Defend this FF7 Fags

> Legendary warrior with godlike superhuman powers
> Is capable of defeating two Superhuman FTL swordsman at the same time
> Still Gets completely BTFO'd by a low level infantryman

Attached: Sephiroth.png (578x619, 606K)

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Cloud had the preemptive materia, dummy.

Attached: pre-emptive.jpg (1024x717, 127K)

Low key brilliant moment of story/gameplay synergy.

He looks like a runescape character

FF7 unironically has some of the best storytelling in gaming, literally the only bad part of the story is due to the gaming aging like shit

Nomura is a fucking genius

> SE went from amazing examples of storytelling like FF7, VP, FF6, Xenogears & FFX to literally being incapable of even writing something as simple as romance properly
What the fuck went wrong?

all their talent was either scattered to different projects, left the company or were fired. ff7 remake is unironically going to be the first time since and the last time ever that they concentrate this many of the oldguard on a single project again

Their stories always had a healthy dose of light-hearted fare for the young teens they were targeted to. Now everything has to aim at grandiose realism, losing the charm that made them standout in spite of their oft-silly plots.

I don't get it

Is this real?

Zack's buster sword was slotted with pre-emptive materia, which is what allowed Cloud to get that first decisive hit in on Sephiroth in Jenovah's chamber.

you know how sometimes when you get an encounter the enemies start with their backs turned to you?

That's actually badass because I'd always wondered how Sephiroth didn't sense his attack

So what's with some copies of the game with all the NPCs, Sephiroth included having gaping mouths?

Cloud manages to stab Sephiroth in the back and fuck him up even though he's much weaker because he has a materia equipped which gives him a good chance of being able to attack first no matter what

Isn't that just the steam remake which is what was used for PS4 and Switch?

holy shit

That's fucking amazing


Holy shit Zack even mentions in the flashback that he cant wait to try out the new materia shinra gave him. This is cool as fuck.

I miss when games had little but mindblowing details like this in the story, it's like the focus on graphics & AAA quality voice acting took away the the immersion. Because stuff like this doesn't exist now since all games are told through hours of slow walk sections & 15-20 minute cutscenes. So you aren't as engaged as we were when we played games like Majora's Mask or FF7