Google plans to announce long-rumored ‘Yeti’ hardware at GDC event

What's it gonna be like?

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>What's it gonna be like?

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Just what we need, one of the most evil companies in the world making a games console.

Bruh i love Yeti

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dont care. not interested in trash from google.

silicon valley go suck a big fat mean dick.

I bet it's going to something that maps out your home and your movements inside it to profile you and if you opt out you take a huge hit to your social credit score I mean trust rating.

>online gaming service
>have to use your real name

>What's it gonna be like?

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Going to be about as successful as Google+.

>one of the most evil companies
what is Facebook, Microsoft, EA, or Nvidia

>What's it gonna be like?
utter shit

Google is definitely more evil than a fucking game company.

>in before it's VR with facebook style tracking that scans your house to support "boundaries"

google suck at hardware, the pixel is overpriced shit relative to samsung phones

I'll never understand, to this day, how could Google with their near monopoly on almost everything internet fuck this up.

Microsoft is alomst entirely pajeets now.

>how could Google with their near monopoly on almost everything internet fuck this up.
That is just the reason. They are big and cumbersome. Smaller developers and competitors can focus all their innovation and energy into making a very good product for a niche market, google puts out some half baked solutions for everything while the entire structure rests on the algorithm business. They don't need to be best because they are so big.


define evil
every company just wants to make money and they only differ in how much anti consumer they are

Google seeks to make as much money as possible off ad revenue, which is captured by knowing as much personal information and user habits as possible. They literally design things to push things into your brain so you buy them and market to your interests without you even being aware that your searches and what you read about, find, etc. is influenced by them.

EA shills shitty games and microtransactions.
Google controls a signification portion of what most people use on the internet these days.
Google helps the US government spy on you.

EA is shitty door to door salesman. Google is a serial peeping top and rapist.

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Crackers are real life yetis.

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Spyware disguised as some appliance

Microsoft on suicide watch

Time to switch to GNU/Linux and play only Free software games.

They just farm your data to display ads to you, which is better alternative for me than paying for their services.
You'd see ads anyway, they just wouldn't be relevant.

None of those even approach the pure evil that is Nestlé.

Sucks to be an albino.

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I dont know but I already hate it

okay so every company shares my data to the government
how does this make google worse?

No wonder Cuckrosoft is trying to leech onto Nintendo now.

EA isn't on that slide retard and has way way less info than google.

give me the rundown

>all these companies make you sit in a pile of shit
>it's okay, I'm sitting Google Shit
Stop supporting shit companies.

>he says, posting while using Google CAPTCHA
Yea Forums needs to tell Google to fuck off.

>use corrupt deals to get cheap water rights to control it and resell at high price around world
>want to control world's water
>purposely market and give free samples of baby formula to mothers in developing countries so they stop lactating and are forced to continue to buy more formula when sample runs out

maybe if other company made better captcha Yea Forums would use it
this is capitalism you retard, if google makes the best products most people will use it

Jesus christ, another reason you shouldn't trust europeans

Botnet console?

>google makes the best products
Name fucking one. Go ahead, I'm waiting. Search? There are tons of other search engines that do just as well without raping your privacy. Android? Fuck smartphones, those anti-privacy tracking device piles of shit. No one should own one and they should be banned. Gmail? Pile of goddamn shit. Seriously, what the fuck else has Google ever done besides infect the web with their goddamn botnet?

And CAPTCHA is fucking stupid to begin with. There are tons of other methods to slow down spamming and shitposting, and we get the LOL CLICK ALL THE BUSES THAT KEEP POPPING UP AFTER YOU CLICK THE OTHERS IN THESE GRAINY, PILE OF SHIT IMAGES THAT LOOK LIKE THEY WERE TAKEN BY A $2 WEBCAM shit.

youtube, google maps, and google translate

Vidya run through a Californian tech giant filter. Aka shit.

Oh boy another ouya flop
The hardware market is closed. Only way someone gets in is timing it right after someone else dies, ala Sega -> MS
But we're still at least one gen from MS raising the white flag

Platform for greedy literal attention whores who only want money. If YT died tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost.
I love horribly inaccurate translations that take everything I type into it and use it to build a profile on me.

>What's it gonna be like?
another year another company thinks they can take onlive and "do it right this time"

>Someone else on Yea Forums who knows about Nestlé's formula pushing schemes
I'm surprised.

Things like "breast is best" were started by formula companies too, and it's strictly done for the purpose of getting people not to breastfeed their children. Formula companies as a whole are scum who profit on pushing a product that is harmful to people's health and spreading disinformation and half-truths about lactation.

not as good

I fucking hope that it will be android based console.
Google is big enough to force it into the market of home consoles.
You know what does this means? MORE GAMES ON NORMAL LINUX BECAUSE
Because i'm sure that they are going to use x86_64 architecture so any app for this console could be run with a few hacks on normal linux.
Or no hacks at all since it will be easy to port.
I don't give a fuck how botnet google console will be, it still going to be partially open source, then i'm happy as fuck

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>I fucking hope that it will be android based console.

>There are tons of other search engines that do just as well without raping your privacy
Name three (3), I'll wait.
Duckduckgo is shit, bing is shit, yahoo is shit, yandex is alright I guess but I'd rather use google.


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Qwant or startpage, though the latter is just google via proxy.


Moneysink and contraversy magnet for google, I'm surprised why they haven't pulled the plug yet.
>google maps
Open Street Map is better.
>google translate
Boy I sure do like my butchered translations so bad it makes the typical pre-6th-gen JRPG look like a writing masterpiece.

I thought AWS was big money maker?

Make the most of the profit

I can see this. Mandatory name entry at account creation is a given, at least.

Google maps has good traffic info.

>F U S C H I A
Still open source, but different kernel from linux might be a bad thing for compatibility reasons

Will moot be there to announce it?

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Evil as in they got rid of their "don't be evil" slogan at some point.

Just did a random search (for Midna because why not) and more than a half of image results are cat pictures plus an Overwatch blowjob.

So, google has the best software on smartphones, objectively best maps not to mention street view, best translator (yeah its not perfect, but name a better one), best video sharing/streaming platform, best search (though not best image search), best captcha and probably some more shit I can't think of right now
oh yeah, best smart assistant and best voice emulation

>why doesn't this privacy respecting search engine return results from my personalized google search bubble???

also probably the best browser since most other borwsers except firefox use Chromium as their core

so you're saying it actually is worse

i fail to see the issue. use a different instance of searx and not the first link you ironically found on google.
also this

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Streaming box for games. It's SHIT

do you want personalized search results related to your interests based on your browsing habits or do you want a search engine that doesn't "rape your privacy"? you can't have both.

>Bernie Sanders campaign ads in my home screen when I boot up the game console
I can see it now

I want search results that are most relevant to me and take me the least steps to find what I'm looking for.
I don't care about google whoring my data for ads, google doesn't care what porn I watch or where do I buy food for my cats.

then why did you ask for privacy respecting search engines in the first place? google got you covered, enjoy your personalized bubble.
i also don't see how searx is 'worse' than google, considering it can use google results if you want, in addition to the ~70 other engines it uses.

On the one hand publishers really want to go to a streaming box. On the other hand they're completely incapable of using the kinds of standards that they'd need to in order to make a server gaming infrastructure really make sense.
There's no way Microsoft would allow game companies to circumvent their lockdown on gaming requiring their platform on the user end by making it cheap and easy to license Windows for situations where you're spinning up an instance for a game and then destroying it.
Project Yeti's server side setup is very similar to Valve's next-gen SteamOS, and so far none of the big publishers have gotten on board with supporting Vulkan, let alone GNU/Linux. So they're going to face an uphill battle.

I didn't, that was other user. I just stated Google has the best search engine.

I can't wait to play Skyrim on whatever it is.

>Google has the best search engine
that depends entirely on what you want out of a search engine.

I agree. I change it to best search engine in my personal opinion for me personally.
Altough most people use it as their main search engine, so I'd say I'm no the only one.

I want search results.

Won't be long before rscottyg blows his brains out, poor little prick.

>What's it gonna be like?

ads in your game, stopping gameplay to show ads, ads on loading screen, ads in the menus, ads on corners during cutscenes, ads during credits, profiling your taste to put together with your google profile and sell a more accurate depiction of you for ads porpoise, and selling to gov and companies

Hardware my ass
They just need a chrome browser and a compatible gamepad
Any Chromecast+Bluetooth pad would suffice

Sounds hairy

sure, but do you want personalized results while being spied on or do you want all the results without being tracked?

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Improved android game streaming service

this user gets it. google has become worse than the bell laboratories. i dont understand how this cartel that runs everything and buys every innovative company to prevent competition and pesters everything with ads, is still allowed.

Google really hasn't made a good new producti in years, it will be shit like the Pixel line.

Pixel would be okay if they cut the price in half.
Nexus phones were the best, I still have my old Galaxy and 6P and the 6P still works great.