What's the worst thing about the games industry right now?

What's the worst thing about the games industry right now?

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BR games

People who complain about the state of video game industry.

lack of creativity

Lootbox, in-game purchases that help progression

Bloated budgets resulting from mainstream appeal.

Not enough ring mazes.

The worst thing about the games industry is that the consumerbase is so retarded that they will eat up anything at least once no matter how bad it actually is.
Because of this companies cannot actually tell what is and is not good game design since the first attempt in an established franchise will always sell well.

Tyranny of the majority, in this case casuals/normies, the industry catering to them because they're where the most money collectively is.

As a result of this, problems like because why bother with creativity when you can just shit out Fortnite?

The focus on profits over giving the medium other reasons to continue existing and evolving. The microtransaction/games as a service bubble is going to pop before the industry can get past it and i have no idea what'll happen as a result. At least good indie games will probably be safe.


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Whoever made this and whoever believes this unironically needs to commit neck rope.

Truth hurts doesnt it?

Gacha and loot boxes
>Pay for a CHANCE to get something
and the worst part is Yea Forums accepts this

Pokemon/Game Freak making it okay for game designers to be lazy as fuck cunts because they can get away with it because of their dumb as shit fans that gobble up whatever they shit out.

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The fact that they service all of Latin America, Russia, and China. Imagine online gaming without these three areas to ruin everyone's time?

Ah yes! A Rational™ Skeptic™ I see! Excuse my insolence, I was under the impression I was talking to an easily manipulated retard who falls for his own confirmation bias at every possible step! But at last I see! Us Real™ Gamers™ are under attack from the virulent strain of Social™ Justice™ that has collectivized and is attempting to destroy our Safe™ Spaces™! Thank you for opening my eyes, good sir. (:

Say it isn't true.

Or just putz around and come up with some creative way to say it's not *exactly entirely 100%ly* true, so therefore false.

But Yea Forums only accepts the former because Japan does it, and Yea Forums holds Japan on such a high pedestal that they can almost never do wrong. We even have anons here that defend Konami of all companies. Though, the exception to the Japan bias seems to be Capcom for some strange reason as Yea Forums treats them like any other Non-Japanese company.

Tell me how many times you've seen
>Japanese game gets middling to low metacritc store
>Yea Forums: Reviewers are fucking stupid. They just don't understand the game! Game is amazing and I put 500 hours into it!
>Non-Japanese (or Capcom) game gets middling to low score
>Yea Forums: LOL, what a fucking blunder! What a disgrace, TORtanic 2.0. incoming! *inhales* OH NO NO NO NO!

Microtransactions in $60 games. Doesn't matter if it's cosmetic, lootbox, or gainable through a slow grind with ingame currency, they're all cancer.

Best answer

The fact that no one seems to know what file compression is.
>100 GB game installs
What the fuck?

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Too much freedom and no difficulties within the artform. You can make whatever you want. We'll never be wowed by anything again, except for graphical accomplishments, which won't happen until they reach Pixar level real time lightning in a few hundred years.

>non stop threads shitting on Jump Force, KH3 and RE2
>also non stop threads shilling/damage controlling Anthem, Metro and Fallout 76
Us poor westerners amirite

>Uhmm sweety. Akshually YOU who believes in freedom of expression and artistic freedom are the real snowflakes. Not US who censor everything that we consider "problematic"
There is no point in arguing with you as you're already lost cause. I'll just call you a faggot and move on.

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corporate greed

Game Freak is lazy as fuck because aftercGen 5's reception he realized that most people don't give a fuck about new ideas and just want their Charizards.

There are plenty of people in Jump Force threads defending the game, which you get none for in the Fallout threads
Also, the Metro, KH3, and RE2 threads are mostly shitposting. I don't count shitposting and neither should you.

Catering to minorities and the mentally ill. Both of which don't even play games.

>why bother with creativity when you can just shit out Fortnite?
Incase you haven't noticed the game industry is collapsing
There's no real fast money in anything anymore

>I don't count shitposting and neither should you.
>initial post was talking about shitposting

shitty games or remakes.

see: links awakening

People who complain about people who complain about the state of video game industry.

>believes in freedom of expression
>doesn't like it when his games are getting criticized for their imagery
>Not US who censor everything
Who is US? The United™ Social Justice Warriors™?
What has been censored that you disagree with? Name one example.
>I'll just call you a faggot.
Yeah, that's the only thing you can do. Call people a faggot and believe that you won the argument without having even provided an argument.

Didn't read, faggot.

Initial post was talking about Yea Forums's Japan bias. And don't tell me it's not true. Look at /vg/. Half the generals there are for gatcha games.

I have yet to see sufficient evidence for this agenda. If you want to provide evidence for these "steps" one by one feel free to do so. Anything I've seen that has been labeled as evidence for agenda is either grossly misrepresented, unrelated or just not evidence for anything.

>confirmation bias
How to detect a worthless annoying piece of biogarbage by only two words

A true Skeptic™!

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Niggers and women.

This. they can't even barely afford a toothbrush and toothpaste, what makes devs think minorities can afford a $60+tax game?

Based as fuck.

Objective is making the largest amount of cash with the least possible effort and shame instead of just wanting to make vidya. You can thank publishers for that.

So you admit that you don't have the ability to self-reflect or examine your own biases. That's great! First step to stop being a retard. Maybe one day you'll stop believing in conspiracies.


the absolute worst thing, is that games are no longer made with care. They are literally just made to make money, knowing that consumers will eat up anything. When a movie doesn't make its money back, its detrimental because people start talking about how bad its doing and how bad the movie is in public, movie tickets cost 5-10 dollars too, so they can't make their money back on a movie easily.

When a game does bad, reviews come in and nobody talks about it, but you can get your ass about 5,000 - 10,000 people will still preorder and buy it, thus the studio makes more then enough money back for it to be a success and then they'll keep pumping out trite that idiots will keep buying and the cycle continues because games are so expensive that you only need a few people to buy your garbage for it to be a success.

user, just a heads up, skeptics are leftists. So your pol boogieman hates them. Pls change narrative accordingly

Dumb normalfags are now the primary target audience instead of outcast nerds.

If I had to name just one thing?
Big publishers in general. They ruin everything.

Doesn't matter. Everything they've made after Gen 5 has been lazy nostalgia-pandering trash in which they've realized they don't have to try anymore so they don't put the effort in and make millions off of it because of dumb-shit fans.

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First: stake holders, diversity managers and salesmen have a say in the game development. Any self respecting dev team whose goal is to create a game first and get money second should ditch them.
Secondly the art style is nearly non existent. Games with lifelike accurate graphics are instant soulless.
Also: games as a service are blasphemy but this point can connected to the first.

You have zero evidence of me possessing any kind of biases. "Confirmation bias" is nothing more than a buzzword used by literal retards who can't withstand even the slightest bit of criticism

>microtransactions (definitely the worst thing atm)
>increasing focus on making major games "cinematic" and/or casualized to appease non-gamers and journalists (i.e. non-gamers paid to game)
>the chase for graphical "realism"
>mid-gen hardware upgrades only amounting to a "get out of optimization" card for developers
>the cynical and blatant way genres and subgenres are chased with little to no meaningful twists on them

That's what I'm saying. Gen 5, for want of a better word, had heart and soul put into it, even if it had some problems. I imagine the success of Gen 6, 7, and GO drives Masuda up a wall.

They ignore demographics and instead pander to the smallest groups, most of whom don't even game.

The idea I that we white males, ages 18-35, are gonna play games no matter what, so why pander to us? The reality check devs are getting is that this won't work forever, because pandering tripe is selling less and less over time.
Their current issue is that they can't backpedal away from virtue signaling bullshit, or they get tons of flak and bad PR. So theyre stuck calling us out for being "entitled" while they choke down salty tears and watch the money float away on the wind.

Personally the lack of physics based gameplay, I can't believe not only are we still just getting canned animation shit but we're actually heading further in that direction

Minimal player influence / interaction. Everything is designed so that you either follow the grand design made by the devs, or you don't play at all. Multiplayer being always online with automated matchmaking forcing you to play with total randoms every time doesn't help either. God forbid players having any influence or ability to host their own servers the way they want, because everything is based around micro transactions coming from the devs, so you can't have anything else or any freedom to design anything yourself. Fuck creativity here is your lootbox with random shit inside aren't you happy to buy another?

How you have determined his opinion is nothing more than just a lunacy so quickly while providing no rebuttal? Maybe it's your confirmation biases speaking?

Not enough good games.

Nah, Masuda has fully embraced the casual babyness of the series.

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Seeing games as live services.
Catering to people who mostly wouldnt buy the games anyways
Every single player having to be epic deep storyline and not just dumb fun.
Worst of all, ea turning cnc into a fucking competitive mobile game.

Propaganda,focusing of liberal nonsense,pandering for a audience that literally ever played a videogame in their lives or will never buy a videogame for what is good for

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>truth is offensive and raped my hamster
You are only proving the pic right, you moron.


retardera is two blocks down

>Announce game
>Hype it up
>Stick pre-order bonus
>Watch money roll in before you even proved you got a functioning product

Consumers keep supporting pumped-out consumable garbage

bloated budgets and really just bloated everything

0 creativity leading to boring art styles. There are no weird games anymore, look back at old cult classics like Gex Geko, psychonaughts etc, imagine anything like that coming out now? All games are just run of the mill copy pasted games.
Without sounding like a console war (I really don’t care) but at least Nintendo tries (splatoon).

No quality control, all games get released with big day 1 patches and take years of patching to include the intended content.
On top of that DLC with content which belongs to the base game is being shat out in lightning speed and sold beforehand in form of a season pass

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Games that release with next to no content are paraded as successes just because an old popular company made them. Fuck you Rare, and Fuck Sea of Memes

social justice

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Casuals and the left.

Inability to conveniently buy and play old games

Expectations are way too high for new games. New technology doesn't mean that people are capable of making better games since some games MASTERED their combat, movement etc. Creating new perfection is rather impossible

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They've stopped caring about the basics of video gaems, and games in general.
>Appealing premise
>Appropriate skill / difficulty curve
>reward for time invested
Things such as Destiny show where they go wrong with this, with grinding to the end game give you nothing better except the damage numbers are higher. Why should anyone spend their time to achieve the exact same things?

I hate how safe and sterile everything feels. Few games feel like they were made with a single coherent vision that actually tries to break new ground with an original idea. I can't remember the last time a AAA game was announced that actually made me feel excited for it, and since it's now a 50/50 chance if a AAA title will fail spectacularly or release and just be okay I have no motivation to buy them anyway.

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