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Call of Duty is better than ever now and Pokemon has always been for babies and manchildren.

>Call of Duty is better than ever now
Stop posting on Yea Forums, Bobby.

You are the kid in the pic

you must be 18 to post here

Why is the little girl cute but the little boy is a picture of him screaming...

>Call of Duty is better than ever now

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I got to know a little girl playing WoW during Legion, because her parents still played it since vanilla.

> actual audience for wow: empty

Fuck you user, why did you have to remind me

>Call of Duty is better than ever now

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if you are an adult and still playing games for kids like pokemon, you should probably grow the fuck up

WoW's actual audience is mobile gaming Moms who also have a PC.

>I got to know a grown man with a voice modulator playing WoW during Legion, because he still played it since vanilla but couldn't do the 12 boy-girl voice anymore.

CoD is in it's death knells right now. No more SP campagin, only gimmicky fps modes from here on out.

extremely redpilled post

user, they have. The most childish thing of all is the fear of being childish.

cute little girl.

>if you are an adult and still playing games, you should probably grow the fuck up

Sure thing, Miroslav.

>using a voice changer to relate to children in a video game
I honestly don't know where to start with this

warcraft's actual audience is its target audience, neckbeards

how many redpills can you take
or is it like one big red pill
maybe like a constant dripfeed of the red contents of many red pills

>Call of Duty is better than ever now
MW2 came out YEARS ago, user. It'll be 10 this year, actually.

Is that Emma Watson?

Get out underage

Unironically right. Blops 4 is fucking good.

>Call of Duty is better than ever now

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>implying not all games are for children


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>large neckbeard

made it a lot worse.

No, it's fixed. It's accurate now.

Is that young Emma Watson (Pony target audience)?
My dick is hard now.

Pokemonfag here and I can assure that the majority of Pokemon's actual audience is autistic manchildren, so that kid should be in the two slots.

People who play Pokemon aren't normal

Gamefreak are lazy niggers

Wow's part is false. Nobody is the actual audience anymore. The game is dead.

Dead.... until Classic comes out and saves the MMO genre once and for all

>Pokemon has always been for babies and manchildren.
So you were born during the DS era.

literally hasent been good for a decade, the best cod game is made by ea what the fuck are you saying

what will happen if classic fails and wow continues on as the monolithic turd it continues to be
no really thats fucking terrifying

in reality though even if it does succeed the blizz is too blind to apply anything learned to retail

>Actual Pokemon audience is well functioning adults :)
Should be the same picture of a kid again.

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FTFY OP, no need to thank me

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WoW has always been casual garbage, this has been true since Vanilla