Why didn't other games have revered and mythical players who everyone knew about?
I doubt any game had the likes of a Zezima.
Why didn't other games have revered and mythical players who everyone knew about?
I doubt any game had the likes of a Zezima.
Tiger, FangBlade
What this guy said, I didn't even play on that server.
Most games aren't casual like Runescape where noobs can be in the same areas as people who have spent thousands of hours mastering the game.
All literal whos
That's literally the opposite of Zezima, he for the vast majority of his runescape career only was seen a few times in newbie zones. He mostly hung out in higher level zones and dungeons
It's crazy seeing how even today he's not even on what the top 100 player list and he's still seen as this god of the game.
He should be. They made skills so much easier to level up and let you pay with real money to get XP now.
Also he quit over a decade ago pretty much
Yeah even OSRS is nowhere near as difficult as it used to be. The most obvious reflection of that is in 2004-2006 it was actually incredibly rare to see a maxed combat character much less a maxed total character. In the game today? You have people pounding out maxed ironman accounts in like half a year.
Runescape had a public leaderboard, which every player saw.
I've seen revered players in other MMOs, but they weren't known outside of the server
>not AT LEAST knowing zeruel
i think he was 1st to kill level 500 nightbane on adventure quess and had a popular bossing channel
miss old aq :(
Can we add Swampletics to the pantheon of legendary OSRS players?
have you tried AQ3D? It's actually comfy as fuck if you enjoyed the old flash game.
People do have mythical players within their own games, if you play a small kmmo you will get to know people.
Pro-players and YouTube/Twitch personalities fill the same niche.
If you're asking why there's no player that's just famous for being a player, Zezima first got notoriety after being the first to reach 99 on a bunch of skills or something, right? You'd need a game with a public leaderboard that people pay attention to. That Runescape lets you play your character on any server (and not just ones bound to your region) probably contributed as well - if you're an American player, you're not going to pay attention to some guy that can only play on European servers. That everyone was effectively playing/competing in the same court made people pay more attention.
It takes about 2 days to grind enough to get to those "higher level" zones. Runescape is casual as shit.
Why? He's not doing anything difficult, just taking the intentionally annoying route and acting like it's somehow accepting a challenge. I can go to 1-99 woodcutting on a HCIM with the limitation being I can only use lamps. It will eventually get done, but who gives a fuck? I didn't do anything impressive, I just wasted more time than anyone else has wasted. Woohoo
I like him but really wish he wouldn't use memefrog as his avatar, pretty lame and his personality doesn't match pepe at all.
they did, mabinogi had one etc, it just they where never as big or a popular as rs, and rs player.
He is so legendary that at his peak when the game was hard, he was the top, so much that he became part the very lore of the game.
Literally who?
never heard of these fuckers
>ctrl + f "gregor"
>no results
This only seems to prove that gregor was just a meme for the "badass FPS-gamer" stereotype, but there has to be some truth to it. How did this guy originate anyways?
Planetside 1 had Anakin. Other air chav players would clear out when he came through or get shot down.
>you will never watch another newly released skychi video on a saturday afternoon
zezima was a poopsocker before poopsocking was common in RS
he was so far ahead of the pack that everyone that went onto the hiscores saw how far ahead he was and though "damn"
Anything can be "easy" in osrs if you throw enough time and money at it. It's the artificial challenge that's interesting. Jaded much?
Back before everything had to have some kind of cringe meme name it was just "that guy". Then some newfag redditors came in and forced some shit meme about how his name is Gregor.
There was no reason for the name choice other than it just being randumb.
if/when he completes ToB SOLO he'll achieve his legendary status
until then, he's just a guy who maxed an UIM, makes pretty good youtube videos and is playing another UIM
A meme about how players in FPSes with basic names in all lowercase, like "gregor", "jacob", "mitchell", etc. would just come into the game, wreck everything and would never have a mic. "gregor" was just the name that stuck for the meme.
As I recall the meme referenced a badass character from a fantasy novel
You know what? Ya that's fair, actually. I've been thoroughly entertained so far though. Hope he goes the distance.
>if you throw enough time and money
anything in life is easy if you throw enough time/money at it, retard
why dont you have a 10/10 supermodel wife, drive a bugatti and live in the cali hills?
just throw some more time and money at it dude
I remember when he released the video of him hanging out with his fat troll of a girlfriend.
Holy. Shit. The roasting in those comments lmfao. You could respond to videos with your own videos back then, and I remember someone uploading one with some 3D ogre with this music playing in the background:
Back then a lot of the playerbase was much younger and a lot of people had no clue what the most efficient methods were. The people who stick around for osrs are really dedicated.
>that one video he uploaded where he showed his pimply fat ass farting and youtube removed it
Good times..
Things are less mythical because everyone pours their soul into their online personality so you can really see what they’re like. They feel more human do there’s a lot more to know about them other than just a big unreachable number above everyone else.
Rainz, the guy who killed Lord British
Swifty built a career on his single "PvP" video.
Seeing as he's still relatively well known, I'd say he outdid Zezima.
He comes close.
Definitely the most well known WoW personality
>yfw he admits he's gay in a recent vlog
I remember his final video where he cried how the fame of YouTube had completely ruined his RuneScape experience, so he decided to quit the game and play WoW instead.
Then some kids found out what WoW server he was on and transferred there to harass the shit out of him, so he freaked the fuck out and made ANOTHER bitching video about how he couldn't take the harassment anymore lmfao.
Hahahaha so I'm assuming you play all games on easy bc what's the point of making it any harder than it needs to be? It's an accomplishment bc of the difficulty he's creating by limiting himself to Morytania, you fucking melon.
Oh I remember that. He rolled a human holy paladin.
But then he returned to runescape only to be harassed yet again like the fat fuck lolcow he was
think youre responding to the wrong guy, bro
you're joking, right? that's such a broad statement that it can't possibly be true
Fuck I meant to reply that to
Oh fuck, do you remember the 'We Hate Skychi' video where he called on his "haters" to make videos criticizing him?
Man. Did the community delivers. The fucking roasts that were had lmfao. He got so butthurt over them that he deleted his original video asking to be roasted!
Bitch please, I've seen the dude on Daemonheim. Player will go where they need to be.
in osrs you can throw time and money at anything and its easy
in life you can throw time and money and anything and its easy
>tfw nobody in the zoomer BFA playerbase have any idea who this is
What the literal fuck is that?
>ctrl f
>0 results
he's a reddit meme now bro
Dungeoneering. Zezima plays RS3
There's a difference between genuine difficulty, harder mechanics, puzzles, etc. and just gimping yourself for the sake of gimping yourself by doing the shittier option provided in game. It's not like a speedrun or a blind run, it's playing dark souls on a guitar hero guitar tier, which is good for a chuckle but that's about it.
Found the video of him in wow, but the audio is different
Eternal Oblivion, Bubble, Cachero, Hesperides, Pepelu, Knightmare, Ingek, Arieswar, and the list goes...
These guys were literally gods in the game, for different reasons.
post the picture about the dude talking about diablo and then frodo showed up in the thread
Mythical players become E-Sport players now or famous streamers
MMOs aren't the biggest online game genre anymore so there will never be another mythical MMO player until VR MMOs or some shit
Xenosys Vex but only because he triggered half the playerbase by being """toxic"""
no one here has played that south american garbage.
oh yeah, the supposed inventor of quickscoping
the sad thing about mmorpg heroes is when you think about how shitty their life is to be able to do that shit.
lol I have no illusions their life is any different than mine is. We're revering people who sit on their ass for half the day every single day, it's not like we're shocked they aren't Armstrong doing marathons and fruitful social lives.
That's because you are a fucking underage and type like a monkey. Tibia was extremely popular in NA and Europe as well, do your research, fag.
Fancy the Bard, in Everquest Online
What's going on in this thread?
I'm glad MMOs moved away from poopsocking encouraging game design. Completionists are the most disgusting human beings, and always ruin every MMO in the end. They killed EQ and WoW stone dead.
>all the whos in this thread
I don't know a single one of them. Just give up and accept that Zezima was quite the individual at the time. I can't remember if I ever even saw him, but there was an enigma about him spread by the players themselves that wasn't quite matched by anything else around its time.
It was literally a different time.
TI, TI2, and TI3 were so fucking good. I miss old Dondo already but he is still likable as hell.
Dendi was actually pretty based, but it's not a fair comparison because he was essentially a streamer and a "professional" e-sports player, so he had a lot more room to gain traction. A lot of MOBA streamers get pretty well-known in their games. It was pretty inevitable, but he had a great personality, so I'll acknowledge this person.
>Back then a lot of the playerbase was much younger and a lot of people had no clue what the most efficient methods were. The people who stick around for osrs are really dedicated.
While it's true that people got more autistic about the best methods to get XP, there are unquestionably piss-easy ways to level certain skills now that weren't around back then. Combat, for instance, is stupid easy to grind out with Nightmare Zone nowadays, and it used to be even easier before they nerfed it.
Holy fuck I didn't even know that could happen
It was a simpler time, before the veil was lifted that all online scoreboards and global rankings were filled with stat padded bots and literal autistic subhumans who play for 16 hours a day
Grubby and YaphetS are kind of known, right?
Nice, I missed the event due to like 1500ms ping
Swampletics is pretty cool, but literally who gives a fuck about this dude. We know who the real god is.
WOOX, or that autistic kid who ate lasagna and got 200m all. Dude's a retard
>all online scoreboards and global rankings were filled with stat padded bots
This is the most hurtful thing in the thread.
He killed millions.
I used to watch phreak's audio commentaries on Skgrubbys warcraft 3 replays back in the day. From wcreplays.com i think
I don't understand the swampletics meme
i feel like it's 50/50 between people who enjoy it because they think being an ironman makes you special and people who watch it "ironically". who the fuck cares some faggot's out there wasting dozens upon dozens of hours completing tasks and repeating the same thing just because he decides not to leave one area? it's okay to look at a game and say "let's figure a way to do x with this preset of rules" but choosing to waste hundreds of hours to make it happen is fucking retarded
>bank your items
man its like you can just see the underage in this post
>be me
>be on world 3
>see zezima
>shit my pants right there almost instantly
>turned to my way and glared in my eyes
>shit my pants again and start to cry
>things that didn't happen
It really depends on what games you played back in day cause a lot of the 'legends' aren't really something that cross platforms
fucking Swifty
slayers boxer
basically a lot of /vg/'s osrs group is pissy that reddit likes him now, so they fake fanboy over him to piss everyone off. People here do that all the time, nothing new.
I doubt anyone here knows about him, but I remember Gamesager from halo reach. He was a faggot that would play big team battles with a full team of players. His team would veto to a map with a banshee. Gamesager would get to it as quickly as possible, while all of his teammates would go for all the counter weapons, like spartan lasers, snipers, and rocket launchers. He would then dominate everyone with the banshee.
I fought against him once. My entire team quit the match before it was over.
>go to lumbridge
>see this
wat do?
I was gonna name EO/Bubble/Km/Aries, but you've got most of them.
god i fucking miss old artour
reminder that EG threw TI4 finals because Fear didnt want Mason being the best carry in NA
fucking kikes
>people actually no one has heard of
Drakedog videos give me chills, even this day. He and Adouken were a inspiration for me.
Shit is hype as fuck, amazing songs as well.
World of Warcraft had several in its golden years.
I remember some motherfucker surpassed Zezima. Liluffie something.
The reason why people are more literal whos compared to games like Runescape is because everything in runescape was connected, there were reasons to visit all sorts of areas, and still are though it is unforuntately way more streamlined. I remember seeing Zezeima once when farming was new content. In the case of WoW, unless it is youtube content like LEEEEROOOOOOY a lot of the servers were more or less segregated, surely a lot of the places had their own local legends, but there was a lot less room to meet people across different servers. Sure Runescape had seperate worlds but you could legitimately jump to a world at any time short of it being completely full
I used to like Arteezy as well but not anymore, I don't follow Dota 2 anymore so I'm clueless about how he is doing now. Last time I heard about EG was that Fear left. Not even sure if Sumail still plays for them.
His family is rich as fuck. His Storm was top notch.
Just started playing the game like a week ago. Literally who is that faggot and why do people suck his dick so hard?
Falador massacre wasn't even real it's all just propaganda against Durial321 to get him banned, schemed up by Falador's leading homosexuals so that they could turn the entire Gielinor populous into butt fucking faggots with gay pride parades
The wrong side won
>he became part the very lore of the game.
[Nightwish starts playing]
Predators of Chaos sure were funny.