Fire Emblem

>Koei Tecmo is co-developing the game
Will they fuck it up?

Attached: koei tecmo.jpg (1080x1338, 325K)

They're probably just doing the assets since Intelligent Systems have no 3D artists

sadly the fact that KT is involved means there is less chance of fucking up.

And I assume Nintendo trusts them with FE assets after warriors.

They also released some uncompressed pic as well.
Looked a lot better than on the Youtube vid tbqh.

Attached: y_5c6f6ad43015f.jpg (960x540, 191K)

No, IS will.

I'd be more worried about ISIS than KT.

Why does she look so soulless? Those eyes look dead.

they're learning about fire emblem first hand to make a fire emblem musou

>axe leader
>lance batallion
Seriously I can't wait for Three Houses.
Should have been called Seasons of Warfare though.

wasn't it specifically Team Ninja that made FE Warriors though?
this would mean some other department of KT is handling this, with even less FE experience

That already happened


They handled those assets in a very Koei Tecmo way.

Attached: Camilla.jpg (1920x1080, 798K)

>Switch = 540p
>Sub 30fps
>Ps2 graphics

I don't know what to tell ya mate.
Nobody bought a Switch for le graphix.

it was Omega Force and Team Ninja. I don't think there is a developer specifically Koei-Tecmo, but I'd imagine it's just the modelers and animators from FEW rather than the entire dev team from one or the other.

No wonder it looks like shit.

Team Ninja codeveloped Hyrule Warriors, hence why it didn't suck. Fire Emblem Warriors was all W-Force

no it wasn't

Attached: 81E8P9kEY6L.AC_SL1500_.jpg (926x1500, 270K)

>mfw the same people complaining non-stop about three houses will probably be lining up at gamestop on release day because the switch won't be getting any decent releases aside from this game and animal crossing this year

Attached: 1549264806680.jpg (360x360, 15K)

>lining up at gamestop
who the fuck goes to gamestop anymore when Amazon does release day delivery

looks like shit to b h

Could use more shading. Everything looks too bright.

Ugly ass game

Every time I've done release day delivery the package has always come at like fucking 6PM. If I want a game day one It's best to go to gamestop and get it at 9 in the morning

Not for gameplay either, it seems.

That explains why it looks like absolute shit.

Something about it looks fucking awful.

Attached: 1525095844775.png (640x360, 148K)

That pic really looks like Valkyrie Chronicles. Hell even the light browned haired guy looks like one of the recruits you can get in the first game.

That is sure as shit not uncompressed

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-02-22 04-18-16.png (1366x768, 1.05M)

Don't bring up that accursed adaption please. I need to forget it exists.

>Camilla in Dead or Alive

My parents spend so much money to send me to this academy at the monastery, sure it's chump change to them now it's just going to keep adding up if I keep failing this goddamn brigand exam. What the fuck can I do lads?

>tfw flunked out of the mercenary program
fuck me

ugly ass game, warriors was better looking.

Attached: 1550667792498.png (560x488, 819K)

>Game is 90% jaggies

Luigi's Mansion 3 will be better than either of those

could have fooled me

that's cause the game is soulless user. three houses will be the first FE in a while that no one gave two fucks about after release it will die quick, despite that it will have a seasons pass.

>three houses will be the first FE in a while that no one gave two fucks about after release it will die quick, despite that it will have a seasons pass.

no one gave a shit about echoes

Daemon x Machina and Astral Chain come out in summer and are going to be way better than this shitfest