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uhm, AHEM
I'm going to say the
>Stacey C word

he unironically did nothing wrong.

Given what was going on politically, he really didn't.
He was a domestic terrorist for the sole sake of showcasing his disease research which he pioneered on his own body (ready for mass market) thanks to the yakumo, but he knew the yank faggots would infect him as a result of eliminating disease which is why he called in the Killer 7 to make sure he didn't suffer.

I just beat killer7 for the first time recently and have a few questions. Why did Garcian kill all of the Smith's? and if I'm not mistaken the only Smith he didn't kill was Kevin. Why is that?

Japs wanted him to eliminate the Smiths since they were an arm of the West. Kevin was literally the first Smith he killed, the bellhop in the entrance lobby

I dont even know what he did, that game was a fucking surreal nightmare. His whole level i just keep going "dude what?", probably one of the weirdest level in what was already a weird ass game.

holy fuck he was the bellhop guy? Jesus christ I wasn't paying attention, I thought it was a random guy.

>post yfw the blood you taste is tastes like Ulmedya's

On top of that all of Garcian's personalities are based on versions of the killer7 that are in opposition of the circumstances they were killed. Kevin can turn invisible, the ultimate disguise, but he was killed disguised as the desk man that Garcian saw through instantly.

that was a bit too strong for gamecube. how did suda got off with it?

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stacy = miku
pass it on

*cracks knuckles

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Kevin was supposed to be a master of disguise, after Emir saw right through it and killed him he gained the ultimate disguise, turning invisible
The Smiths deaths are all linked to their powers in some way IE Coyote got out maneuvered and gained incredible mobility, Mask was killed without his Mask but later becomes bulletproof with it on

Cloudman>Encounter>Smile>Angel>Sunset>Alter Ego

Prove me wrong.

This is a game with a literal sex scene, a guy having his daughter's head thrown to him, and a man shoots a literal geyser of blood that kills multiple people, these jokes don't work with Killer7 since it's already batshit insane.

Interestingly the Japanese version actually suffered from censorship.

>D-Did you see?! It was a real Handsome Pose!

I really think the game is better looked as a series of weird vignettes with some vague connections

Don't forget the dead naked underage girls hanging in the house.

So was Curtis fucking Ayame

I think that works out better for people playing it for the first time. Killer7 is definitely telling a plot but Suda really made it difficult to figure out.

The plot unironically hinges on your knowledge of the US' influence over Japanese politics

it could be just me but this game felt heavily inspired by tarantino films, specifically pulp fiction.

what was up with Samantha
God i want her to domme me

Suda went on a 3 year media consumption blackout during the creation of Killer7 which is insane in its own right.

Suda is a pretty big westaboo, he takes a lot of influence from western media and culture in general. You can see his fascination with America in his games, just look at how all of them take place in America.


>his daughter
why don't you have a seat, Mr. Pedro?

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>he doesn't support his daughter's desire to become a Magical Girl
dude stop projecting, Curtis did nothing wrong

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Pedro only dealt with boys, he didn't fuck any of them, Curtis was the pedophile as he had the girls to himself.

I couldn't understand the tension of U.S. and Japan in this game at all. Or whos side killer7 was on.

Why did the U.S. army infect him with Heaven Smile?

because they had to shut goyim down

Not even just dead, but skinned alive.

Killer7 was part of the US but Emir killed them as a Japanese agent and was reborn as Garcian Smith who was under US control.

He was immune to all diseases he injected himself with. The US army tried to make a Heaven Smile antibody but he was terrified of it because he felt he couldn't overcome it and was right. Called the killer7 out just to kill him so that scenario wouldn't happen but they didn't understand his intent.

Throughout most of the game, Garcian is taking orders from Christopher Mills, who works for the U.S. government.

Anyone excited for Badman Strikes Back to expand on his involvement with the Killer7? 1 week bros.

I still need to play TSA first.
can anyone let me borrow their switch? lol

>Caretaker rapes a disabled old man with Alzheimer's
>Just casually gets up and Garcien walks away
As a nurse's aide that was pretty fucked not gonna lie

no, dude. Ulmeyda was immune to a whole lot of diseases, and injected himself with them to create a cure.
>"but... Heaven Smile... *sweats profusely* they're different!"
he was sure he couldn't become immune to the heaven smile virus, so he called for the only ones who could kill them. the government used Killer7 to track Ulmeyda down, and injected him on a hope to find a cure. Heaven Smile is a japanese disease for terrorism, at least on the normal people level of the story. of course on the higher ground it's Kun Lan own hand helping his pawns on the game.

yeah, sure Pedro, shitpost online where no one knows it's you. you were very eager to take m- take Curtis girls when it was not part of the deal. she was soiled, and he had no choice but to murder her.

So was Iwazaru the same person as Kun Lan?
A lot of the characters remain a mystery to me still like Travis, the nurse, and the head of the girl that always shows up.

Has anyone where read Kurayami Dance? I just finished it two days ago and I'm still reeling from that ending and what it could possibly mean. Do I have to read that book from Kafka to get it?

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Travis is the ghost of the first person the killer7 killed, and he just sticks around to be a pain in the ass. Susie was the only person the killer7 killed out of principle because she was batshit insane. It’s more clear the second time around that Iwazaru is Kun Lan, as he tries to stop you from doing things in most of his dialogue. As for the nurse, I have no idea.

What does the blood represent in Killer7?

Yea I'm not sure either user it can got a few ways. Like has he just been dead this whole time? But he said he was coming home? Man i dunno Didn't even think about reading The Castle for some reason though maybe I should.

the voice acting outside cutscenes in the Japanese version is in English. SUDA you fucker! I'll play this shit AGAIN.

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Pools Closed Due to aids and sting rays which who also have aid


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as Young Harman was just a person who is the appearance Old Harman choose, Kun Lan has the same appearance as the "First Heaven Smile", or what the fuck that thing is called. In the Begging and in the end, you can see that exist higher beings playing with the world

I really dont know if going over 300 again brought him back to his original world or what. Or if he ended up dying.
Still was entertaining, but I wish it went on for longer.


from what i could tell he was doing the same thing jim jones did back in the 70s or what david koresh did later in the 90s

I tend to get shit for this, but i genuinely think Killer 7 completely shits on anything Tarantino has ever done. It's fucking amazing. Shame that nothing Suda 51 has made right after has come to the same heights, but that's admittedly nearly impossible to do, really.

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In the Japanese version only the ghosts sounds different. In the Japanese version their dialogue was created using a text to speech program and then modified to to sound more distorted. In the US release they just make random noises with occasional words thrown in. Both are pretty interesting and I wouldn't say one is better then the other.

i thought it was just an allegory for garcian reliving all his past trauma but this makes even more sense

seething two digit IQ gook. maybe you shouldn't have skipped the chess club.

was it kino?

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And fuck niggers
And fuck and kill all trannishits
Bomb mosques on Fridays
Exterminate jews
That will be it

no but this was

So what I got from it was that
Wataru goes over 300 because he actually was suicidal at first, but then once he goes over 300 he realizes he's in "A hurry to live". After waking up, I think he winds up in some sort of purgatory, with the Journey to the castle representing him going through a self-realizing journey to help him cleanse himself of his life. I don't think it has a lot of similarities with Purgatorio though. Then, once he gets through it and takes his revenge, he decides to finally go through death's door to the otherside. The food that his mom was leaving him was her taking care of him in a coma like state, which is why she was everywhere but never seen. The mother crying at the end is her crying over the actual loss of her son.

However, I feel like this theory doesn't fully add up in my mind. Also
I don't really get the purpose of Naito Kurogane as a villain character or what he is supposed to represent, or where Akari came from and what her death means.


the end of that cutscene is when the game completely lost me. why the fuck did they both start having a stroke when they saw Garcian? I feel like it's just weird for the sake of being weird.

Garcian used Young Smith to enter the forbidden room and "killed" God Harman and Kun Lan which weakened their grip over him which is the later cutscene where they get gunned down. They are back to back events in seperate chapters.

to me it was a flashback of young harman freaking out when he discovered he was being a pawn for two fucknuggets and retaliates. everything on Killer7 repeats again for ever and ever with new people on the board


Yea it could be 2 separate and near identical events.

Already explained in this thread.


I really hope that some day, Suda will get the recognition that he deserves. Even if it’s a Van Gogh situation where his work’s only appreciated after his death.
Good night, children. It’s past your bedtime.

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dude read the thread

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Please someone explain what the fuck is up with Harman.
I understand there are supposedly multiple incarnations of him but don't get how.
The Harman Smith that talks to Garcian is a part of Garcian like the rest of the syndicate right? But then what's up with the comatose old man Harman?

Years ago someone on Yea Forums made a theory that Mondo from Killer is Dead has moon inside of his eye. Someone even made a screencap out of it. Someone must have it. It ties Killer is Dead to The Silver Case trilogy.
This might be my favorite ending in videogame history.

>Heaven Smile is a japanese disease for terrorism
So wait
Could Heaven Smile be related to the so-called "crime virus" from The Silver Case?

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maybe harman had a brain death and it still counts for Killer7 recruitment shenanigans

>The day when he stops smiling is the day we remember his smile.

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>In the US release they just make random noises with occasional words thrown in

No the US version just filters the fuck out of the Japanese text speak

I think it's the analog for it after he decided to drop characters from the plot when it was confirmed killer7 would have an international release. Early trailers had Sundance Shot in them for example but Suda didn't want all these characters in when they had no english release.

>not owning all the Ulmeyda amiibos

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>kun lan is pale, and has green hair
that really rises up my heaven smile

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Western deity is a Holy Trinity type deal
Young Harman
Old Harman
Principal Harman

Or at least that's how I always saw it.


Sort of. It’s definitely tied to it in some capacity, as Killer7 is a reboot of sorts of TSC. I’m sure someone has the copypasta explaining this. I don’t feel like getting into the whole deal with crossovers in TSA, so I’ll just ignore that game.
Anyways, I suspect that both are connected to “ELBOW”, which can somehow operate in multiple timelines/universes/whatever.
>But ELBOW has nothing to do with k7!
In the Japanese version, the password in the school is ELBOW instead of EAGLE. I’m not really sure where Suda’s going with all of this (does anyone ever know what the fuck he’s doing?), but I think that NMH3 will shed more light on this 20 year long ruse.

Here's a question:
How the fuck did Killer7 manage to have such quality voice acting?

The detailed picture of his face is hideous holy shit.

same voice director as MGS

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dude, but the Astronaut one is hard as fuck to find. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'll have to kill a fucker to get one.


Finding a torrent for this game's steam/pc version is fucking impossible.

>Principal Harman
now you will tell me there is a Harman Blanco

this smoking hot bitch right here. she was the voice director on all the MGS games, all the God of War games, Spider-Man PS4, Dead Rising, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, NMH, Fire Emblem, I could go fucking on. Seriously, her fucking resume is stacked and she voices Jeane in Travis Strikes Again.

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The OST for this game is fucking nuts.

just buy it you cheap fucker

This makes me wonder if Miller putting anime posters up on Mother Base was supposed to be a NMH reference, considering Uncle Kaz and Travis both are voiced by RAD. Also, Kojima and Suda worked together on SDATCHER.

Goddamn. That's a glowing track record if I've ever seen one.


Probably not because Kaz's Japanese VA is different.
I don't think Travis has a Japanese VA in the original Japanese release of NMH though

>Simon Templeman on NMH3
dude, what a man could do to achieve something more precious than gold?

Honestly, it's kind of crazy. She's worked on every single Platinum game as their casting director. Doesn't surprise me that they usually they prioritise english V/O first. Here's a list of the games she's credited on.

she needs to get Cam Clarke some more work, I haven't heard his gorgeous voice in years

the real mystery is how it got multiple animation studios on board


Buy it you cheap jew, its less than $20 and its a good way to tell suda to port his other games

>Kojima: replaces Snake's VA because of his Hollywood boner
>Suda: makes sure Travis' VA returns after he learns people really fucking love him

Those are some longass arms.

So who was the best Smith

He didn't have a Japanese VA until one of the two Japanese PS3 ports.

Almost sure they always meant to get RAD, but he was on strike when they were recording the original trailer. It was real sweet of them to get Shinobu back, supposedly out of retirement.

I kinda prefer the fake Travis's voice for that trailer, but it also has to do with me liking the censored script for it more

I don’t think Grasshopper games even have Japanese dubs. There was a Japanese VA for Travis, but it was only for one of those comics or something.
You’re in luck.
This was 6th gen rolling in dough Capcom, they could afford to through money at a weirdo like Suda.

>supposedly out of retirement.
You're thinking of Bad Girl's V/A who came out of retirement because she really enjoyed voicing Bad Girl. Shinobu's V/A actually went up to Suda at a con and brought up the idea of her working on TSA.

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I kind of wish Travis's weird bleep bloop voice in TSA was RAD grunts mixed up into Banjo-Kazooie speak

Why do the characters keep referring to this lady as a guy?
please tell me they're a actually a girl I don't want to be gay

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That's 100% a man.

Robin really seems to like being the voice of Travis. Hell, they even got him to do whatever this thing is.
MASK with Dan as a close second.

>In the Japanese version, the password in the school is ELBOW instead of EAGLE
goddamnit, it really goes well with the "west vs east" theme

I though that was what it was? The bleep bloops definitely sounded like RAD

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so I was, I don't remember much from that stream

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Suck my dick, I'm broke and I'm not spending 20 bucks on a gamecube game

How are they going to remake this game and release it.
People are going to hate it.

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I'm shocked that in all these years nobody has made any NMH sfm porn

Suda really know how to write to make me feel in sync with Sumio really wanting to hit this dumb ass kid.

Isn't it hating it partially the point? I get what you mean though but Suda already told metacritic to eat shit once.

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>I'm not spending 20 bucks on a gamecube game
Why should it cost less because it was made for the Gamecube?
>duh i'm not paying to see a movie made the past

>tfw you realize that Edo didn't want to blow up the island and didn't need Sumio as a decoy. In fact, being part of ELBOW, he wanted Sumio to awaken and succeed the mission, so ELBOW could get the data to create a next maspro.
So in the end Sumio Mondo was in fact Sumio Kodai and that fat Peter from the beginning was Kusabi? But why Peter had silver eye?

The writing is sharp enough that it makes the game extremely likeable, as well the only time the walking is really egregious is the one where it's intentional and played for laughs and if the puzzles are really too hard for you (ie. you suck at math) I think there's no shame in just using a guide, personally.

Maybe just me but realizing that Garcian and pic related are the same voice actor blew my mind.

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What system it released on doesn't matter. If you want to play the game quit being a cheap fuck and buy it or be smart enough to get it without begging on Yea Forums of all places.

NMH is too niche and by the time SFM porn started getting big, it’s relevancy had long such faded.
Be the change you want to see, user.

Where the fuck is my Mont Blanc?

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I'll never forgive the game for including that puzzle where you had to do Chinese Reverse Root theorem just to solve it.

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The models and textures don't look very good outside of the particular lighting and rendering conditions on the original engine. When you just port them straight into Blender they just look like muddy origami, and while I'm sure there's a Deviantart page for that it doesn't have much broad appeal. Very few people have expertise or desire to reverse-engineer the look of a cult Wii game in a modelling program, and that sort of effort would be better spent just making new models anyway.

Does anyone else really like NMH1's overworld? Even though it was empty I liked it and I don't know if I can get into 2 without it. I like just driving around looking for shirts, doing jobs, and finding the Lovikov balls.

It's really stupid but I secretly hoped they'd just let him be Eli so he could chew scenery again, even if he's like 12.

>tfw pic related was datamined from the files with the file name "NMH3_ToBeContinued"
>tfw DLC2 will end with this
>tfw Suda is confirmed to appear this E3 for the first time since 2015 hoping to "announce" something
>tfw Grasshopper recently listed Nintendo as a major client
>post yfw NMH3 featuring the entire Sudaverse funded by Nintendo

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It's a neat novelty for sure.
Apparently, the overworld was supposed to be in 2 but was cut pretty late in development.
I would definitely like to see it return in some form for NMH3.

And did you know that half of the map was cut out in the PS3 version?

Almost everyone complains about it but I really enjoyed the downtime between assassination missions. The fact that they throw you back in for more menial work after Letz Shake's lack of a bossfight was genius. It's one of the things that pissed me off the most with the PS3 port

digitalman and Kamuidrome are the most kino things Suda51 has ever created. Change my mind.

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they were wearing clothes

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I hope Sakurai does what Mikami did back at Capcom and tells the executives to let Suda do whatever he wants.

What the fuck was going on in Kamuidrome? It felt like an episode of Serial Experiments Lain except nobody smarter than me has spoonfed the meaning to me.

Where the fuck can I find Killer 7 for 20 bucks? Every good Gamecube game is at least 40+


Kamuidrome is neat but feels incredibly inconsequential to the overarching narrative. It was especially weird going from Parade/Tsuki, which ends of the wildest fucking twist imaginable, to have it shift to a completely unrelated thing about some internet fuckheads trying to be cool with Sumio's whole deal only being briefly touched on intermittently, it was just a little annoying desu.

Would the 360/PS3 version’s models work though?

If I'm remembering correctly
It's social commentary about how people erase their previous identities and try to embody things that don't really exist (Kamui Uehara as depicted by the media isn't a real display of what Kamui Uehara is). The NEETs who LARP in chatrooms decide to become what they believe Kamui is (an unstoppable Godlike being that shakes society apart). Someone bugs the room of an idol and the link gets spread around. The idol finds out and kills herself. This triggers some criminal power and causes them to set up a massive blackout as a show of their power. They succeed, but the power returns, and the revolution they try to spread through the world by the means of the internet fails. Just like all internet fads, people forget soon after.

I think it's pretty kino
They're just a bunch of wannabes who want to become unforgettable cultural figures like Kamui was. Instead, they cause a powerout and are immediately forgotten. Just like the woman they drove to suicide.

It definitely added to the surreal nature of the world, trying to become a top-ranked assassin but also being a weird grubby asshole who does odd jobs to make ends meet

Someone fucking spoonfeed me here, is Lospass Island even fucking real? The end heavily implies it was all in Sumio's head, but at the same time it's apparent that tbere's some parts of reality there because Tokio DID go to the island, as well how the fuck is Sundance both a clone of Sumio AND Kamui?? If my answers are in 25th Ward just leave it at that.

Does anyone have a travis strikes again ost rip link?


25th Ward gives some details, but the truth of the situation is intentionally left ambiguous. The first chapter in one of the storylines gives you a quick rundown of all the things that definitely happened, such as the hyena eyes.
Sundance isn't Kamui. He's one of his siblings. While he's a murderer, he also has the power to restore life. There's a bit more of this in 25th Ward, but elaborating on that is a HUGE spoiler.

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how did this go from a killer7 thread to a visual novel thread?


The power of the Sudaverse.

They're connected, but in a strange way. Remember the weird guy who greets Garcian in the hotel? And if you read up on miscellaneous killer7 info, you might know who Sundance Shot is.
The Kill the Past series is Silver Case > Flower, Sun, and Rain > The 25th Ward > NMH1 > NMH2 > TSA with the Killer is Dead short story connected. Some of the events of killer7 seem to have occurred in the setting, but there's a clear timeline split because the Kill the Past series relies on the internet, nuclear weapons, and airplanes to function and those do not exist in killer7.

They didn't actually cause the blackout. They were going to legitimately distribute a revolutionary OS that would provide everyone with Internet and a unified platform. The powers that be couldn't allow something like that to happen, so they forced the blackout at the time of distribution. The couple was assassinated soon after.

Did you not play Travis Strikes Again? They're connected.

Was this explained in that Silver 4.5 book? I don't remember anything about this.

Travis befriends Kamui, Dan meets badman, Travis goes to the wards in Japan, Mondo is also in the universe and the 3 dimensions from Lollipop Chainsaw exist.

Literally all of the questions of connecting games is answered in Suda51s new game.

*Dan already knew Badman
Badman was responsible for Curtis killing him, apparently

Can’t wait for The Killer 7 vs the Assassin Alliance (Travis Touchdown, Badman, Shinobu, Bad Girl & Henry) in NMH3

Lospass Island is some weird nonsense place where realness is arbitrary until the truth is revealed (remember Mondo's whole chant about how "Truth is singular"?). Catherine reveals the truth. The delusions Sumio created to defend himself unravel when Tokio Morishima appears - Tokio being the one thing that is undeniably a part of Sumio's past. Sumio tries to prove that Tokio is fake, but Catherine shows that he's real. So Sumio is forced to confront his past, and by accepting and killing his past, is able to escape Lospass and fulfill his job as a searcher and is able to return to a realer version of reality.

>censored script

you fags keep saying this but this is literally the gayest route NMH3 could take and would be legit disappointing if it was the case

Munakata talks about the kids being dumb, naive, and distributing the operating system, then goes on to say he had to dish out punishment. No one was expecting a blackout either remember, and it clearly wasn't part of the kids' plans either. They got offed. Tetsu then laments how bullshit it is that nothing actually happened asides from life loss from the power outage, confirmed the kids' plan was a failure.

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Travis needs to take on the killer7 solo

here's the first time they showed off the intro video

later grasshopper reuploaded it with better audio mixing, but they were also using a different script

which later made it into the final version of the game, and was re-recorded with RAD

the final version a bit more explicit with language

"Now you're screwed, old man" changed to "you really fucked up now, old man"

"Now you're just gonna confuse people, they need to know about the most hardcore assassin in video games" turned into "Quit making this shit confusing, the players need to know about the most badass assassin in video games"

and they added a few other slight changes. I prefer the first script a bit more, along with fakeRAD's delivery of lines like "take one more step and you're dead" or "let me at least introduce myself"

Honestly the final version is more appropriate for Travis' character though.

I think battleborn ruined the word badass for me and it tainted the script a bit