In a game against Vaevictis, team ROX banned 5 support champions during the pick/ban process

>In a game against Vaevictis, team ROX banned 5 support champions during the pick/ban process.
>Although it is not technically against the rules, both Riot Games and the broader League of Legends community took this as a sign of disrespect towards the Vaevictis Esports team.

Female and Male athletes really need to be seperated in esports huh? what were they thinking

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Purposely stalling the game to keep killing them. Boosting e-spots stats against cripples. The absolute state of "sports."

Basketball is the same way. Professional million dollar contract athletes think you should stop playing when you're winning so much. The whole thing is stupid.

Why would those bans matter? Only one person plays support and they can just play whoever? You expect people to understand this chink sport trash news without any context?

Riot thinks ROX did this as disrespect towards the female players by only banning supports(which is perceived as the stereotype role that every female plays)

Riot is right, but as we can see there was no reason to respect them. Respect needs to be earned.

Banning 5 supports shows that they already know they're going to win regardless of who they ban

>feminist team got utterly out-skilled by a normal team, even after the normal team put themselves at a massive handicap
>feminist cry about "muh rape !" instead of admitting they are absolute garbage
Giving women voting rights was a mistake that will never stop snowballing.

Wait did this actually happen? Holy shit that's fucking hilarious.

If you go on the League reddit (and most of you probably do, this site loves reddit) you'll see that the majority of the community actually sympathizes with ROX and the other team that got penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct when playing against Vaevictus.
It's also worth noting that the girl players have stated that they had fun in both games and weren't bothered by their opponents' gameplay.

Personally I think they are do need to be separated for "esports" leagues but there's no way they have the numbers to support an all-female league for pretty much any "esports" game.

>the girl players have stated that they had fun in both games
They do realise that in a competition having fun is unimportant, right?

>Respect needs to be earned.
thats far right rhetoric

>Female and Male athletes really need to be seperated in esports huh?

it just happens that it's mostly males who are interested in competitive gaming so there is fewer of them.

they are allowed to get good and they can. in fact gaming is the most welcoming place to get good because you can play for months without revealing your gender. just get on top of the ladder.

they did earn it
they are survivors of patriarchal rape culture
why havent you donated your money to them for it? they deserve it

Which mean those who disagree are just plain wrong.

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But selling good cheer to the advertisers and viewers is VERY important.

Meanwhile the same people are wondering why there aren't more women in esport.
I also find it weird when whenever there's a female player or team the only thing ever mentioned about them are the fact that they are females -- nothing whether they are good at the game or not, but everything centred around them being female. No wonder all of them get tired of it. At least if you're a normal athlete people will talk about your skills instead of your gender.

>basic meritocratic system of human interaction used since before humans had written language is "far right"

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>the only thing ever mentioned about them are the fact that they are females
>nothing whether they are good at the game or not
Because EVERY TIME they are semi-garbage and only got the place for PR reason.

If women were as encouraged as men to pick up gaming, I'd imagine there would be at least some teams which could compete with male teams.

And to attract more women into becoming professionals, which is really good for advertising diversity.
Honestly had this disrespect been done to any other team they would just have laughed at them being cocky, which happens all the time in normal play. But since it was done against this specific team it deserves to be treated differently apparently.

Men do have ever so slightly better eyesight or something than woman
It's pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things but we're talking about a "sport" that values seeing things more than a fraction of a millisecond longer and the miniscule amount of almost unnoticeable lag of a wireless mouse.

>caring about league of legends

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Women are encouraged to pick up real sports (including "sports" like chess and shit) ... and world-class female teams still get wrecked regularly by amateur male college teams.

They can ban whoever they like.

whomever, user

>he still believes the soccer match meme
It was an unimportant warmup with half the team not being present, the trainer playing in a jumpsuit and some players even being underaged. Everyone was surprised anyone even took note of this unimportant shitshow of a match.

This is league of legends we're talking, it doesn't work like that
You can get banned for playing characters in lanes they're "not supposed to go in" even if you do well and win the game

I can imagine their teamspeak

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3 out of the 5 bans were legit bc like 4 of the players on Vaevictis have Nami, Lulu, and Janna as their top 3 played on

don't mean to be that guy, but females face distinct disadvantages when training in 1v1 games. it's almost impossible to find stable practice partners because every, and i mean EVERY guy will eventually succumb to call of perceived available pussy and start sabotaging your practice relationship in favor of "LE NUDES" or "LE INTERNET RELATIONSHIP." it's almost impossible to train as a result. if you don't think it's true then you might be retarded

Kys White Knight

>women are has strong as men !
>it's a crime to say otherwise !
>it's also a crime to let males compete against women because they are way too strong !

maybe they should stop training with beta orbiters then? it's not hard.

user... if you are talking to a girl for 4 hours a day that has similar hobbies and values as you, you don't need to be a beta orbiter to start conflating your training relationship with a real relationship

If you want to blow someone out, blow someone out. Padding your stats by dragging the game out is poor sportsmanship at least, cheating at worst. Respect does need to be earned, but the concept of sports implies a certain level of respect in that people who demoralize other competitors by not taking them seriously are seen as being poor sports. Even the most egotistical athletes like Lebron James tend not to talk down to other players, because that's more damaging to your brand than anything.

ROX players definitely deserve to be reprimanded, they went far beyond trying to win the game and were aiming to make Varvictis lose as badly as possible. Forget the female aspect and just recognize how awful their mindset is to a competitive genre.

>EVERY guy
Then maybe find a stable *female* practice partner, retard ?

> >women are has strong as men !
> >it's a crime to say otherwise !
Who are you quoting?

i'm just saying they face unique challenges given that they have a limited pool of practice partners to choose from as per their gender. it hamstrings them

And of course they're russian.

anyone actively defending or liking esport unironically deserves the rope

prove me wrong

you can be close friends with a girl without falling in love.. that just reeks of insecurity. christ, there's plenty of guys who don't fall for the first girl to show them attention

So did they win?

this is normal in league esports, along with fountain diving and spamming emotes. get over yourself. people only made it an issue because it's a all-girl team.

That's right, there is not a single male who plays league of legends that is not a beta virgin controlled by their dick who will try and get an internet girlfriend. You know the saying "if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you're the asshole"? Well, maybe if every single player you meet is a perverted flirt, maybe, just maybe, you might be leading them on in the first place.

Sports or not
Disrespecting weak opponents has been a tradition for about as long as online games have existed.

men will always win against women

This post reeks of virgin projection. If you can't interact with a female for an extended period of time at work/school/whatever without falling in love with them, I really feel bad for you.

it's probably a chick who wants the attention of beta orbiters and knows they worship her but when one takes it too far its "wtf why do these guys who obviously will fall for me, fall for me!??"

Women's Olympics teams get wrecked by high school boys teams. It's not even close.

And... how about the MtF transgender "females" utterly dominating among the women's fields they're shoehorned into?

All of the women made their way up the ladder playing support though. You could say it was a strategic move to deny their best abilities. Which is exactly the point of a pick/ban system

>team dares to banter
What's even the point of a competitive scene if it's going to be sanitized as well? What's next, losers don't get deranked because that would make them feel bad?

>guy plays chess with a girl
>chess association bans making checkmate with a tower it's disrespectful and not fair play

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Literally no one unironically believes that. Dont fall for right wing trolls user.

>Even the most egotistical athletes like Lebron James tend not to talk down to other players, because that's more damaging to your brand than anything.
you're retarded. MJ talked down to everyone, even those worse than him, because he was an asshole. yet he's the greatest basketball player to ever live. you can cherry pick all you want but assholes are assholes regardless of perceived "respect" in sports

Seems meh as a diss, should have played all support if they wanted to dunk properly.

>recognize how awful their competitive mindset is to a competitive genre.

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I don't know anything about LoL or mobas in general, why is banning 5 support champions a sign of disrespect? It's just subomptimal play?
>ROX’s offence:
>In a game against Vaevictis, team ROX banned 5 support champions during the pick/ban process. Although it is not technically against the rules, both Riot Games and the broader League of Legends community took this as a sign of disrespect towards the Vaevictis Esports team.

>Vega Squadron’s Offence:
>While playing against Vaevictis Esports, players from Vega Squadron intentionally stretched out the match, which is unsportsmanlike behavior.


Because women tend to play supports and healers more than others roles

You're right, you can.

A lot of guys, however, are fucking morons.

99% of female league players main supp

Support Champs can't carry or do anything on their own. They have utility, but they are only busted if working with other champs.
they banned the wrangler, not the card

No. It turns out that as social status equalizes, gender stratification INCREASES. Swedens porportion of "male centric" vs "female centric" jobs, either compared to its' neighbor or via time for example

There would be at most ONE team. More realistically, a few female players spread across the league, as team synergy is important.

A team of women playing all supports is a meme, but there is something to that.

>playing by the rules
>get backlash
zoomer snowflakes at it again

I know little about MOBAs but I'm guessing generally players ban stronger characters to try to get a leg-up on their opponents, here they banned characters that are basically irrelevant so it's like giving them a handicap.

it's very offensive to acknowledge that women usually play support characters in games
please do not acknowledge this fact

I'd kill for any banter where I work, it's so stuck up and shitty.

>tfw your moba isn't infested with women
shame about women still thinking they can cast though.


In theory, yes - because supports are rarely the biggest problem in the enemy team.
In practice, you also try to ban whatever the enemy is most talented with ... and the FIVE girls are maining supports when playing solo.
So no, it's not even actual sub-optimal play - but when as soon as a woman start crying people cease using their fucking brain.

In this SPECIFIC case it's not just suboptimal play. The best layers on that team are support specialists.
And that's with body checking not allowed.
Also, to your point, best "female" SC player? Not TossGirl, it's Scarlett. Best "female" Street Fighter player? Ricki Ortiz. First "female" Overwatch World Cup player? French tranny.
Imagine having every female milestone being taken by a man.

>falling for obvious bait
You are the reason this site sucks

it's actually nice having a female voice to break up the monotony of just dudes talking. i'm perfectly fine with esports being less of a sausage fest.

>pretend to be a tranny
>win all dem easy women competitions

>stretching the game is bad
If they closed the game quickly, people would have cried about it too - and whiteknights would have rambled endlessly about how "the female team was about to turn the game and would have won in the late game" or some bullshit in the same category.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
... welcome to "competing with minorities 101".

b a s e d

That was a satire post you dumb nig

From what I read 3 of the 5 players on the girls team were Nami, Lulu, and Janna mains so they're targeted bans actually make sense.

The problem is, women are almost never entertaining without sex-appeal, and have bland personalities. As well as their knowledge of the game and analytical skills being sub-par.
And most always seem like they've been playing for a week but somehow get to cast pro games. It just makes me want to skip the game or mute them.
Feel free to post some examples though, as I do agree with you.

>"I was merely *pretending* to be retarded !"

This extends past esports. All "women"s competition will be dominated by transexuals

You have men who inject steroids and shrink their balls to get a step above the competition. Taking estrogen is basically just another drug for them to take in order to win. Requiring surgery will be spun in the news as "mandatory transphobic sterilization required to compete", which is what Japan required in order to legally recognize a sex change.

Why didn't Vaevictis concede?

So what is the problem

The funny thing is that the women's team could have surrendered at any point. Both teams mutually decided to continue play.

It's not a smart move if you assume the opponent is good because you're giving them access to OP champions you might not want them to play or might want to take yourself. LoL drafting is retarded and basically comes down to fighting for a handful of must-picks and then the tier 2 guys that synergize with them, they drafted "wrong".

except female grandmasters exists already but gotten shit on by arabs because they don't want women on their tournaments

you're an idiot if you think this is true.

the SECOND you get horny and "OH HEY, there's this user girl that also likes video games!!! maybe i should chat her up, we're already friends!!"

shiva, the dota 2 caster, is one of the more knowledgeable casters and knows wtf is going on. shes a girl. It's just rare finding someone getting into casting for the purpose of loving the game instead of easy job and getting picked for diversity requirements

surrendering is looked down upon in most e-sports.
Even if you're getting absolutely stomped.
I remember a game of smite back in S3, where a team tried a gimmick, massively fucked it up and surrendered and got a bunch of shit for it

A. It's not my post
B. You're retarded if you can't perceive a blatant satirical jab at leftism, you must be extremely new here

They don’t make it that far except for pandering and politics.

>normal athelete
>implying these fags are some form of alternative athelete
reminder that esports is just competitive gaming. not sports.

>most e-sports
Not in respectable ones, it's extremely common in all RTS games

>sign of disrespect
Getting a dead server low diamond team to compete in a tournament for the sole puropose of marketing is what is disrespectful to competition here

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I don't get why it's a punishable offense to "disrepect" your opponent, they ban all sorts of weird shit all the time against male teams, some stuff that could be seen disrepectful. I remember that once the other team didn't ban anything (which is far more disrespectful) but I don't remember them getting any penalty for that...

What does that have to do with the discussion? The point is that they weren't bothered by their opponents' conduct.

>trying to win as hard as possible has no place in competition


Pick one. (1)

the sex appeal doesn't have to be super strong to break up a sausage fest though, sjokz in LoL is like a 4 or 5 but she's enough to make it worth watching/listening to.

sorry shoulda posted pic but ya

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RIot are trash, and are to blame for modern MP games going to shit and banning any kind of fun.

fuck woman are fucking trash
let them play cooking shit instead


For the record, Scarlett has not, and says s/he never will participate in female only events. Scarlett just plays starcraft, and thats it.

Chess is my absolute favorite statistic of the bunch, a complete lack of physical requirements and they STILL can't compete.

Was LoL/Riot the ones that made that all female team that were raked over the coals on their first game? Why would they try the exact same thing twice?

>video game
ask yourself why a team this incompetent could be in a "top level competition" to begin with. esports is marketing. the illusion of a "competition" carried out by players with no real job skills playing for poverty wages is just a bad joke that flies over the heads of unemployed manchildren because they can't tell the difference

"Womans logic" is not just as meme.

>Korean player jokes his way through tournament win
>Kills own drone at game start, plays with his feet, "naps" for 30+ seconds over the match
>Only InControl gets butthurt
>Female "pros" get trolled in a tournament

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there's a difference between surrendering in 2 minutes because you decided to fuck around with a weird team composition and surrendering when you are over 20 kills behind

e-sports is just a little-brother to regular sports, emulating everything he does.
And in regular sports, teams don't surrender because they're getting blown out. They play and complete the game.
But besides that, it's really important to get stomped in competitive things, because the best teams are ones that know how to play from behind as well as ahead. Because teams that only can play while they're ahead, usually fall apart when minor things start to go wrong because they're not used to it.

>And in regular sports, teams don't surrender because they're getting blown out.
It's different in this genre because it has a snowball mechanic.

I went to reddit to read discussions, it's kind of funny how there are some people defending the penalty.

>"Strange that you would look at their season 8 champs instead of their season 9 champs."
>"Larger sample size."
>"Yes, we all know that champions people played 10 patches ago are highly relevant today"

Comebacks are easily made in mobas. Happens all the time. So many of my games, we'll destroy early-mid game. But fuck around and start feeding, keep feeding, get tilted, and then throw. That's why it's important that you always play through because comebacks are always possible and make for a great game for everyone.

She completely isn't wrong about male and female biology being different had no say in Riot reprimanding the opponent team for a tongue in cheek joke against a team they knew stood no chance.

Lol dont ever watch boxing, I dont think you could handle the bantz.

>So many of my games, we'll destroy early-mid game.
Because you're not professional players and you all make a lot of mistakes. Especially with LoL's extra snowbally design, it just doesn't happen at high level play when the disparity gets high enough.

Yeah, I don't play LoL, but even in high-level Smite games, it still happens.
You should still play through regardless though, because that mentality can snowball.
>oops we're 20 kills behind, time to call it
>oops 15 kils
>oops 10 oops 3
and so on. And no one wants to watch a game where they know it will be over if one team gets farmed a little too hard.

I just said I'm talking about professional games, I don't apply this mentality to my own games
In pro play there really is a point where it's just wasting time, I understand they have to put on a show so they finish it regardless but this was just about that other user's comparison to sports and how this is a significant difference

>if they all skiped bans and banned 0 champs, you would also say thats disrespect

>That's definitely not the case. For them to ban nothing means that they didn't have any bad intentions in mind, but for them to PURPOSELY choose sp picks that they were obviously not afraid of, that's another question. If it was the first scenario then i would've sided with the team too and say that the punishment is dumb. But that's obviously not what's happening here.

>Please, if they didn't ban anything, you and other delusional people would be up in arms about "they don't think the girls even stand a chance so they didn't ban any champions!"

>Wait what...? I literally just stated "If it was the first scenario then i would've sided with the team too and say that the punishment is dumb". But if we're not believing words now then i guess there's nothing i can do about it.

>Yes, judging how you are reacting to them banning champions that the other team plays I'd say you'd grab to anything to call them sexist even if you say otherwise when it didn't happen.

>Oooooook... You obviously have everything set in stone, i'll leave you be then. :)