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de nada

Is KH SJW now? They made a white person into a horrible latina.

I don't know why but in the movie and in the game, Honey Lemon enunciating japanese names makes me diamonds

Spanish and Japanese have similar pronunciation for some reason.

Not gonna lie, I cringed at that moment.

Both Honey Lemon and the VA are latinas.

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>Character speaks
>Other character speaks
>She fucking speaks.
If she knew my name, would she butcher it by trying to pronounce it natively as well?

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The blonde hair threw me off.

Didn't you guys know that Honey was latino since the movie?

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Can we talk about how kh3 confirmed that hiro x gogo was a thing? Thought i was crazy during big hero 6

The way she says Hiro kept making my want to twist her anorexic little limbs off.

Latino is a culture, not a race. Black people in south america act like latinos and not niggers.

Did it? Haven't gotten to that world yet lol

She is pronouncing it like a nip would do.

dubs get lol

no, the movie never hinted at that, and I never read the comic, only know her VA but you only because i read the casting in the credit. So he speaking in spanish in KH3 caught me off hand

I wanna go south of the boarder on this chica if you know what I mean

someone who is more fluent in spanish than english can pronounce things in japanese easily because we don't speak like we had a spoonful of peanut butter


You mean Hiro's brother? It seemed likely but one of the writers said she has a thing for fred.


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What even constitutes a white person now?

so wasabi was never black?

She has an accent and greets Hiro with a kiss, listen to spanish music and probably more stuff.

You do know that there are Mestizos and Castizas right user?

I always thought she just did that "worldly" teenage white girl thing where she just says random words in other languages.

The only thing better in the comics is Fred.

Overrated movie in an overrated game.

Even the other fucking nip in the group pronounces it like that.

I don't even care what I get because both are good

>greets hiro with a kiss
europeans also do that
>has an accent
im bad at catching to accents so that's why i never noticed it
>listen to spanish movie
i probably ignored that in the movie
>probably more stuff
the only thing that I noticed after seeing it a second time was that Fred said something meaning in spanish and she was the one who reply that it was false but it would comes off as she probably knows more than one language considering how san fransokyo is some immigrant wetdream utopia

You're a dumbass but even if that was the case, that character wasn't created by square

GIB honey lemon

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Because the other nips are voiced by amerimutts

Gogo is a gook.

>the tall blonde girl isn't white

>nu-disney films
toppest of keks

Most likely a Spanish European and not Mexican. Spanish people have light looking skin and look more white than the brown Mexican counterparts.

Grassy ass yourself!

Buenos dias Kairi

She's a Disney character you absolute goddamned retard

Latino isn't a "culture". It's an entire continent of different cultures. This "latino" identity the USA uses is reductionist bullshit through their own lens. Even more as a Brazilian monkey, my culture has very little to do with most of my neighbours.

baymax a cute

Please god honey lemon. Tall chicks and glasses HNNNNGH

Your view of white isn't white. Only my view of white is the right white. Welcome to /vpol/

*Gracias Sora, Gracias donald, Gracias goofy!

discord tranny fuck off

>Reach final world
>That Drop Dream part where Sora recollects his parts
>The misterious girl and Namine dialogue and the start messages.

I really dont get Nomura, he is so inconsistent, sometimes he writes the most awful shit ever and then he comes with shit like Final World that it absolutely Kino.

All the star messages are fucking incredible and actually amazing writing, it also envoys the theme of relationship,emotions and hearts that the game tries to represent so much fucking better. Seriously, "Life is about the days of tranquility between stuff" is such a good line.

I NEED to cum inside Gogo!!!!

White countries for everyone lmao #fuckwhitepeople

Stupid fucking goyim, you dipshits spent billions building my wall but you can't gather a fraction of that amount to build your own to divide Mexico from the USA? Lmao, enjoy being bred out by shitskins who your tax dollars subsidize. Your future is caramel


it's a culture the same way the UK, Canada, the US, and Australia comprise the Anglosphere

check these repeating integers

Guys I wanted a KH3 thread not a race thread please.

Explain further.

Honey is so cute bros

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>Gogo has 5 digits while Honey has only 4
rigged. Still hoping for Honey, though.

She really is, she's gotta be in the top 5 cuties in KH3 along with Rapunzel

Okay, I give up. Next time I want a KH3 thread I am just gonna start with "Oh no no no no no" or falseflag pretending being barry,

Hell no. We do not all share a language.

I think he's naturally really good with imagery and metaphysical stuff which is why stuff like the final world and everything with the station of awakening is always so good. One of the perks of being an artist

Are you retarded?

Honey is cute and all, but Rapunzel blows her out of the water

Honey wears shoes, Rapunzel is unclean and walks around with her feet

>Rapunzel is unclean and walks around with her feet
>this is somehow a bad thing

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I agree, Rapunzel is a grade A qt. I'm looking forward to her world most (have not started 3 yet as I wanted to power through the others first)

get out of here and finish the games user, no reason to get spoiled prematurely

I don't really mind spoilers, my first game in the series was DDD and I'm on 2 now so I'm almost there

Why are white people so afraid of minorities?

I'm looking to 100% the entire series, it's easy on the remasters with the platinum trophies more or less covering everything, but what do I need to do to 100% Days and Coded?

Not even other japanese pronounce it like that.

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In most languages, if you put the same letters together in different words they will always sound the same for the most part, English is such a bitch in that regard.

Next KH game writing prompt:
Joshua and MoM talk to each other on the roof of the Shinjuku building

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i love honey lemon!!

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No, I mean I have the vanilla versions on DS you trog.

You mean 100% the game, the journals or platinum them?

The journals are quite "easy" and fun, 100% the game can be a drag in some games. Platinum them is cancer in some of them.

>Loses game
>Pull out rules of his ass
>Then brings another game when he gets butthurt.

There is like a 10 year gap.

Does getting the platinum not entail 100%ing the games?

I was just fucking with you m8. I wish you luck on the 100% though.

I think there might be a couple of stuff missing in platinum that its not in 100% but doubt its much.

honey lemon is cute but gogo is way hotter with that big ol butt.

100% is a bitch in BBS because of one of the secret bosses being complete horseshit.

it's easy to forget how fucking braindead this board is

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crime statistics

The hips on Gogo tho


all peoples are generally sort of wary of people of other races because members of different races tend not to behave the exact same ways. generally if some white bread people are approached by a black dude and he's talking like a rapper, they're a little apprehensive, but if they come up and are just acting like a white person, it completely disarms them and they're fine around them.

Yeah aint it great?

So what the fuck happen to Demyx?

Keeping his nobody form and using the dark corridors to live his dream as a traveling muscian, probably. That or he and Vexen are going to work together to get their human forms back

I'm 100% certain he'll be back

>BH6 over Incredibles

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I don't mind the pick but there's plenty of missed potential
>Incredibles world
>Takes place after 2
>Original story
>Sora gets powers and a costume for the world

>Takes place after 2
Fuck that, I wanna fight THE UNDERMINER.

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I thought everything was great right until Kairi gets randomly kidnapped again and then "killed" just for shock value and to make us hate Xehanort more, despite the whole "I was misguided LMAO. Now me and my butt-buddy are going to fuck off to the afterlife" shit and forced as fuck bittersweet ending that might as well be "fuck you buy the next games".

Eh, would rather have it based on the movie. After all, Syndrome is obviously the kind of prick who'd go apeshit with darkness while telling Sora to shut up.

Too bad 2 retconned 1's ending.