3D Zelda was a mistake

3D Zelda was a mistake

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You were a mistake

Was that supposed to be a crappy image? Because it looks better than most of BoTW

only a bluepilled retarded sega widow would shittalk zelda

it wasn't, but aonuma is a hack that makes sure every single zelda game he works on is devoid of any challenge

This, only bad Zelda is Skyward Sword & even that shits on most Non-Nintendo games

I wish there were Kokiri instead of Koroks in BotW. Though not in the same huge numbers.
Though I guess that's because I'm not as fond of the games Koroks came from as I am OoT.

based and redpilled

fuck off pedo

Giving Zelda more story was a mistake.

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i think the change to koroks was made to further diversify the inhabitants of hyrule. The only native we have yet make into a species is lizardfos, finger crossed for the sequel

Take your meds grandpa, you're losing it.

still lightyears better than OoT


The only mistake was not stopping after OoT

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You just gave me a headache.
I don't want to fuck, user.
That's what Zora are for.
That's fair, though I'm sure you could get the same result with having more monsters/races in general.
I'm not sure why Grass Octoroks are a thing when we had perfectly fine Deku Scrubs, for example.

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Skyward Sword wasn't bad though. Wind Waker was worse anyway

>3D Zelda was a mistake
3D Metroid was a mistake.

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idk I prefer SS to Wind Waker because I felt like SS had better dungeons and items (except the fucking beetle).
And, more to the point, I really, really, don't like child Link. I wanna play a man.
I can't even play MM without the Adult Link mod.

> Le Wind Waker is bad
The fact that it STILL makes Boomers seeth after 15 years, just proves that it's a masterpiece

I'm a zoomer that didn't grow up with WW and I didn't like it much when I finally did play it. Didn't care for the dungeons or the sailing. Still a good game but not my favorite.

I was 12 when Wind Waker came out. At the time I loved it but looking back it's definitely the weakest 3D Zelda.

Skyward Sword is the worst console Zelda ever made.

Actually there is only 3 fucking terrible Zelda games:
>Skyward Sword
>Spirit Tracks
>Phantom Hourglass

I keep hearing these meme words, have no idea what they are.
Can anyone explain to me what is:
Thanks in advance

underrated FPBP

wrong 3D metroid was a gift from god
the only time shiggy pushing his weight around made any positive benefit

I agree, even with the Swift Sail and the shortened Triforce hunt in HD I didn't like it as much as everyone else seems to.

they're like the only good zelda games

old person
young person

OOT is the best 3D Zelda
ALTTP is the best 2D Zelda

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this game is a boomer trash
just finished it two days ago and i think its a hot steaming pile of shit

There's no such thing as a 'bad' Zelda game. Even the worst Zelda game is better than 90% of all video games ever made.

inb4 some faggot posts the CDI games.

>3D Zelda was a mistake
>3D Metroid was a mistake
3D Pokémon WAS a mistake

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We got Midna out of it, So I don't care.

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>rushed garbage with kiddy graphics and bad gameplay
If it wasn't for the cuties in this game most people would hate it.

OoT is the best Zelda game. Period.

Nah man, Majora's Mask is an artistic masterpiece. There isn't a single game out there that does what Majora's Mask does. The unique artstyle, the different areas, all the unique character plotlines, the music. Fucking Goht's amazing bossfight. It's incredible.
Truly one of the very few one-of-a-kind games out there.

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>A Link to the Reddit

jaded young person

>3D metroid was a gift from god
Then you are telling us that Metroid: Other M (the game that killed the franchise) and Metroid Prime: Federation Force (the game that killed it even further) are good games?

i emulated and actually liked the cdi games, found it very charming.
but skyward sword is just ASSSS

Hey there Arin "I can't read text to save my life" Hanson.

I don't know why people shit on the 3DS pokemon games so much after the garbage games D&P and B&W.
I mean these games were a pain to play, garbage snow and swamp area, shit pokemon designs, shit story and while XY aren't that much better in that department they added so much quality of life changes that I can't even be angry at those ugly ass mega evolutions.

3d zelda is in a much better place than 2d zelda nowadays

>3d zelda is in a much better place than 2d zelda nowadays
we do not share the same timeline

Personally I've only found CDi and Phantom Hourglass as bad. The fucking Ocean King temple is abysmal and super tedious towards the end, and all the dungeons are super straightforward and dull.
It was neat playing 3d Zelda on a handheld for the first time but the novelty wears thin real fucking quick when everything else is a pain in the ass.

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>give no explanation, not even a few words
>thread will hit bump limit anyway

classic Yea Forums

I don't know the hate towards XY on these days when games like ORAS, SM, USUM, and LGPE exist.

The Kalos region is beautiful and pretty unique, the female protagonist is the prettiest Playable Pokégirl ever made (it helps she is older), the regional Pokédex has the most Pokémon so far with 424, it is also the easiest game to chaining a Shiny Pokémon, among other things.

XY killed my love for Pokemon games. I can play Blue up to BW2 and have a blast, but I never actively want to play XY and the others after it.
Also LGPE is a fucking joke and it's Pokemon's first step into the switch. That's sad.
Gamefreak is so incredibly lazy.

>3D Zelda was a mistake
>3D Metroid was a mistake
>3D Pokémon WAS a mistake
3D Mario was a mistake

ORAS gets by with nostalgia, SM does get hated on as much, USUM have enough content to make up for it's lower quality, and LGPE I would argue get's shit on even more than XY but also has some big nostalgia fags. XY got a raw deal, but 3D pokemon has been abhorrently bad compared to the old games.

>I don't know the hate towards turds these days when diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, stagnant mold-infested bloody diarrhea, and HIV-positive bloody diarrhea exist

>put some thought into your posts
>comment is getting a little longer
>no one reads it and thread dies
Dude you literally can't have any meaningful discussion here anymore.
Trust me I tried multiple times.

>3D Mario was a mistake
Well but it didn't kill 2D Marios did it?

>sega cd was a mistake
>32x was a mistake
>saturd was a mistake
>dreamcast was a mistake
No wonder sega died in the gutter after so many failures.

Parroting shitty e-celeb opinions always has this effect, no one can tell when it's genuine.

every other discussion here is almost literally "thing bad" "no" anyway, and this very thread is basically that

Is that you, Dobby?

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Zoomers were a mistake

Metroid: Pokémon:
- Starting with ORAS every Main RPG games lack an interesting post-game facility (the Battle Tower and its variations are excluded of this).
- Every games became easier to the point that most of the trainer you find have only 1 FUCKING Pokémon with them.
- Your ""rival"" act more your friends that actual rivals, to the point that they even give you items (OK, this was since the very first game but now is exaggerated).
- SM added 81 new Pokémon, but then USUM, the enhanced versions, added 5 new Pokémon (1 of them being a Mythical/Event Legendary), being the first time they add new Pokémon mid-Gen, and they didn't even released a patch for SM. They did the same for LGPE by introducing the Meltan line.



one and done

I cannot bring myself to finish OoT

I've tried to complete it twice in my life and every time I reach the sand/shadow temples I just get tired of how it plays and play something else