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Other urls found in this thread:

I couldn't care less for this game but I've lol'ed at this

They deserved the warning. Not letting women win is sexist


based russians

did they at least play the match? I mean, they banned themselves from support as well, right?

>Although it is not technically against the rules
If it's not against the rules, then anything goes. If they think it should be against the rules, then lobby for a rule change and quit bitching.

All 5 of them are support mains in solo queue, 5 supports was a legitimate ban to create a large hole in their team composition.

You are allowed to surrender the game at any time. There is no such thing as an enemy team stretching the game out if your team has decided they have lost.

if you can't handle the heat, get back in the kitchen


A celebrity gossip thread died for this you monsters

>Wanting to do anything but support

Yeah okay. Fuck off, it was a legitimate strategy on the other team's end. Giving them a warning is some fag shit.

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Based and redpilled not only they fucking disrespected them but totally destroyed theirs pussies the whole game, women will not recover

>enemy team makes shit bans
>you still lose

It's not like it matters when the powers that be can change the rules on a whim at any point in time.

>Stop winning you silly boys

>the all-girls team went on to lose the match

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>if you can't handle the heat, get back in the kitchen

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Didn't they go 2-52 in that fucking match as well?


>Girls are just as good as guys and don't need special treatment

>memed the bans and still won

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Being a gender who doesn't play games is a disadvantage.

Read the article.

The female team lost anyways.

Another team was also warned for making the match last longer than it should've (likely because they were messing with the girl team too).

Its too bad that these players signed over any potential rights they might have had as part of their extremely invasion and restrictive contracts. In a nonretarded world they were just probably financially damaged by Riot not abiding to their own ruleset.

They didn't just lose it was like a stomp, they were all low diamond players while the other teams are challenger I don't know why they're even in the league


They would have lost even without the support bans.

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lmao imagine caring about esports, how can something so irrelevant be so cucked?

They weren't actually shit bans. Like said EVERY ONE of them mains support when solo.

some of them are cute
didn't read lol

I have never played or watched any MOBA played competitively. Why can they ban heroes for the opponents? Can any team just say "I only wanna play against these heroes"?

If it's a professional league of some sort, then a legitimate time to change any rules would be between competitive seasons.

At first I was going to stop reading but when i got to this part it mad the rest worth it.

I think Riot should get flak for this, that team literally made stupid bans and yet the girls STILL LOST, that's on them no matter how "disrespectful" the ban phase seemed, did a statement from the other team actually and be quoted said that "women only play support" no? then it's not bad behavior fuck off assuming things. If the girls are known playing supp and their best characters are supp then it was logical.

>Riot games further elaborated that this will be their last warning on behavior that may be related to gender discrimiantion or any other kind of discrimination.

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>The women aren't ugly
>They range from cute goblinas to actually attractive
The bigger joke is that the all-female isn't aren't even the best female players. They grabbed a bunch of attractive to semi-attractive women who were okay at the game and called it a pro-team.

They were a shit team put together at the last minute because the team organizer was trying to just sell their spot instead of actually competing.

Literally a ranked tier under the players of the other teams, or so I've been told.

The 2-52 game was against a different group of girls. Says so in the picture, dumbass.

They get to ban characters as well. Its part of the meta-game and forces people to be good at multiple characters. You don't normally hear about it because its so normal but women can't handle losing.

Ban phase in comp MOBA is to keep a team from getting the OP champs that season

the point of the ban phase it basically to keep some strong champs out of the hands of the opposing team while getting as many as you can on yours

How depressing. That's like banning Tom Brady or someshit because you want to play against a scrub QB.

>thinking there's a lot of logic and reason to social justice

Team of females
They made shit bans as a joke, knowing that they can't lose

Its also useful for banning heroes you know very good players on their team are very comfortable with. These are even called "respect bans," and these girls get all respect bans and theyre upset?

Reminder that girls arent videogames

>meanwhile Riot has ongoing sexual harassment law-suites to deal with against its own staff

Nigger every team that isn't the Patriots would love the fucking ban rule. Tom Brady would never play a fucking game again.

Both teams get 5 picks for banning, and it becomes impossible to select those champions for either team. I think.

A number of people seem to be shitting on the female team for this, even though it appears to be Riot independently going after these "transgressions".

If you could ban Tom Brady then the Patriots would set up their team to be able to play without him and football would be a lot more interesting.

>the all girls-team when on to lose the match

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That's literally what it is, it is actually smart, and considering how much the Pats cheat probably would make the NFL more interesting if it had a 5 player ban phase.

reminder that videogames are no longer interesting so Yea Forums has to find something else to talk about

Artificial wombs and sentient fuck dolls when?

Nothing you do outside of immediately forfeiting is appropriate when playing against women.

Moba have ban phase on competitive to avoid some really strong lineups or prevent some player from playing their strongest character.

It's non issue, but RIOT demands everyone play their meta instead of trying anything new.

They deserve it for ever thinking they could beat men

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So the bans were totally justified and it was not a stereotype but actual fact that they main supports? lmao

It's nothing like that at all, stop talking about shit you just learned about. The banning phase forces teams to work with different comps while allowing them to help prevent hard countering to their comp, and vice versa.

>ban 5 good supports, preferably ones they play
>carries don't get supported as well
Seems like a legit strategy to me.

I assume it's for preventing your team/strat getting countered by certain heroes. It also could give a tell of what your planning on playing.
It's probably a "fuck this shit, that guy is OP"

Link to that match vod?

>this will be their last warning
Or what?

they are going to remove them from the league

If you could get Tom Brady by playing on your team by shouting dibs first, I guess.

>form a competitive team of players who all main the same role

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Im a bit un-optimistic about the future of humankind when companies act like that.
Its like some tyrannical mommy.

>Another team was also warned for making the match last longer than it should've (likely because they were messing with the girl team too).

But riot added in a comeback feature with bounties and such. Wouldn't a longer game favor the losing team? What did riot mean by this?

This is why corporate run leagues are gay and sterile and why grassroot games leagues will always be more fun and have way more authentic moments in it.

>from Reddit Competitive Integrity. Teams are expected to play at their best at all times within any LCL game, and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play. For the purpose of clarification, team composition and the pick/ban phase will not be considered when determining whether this rule has been violated.

>sentient fuck dolls
you don't want this, women are already sentient/sapient fuck dolls. getting rid of that part is the whole point and you're trying to undo that improvement

If anything Riot should be the one getting flak for letting them play at all.

>girl "e-sport" teams are serious competition! they are not just support players!
>banning support should have helped them right?
>girl team lose anyways

>Ban 5 Supports on dota.
>no one bats an eye.

Why the fuck is a big deal on lel? It's because retards can't play more than one character or role?

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sorry ladies, the match was over before you even hit the field

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>What did Riot mean by this?
Stop beating the girls and making them look bad. Riot is trying to show them off and do GUUUURL power things and teams aren't complying by letting them dominate them.

To be fair they have to do this kind of shit to protect the brand from the discord trannies.

It looks like cheap PR move.
Or it easily can be match fixing.
But instead everyone focusing on sexism and so on.

Riot doesn't follow its own rules when it suits them. News at 11.

So you're saying to save humanity from destroying itself we need to get rid of the discord trannies?

>It's because retards can't play more than one character or role?
It would be OK if it was regular retards.
But this time it's much worse because the specific kind of retard this action was taken against is 50% of humanity.

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But 3 of them are support players. Good gracious good, don't they understadn their own game anymore? Is the desire to virtue signal really that much stronger then being able to think logically at the level of a 5 year old?

What in the fuck
Why couldn't Blizzard and Riot just financially support other tournaments instead of banning/fining players for the dumbest shit?

>protect the brand from less than 2% of the worlds population
No they don't tell them to fuck off I could guarantee outside the mobile games industry if every publisher and dev came out as the most misogynistic assholes ever they'd still be a million if not billion dollar industry.

I want to beat up and rape women so bad.

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>Ban 5 supports on dota.
>people just pick other supports.

What is the issue?

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Previously successful companies have now just become vehicles for certain ideologies.

Kek. Leave e-sports to us men, ladies.

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Her kid is brown isn't it

Having a good picture and being tall is all you need? Fuck this, I'm gonna go to the gym, looksmax, and get tinder

Doesn't matter mate. As long as it doesn't show off the gurlz in a good light, it's a big NO-NO

They are afraid of the internet backlash, all the discord trannies on every possible forum plus the sjw fags at kotaku and that kind of website.

Why are girls like this?

>riot absolutely seething about its strong womyn team losing
>harassing and threatening male teams for beating them

what a pathetic company

It's a private tournament. They can make it against the rules if they like.

Yes, only one ban per player and this is so they get a chance to prevent playing against busted OP champs or against counters for their own champ preference, plus it prevents people from one-tricking a specific champ

almost certainly

Why doesn't everyone just play those OP champs instead of banning them?

You also need to be "better" (in the most subhuman, shallow meaning of the word) than all the other straight "men".

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calling it, just watch when these people are forced to 10 min stomp these ethots they'll get penalized for that too. can't win when women are involved, that's why they're never fucking involved.

but they didn't, they're just arbitrarily adding new rules after the tournament started

this is why nobody takes esports seriously

It literally is, and really not even that. My Tinder says I'm a fat gamer who lives with my mom.

theyre called "pick or ban" for a reason
you either pick them and play as them or ban them so the enemy cant

Meh. All the qts I know are together with boring as fuck nerdy dudes, and I got that covered

You're right. Let me rephrase that.
>programmable fuck dolls
Personality and overall behavior is changed by swapping cartridges.

Because that's fuckery from the company that owns the game, blizzard do the same kind of crap.

They should do like valve do, just drop ton of money to host one big tourno then let the community run the rest. But no, LoL and OW are entirely handled by the companies itself.

>league esports

>incels trying to claim banning 5 support was legit strategy
They made shit bans as an insult, knowing that they can't lose. Its a bad sportsmanship and unprofessional. And it would be considered unacceptable even in other real pro sports league

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Internet "dating" is for subhuman sluts. Boring nerdy dudes got their gfs through less retarded channels that don't reward having a cunt as much.
Tinder sluts are ultra-princesses.

>They made shit bans as an insult
Not if they banned their 5 most players supports.

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>system encourages winning over your opponent
>manage to win
If winning doesn't matter or the game isn't competitive to begin with because its amateurs vs pros or something then the entire game is unsportsmanship and unprofessional.

To be fair most if not all of these are probably bullshit

its unprofessional to make a team of 5 women knowing theyre going to get shit on by every other team

inb4 they all quit from the stress and drama and become patreon e-whores

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They were all support mains. They were totally legitimate bans. Riot is just kicking up shit and trying to make a big deal out of it and claiming they did it as an insult because they were women and women only play support.

But they were women and were all support mains so its a fucking pointless gesture.

get fucked
and get the fuck out of videogames
fucking this

Don't worry, I'm not gonna look to easy tinder sluts for a gf, I'm just saying it's really not that hard to be "better" than all the other guys. You just need to be the exact same as all the others and find a grill who find you attractive.
At their core, everyone's boring as shit

you are a fucking retard. Athletes mock other athletes all the time. If the opposing team has a problem with it then they should play better

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wow, I guess women are even less competent than I thought then

>All 5 of them are support mains in solo queue

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They would have lost that match regardless, lmao.

Women aren't Athletes when Men are involved and should not be competing. Its bad sportsmanship because they let a women play against men.

BASED and GRONKpilled

>the all girls team went on to lose the match

The general mode of thought is to ban overtly OP champs in your role especially if they're a counter to your desired pick, then to immediately lock in whatever OP role champs are left to deny them from the enemy team, then swap over with your teammates

>league only has 5 supports
and neck yourself

>thinking a team of 5 supports was going to win either way
I dont play ASSFAGGOTS but this shit just sounds retarded

I don't play moba cancer, what does 'ban a champion' mean?

Knows nothing about sports of any kind, calls others insults, whines about professionalism and sportsman ship.

>And it would be considered unacceptable even in other real pro sports league

Uhh no it fucking wouldn't.

Conor Mcgregor has said the following to his opponent:
>100 years ago me and my family would ride into your shit filled favela on horseback, enslave the men and kill everyone not fit to work. But it's the modern day, so I'll just beat your ass on monday.

Muhammad Ali followed his opponents through the streets and got into mock gunfights with them for publicity.

Esports will never, ever have a star because it is OBSESSED with political correctness. These leftist California companies have absolutely no idea how you build a sport. It's by highlighting personalities. There are no personalities because any time someone shows a hint of one (for example, by making a sly joke about women playing supports) they are reprimanded and made to fall back in line.

You can't pick duplicates in these modes. Only one player including both teams gets to play any one instance of a champion.

I'm pretty sure it means a player can select a character from the roster and blacklist them so the other team can't use them

The obvious solution is a rematch where they get to pick the characters that the males get to use. So that when they get stomped again by a team entirely of their choosing they can bitch about something else.

>get banned because you beat a female team

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What would have been a good ban, based on objective information?

>Don't learn play other roles or with other characters.
>bitch and moan about being unfair.

I played ton of games with 5 fucking carry on dota and still managed to win despite playing as ward bitch role.

It's not remotely hard to adapt a little.

>Making fun of women and just being an overall shithead is how you build a sport!
Are you brain deficient? What about the actual... game? Maybe those games aren't sports because they're fucking dogshit.

>all that horrible photoshop

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>so the other team can't use them
Specifically ,neither team gets to use them.

Why would you attempt to make women a protected class, shielded from all criticism or insult, in a competitive sports environment?

How is this in any way going to make them "equal"? Sounds like you want them to be "better".

>All 5 of them are support mains in solo queue
KEK why are women such cucks bros?

>bitch and moan about being unfair.
The team wasn't even the one that bitched and moaned, this is just Riot virtue signalling.

From what I've read, with the all female team that actually lost these games, the players did not feel discouraged by this and thought they had fun.

You are either a beta or a woman. Don't worry nobody cares what you think and you can whine and whinge that nobody takes your shit seriously but people won't care.

And they still lost?

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>Why would you attempt to make women a protected class
Because you can't inherit from a private class

Two thoughts.
> lol esports
> lol gurl gamerz

Remember: americans are not human beings. They no longer have human traits.

Cause I wanna fuck em

Has an all-girl team ever won one of these things?

>2:52 kill loss

I smiled and then I frowned because only a sociopath would enjoy that kind of programming joke.

You'd need to find 5 trannies for that.

No shit.

Even pub retards can stomp "pro" female teams. This got proven countless time.

Dont the game have like 100+ champs? There should be at least 20 supports right?

Im so thankful to Valve for however bad their community management is at least it's they're not micromanaging turbo sjws.

Only in All-Girl leagues however I think dominated one of them so probably not.

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They were objectively a lower tier of ranked players to begin with, to the point that people on reddit are asking why they were participating to begin with.

Literally a lower tier, like Diamond or whatever ranked tier it is, compared to the tier the other players were at. It was a hastily thrown together team after the team's owner fired the original team and failed to sell their spot in the tournament.

I googled that, didn't realize Java has access specifiers for entire classes
What's the point of a private class? Is it just for declaring internally in another class?

I don't play either but it sounds like they banned supports since the joke was girls only play supports. But these girls all unironically only play supports so they lost as a result of the other teams memeing.

Nothing wrong with being a sociopath, user, as long as you understand that you are one.

thats kinda funny desu

Except Valve are micromanaging turbo-SJWs who arbitrarily ban any game with characters that "look under 18"

Isn't Valve currently getting shit for disallowing certain anime games for no good reason on the store?

The ultimate answer to this is to auto concede against them the next match they play.

Salty subhuman mad that based speedrunners can beat her with no effort at any competition that doesn't involve sucking cock.

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How long before male teams get "warned" that picking high tier characters is cheating

Not allowed to use strategies against Women, that's racist



For anyone wondering, here's the video of the game where they went 2-52 kek

And here's the video where all the supports got banned

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>to the point that people on reddit are asking why they were participating to begin with.

Women get paid enormous quantities just to show up in esports. They know they have zero chance of winning against men, but they still play because they get huge sponsorship deals.

You would definitely be permabanned from competition if you did that. There is no way to escape punishment except pretending to try against them but actually letting them win. That is what Riot slyly encourages.

This happens ALL THE TIME. The moment they needs to compete with a tranny, then biological differences are real. I lol every time

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But it's 2019 bigot.

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in the forests of Yea Forums, the hunt for VIDEOGAMES discussion continues

>female only tournaments
Why the fuck does this exist?

I have an ingrown toenail. Can I get ingrown toenail tournaments please?

Bullshit in the sense that they're only interested in a quick fuck, maybe, but regardless of that when was the last time you had 203 women offering to jump on your dick?

Theres countries where lolis can get you in legal trouble so.. Im not a legal expert and you need to be one to make a moral judgement over the companys position.

Wow, it's almost like men and women are different

>This video game related discussion isn't video games!
>It reflects poorly on women, and we can't have that!

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>10k gold lead at 13 minutes
>Flame horizon at 15 minutes
They could've played without bans at all and would've still crushed them.

why is she so cute

No one is going to take your """sport""" seriously when you keep making up bullshit rules to enforce on the fly.

A game must have RULES. If the rules say you can ban 5 support characters, then fine. That's it. Period. That's all that matters. None of this liberal "b-b-but bigotry!" shit. It's in the rules. It's fair game. If stretching a game out is also within the rules, then it's fair game. Pull your noses out of women's asses and just play the fucking game with the rules you've already made. What a god damn joke.

I guarantee that the best blowjob ever was performed by a biological male. It was me.

>they can't stop laughing during the ban phase

There's a Special Olympics for the same reason.

Women being absorbed by corporations is so liberating!

They were in fact all support mains from low diamond.

>Why the fuck does this exist?
Same reason that the Olympics are split into male and female events. The best women literally cannot compete with the best men, this is a basic biological fact. Women only events exist so that women can actually have a chance of winning something.

There are no rules against them stretching out the match. That's why all riot could do is "warn" them. No rules were broken. Riot just keeps throwing "sexism" flags on the field.

>Trannies are women
>Unless us Women have to compete with them then they are Men
>But women are equals to men and are just as strong and can do everything they can
>Unless we have to compete with them
This double think is insane.

It's like that in chess too. You have the "everyone league" and the special snowflake women only league.

Women need special treatment in order to not get fucking destroyed by men in all forms of competition.

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Girls can't hang.

Who didn't already know?

who wants senrans? taking requests on who to post, starting with the best 2.
but you're not talking about videogames. you're talking about women and superiority/inferiority of them compared to men. talking about people who play videogames doesn't automatically qualify them to be a discussion here. if you were talking about dota or whatever shit they played, then sure. but you're not, you're talking about the people, which is not videogames. kill yourself you stupid fuck

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Don't forget: women are just as physically capable as men, except when we're discussing the draft.

>They can make it against the rules if they like.
Not after-the-fact, they can't. If they make it a rule, it must be done before the game begins and players have to be made aware of it. That's how sports work after kindergarten.

"last warning" implies that they'll be banned though.

Which is quite silly because they can't really throw the gender card if the match stretching has nothing to do with gender.

Why the fuck this garbage don't end when both sides say GG?

At least thats how dota matches are handled.

I am pretty sure basedboys would beat them at that too

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All the delusional people that think there are no differences between men and women

>but you're not talking about videogames. you're talking about women and superiority/inferiority of them compared to men

We're talking about a female esports team. You are literally throwing a tantrum because women are being insulted and you are an naive feminist male teenager who just cannot stand for that.

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>literally weak teenagers for life

You mean a match or an entire tournament? Either way the answer is no.

that 15 year old got to fuck all those fit women? hot damn

>effeminate pseudomale starts pissing and crying all over himself because someone criticized women

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You'd be surprised at how many people would be interested in hooking up with you. I'm a 4/10 and I slapped on a wig and a dress and posted in the tranny hook up section of craigslist. I got a handful of responses and one of them was a very nice looking Asian guy. Most of Yea Forums isn't anywhere as bad as me. If you apply yourself and go out on a limb, you'd be surprised at how many people would actually want to fug you.

>that picture on top right
holy fuck that's fitting

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now what does this image have to do with video games?

Hey dude, let me save you about a decade of hurt feelings.

No one is going to have sex with you in exchange for you acting like this. In fact, you are actually repelling women with this behavior.

>Stop beating the girls and making them look bad. Riot is trying to show them off and do GUUUURL power things and teams aren't complying by letting them dominate them.
>WE AIN'T SEXISTS! I mean not unless its behind closed doors anyway!
Companies keep doing this, like anyone believes it.

That just looks like he's having a seizure.

An all Asian female team would do decently, not the best or anything, but White women just suck at this sort of thing

There isn't too much of an intelligence gap between White & Asian men, but holy fuck White women are just so fucking dumb compared to Asian women, like there is a big gap there, make no mistake a working brain & concentration is required to play even LOL, the White girls are probably just thinking about shoes half way through the game

There's no such thing as a shit band you dumb cumstained ragmuffin.

>caring about sex
did you get lost on your way to facebook? Do you have any idea where you are?

> All 5 of them are support mains in solo queue, 5 supports was a legitimate ban to create a large hole in their team composition.

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Nothing, I replied to the off-topic post that you made?

I watched the replay, they were spawncamping them. Shit was hilarious

Only if you let Kyle know beforehand.

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>>thinking there's any logic and reason to social justice


fuck socialism, communism and feminism
i'm not a feminist nor am I a teenager.
wow, some women lost a tournament for making stupid rules trying to prove a point. great, talk about that.
the following posts are unrelated to the female esports team or videogames in general
etc etc.

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God, I love Asanagi so much, but his shit is so silly sometimes.
A normal human beating up even an assassin servant like it's easy and then excusing that as normal because he was born male is just silly, but in a fun campy way.

Its also bad sportsmanship to field such a unqualified roster in a competetive league. I'm not talking about them being bad because they're girls, but because its a fact that they're all worse than their male opponents. Iirc the female players were all low diamond-platinum league in solo queue while their opponents were all challengers. It's a huge fucking difference in skill levels.
Claiming that it's a serious competetive match is a joke and a waste of everyone's time.

This is a literal joke printout of an old picture.

get fuckin DUNKED on bitches

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I really don't understand why women can't embrace what they are. They have an infinite amount of strengths as support roles. It's not just an e-games joke. They are men's other half. Men can achieve twice as much with twice the efficiency with a woman who embraces her feminine strengths at his side, which in turn bolsters the woman's own strength and status. Team work, god dammit. There's nothing wrong with being shitty at soccer and auto repair.

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true, but all asian girl team wouldn't appeal to western market as well

Nevermind negating the attack without the use of a command seal to restrain a servant. Countless masters have been killed by their own servants because they were careless cunts or assholes. Could have just went for the typical "I order you to become as meek as a mortal woman" and then proceeded with the rape instead.

The absolute unit.

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Those posts are replying to you, the person that started the off topic posts.
You are still publicly melting down because women were insulted and you are a retarded American pseudo-human. All these pretenses about being angry because of off-topic posts are retarded, transparent attempts to hide that you are melting down for political reasons.

But it's still funny.

>dumb cunts only play support.
>Said supports get banned.
>It's clearly sexism fault guise.

Also they were literal shitters on game.

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>And it would be considered unacceptable even in other real pro sports league
kek, nice try tranny.

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>I really don't understand why women can't embrace what they are
Corporations decided that they wanted twice as many worker-consumer units.
From there, it was trivial to manipulate women into abandoning motherhood.

Poor Slavic women getting sucked into Western nonsense.

Can someone explain the difference between men and women when it comes to gaming? Like yeah there are major differences when it comes to more physical activities but what causes women to fall behind in virtual games? Is it just a lack of biological reaction speed or is it because due to the stigma around games girls who would innately be good at them are less likely to play?

Riot and Blizzard--LoL and Overwatch respectively, should have no business in competitive sports.
Both games have horrible mechanics, and even worse balancing. And to top it off, they have shit policies--no wonder no one takes them seriously.

let me spell it out clearly for you.
I do NOT care that some esports literally who team got insulted. i don't give a fuck, not a single one. insult them, call them bad at the game. tell them to go back to the kitchen. but talk about THEM and the GAME THEY PLAYED. not trannies joining the military or other literally not videogames discussion.
>getting mad for political reasons
yeah, the political bullshit that this thread is about.
also, of those posts One (1) of them was replying to me.

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Poor slavic holes are already cunt-deep in the worst kind of Western nonsense.
They're only missing the good parts.

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Women have much slower reaction times and terrible spatial skills. They are more capable of MOBAs compared to shooters but they are just so much slower at reacting and much more imprecise.

It's more like banning slotbacks

based retard

Can't wait to see you in the next incel thread. Oh wait you don't shitpost in those. Kill yourself scum.

>you'd be surprised at how many men would actually want to fug you
Fixed that for ya.

They don't take it seriously, there is some Japanese girls that can compete pretty well in Tekken, Women can do better if they actually try

The picture doesn't say anything about the other team also being a girl team.

I feel like the ultimate BM ban would have been Teemo.

Less testosterone means less aggression and smaller likelihood of choosing "fight" in a fight or flight situation, less inclination towards aggressive response in play and competition is all about aggression and split second decisions and if majority of those decisions are skewed in favor of not attacking, it shouldn't be difficult to tell why they are at a disadvantage.


Not confirmed but generally men's brains are wired for war more than women on average much like how men are on average physically stronger across the chest. See sexual dimorphism.

I'm just so tired, bros.

Why do the bad guys always win?

>Making fun of women and just being an overall shithead is how you build a sport!
I mean, that wasn't the point, but I guess misreading and interpreting is the only way you know how to argue in the first place.

are they videogame related incel threads? or do they get posted with a frog/wojack and get deleted after ~100 posts?

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Is there any group more sheltered and entitled than the modern white women

It's more like forcing Tom Brady to play with a soccer ball instead of a football

This. They won't be as good but golf and tennis has proven that women who take shit seriously can do pretty decent. Better than most people here that's for sure. Back in the early days of CS there was an actual successful model on a comp team that was bodying people, and that was back when the game was far more core and didn't start pandering to scrubs with the 1.3+ shit.

Reaction speed, forethought and planning, the ability to read your opponent, being level-headed/not tilting, taking needed risks instead of favoring safe plays, etc.

this is so fucking funny on several levels

black women

Riot Game: You can ban any hero you want

Tough I have personal reasons against ruskies I can't fault them for being so fucking based.

Because we're living in an evil world where most games are zero sum.

What kind of personal reasons?

Psychological reasons, reaction times, spatial awareness,, the way they think.

There is ton of reasons. But honestly it's mostly because woman don't have the half of autismo needed to actually play well.

>le based xD
They're same kind of subhuman trash as african niggers and muslims.
Everything "based" about ruskies is shared with all other subhuman vermin. You don't like ruskies, you just like genetic trash.

But humans should have dealt with these issues already.
We defeated sabre tooth tigers and felled mammoths, but now we can't deal with manipulators and their ideologies?

Men are wired to hunt for resources, women are wired to sit at home and tend a family. It's not complicated

Modern corporate-owned society wants women to serve the same role as men because, well, you get more short-term profits from having women work than having them make families

>tennis has proven that women who take shit seriously can do pretty decent

>Another event dubbed a "Battle of the Sexes" took place during the 1998 Australian Open between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager". The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park, after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2. Braasch said afterwards, "500 and above, no chance". He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game "fun".

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Empathy and an openness towards other ideologies is a weakness and any society or group of people who possesses those traits are doomed to be overrun by the groups that don't.

You are witnessing the lifeboat analogy on the scale of a civilization.

>golf and tennis has proven that women who take shit seriously can do pretty decent.
The Williams sisters are on ungodly doses of steroids. You can barely call them female any more.

Most female sports stars literally have pseudo-penises from the amount of anabolics they inject.

Attached: holm-anabolics.jpg (720x470, 150K)

Emotional women tend to lose in the end

Ah yes, the good old "make something up about it being a hunter-gatherer thing that sounds vaguely plausible and it HAS to be true"

It really sounds like these warnings are just being given out to teams for beating the girl team because they're girls and beating them at the game makes you a meanie bad person.

Thanks friendo

Don't forget that he was drinking and smoking in the breaks between the sets and afterwards when he asked for a rematch, both sisters said they want to go against a guy who's in the 400s, him then declaring he'd gladly fall down in rank to play against them again.

Virtually everything about humanity is related to our evolution. Do you know even the basics of evolutionary science?

>Allah's chosen battling the mighty He-Beast, circa 2010, colorized

Yeah, I'm gonna need a citation, if they were against another all girl team they would have mentioned so to make it seem less like they lost because they were girls.

>But humans should have dealt with these issues already.
Most "humans" (misnomer, since there is nothing humane about them) have this thing called optimism which makes them think they're winning even when they're face-first in shit.
And the more they lose, the more they deny.

Self-affirmed winners want winning to have rewards.
And when the rewards don't arrive because affirmation doesn't change the facts, they blame some boogiemen and scapegoats.

It's only going to get worse with modern time politics-as-entertainment bullshit. Trump is a prime example of "always winning" optimist, he's "winning" even when leaders of the world are laughing at him directly to his face.
Same shit is happening in other parts of the world too.

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if it's not nurture, it's nature
and nature is mostly those tens of millions of years where we were in caves and tribes
not these 5000 recent ones where we had civilization.

and to be honest, nurture is just another face of the same coin as nature... nurture arises from nature, so to speak

why my dick hard

Trump is literally winning though. He is fucking over globalists which are seething. But of course you are just some liberal so who cares. Trump 2020.

Literally cringed with disgust as soon as I saw this word.
If you have even tangentially thought about him, had any sort of occupying hatred about him, you are a sheeple.
If partisan politics has any hold on you, you are a sheeple.
They are distracting you with this fun little tribal "my team, your team" game.

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Only a cuckold would care about what politicans say about you. Its all about actions.

What if I want to suck dick too, will you ban all of them?? UH??

Yeah, because whatever dumb shit you come up with is definitely a scientific theory. This is the exact same as any hack comedian making up bullshit based on "muh cavemen"
I know what evolutionary psychology is ya goober, I'm just tired of people making up absolutely anything they please because it sounds like it might be true
Did you know arguing about dumb shit on imageboards is actually ingrained in our culture because the hunter tribes a million years ago held other tribes at bay by shouting at them until they went away?

Yup, is full of shit

>Conor Mcgregor has said the following to his opponent:
years ago me and my family would ride into your shit filled favela on horseback, enslave the men and kill everyone not fit to work. But it's the modern day, so I'll just beat your ass on monday.


>dev company tries to go woke
>it backfires once again and puts attention on how once again stereotypes are correct

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>Winds around to Trump
Every single time. Rent free.

>I'm just tired of people making up absolutely anything they please because it sounds like it might be true
it is an objective, unarguable scientific fact that men and women are sexually dimorphic, and that this dimorphism owes to ancient gender roles (men as resource gatherers, competitors - women as child makers and family tenders)
i promise you that nobody make that up in this thread.
you don't understand the real reason you're angry. the real reason you're angry is because the media conditions you to have an adverse reaction to anything that implicates women as having a natural purpose more significant than being wage slaves for jeff bezos and co.

Speaking of Trump, hes a good example of why i don't want a Female president, because modern Western women expect to be treated with kiddy gloves like this LOL team whenever they face any adversity, the days of Women like Margret Thatcher are over

Clinton would have conceded so much power & trade deals over to China it would be depressing

Mildly amusing.

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For a MOBA with 100+ characters or something, it's not a huge deal. If it was a fighting game it would be total bullshit.

I miss when banning phases were full of stuff like the first letter of every champion spelling
any time a company gets too big they become no fun allowed. Riot still isn't as bad as Blizzard but they're close.

But they beat them like 50-2. Call the strategy "sexist" if you want, but it was obviously effective.

>that pic
What the fuck?

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I think everyone that's arguing it's some hormonal superiority on mens part are incorrect. The real reason is that men just play more video games. The ESA did a study and the ratio of play time between men and women is like 10:1. If you need to spend 10k hours to "master" something then the number of men who hit that threshold will obviously be higher and the number of high competency players who also player 10k hours will also be higher because the pool is larger. You also have a strong social drive for men to be high status, which women don't have, so men are engineered to be more competitive because having high status is more important to the dating game than it is for women.

> they're just arbitrarily adding new rules after the tournament started
umpires can always warn off or penalize players for unsportsmanlike behavior, that is in the rules.

They could have beaten them 50-2 with no bans blindfolded. The girls were all mid diamond players with no competitive experience. It doesn't even matter that they were female, take 5 random mid diamond solo queue players and put them against a competitive team and they'll get slaughtered.

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>when leaders of the world
That's like a cuckold in swinging (like people openly encouraging couples to do the same) calling someone else insecure. Worthless insult given the source.

*ugh* what's wrong with it? Just a woman enjoying life and owning HER OWN body!

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Good fucking luck trying that on a whole group of servants when you might need all 3 just to compel one of them.

I fucking hate roasties so much.

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It's unprofessional to let such a low ranked team thrown together at the last minute even compete
And then get surprised when they get stomped

>Russian team tries to sell their spots
>decides to recruit a "team" of random female streamers for publicity
Everything worked as intended

Men are literally physically superior. Do you want me to start pulling studies showing the higher reaction times? You are arguing based on emotion and unwillingness to admit men are just physically better at pretty much everything.

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none of the countries on top have any chance of a war happening. those are just symbolic positions. if any real conflict broke out they would be swiftly replaced with men

A swing and a miss, I couldn't give one fuck about women.
The very fact that you think I'm denying women traditionally being family tenders is exactly my problem. You are absoltuely incapable of separating that little fact from anything you attribute to it
Women are worse at videogames, not because of they don't usually play them as a child (because girls playing them are frowned upon), but because of deeply ingrained homemaking tendencies. You don't even think to consider any other possiblity than "yeah ok I made up a link to prehistoric society and that sounds reasonable enough".
This is clearly pointless and I'm going to bed anyway. Just think about what kind of bullshit you try justify based on "I think this sounds true" reasoning.

Why can't women play non support

>Every single time
When a single person combines so many undesirable traits under one dead meerkat of a hairdo, you bet your ass that he gets mentioned a lot.

Ugh! That's going to be a yikes from me, dawg.

>knowing that they can't lose
>Its a bad sportsmanship and unprofessional
>it would be considered unacceptable
>yet another retarded animeposter

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That top left pic pretty much explains it all. You see how tall these teens are? Jesus.

>Literally seething
Rent free.

I mean even with a command spell you might need multiple if the servant is particularly powerful and really hates the order. And once you're out of command spells the servant can probably turn around and kill you horribly as thanks, not to mention that making it to the end of the HGW without at least one command spell is a huge fuckup anyway if you know what you're doing.

things like this is why I can't tolerate more than ~48 hours on a dating app before wanting to kill myself

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You can both have and be a personality without being misogynist or racist, but the only ones you've noticed get bopped down were exactly that. Starcraft has had plenty of notable pros that weren't literal pieces of human garbage, but you have to ignore all that for your argument to work, don't you? It's a false narrative, you see people complain about it loudly, especially here on Yea Forums, so you just assume that this is all there is.

And for the record, them banning 5 supp is fucking hilarious.

women are worse at video games because they are biologically inclined to be
any sociological element you attribute to the male-female performance delta arose from the biology of humans
in the end, as for human nature, it's all biology and evolution, with rare cameos from of-yet genetically unassimilated environmental factors

>sell their spot
Why would that even be allowed?

God imagine being piledrived by that monster

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>Trump is a prime example of "always winning" optimist, he's "winning" even when leaders of the world are laughing at him directly to his face.

Meh that's just politics, the nexus of political power has been shifting to South East Asia for three decades now so it wouldn't make a difference if world leaders were laughing at him or not. What the likes of Trump does though is create a shift for better or for worse making the shift is a legit victory in itself as the old direction wasn't good for the country economically or spiritually.

Because support is a "easy" job.

I recognize where this is from.
good mind-bending shit

>I can't prove my point at all and I'm in the wrong so I'm going to bed
Good night cunt. Learn not to challenge men next time.

Most supports don't require aggressive play. The ones that do like Alistar women don't play.
The thing the typical support girl "gets good" at is warding and playing disengage supports like Janna. They're shit at anything mechanic or macro related aside from knowing where to ward.

You're sounding a lot like Hitler there.

Isn't Riot owned by Chinks?

It was Arin right before he killed himself.

>women can't even support their own tits

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It's not, hence why they got caught and fucked

>5 10
Cope harder manlet

>You can both have and be a personality without being misogynist or racist

you can't censor anyone in any capacity if you expect creativity from them
censorship fundamentally influences how people form ideas
it's why china, having 1.4 billion people to make ideas, has to steal ideas and art from countries a tenth its size

i think you are probably very young and naive, possibly even underage, and you have some idealistic view about the progressive magical world your teachers/professors have told you is coming

i don't think i should bother typing anything at you, i can't have any effect. i'll just give up here

I can't even imagine having a support that don't gank or harass on dota.

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>You can both have and be a personality without being misogynist or racist
Nope, everything you say can and will be misconstructed as one or the other. And his argument is that in other sports nobody gives a shit, which is true.

Thanks for giving a (You) to my 1 hour old post. Good try riling me up, but I'm 6'3. The point is simply that I'm far above her cutoff

Funny thing is that it's not, which is why girls who just play Janna and spam shield never get into Challenger. Support has a much bigger impact on which team wins botlane compared to AD. Then you have roaming plays that require a lot of macro knowledge. There's a reason Aphromoo wins so many MVP awards, support is literally the highest impact role if played correctly.

He's right though, we're not made equal I'm not sure how deranged someone has to be to pretend a woman can be a man's equal on things like strength. They have other qualities.

How come OP never let's his thoughts in the OP? Are they actually that stupid, that clueless they can't make up their own opinions without consulting the hivemind?

>Don't require aggressive play
And i hope they keep playing them, it's fun to see a confused enemy when i play aggressive with supports like Nami and Taric

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jeez the irony in that pic

F/SN is full of instances of powerful masters being able to hold their own against servants. Mages are pretty bullshit.

Its not the manlet on the outside that matters. Its the Manlet on the inside. Seriously you need to be careful and get yourself checked. They can get into your bloodstream and do some serious damage.

>YFW men are better even when they're women.

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To be honest, I think League esports would be far more interesting if we didn’t allow the teams to play the exact 12 champions every fucking game.

Would it be so hard to implement a rule where in a best of 3 series, the first games bans and picks acts as normal but for round 2, the champions that were picked all are automatically banned for both sides. This repeats itself until whoever gets their 3 match wins.

Of course I can’t expect this. It would be too hard to ask esport players to actually flex as a team. Oh well.

Excuse me but I was deepthroating 8 thick inches when I was 16, I can 100% massage any dick with my throat and hold my breath for a full minute.

This is the Polish one.

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League has a 3/5 surrender iirc
So the girls cpuld have ended it at any time

That didn't make any sense, even as a joke. Terrible effort, 1/10

trannies finna dab on dem roasties

It only takes her one photo to decide if you're worth it but it only takes me two words

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Imagine being so rectal ravaged you start larping as a strawman

Normal mages like Rin can't do shit against servants. It's the oddballs like Souichirou, Kotomine and Shirou who can and only in special cases.

or riot could just balance the fucking game, but I guess that's asking too much

That's not a woman, that's just a man, men are just athletically superior on every aspect to women, this is a biological fact.

This loser couldn't do shit on the men's league so he decided he wanted to be a woman, however not even all the HRT in the world will make him one it's fucking sad and disgusting honestly.

Weren't there a pretty efficient all-women team on CS at one point?

That's wrong though. Russians been making the moves on Svalbard, claiming it was always Russian clay.

You can still git gudder - I can do it with just one word and the surrounding context.
Any mother on dating service must be utter trash.

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What are you talking about? In dota only one side has to type gg to surrender, not both.

What's wrong with fucking a single mom? It's not like you're gonna date her

oh God imagine having an Illusion-level customazibility for your cumdoll

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>tfw you'll never get railed by one of those chad jocks
Fucking roasties have it so easy look at that hottie.

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You mean this one?

Anyone that honestly believes women aren't best suited to a support role (in real life), are not very attentive. And being a 'support' role is not an insult, or degradation, or devaluement. Support roles are usually the most important. Ask any army medic, commercial airline stewardess, or veterinarian assistant who keeps that train on its rails - they'll tell you.

>So far, it's not been the best--that flash...

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why would they balance the game if they can just pump out slutty characters/skins and make millions?

based hitler

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Dota have slot 5 supports whose job is do everything and setup kills for carry. It fucking sucks since you will never have gold for anything but wards and some items and you are basically free kill in the entire match.

No one sane wants play one.

>oh hey we fucked up ranked and now there’s literal morons getting ranks they don’t deserve and matchmaking has gone to shit
>let’s double down and just resort to band aiding the problem instead of growing a set of ball, tell everyone we fucked up and reset rank for everyone.

Truly they know what they’re doing

If you can do it and win, then its funny. If you do it and lose then you're retarded.

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legit, and corporations have manipulated women who do work and live their proxy careers only to blow out all their fucking money of trivial shit, cause corporations influence what they buy and live on, its why women have the most consumer buying power, they influence the market, they are so easy to manipulate.

>travelled a lot and partied hard, which adds up to a lot of sex
I don't understand normies. How do they just find sexual partners wherever they go?

Loose morals and looser vagina

Any woman could literally (literally) stick her head out her front door, yell "I WANT SEX" and a man would wander toward her and offer himself.

sex is fun for lack of a better word and there's no downsides unless you are negligent


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Taxes are a mechanism for moving purchasing power from wise consumers to unwise consumers (Women and Non-Asian minorities) among other things.There are so many single moms because welfare and child support exist.

>not posting full video

Attached: check.jpg (640x451, 54K)

Women and grenades

Attached: woman throwing grenade.webm (480x360, 783K)

The more I read this, the more I question it's legitimacy, no one above 10 would write so much garbage.

If you give dolls sentience they'll ditch you right away, just like real women

>be bad at game
>don't surrender match
>go in to another match
>ban 5 support heroes because a team with 5 supports will just lose anyways
>team of support mains lose
>But this had nothing to do with gender discrimination, it's just bad players don't win. Period.

Not at all true. You can program the personality any way you want.

League tried to fix this by giving more ambient gold income and gold income items for supports, but in the end they play largely the same as their DotA counterparts. It's the least popular role.
That said they still have the highest impact in the most important part of the game, the first 10 minutes.

Lack of ability to be content with one partner later and pair bond? STD's? The trouble of getting it?

Natural selection made it so that male and female brains were adapted for different types of task, and the tools which male brains excel at are advantageous for gaming.

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But you can't even program yourself to be funny or interesting, much less attractive. I don't think there's a single personality out there willing to tolerate the average user

>Follow rules
>Beat enemy team
>Get banned because the enemy team was women and beating them in a video game while following the rules is literally rape
Let's conveniently ignore how patronising this is for the female team.

If you ban supports then that means that all the ADCs and Top laners are free pick including the OP ones.

If the enemy team can't win with top picks then they don't deserve to win at all. Riot are just being whiny babies and banning people for doing non-meta things like banning Support Nunu and Support Singed.

LoL is boring shit to watch because Riot actively punishes people for not playing the meta. Thereby limiting player creativity, not even Blizzard bans people for playing Bastion in Overwatch League.

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There was another one recently where the man united female team got smacked 8-2 or some massive score by some academy team of teenagers, they post it on twitter and get boatloads of hate and had to pull it down.

Post Hikages feet

Why are you on a website full of people you do not find funny or interesting?
It's almost as if you are projecting...?


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Reminder that no one got banned or fined, only warned. Riot is just blowing smoke out of their ass to appease the whiny faggots, they wouldn't give a shit otherwise (unlike Blizzard with is 1000% cucked).

I've seen DotA teams let their bans choose randomly via timer as a sign of "disrespect" on numerous occasions and never punished

On top of this, who the fuck cares, its fun when teams of real sports or esports or anything disrespect one another or shit talk

jesus fucking christ if men actually started a war against women we wouldn't even need to participate ffs

Women don't actually care so long as they get what they want and receive positive social praise. Principles are for men.

Ah time to rewatch this

Immediately forfeiting is patronising, you have to pretend to be fighting against them for 20 minutes before you're allowed to surrender.


Where's the video?
Also explain how this game is supposed to work, I've avoided it for years.

Ah yes the good old "natural selection doesn't work on humans".

in this picture they are all smiles, while the men are focused and stern, im more intimidated and respectful toward the men based on this alone, i would try to leave amicably. though with the women I feel like I am at a PTA meeting and that's my son's teachers, i can't take them seriously, and never would, so I would want to dominate over any deal with them.

Women shouldn't have been given the right to vote.

dota is a different breed and valve is a company that SJWs are desperately trying to shame into "being more active"

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I'd fucked Albania lady.

It was disrespectful, and expecting Riot to react any differently means that team was retarded. If you're going to operate in that dumbass world where nobody's feelings are allowed to be hurt you should expect some backlash for that.

Looking at autists crying over vidys is always funny, but not in an attractive way

And yet you yourself are an user.
Do you hate yourself that much?

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Another roastie that can't deal with reality

What a pathetic copout response. Don't reply to me again.

I dont get it, are you telling me that LOL only has 5 support characters?

Dota supports are a bit weird, they never exactly scale beyond 30 minutes but keep useful for entire match for ton of different reasons and some can turn into extra carry like Mirana and venge, or just stack items to get bulky as fuck.

Back in the good ol days I used to pick Teemo and blind the shit out of the enemy, also slowly wear them down by making sure the poison was up on both of them 90% of the time. Fun times.

Google Tanukana, women can certainly do better if they actually tried on videogames.

Physically they're weaker of course, but the other user didn't say otherwise, stop being autistic incel.

white women with a black female child, single on dating app hoping snag a sugar daddy, child grows up with mother as a legit slut, cycle repeats. western women in a nut shell. she was so busy being progressive, she forgot that life ain't a disney movie.

Have you even seen the game? The redhead one was laughing the whole time (she seemed to give even less fucks on the game where they lost 2-52). Their team was a joke since the start, and that kinda pissed me off, they never cared about changing women's image on esports, just aimed at controversy and attention. (one of them even call herself TRIGGERED, like, come on)

If you don't hate yourself you're either a normalfag or a newfag, and neither belongs on Yea Forums

Being disrespectful is fine though, other esports allow it, shit happens in real sports. Dumb that riot and blizz baby games try to coddle everyone with this fake professional persona that even real sports worth billions dont adhere to

How is hating yourself at all a good thing?
There are probably plenty of people who aren't newfags who don't hate themselves.

depends on the support really. Stuff like warlock and Rubick scale well with levels and gold, while stuff like chen is dominant early but is nothing but a big creep (ironically controlling more creeps) later

Well, it's not because she would be weak, it's because she would be getting paid. Same shit with the russian uranian deal. Or the arab spring.

True, normies invaded back in 2015.

Despite literally every bit of evidence to the contrary. If more men tried harder they would do better. Women are categorically worse roastie and you can deal with that or not. It doesn't matter because YOU DON'T PLAY GAMES yet you sit here talking about how women could be good at games.

Boy they are fucked if the house of cards they are living on ever feels a bit of a wind.

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the chinks are busy making surplus mounts of money to care about a dead game they bought. you honestly think tencent really gives a fuck about league in 2019? if they did, Riot wouldn't be all SJW, the last thing tencent really funded for Riot was the KDA Popstar shit, cause chinks know people love cute anime K-POP skins and gave Riot money to work on that project to make a full own series to it with music and animation. KDA was Tencent's idea not Riot's.

She is the 334th highest earning woman in esports, with only $900 in earnings. Why would I care

t. retard
I'm not even going to tell you how I know you're below 5k
>league supports plays the same as dota supports
you have to be literally braindead to actually believe that

stop posting, you're hurting my brain

Yeah, we call those normaltards.

>mutt kid
every time

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Ok Incel, did you google what I told you to google before shitposting? Because thats the evidence you want, and proves you're wrong :3c

He isn't exactly wrong.

Nobody wants play slot 5 mate.

>good for anything at all

>Literal fucking who woman who has never won a Championship
Great evidence. I suppose since Tom Brady exists every man can be just as good at football if they tried harder.

So you're saying Hitler was right?

You mean the 54th worst Tekken 7 player?

>trash talk is cool
>women enter room
>say they wanna be part of the guys
>trash talk women like they're part of the guys
>trash talk no longer allowed
works every time

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Did you notice you ignored the first 5, reasonable replies and homed in on the one that seemed wrong?
Just read those first 5 and take them as your answer

>Blizzard create shitty system
>Players abuse the system fully within the rules
>Get warned
Maybe Blizzard should be the ones getting off their fucking ass and looking at what the fuck is wrong with their system instead of telling people off

Women always try to control whatever environment they are in and men allow them to because they want to fuck. It stops being about the subject and starts being about the woman every time. Everything has to revolver around how they feel.

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>shit happens in real sports
Most sports have rules about unsportsmanlike conduct.

Nigga you wot?

>No Richter, G&W, or projectile characters

Well fuck your tournament, then.

>they never exactly scale beyond 30 minutes
t. has never played dota past 2k

If you can't win an argument but don't want to feel like a loser pick the weakest point made and attack that to feel like a winner.

Or if you are some ideological shill then just ignore the reasonable ones and strawman the fuck out of the weakest point and spam as much bullshit as possible because you are trying to sway random minds.

>more video game "pros" and e sports teams take an entire photograph of themselves folding their arms like they're part of the Expendables
If there's one thing I couldn't hate more of this cancer, it's that people like them and Fighting game tournyfags think this actually looks intimidating in the slightest. If you're not about to pose for a Hollwood film poster, then you can kindly unfold those arms, keep the head straight, and smile like God intended you pretentious fuckwits.

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>He isn't exactly wrong.
He is completely wrong.
>nobody wants (to) play slot 5 (in my bracket)

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It's extremely easy for women. Literally at any location, at any time, any woman on earth could say "I wanna have sex now, who's game?" and get a bunch of dudes who'd be totally up for it.

You'll find that the bar is generally higher for guys though, requiring a level of attractiveness, money or personality to actually get sex is something women will never really understand.

Is Kyle /ourguy/?

I got news for you, things supports do, a Stun, a Root, a Hex, they scale FOREVER. Hopefully you get into 3k soon

This is the full match, it seems like everyone was just laughing it off as bantz until the 4th and 5th bans

It actually sucks that the games with the best support roles, Ragnarok and HoTS are fucking dead, the former was killed, the latter was never well designed for the genre.

I know the pain of living in Indy and using Tinder. The women in this city are some of the most insufferable I've been around. Apparently the ones on the west and east coasts are even worse. Hard to imagine, that.

t. hoosier for years upon years

>fucking Thor Odinson playing handball against a bunch of oily muslims.

this is the only way female sports will ever be entertaining, when men start to invade fully.

I choose to believe he just wanted to dominate women at hand-egg and put on a wig and claimed he was a woman and learned how to play the game on the field.

Pick/Ban phase is a whole another skill/knowledge check in competitive. This is part of the reason I love dota 2 so much.

drafting phase in high tier competitive is like another game in itself

holy shit you two are retarded

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>Dudes dying
CIS Scum. Did you not play Battlefield 5? It was women and PoC dying to fight the evil nazis while the white men laughed.

you got the bloodstone one?

This happens a lot in stupid arguments on Yea Forums, cowards will address the easy points and you'll notice the best points in the thread contrary to the opinions in the argument get utterly ignored because no one wants to look like an idiot by fumbling around with them.
It's hilarious.

>that one pocket pick/lineup that fuck over everything.

Even better when it's just usual pubstomper shit.

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If you wanna see something really funny, wait until the olympics in 2020. They'll be allowing trannies to compete against women. 3 months before the election in the US too.

Unironically wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of men destroy women in those competitions so hard, while being supported by the democrats for doing so, that Trump will get rage-voted into a second term.

Reminds me of tennis
Serena williams(#1 female player) and her sister were bragging they could beat any man outside top 200
German lad right outside 200 comes in and challenges them both
Drinking and smoking the whole time to, in his words, give himself a handicap to like a top 600 player, he still wiped the floor with both of them

>A bunch of Africans in wigs dominate the female games

no sadly

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This happens in most public debates. The most extreme or ridiculous ends of either side get endlessly pointed out and argued over while the saner points are ignored.

it's happened before
in the olympics no less

It is ironic that each member of that team was obviously picked for their appearance moreso than their skill, imagine being such a fucking hypocrite

I wanna see it

That is another aspect to this. Women that are good at games aren't generally attractive as they were selected for their skill at the game rather than their looks. Most attractive women do not spend their time playing games unless they are whoring themselves out on twitch.

It should be a team of weirdos and uggos just like the male teams.

>there shit
That picture is a masterpiece

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Did those girls not play a single together? They have no team work. Why did they even make a team? How did they qualify for the LCL?

They were thrown together at the last second because the previous team could not make it. They didn't qualify and there were lower tier skillwise with no prior teamwork.

Because cute asian woman and everyone on Yea Forums has yellow fever

Was there L I T E R A L L Y no other team that was a real team but didnt qualify that they could have picked as a second chance? It seems like Riot was trying to push the female gamer meme.

Well i mean you dont play support for the reason of being the MLG 52-0 guy, you're the guy who turns an enemy hero off for 8 seconds, which is pretty cool

Cant say the same for league where your claim would apply though

Lolshits are truly pathetic.

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I mean...its porn man.

No it's exactly like the draft. Which is done every season.

>implying I give a fuck about the Williams sisters

I literally just said women aren't as good. But a top rank pro female can BTFO a shit rank pro male in general. And no semi pro is going to beat them. Whereas in MMA, NFL, etc, women just cant compete period. Kids could beat them.

Why are females so shit at video games?

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That isn't true at all and you were literally and directly proven false by the above and you are completely ignoring that because you are deluded and can't admit you were wrong.

>celebrity gossip
It deserved to die along with most celebrities and all their fans.


And you're saying Hitler was right, then

It's an insult from riot for letting what i assume to be amateurs to play in some pro shit getting their hopes up when they don't stand a chance.

The Williams sisters were beat by a top ranked pro. You just don't understand how tennis ranking works.

These are unironically hilarious when you know the context

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They got beat by a "Top 300" pro who stated he didn't even take the match seriously after the fact. They previously gloated they could beat every man outside of the "Top 200" I think it was.


It's pretty obvious they just pick pretty girls for this shit.

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>LoL esports

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god I hate esports so much.

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the bottom one is disgusting and i can imagine the smell from here. The top one showers and at least she is a whore and cosplay


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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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>Although it is not technically against the rules

When did LoL get run by the fat kid in recess making up new rules mid game

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