I've only played KH1 and KH2. Does the other games add value to the series...

I've only played KH1 and KH2. Does the other games add value to the series, or are they just worse or kinda the same thing as the first two games?, should I play them?

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define what adding value means for you

KH3 Explains the entire series midway through the game

Like adding more fun things to do in the gameplay, not the story.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is not a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2

It's a sequel to Dream Drop Distance
Which is a sequel to Birth by Sleep
Which is a sequel to Coded
Which is a sequel to Days
Which is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2
Which is a sequel to Chain of Memories
Which is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 1
Which is a sequel to Back Page

Basically. Fucking read a wiki or watch a synopsis or fuck off.

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That's like an abridged version of some hastily scribbled cliff's notes though.
Don't taint the memories OP, wait until KH3's final mix reactions come out then make the judgement call on continuing with the series.

No just skip everything and wait for KH4

>Kingdom Hearts 3 is not a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2
>It's a sequel to Dream Drop Distance
This is all you need to know about KH3's "quality"

The lore is shit, so don't bother playing for the story after KH1 and 2. Spergs will call you a secondary, but just play 3 for the adventure.

No don't p[lay them . They pretended all the side games mattered for years just so they would sell, then when it came to KH3 they just went full disney/pixar and didnt care about any of that. Literally the only plot in 3 happens in the last 2 hours and its awful.

Not him but here goes. Chain of Memories is basically KH Battle Network. The gameplay is fun if you want a more strategical approach to stuff and is actually a pretty long game (one campaign for Sora, one campaign for Riku after you beat Sora's game). Days is the weakest from a gameplay perspective but does some neat things (being able to play as Organization Members, Mission Mode), and a had a strong story. Birth by Sleep has 3 different main playable characters, each with their own gameplay and point of view as you go through their stories. Recoded is the weakest from a story POV, but has a lot of neat gameplay ideas (TWEWY style level slider, difficulty slider, each world has a gameplay gimmick, etc). Dream Drop Distance has Sora and Riku as playable characters, and you switch between the two a lot, and interested parkour into the gameplay and series.

tfw when kingdom hearts will never be rebooted and ditch all the edgy donut steel garbage it calls a story

Didn't you see the secret ending? It's about to get even edgier from now on.

KH3D and BBS are the only ones worth playing and those can be emulated.
Maybe RE:Chain of Memories too.

>I've only played KH1 and KH2
Play all the games

KH1 and KH2 are great games. The other games are good if you truely like the series. They range from okay to very good gameplay (ReCoded). You'll like the story if you are into crazy JRPG stories.

Thank you lads, I think that I'll read the story in wiki or somewhere else, I didn't like the gameplay that much, to the point of go through all of those games.

>kingdom Hearts


1 = 2 >>> 3 >>>>>>>> the rest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DDD

Playing through KH1 on proud at the moment and holy SHIT this game feels like SHIT. The only ‘difficulty’ the game has is from the shitty controls, shitty camera, shitty targeting

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muh darkness

I'd put DDD above Days at least.

I mean, you'll be pretty lost story wise, but from videos I've seen I don't think playing DDD for 20+ hours would have improved my enjoyment of KH3.

The only "side-games" I played were CoM and BBS. I just assumed that anything I didn't get was explained in another game.

I kinda see KH as having two "Sagas", the first being KH, CoM, and II, where each games leads pretty seamlessly into the next and II wraps everything very neatly.

The second being Days, Coded, BBS(0.2), DDD, and III, where the first 5 games set up a different part of III

Days is more part of the ‘first saga’ as you describe it, as it directly ties into Roxas and 2

l only played 1, ReCoM and 2 and I understood the fucking story, is not that hard despite the Nomura writing with hearts working whatever Nomura feels that day. 3 also explains what matters and the things that they dont explain are things that will be used in the next game like "BURAKU BOXXU"

But it introduces Xion, and that's trash that no one wants associated with 2.

>birth by sleep is a sequel to coded
I get what you're banging on about but if you're going to engage with us depraved nomura-worshiping sluts I expect you to at least know the basics

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Technically Coded came out before BBS, re:Coded came out after.

second best game in the franchise and best vanilla release. play it its good

Whether or not you should play them is subjective.

I personally loved BBS more than any KH game that isn't 2FM, even though a lot of people will rag on its combat which is admittedly not that great.

>second best game in the franchise
>best vanilla release

It's complicated as in "filled with a bunch of pointless nonsense," not complicated as in "2deep4u"

That's not what sequel means, the two take place over 10 years and 4 games apart.

It was pretty obvious he was talking about release order

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that he did it in reverse launch order, that's why he put the 2017 animated film last after the 2002 original game.

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dunkey dicksucker

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chronological is better
Birth by sleep
Then Chain of Memories/358/2 days are interchangeable different perspectives
Then coded
and then dream drop

desu you can skip 358/2 days it's a black sheep, play it if you want to but I never did after beating ocne

Ventus is also appears briefly, and that makes it harder to ignore everything that comes after.

Don't even know who Dunkey is besides some fag youtube nigger. I form my own opinions because I'm not a sheep, and in my opinion KH3 doesn't hold a candle to 1 or 2 vanilla.

Oh, so you're a nostalgia wanker then.

Any scapegoat you can find, huh?

You know he's right.

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outside of KH1 and KH2 the only other game you honestly need to play is Birth By Sleep.

you're rescuing the entire cast of BBS and without knowing who they are beforehand, several scenes fall flat because they rely on you knowing who they are.

Playing in chronological order is the only way to understand this series.

They are significantly worse.

KH1, Chain of Memories, Days, and 2 have manga adaptations. I recommend you read the manga for 1 and CoM and then watch the hd cutscenes for 358/2 Days on youtube, and then play 2 and Birth by Sleep, watch the cutscenes for Coded, then play Dream Drop Distance and 0.2 in that order. Then if you want you can watch a story summary for the mobile game on youtube.

>reach the cavern part of Agrabah in KH1
>lose all the will to play


I would LOVE the hear the perspective of someone who played the games in chronological order.
From their PoV, they'd be playing as "Good Vanitas"

Gay, that's one of the more enjoyable levels.

Well in 3 you can equip 3 keyblades at once and switch between them whenever, what makes this cool is that each one can transform and you can store these formchanges by switching. There's also airstepping which warps you to whichever enemy your reticle is on.

I don't know how the fuck I got to Agrabah as a kid, I didn't even know about all the RPG shit I had to keep up with other than changing equipment
I was a dumbass kid

The worlds from KH1 I couldn't stand where Monstro and Atlantica. Atlantia is made worse by coming right after Monstro for most people

When I first played the game my english was pretty shit.
I didn't actually realize I could equip armor on my charters until AFTER I bear Riku-Ansem. I think I found out about abilities after Tarzan

Personally speaking I liked Monstro, but I like mazes so that's probably why. I only wish 3 made better use of the door vault in Monstropolis. Atlanica as a level isn't bad per se, it's just instead of using the triggers for up and down movement like 3 they used o and x which is retarded.

I'd say maybe play BBS, it adds some neat stuff and gives a bit more context to the big bad. Gives him a thing to be actually trying to achieve instead of the vague 'kingdome hearts blah blah' stuff.

I think keyblade forms are way too over powered. It's as if in KH2 you just needed to do 3 combos on an enemy to get a free Drive Form. Even character limits don't consume any MP anymore

I feel like drives were stronger than keyblade transformations though. Magic in any form but valor wrecked fucking face in KH2, almost as good as the -za spells in 3.

they'd be surprised that roxas looks identical to ventus, instead of the other way around

Drives were stronger, sure, but transformations happen so frequently I almost feel there's no point to the "untransformed" version and am note often than not is a stronger state than "non-drive" Sora in KH2
If I use the keyblade which turns into Arrowguns, I can spend more time keeping my distance and shooting at enemies than actually having to get close to them. As you do that, you probably have a Limit with a party member or attraction ready to go. It just feels like you're too overpowered even on Proud

>Oh man, Ventus is back! What's he doing with this black-hooded group? Does he have amnesia?

>until AFTER I bear Riku-Ansem

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I'm not kidding, I knew how to change keyblade, but had no idea what those other empty slots were for

Yes, all the side games are legit canon.
That's why in all the collection rereleases they include a remade chain of memories and the thousand cutscenes from the others since you're missing literally half the plot otherwise.

I mean, the plot s convoluted as hell and most people don't know what the fuck is going on even after going through the whole collections, but that's another issue.

Every KH game is canon, needs to be played in release order, because they all either directly tie into each other or lead into the next game. If you go into KH3 without playing the others you're not gonna understand shit. Gameplay wise it's kinda mixed honestly with a couple being real bad.
CoM on GBA is actually pretty alright despite the card bullshit, but ReCoM which is a remake on PS2 fucked it up by changing the overall format while still keeping the original core mechanics which really doesn't work out so well.
358/2 Days is okay but it's all mission based and outside of some bosses what you play doesn't matter since the story stuff is separated out, just watching the 1.5 cutscene movie compilation is good enough.
BBS is actually fairly good, it builds off of CoM's card sleights by making your moveset based around a modular deck of special attacks and add-ons. Two problems though, your abilities are completely tied to making new commands which can be a crapshoot and requires a lot of grinding out, and you will end up having to play the shitty board game several times in order to get some of the good ones like meteor swarm.
Re:Coded actually plays very well, strange for what's originally a phone game. Every world has a super unique gimmick that changes up the gameplay while not being god awful about it, but storywise it does a copout where literally nothing you did in the game even mattered and all you need to know is in the ending.
DDD fucking blows ass on 3DS because the camera and framerate are complete shit, the worst in the whole series hands down, but 2.8 makes it a little more bearable. It uses the command system from BBS but instead of tying abilities to command grinding you have to grind your little pokemon to get them instead. It also adds flowmotion which is cool for getting around but makes combat braindead easy. Another stupid thing it does is put you on a time limit per character so if you time out during a boss you have to restart it.

Why do his pants emphasize his crotch like that?

I don't think I'd ever be able to handle BBS.

I can handle the command deck from BBS,
I can handle this being the Pokemon version of KH like CoM was the Card Game version of KH.
I can handle you switching character back and forth according to time limit
I can handle flow motion breaking combat

I could not handle ALL THOSE THINGS at the same time

His shoes got smaller, or rather the rest of him got bigger, so he has to show off some other way.

Shit, meant to say DDD

>muh FF representation
>muh Disney worlds are filler

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DDD is considered a franchise-killer for a reason.

it’s a consensus that DDD is better than BBS though

not wrong, but this shows how much of a fucking shitshow these games have become. i like it, but im not gonna be afraid to say this is a huge mess

According to who?

It’s not a mess, you just play it in release order, it’s not like 7 games were released at the same time. They were naturally released every 2 or 3 years, but retarded people want to skip everything and play 3, which is fine if you’re not proceeding to complain that the story was too hard to understand and you are just in for the gameplay.

Yeah, people take the KH series out to be WAY more complicated than it actually is.
The biggest problem with the series' story is that it's released on different platforms rather than the chronology, but nowadays you got the collections to help with that

No. You're better off pretending the series ended with 2. It only gets worse from there.

Yeah, 1.5 and 2.5 are on PS3 and PS4, 2.8 is on PS4, an All In One Collection is on PS4, there’s no reason to complain if you want to get the most out of KH3’s story.

Chronologically is horrible way to play it.
Honestly birth by sleep wouldn't make any sense without the context of KH2.