to the roots and experiencing the whole saga in the correct order later on. Obviously gives both 4 and 5 a whole new meaning as well... though as an old-fag MGS fan, I'd recommend just playing 1-PW, and stopping there.
Maybe suck up GZ, and then pretend TPP never happened beyond its Red Tape -trailers.
Recently I've been playing Stalker SoC, Deus Ex, Killer 7, Thief.
Not playing it now, but I did play and finish Ultimate Doom for the first time back in 2017. Thought it would be just another janky, overrated boomer-b8, but it actually was one of the most badass games I'd ever played! Liked it more than the 2016's reboot.
>Stalker SoC is already 12 years old
feels just like yesterday when Yea Forums used to have endless bump-limit hitting Stalker generals each day. God dammit.
DMC 1 but the camera is so weird it's hard getting used to
>the camera is so weird
How so?
I guess not having full control over the camera movement it makes going through certain areas awkward with the perspective the camera is fixed on
Finish Wind Waker today. Pretty good game, too much filler tho
finished stronghold for the first time the other day. working on crusader now
Fair enough. I guess I'm old enough to not even notice such things. I recall the camera angles being far and wide enough to give a decent view on the whole arena.
Nice quadz btw
>Code Veronica
Fuck respawning enemies, fuck the tyrant, fuck bandersnatches, fuck Nosferatu, fuck spiders, fuck bats, fuck moths, fuck that dumbass skeleton painting, fuck the swimming salamanders, fuck those glowing red frogniggers and most of all fuck that pussy whipped, Leon wannabe faggot leaf Steve. All in all a solid 7/10 title, probably one of the better fixed camera RE games, definitely some of the best music, bosses and locations of the series but the amount of backtracking and weapons you have to manage hurts it a bit.
>Zoomer thread.
Can't place that there m'lord
retarded me forgot the image
Only because the new Hitman was "free" on PS Plus and I wanted to educate myself on the foundations of the series. How do I git gud?
it's been a blast so far though. I was surprised how much depth the combat had and the timing of attacks that have impact on battles
just wait till you get to DMC 3
Glad to hear it. DMC indeed was such a ground-breaking genre-definer already back in the days, that just about every other similar game has copied its formula later on.
2 kinda dropped the ball for a moment there, but that was a sad dud caused by a rookie director and other drama. Fortunately, Capcom serious'd the fuck up again with 3.
Not him, but I've always preferred 1 over all the sequels. Guess I just dig that Gothic, Resident Evil-ish style more.
how is the hd collection on ps4
Mario Galaxy, Williams Pinball Collection, and Lost Planet 2 even though it isn't ten yet. I know Mario Galaxy is universally acclaimed but I just missed out on the Wii in general and I'm really liking this pinball collection just because it's so simple. Are there any pinball games I should play after this? I already have Metroid Pinball and I need more because pinball is addictive.
Turok 2 remastered is a diamond between diamonds. Criminally underrated, incredibly designed, superbly executed.
Playing REmake in my PS4 but maybe I'll drop it because the loading screens are fucking killing me.
help Yea Forumsros pls
There is no such thing.
>this will never be on PC
Kill me
>but maybe I'll drop it because the loading screens are fucking killing me.
The door opening scenes are kino AF and good breathers.
Don't rush such magnificent game.
well, it kinda is...
via RPCS3 and PS NOW!
Play only on normal cause limited saves are hell.
Toggle between walking and sprinting, nobody will notice you.
NEVER TRY TO SNEAK, just walk. Sneaking literally doesn't work.
Thanks for proving his point.
>my dear user cannot be this illiterate!
thats the ps store
the fuck u on bout
You see that PS3 right there on top, homie?
They're not even that long you retard and they add to the atmosphere.
what is digital download
>blind phoneposter
Why am I not surprised.
Like said: you can only play the series as a whole on PS4.
So this is the power of Americans.
Don't you see those are deliberate, to replicate the original game? Fucking zoomers.
It's a digital download for the PS3, not 4 dumbass.
Do I really need to spell it out for ya?
That game is for PS3 ONLY.
You can buy PSP, PS Vita, PS3 and PS4 games, via the PSN Store, on ALL of the Sony's platforms + PC.
You however CANNOT play the stated platform's games on any other device.
mad euromutts crying whike sandniggers ruin there country.
You're a sandnigger yourself by the way you right.
Rondo of blood. Dat music.
ok Nigel be sure to thank achmed while he cucks your wife faggot.
>You're a sandnigger yourself by the way you right.
you mean by the way i write come on i understand most of Yea Forums has autism but if your gonna insult someone put some effort into it.
Same here. I'd almost forgotten I got a copy of RE Origins for Christmas. Finally getting around to it now I'm done with RDR2 and AC7 (gonna do AC3 soon too).
I replayed Dino Crisis 1 and 2 a couple months ago and I've had to get used to tank controls all over again. I tried the 3D controls but the camera angle switches throw me off sometimes.
Panzer General 2 is great. Intuitive gameplay that's approachable and simple on the surface but with lots of underlying mechanics that effectively simulates combined arms warfare. Fast gameplay, fun and well-balanced scenarios, has a slight RPG appeal because of units that can gain improved skills and carry over from mission to mission, great 2D art (I can't find another turn-based wargame that looks better).
I've been playing some old games for the past months. I would tell you but this thread reeks of ego masturbation, "old good new bad" rambling and smug pretentiousness that would make a hipster blush.
Like Yea Forums's Pre-2000 anime threads.
>I would tell you but
Are you like 5?
Not at all; in fact I'm sure I'm older than you.
I just wanted to tell you that I could participate on this thread but I won't due to the reasons I explained.
Now I'll close the tab and keep lurking Yea Forums for a while before going back to play some videogames. Don't bother replying because I won't be aware of them.
This whole thread is literally all about "old gud, nu bad".
And in most cases, that is an universal fact.
>I tried the 3D controls but the camera angle switches throw me off sometimes.
Tank controls = 3D control scheme.
Directional = 2D controls.
And yeah, the alternative 2D controls such in classic survival horror.
Playing through ALTTP, Minish Cap and Links Awakening. I never owned Nintendo consoles as a kid so I'm giving them a try now.
The Wii is such an underrated console and I haven't owned an actual Nintendo home console since the snes.
Yea I really want to play Galaxy 1 and 2 as well.
Hope you're not playing one of the HD ports which destroy the visuals
Finally playing link to the past.
I’m taken aback by how quickly the game empowers you. You have a boomerang, a bow, bombs, Pegasus boots, and an ice staff in a blink of an eye.
And yet still you will die if you act stupid
How do you play 1 & 2 on PC?
Planescape: Torment. It's actually good as fuck and Yea Forumstards should have shilled it harder.
>good as fuck
stop saying this
1 had an official PC release back in the day, It would take some fuckery get it to run on modern OS.
I played Perfect Dark for the first time last week. I wish more console shooters did aim assist like Goldeneye and PD. It keeps the gameplay fast, fluid, and fun. I hate when games drag and snap your camera around to aim assist the crosshair on your target.
Playing Final Fantasy 9 for the first time.
I'm enjoying it so far.
I'm playing through the RE1 remake right now for the first time too, played RE1 on the PS1 ages ago and holy shit the remake is such a great game. It really does feel like the definitive version of RE1, I'm loving it so far. Really glad they're not touching the save mechanics in the remakes, the classic RE games work so much better with an ink ribbon system, there's nothing like being constantly tense and on edge knowing any step could be your last and end 30+ minutes of work.
>play re 15 years ago
>make thread pretending to play it first time
>call it masterpiece
wow every time
stop replying to me with your autism
been playing resident evil. played through the RE1 remake, RE2 (PS1 version), RE2 remake, and just finished RE3, now i'm on Code Veronica. I tried to play RE4 but it's atrociously bad and I'm honestly offended it was so insanely overhyped and overrated.
Play it on PC. I just finished it with the "door-skip" mod. There's a ton of other improvement mods, some are a pain to set-up.. particularly going above 60fps but it's worth it.
Great game, music is even greater. What's your favorite track so far?
The steam version is great, was a treat beating it finally. never could find one key in the hive of the mantids behind that fucking wall as a kid . . . . . ugh. was nice that they made the game less dark also
Planning on starting fps classics like Deus ex/thief/half life/system shock/etc as well as resident evil games and maybe oblivion, tried CRPGs and JRPGs but turn based combat is not for me, never played nintendo games as well
yeah me too, i'm on the smokey bacon mission of the military campaign
i just recently beat it. amazing game