What a weird timeline


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a waste seeing as how Nintendo's hardware is underpowered garbage and id rather play nintendo games on Microsoft's hardware. Xbox controller is also the best there is.

I'd rather have Microsoft games on Nintendo's console so that the Switch can get a godly library by the end of its life.

>Microsoft's first handheld gaming device is the Nintendo Switch

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MS going pseudo-third party isn't really so surprising when you take into account that the Xbox division has consistently large amounts of money in the past decade.



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why not just have the more powerful hardware with the best controller get the best library?

Maybe that Mega Bloks Halo game will be a reality now lol

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It’s called the “we failed to sell consoles” timeline

>Nintendo leaves the hardware business
>Microsoft gives up on Vidya software and partners up with Nintendo the same way Nintendo and Sony almost teamed up 30 years ago
What a fucking world we live in.


>Microsoft went third party
>Nintendo left the home console race


PS controller feels bad, man.
I just want a Gamecube controller that's larger and has a decent second analog.

One X is more powerful than any Playstation and dual shock is shit.

Playing the MCC on the Switch would be fucking based honestly.

I think my only gripe with this Nintendo and Microsoft team-up is that the Switch isn't strong enough. Being able to play everything from Mario to Zelda, Smash, Okami, Halo, Cuphead, Banjo-Kazooie (or just Rare Replay in general) all on a portable system is fantastic, but not if the microsoft-half of the games either look like total ass or run like total ass (or potentially even both).

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Maybe Nintendo will port some Nintendo games to Xbox. Maybe some NES classics will come to Game Pass. Maybe Metroid Prime 4 will be a launch title for Xbox Two.

PS4 sucks.

It wouldn't surprise me if the next generation will be a collab between Nintendo and Microsoft.

If it’s so powerful, why can’t it run Bloodborne?

Would be even better since a potential Halo Reach dlc or ODST firefight mode might be coming to MCC this march

Yeah, it is weird.


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Honestly, I know its a dirty word but in all likelihood Gamepass Games would be streamed on the switch through Xcloud

Because it bores the system's hardware like it does its players so it stayed exclusive to Sony.

Switch would have no problems with MCC, Ori, Cuphead and Rare Replay, and those are literally the only games anyone would care about.

>Microsoft and Nintendo need to resort to teaming up to try and stop the power of Sony

Pathetic, really

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Xbox is so desperate they are putting their games on Switch, and Nintendo is giving nothing in return

Literally the biggest botnet ever

The weirdest thing would be Nintendo Allowing that on their platform.

>Bargain bin games and indies

No I'm not giving you any money Phil, fuck off.

Ninty haven't really got anything to lose by allowing this. Plus if those Scalebound rumours are true, they might've wrangled the rights to the IP out of this deal.

>money is nothing

>the same rumors said that MS has been trying to put their games on PS4 as well
They're just giving up and pulling a Sega

Googlewojak should be an NPC desu

That's why we call 'em Xcucks.


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It"s real wtf
publisher is THQ nordiq

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I just want Rare Replay

>Comfy Viva Pinata gardening on road trips
>Building fun vehicles in Nuts and Bolts to beat challenges in unique ways
>Playing Conker's Bad Fur Day ON THE FUCKING TOILET
>Gyro controls in Perfect Dark
>Most of all being able to play my favorite 2 games of all time Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie any time and anywhere


Based THQ cucking Xniggers with their indie "exclusives"

BOTW on Xbox one X?

Already debunked. Scalebound isn't coming back ever

It's MS stuff on Ninty platforms, not the other way around.

Ninty are agreeing to this because they've effectively got nothing to lose. MS are doing it because they're getting their asses handed to them on the console sales front by the PS4 and Switch, and this is actually an opportunity for the Xbox brand to potentially have some mainstream success in Japan. If the rumours are to believed, the Scalebound IP going/sold to Ninty is part of the deal.

If this results in banjo in smash, goldeneye remake getting made and rare replay on switch then I'll be very happy. Also rare games on the n64 classic.

Microsoft isn't stupid enough to trade a few of their games without getting a few switch titles right? The short time profits can not be worth it in the long run.

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>Xbox got raped by Playstation so hard this gen they're putting their shit on Nintendo systems.
Bill Gates' child has had a hard life.

It's about getting people invested in the Game Pass ecosystem

BOTW used Microsoft's Havok for its engine

nothing new

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They can be, considering it's clear MS are moving towards a subscription and streaming-based business model rather than more traditional console one. It's why they and their shills have been trying to force the "the Xbox is a business model, not a console" narrative for the past year. Plus we know how protective Ninty are of their own IPs.

Remember that the money coming in from Xbox Live Subscriptions was the only thing that stopped the Xbox division being sold off after the first disastrous year following E3 2013.

Practically any game with physics uses Havok

It's been awhile since the last time we had Microsoft Studios developed games on Ninty platforms though (Minecraft is technically another dev team).

You do realize it will be streaming?

So Banjo in Smash is pretty much confirmed now. But do you think Master Chief or Gearsman have a chance?

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>internet connection hiccups
>game dies

This is all I want but it'll probably just be stuff like Cuphead and Ori and old Rare games

For games that are beyond the Switch's hardware capabilities, it'll be a cloud-based streaming thing akin to the Japan-exclusive RE7 port.

We already know from premature sales listings that a few lower-end games like Ori are getting physical releases for the Switch through THQ Nordic.

This is probably what they want out of it, they know dedicated console hardware is a dead end and the future is service models

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>the future won't have system restrictions
>the future will be about subscription systems
I don't know how to react

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