Why is Warrior so fucking boring?
t. level 40
Why is Warrior so fucking boring?
t. level 40
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every job is boring. mmos are boring in general, what did you expect?
Every job is boring until you're 50. XIV is terribly designed but at least it's finally decent at 50+.
I heard they're fixing the early game shittiness in SHAD so hopefully the sprouts of the future will have a happier time in ARR.
>hasn't even played to the max level yet
It's always a boring grind until you cap out desu.
how the fuck did Raimi get away with this
Supposedly yeah, they're gonna snip down the stupid amount of padding after you hit 50 to a series of cutscenes and front-load classes and jobs a bit more.
Man living in Eorzea would suck ass
>Constantly getting screwed by corrupt merchants, if you're not wealthy your life means nothing.
>Pirate infested shithole barely kept together by a dictator. When Merlwyb dies it will become even worse.
>If you step on a leaf you'll get torn inside out by pissy elementals.
Warrior is boring even at 70. You get a few moments of joy with IR and then its over. Repeat infinity.
Monk is the only one that is fun before 50.
Because tanks are boring to play
>tried out tanking to 62
>cant fucking stand it anymore
don't know if its warriors, or just tanks in general, but that shit is a fucking snoozefest.
but the instant queues are so convenient. really fucking sucks, but I'm not surprised that this game has a horrible trinity ratio.
Try DRK or PLD and see if either of their skillsets gel with you better. Perfectly fine if tanking doesn't suit you though.
Nobody wants to tank in this fucking game. Even my statics dedicated tanks hate it. Its just not an enjoyable role in XIV.
Someone used my recruitment code the other day.
I feel back because this is the 6th person I've roped into this shitty game, and I've been unsubbed for 80% of the last 3 years. Have they even added anything new to buy with Chocobo Feathers?
I would, but I just finished leveling warrior 30-62, and I don't feel like reliving that again even with instant queues for the rest of my life.
it was very slightly better before they pruned shit in sb
it also helped that the playerbase collectively didn't know any better and though 2.x pld was an acceptable class design
The class quests are great.
>DUDE the guy is named after the famous monkey haha
Does anyone have a spare Twitch Prime FFXIV Starter Edition code they are willing to share? I really want to try the game out ;w;
30-50 is pretty alright since it hypes up the inner beast and the element of self-doubt playing into controlling it, 50-60 is great when it focuses on living up to or exceeding the legends of Mythril Heart, 60-70 is awful and Curious Gorge spending literally 40 levels of not being able to control his beast is insulting
Name aside, I liked the character development up until stormblood. Then it just became some stupid Mary Sue anime shit
Try the trial first, game's completely free up to level 35 across all jobs
I agree with all of that. Then again I guess I’m a sucker for semi decent coming of age/“with great power” stories
No they aren't, it's 40 levels of trying to teach Gorge not to be a pussy and control his inner beast that he keeps losing to
>Curious fucking Gorge gets laid before the WoL does
He was doing pretty good up until a woman entered the story and broke all his focus
the first scene in the game has the wol feeling hydaelyn
Gorge wastes his penis on a xaela skank while we have Alisaie, Yugiri, M'naago, Lyse yuck, Hydaelyn via Minfilia meat-puppet, the ACN guild-leader, and various other friends to pick from
Did anything end up happening with the Hrothgar/Ronso leak?
they patched out the references and we'll probably learn more next fanfest
that's it really
It made folks in the gender lock thread on the official forums chimp out, so that was fun.
I honestly felt embarrassed for Gorge. We were getting stronger and stronger and he still couldn't even get the basics right.
This but exactly the same as this user meant it
i always like to think that dude found some bro to jo with and he lived happily afterwards
>paying $10-15 a month to hop on a gear treadmill
I like Blue Mage.
>Shadowbringers title art is the only one where the WoD is completely alone
Suffering ahead.
no game has fun tanks
String Mhiggers up for the Elements.
>why is the most basic RPG class the most basic RPG class
gee i fucking wonder
between Scholar, Machinist, Bard, or Red Mage, which stormblood relic weapon is the best?
scholar is the only one tolerable
the elemental tuck for rdm is pretty nice
most of the elemental weapons are pretty good, now that i think about it. the final stage looks awful for all but a few weapons
I'd say MCH, I don't think BRD is bad, just not quite my taste in bows. SCH just makes me think I'd rather just use Last Resort instead.
come to japan
>Baldesion Arsenal Discords claiming portals left and right
>whiney about everything and ridicule those not in their special snowflake clique
Was BA a mistake?
>start dungeon
>scholar's fairy immediately blows all its cooldowns
so it's gonna be like that is it?
SCH is my favorite, but I made MCH's Eureka first.
>just got done being buttfucked by the Garleans
No, Discord was.
i typically forget to change Eos till the first pull. Hell, I would probably forget to cast Protect if tanks didn't refuse to move without it
The correct course of action was to never start Eureka so you don't gotta worry about it
you're thinking of Yanxia user
Snipe them and play the raid normally as a mute. If they speak out against you report them for harassment. It's a public fucking dungeon, they'll have to suck it up.
The entry system is hot trash, and I really don't understand the objective behind it beyond being obnoxious for the sake of it.
>which stormblood relic weapon is the best
>which turd is least smelly?
>losers are still crying about eureka
face it nigger eureka is what the overworld should have been
It is more of SE's handling of it that's more of a mistake than the idea of a public dungeon. If it wasn't in Eureka where you get punished with deleveling, it'd be more of a novelty and less tryhards.
Sorry I don't like your Korean mmo tier filler content my dude. Have fun with that shit next xpack I'll keep skipping it
>i put an autistic amount of time into it, therefore it's good content
that's not how it works, rain man.
>what the FUCK I have to invest time in this mmo????? dude fucking bullshit give everything to me within an hour or I'm gonna piss myself on the official forums >:((
fuck off from all mmos while you're at it
Pagos and anemos where fucking awful dude. Don't care how much hydatos and pyros are ok not great but not awful that doesn't make eureka good content.
Maybe it would have been better if the overworld was tougher, but you're dripping with cope. Eureka itself is the most bottom of the barrel boring dreg of shit content. It feels like the devs only implemented it to get a cheap laugh at the expense of idiots who'd drag themselves through it.
Really gotta justify those countless hours of afk NM/mob grinding don't you? Just go play a Korean MMO my friend you can do it 24/7 there
the only thing that could have redeemed eureka if there was open pvp
that would probably be the only thing they could have done to make it worse
What does Yea Forums think of The Primals?
>all these buttblasted raid trannies mad that eureka took precious development hours from 1 more extreme primal to do within 30 mins of servers going live and whine that theres nothing to do
release demon hunter and release death knight in wow was the most fun i had tanking just from how overtuned they were
then 2 patches and they went back to it being the same shit
They're trying too hard to make Koji seem more than his cringy faggot self.
You PVP faggots need to die off already.
Imagine defending content where you mindlessly grind for months to get a glowing weapon to afk with in limsa and then call it good quality content. I honestly couldn't imagine it
>raidtrannies and their discordcucks claiming BA as their own
>heh i bet the raidtrannies hate this
Artifact grinds have always been pretty retarded. This one takes the cake though. Doubly so because all the artifacts look like fucking SHIT.
>8% enrage on proto ozma
Sadness is all I feel.
Not always, previously they were a good way to get endgame players to play the old content again.
>getting btfo by square telling them to fuck off and that they cant hog the instances to themselves or get banned
yes, raid trannies do hate this
Tank chad here
*dabs on your queue times*
That is all
I'm lvl 54 and I fucking love WAR.
WAR and BRD are my go to classes. So many combos to play and spam buttons.
Look at this dumb nigger still doing roulettes in 4.5.
best job to solo grind CL in Pagos?
why are you people so fucking obsessed with trannies holy shit
Why yellow
not him but how else are you supposed to get tomestones for your gear?
You had a full patch to get BiS savage gear my dude. Don't tell me you're a casual
>welfare gear
Boogeymen and memes. Trannies are common in XIV, but not really to the point of what everyone makes it. I play on Levi and have maybe seen 5 trannies since ARR.
Found the retarded XI player. Hey, why not go back to the "game" you actually enjoy?
I'm just leveling an alt to dab on DPS shitters some more in the next expansion.
>No comfy, indestructable bubble with everything you could ever need
How do you fags even cope.
I just got through Heavensward after coming back to the game years later. What an absolute boring chore. I got so sick of the worthless filler quests I just ended up skipping the cutscenes. Really kills it when the story us interesting but there's more retarded padding than DBZ. I'll just read about what I missed.
Boomer who played ffxi here please never refer to xi and eureka as similar in your fucking life again that is an insult to xi.
every single thread it's nothing but "raidtrannies this" "raidtrannies that" "trannies trannies trannies"
it's fucking ridiculous
shut the fuck up about fucking trannies you retards
i unsubscribed throughout the entirety of 4.4 and i'm too lazy/shit to find a static.
>hating on Kinosward
The fuck is wrong with you?
Just cause. It's from a very long time ago.
A fucking book is visibly penetrating your "indestructible" barrier
hit a nerve?
Pretty much. Its especially bad now since there's not really anything to talk about with the game that hasn't been said already. Even the autistic Viera posting has thankfully died down.
That's because knowledge is power you pathetic simpleton. Why do you think I have so many books in here? checkmate.
Not that user but Heavensward is overrated and while the later parts make it a lot better the early and middle part of HW is an absolute awful chore. Probably nicer if you do it while it's current content too as opposed to being behind everyone and people not hyping you up from the side. I did HW late too and it made me quit the game and lose interest in the lore until the fanfest and Shadowbringers reveal.. 3-4 times it made me quit and I was very much into the story. The intro/start is slow, shitty and takes you out of any and all hype among other.
Reminds me of those bubbles they put around autistic children so no one violates their NAP.
You too, tranny. back to Eureka with you.
>been meta since HW
Other classes can't even compete
>completely fucked over and turned into a buff bitch
Cope harder.
I was thinking of doing DRG next. Is it fun?
The overworld should have literally just been diadem?
Even at its lowest in Stormblood, SCH has always been desired.
NIN, WAR, SCH, and BRD can since they've been meta since their introduction, 2.1, and ARR respectively
spotted the tranny.
Tether me cuck.
unlike other classes their entire rotation is pretty much 100% static.
who cares? 90% of dungeons hit like wet tissue paper even during big pulls
Flying ruined mmos, the overworld should have some sense of danger instead of piss easy mobs that you can literally just ignore.
>live in the deserts of thanalan, need to deliver some rocks to another town
>pray to the twelve that I will make it
>load up the wagon and feed the chocobo
>thal's balls this thing smells but it's better than going by foot
>set out, the heat is horrible and sand keeps getting in my eyes
>see some bandits off in the distance
>they're actually brass blades
>same thing
>have to pay them half my rocks so they don't falsely arrest me for smuggling
>whatever, keep going
>sabotender shows up
>shoots out needles
>ten of them pierce my flesh
>feel myself slipping into unconsciousness, mere peddlers shouldn't have to suffer this
>now I close my eyes
>for one last time
>and say goodbye
>eorzea fucking sucks
You only think that because that was how your playtime was padded in the games you played as a kid.
Dead game.
>be lalafell
>get eaten alive by literally everything
PLD quests are the most boring job quests in the game
And that's even before you consider anyone sapient getting hurt feelings can summon a magic nuke that can in turn enslave anyone it looks at for the remainder of their lives
>An armed society is a polite society
>Empire decides to just start killing fucking everyone as its idea of disarmament
tl:dr you're a retard go play baby shit MMOs
>RM not MAX nerd
30-50 MNK exists.
This, but unironically and without the mad. I've seen more trannies in Goldshire than in the entirety of FFXIV.
at least they aren't fucking annoying like WAR is
Curious Gorge is being a whiny cunt about losing control of his inner beast
loses control again and is even whinier
loses control AGAIN and this time gets a gf because why not
I can't wait for the 70-80 quests dealing with Curious Gorge losing control again because he is fucking useless.
Slogging through a million strong monsters to get to my destination is not fun. It just wastes my time.
The Empire only did that because dude Ascians lmao
The Empire IS dude Ascians lmao
>playing video games to not waste time
fucking leave my hobby you stupid faggot
Whatever you say, spider.
Fuck you Spider, lying sack of shit
>playing the game is interrupting me from playing the game
you've gone full retard
so are there any job quests other than Dark Knight that are not shit?
>completely fucked over and turned into a buff bitch
DRG's problem is it behaves like a selfish-DPS but doesn't have the DPS to back that up, Battle Litany is amazing but Dragon Sight is peanuts for anyone but the DRG itself and Piercing Resistance/Disembowel is more a happy accident that it synergizes with other jobs than anything
Their versions of the primal themes are fucking terrible.
If you don't mind a rotation that will not change, ever, it's fun. You're attacking almost constantly in one way or another and there's legitimate thought to put into when to use your buffs and/or use your Jump skills, since the latter has animation locks.
Reminder that all classes are fairly equal to each other, and we all walk in the light of the crystal.
you do the same thing in WoW except in WoW the city is empty ;)
most of the nin quests are pretty decent
>Except MCH, AST, BLU and PLD, those guys all suck
anyone play on aether? why does this fc named elysium think they own and run ba in eureka? they purposely cause wipea and grief the instance if they arent able to get in. nms that help the ba groups just dont get killed because they reset mobs and shit. why has no one called them out.. a lot of them use social media like twitter for their characters
AST is pretty boring too.
NIN's story is good, SAM's story from 50-60 is excellent, PLD's 60-70 story is good since it's pretty much a GLD story, RDM's story is good and gives a bit more background info on Amdapor/Mhach, WAR's story alternates between being alright to being crap
SMN 50 - 60, war 60 - 70 and SCH are pretty cool
Missed out on my 5th Ozma clear because some retard blew up the acceleration bomb in the middle of the party, everyone got their remembered proc'd but me.
if I quit before the first expansion came out (beat base story), how long would it be to get into chocobo racing?
Considering they've been streaming most of their runs I call bullshit. Did you just get kicked out of the organizational discord because you called someone faggot, faggot?
I wouldn't know since I haven't played WoW since 2008
Don't be gay, user
>purposely cause wipes and grief the instance
That is actually a reportable offense.
No job but PGL is pretty good.
>quit WoW just as activision poisoned blizzard
you were smart. I wasn't.
SMN consistently has some of the best job quests. The 60-70 one starts bad but goes places by the end.
elysium tranny detected
post the twitch clip of layla bell raging faggot
>remember buying the game on PS4 2 years ago
>Dragonhead was massively populated and everyone took part in the FATE's outside the town
>doing the free month on PC now with twitch prime
>10-15 people in Dragonhead and no one does FATE's anyway
Its probably fine in the expansion places I imagine, but still sad
Best part of RDM is looking up Arya's skirt every time you see her during 50-60 I'm still mad they put her in pants for 60-70
Keep being salty
FATEs got killed because Palace of the Dead is way more efficient than FATE grinding
>>If you step on a leaf you'll get torn inside out by pissy elementals.
I feel like this has barely been the case since the Calamity. In 1.0, yes, they beat you over the fucking head about the elementals, to the point of involving it in Gridania's MSQ and their Grand Company quest-lines (back when GCs actually had their own fucking storylines).
>Its probably fine in the expansion places I imagine
nope, everyone power levels through dungeons and deep dungeons. no point in doing FATEs pretty much anywhere. especially not this late in the expansion. you'll see some of that in the new zones in the summer though once ShB is out. ironically there are tons of sprouts running around right now because of Twitch so you're getting a warped view of who is running FATEs in ARR content. they've been dead for years but are more active currently
They fucking up Warrior in Stormblood so it only gets good at level 70, then they fucked it up again and made it the brainlet tank at least I'm not DRK
>remember playing in ARR
>NIN was just released
>everyone is power levelling it
>massive army of Ninja's running around Dragonhead
>no fate lasts more than a few seconds
>everything just feel to the endless army of Ninja
fucking good times
Shitting on berserk was awful, I can't imagine trying to re-level warrior from 50+. And just to make Inner Release look better.
>Every job is boring until you're 50
I hit 50 three days ago and the game turned into a grind hell that doesn't give me enough exp or rewards for anything. Every bad, boring aspect about pre-50 got turned up to 11, when does it really get better?
keep taking hrt and dilating
>XIV is never gonna have good visuals again
Once you get to 2.5 and then into Heavensward. Everyone who plays the game agrees that 2.1 to 2.4 is the worst part of the game. Feel free to skip past most of it.
>good visuals
The shaders for 1.0 are still in the game, there's a mod that enables them.
Is that how they're handling it?
New players better get the popcorn ready cause we're gonna jump from having one hour long cutscene to like six of them.
Still better than doing literally a hundred fucking fetch quests though.
I might even have the urge to make a new character just for funzies, cause the biggest reason I don't is that fucking lv50 wall.
Modern ARR is such a fucking drawcall/cpu hog that it runs worse at 4K on my machine than 1.0.
is FF14 more fun if I don't play a tank? I played a paladin until level 50(I think?) or around 5-10 quests through Heavensward. There's stuff I liked about the game but it moved along at a snails pace.
>the game turned into a grind hell that doesn't give me enough exp or rewards for anything
from MSQ?
The content between expansions was made after the corresponding level cap so it doesn't give much, if any, exp. 2.1 to HW is the worst slog in the entire game. Keep drudging through it and you'll get to 70 fast than if you just start spamming dungeons right now, just stick with it.
As a general rule, most jobs only start to get fun or feel complete after they hit the 60s.
Can't till next expansion so dps-only shitters can beg me to queue with them in a tell they'll send the moment they see me in the new zones. Which I'll promptly ignore and/or reject of course.
And then I make a pf with another tankbro so I can do the content with 2 tanks 1 dps and 1 healer. And have it fill up in seconds too.
>can visibly see the framerate dipping when anything is happening
Yep that's the 1.X I remember
show me the mod please
Can someone post the bara roe twitter drawn screen cap meme pls
Trusts. And I never, ever get any DPS sending me a /tell to get me to queue with them what game are you playing dude?
Depends on what you like, but PLD is widely regarded as the most boring tank in the game and tanks in general are pretty niche because most people can't stand just hitting 1-2-3 over and over. That's why tanks predominantly get adventurer in need bonus.
The devs designed eureka with this in mind. Pitting players against each other sadistically for kicks. "You wan shinry artifract? mount? dance for us prease"
pretty shit desu
At the launch of stormblood I got a tell from a dps though begging me. It was just before the sirensong dungeon when you're in the boat instance just before the dungeon.
>good visuals
looks like a PS2 game
No it looks like a ps3 game. ARR looks like a ps2 game
It's a fucking travesty that a fun questline like PGL is followed by that dull Alamhigger shit like MNK.
>tfw you realise Ilberd unironically did nothing wrong
shb will just be us babysitting minfilia with in the waking sands
>ARR looks like a ps2 game
Are you 12?
what tank class has mega fuck tons of self heals?
60-70 is literally a fucking tournament
you are big dick sword and shield tank, a PALADIN, and the most epic challenge you face is a fighting tournament
He too was an alhamhigger, and you can tell - since all his plans were too unintelligent, failing to work and ultmately abeting the enemies he wanted to deal with. Truly, a fucking retard.
It's called hyperbole you literal retard
Guarentee you Koji's going to somehow fucking meme a 'return to the waking sands' joke in his "translation" somewhere.
Works on my machine.
>you are ... a PALADIN
No you're not. XIV's "paladin" is a Paladin in name only. What they really are, are knights that serve the sultanate. There was absolutely nothing Paladin-like about their toolkit until people bitched and complained (rightfully so) and SE gave us some lazy Paladin-themed skills in HW and SB.
fucking Koji
I don't remember having issues with the queue when SB dropped they were actually pretty fast.
I remember the lag and raubahn though.
Not him, but hyperbole in graphical discussion is a literal 'I am a retard' console war faggot redflag.
All of them have some self-healing but Paladin is the best at it.
>Being ignorant of this dumb meme since I play with 11 audio instead
Honestly why would you even bother with any language besides Japanese? Western voice actors suck ass and aren't consistent. 1 patch you can hear a character being voiced by someone and the next patch he'll be voiced by someone else again. And a lot of the dumb koji memefox shit and ye old english garbage can be negated with playing on Japanese audio.
I feel like it's a low-key development post-Calamity that the Elementals aren't nearly as in control as Gridanians still hype up. In story, they've been pretty weak in responding to invading presences, the Hearers are getting more indistinct messages and having to spend more field time quell restless and corrupted spirits... It's not to say they have NO power, but given that Gridania partially relies on the reputation of the Elementals of Black Shroud in fucking people they don't like up, and that they're otherwise sitting on a swath of valuable natural resources, it's got to be in Gridania's best interests to keep outsiders wary and continue to try to help placate the Elementals and encourage them to recover somehow.
>Welcome to die!
>Welcome back to die!
Because I don't speak gook language so I'll still have to read Koji's meme text regardless
T. PLD sitting with his thumb in his ass hardcasting clemency all pull.
With PLD your self healing is wasting DPS. With the other classes your self healing IS your DPS.
Starting a war isn't a good thing, but it is a good thing it kicked off hard the way it did.
Otherwise the three big cities would have kept sitting on their dicks doing nothing until every resistance faction was already wiped out cause none of them can see past their own immediate personal interests, at which point they'd be completely fucked for not having enough people to fight back.
You are either lying or misremembering. Dps queues were abysmal at launch and and introducing 2 new dps jobs didn't help that. But then again I played during early access so maybe it was different with the official launch it that's when you played it?
Well I don't either but can still understand quite a lot because of the anime I watch and japanese games I play. If you are a weeb you shouldn't have a problem with this and if you're not a weeb why are you playing this game?
Also doesn't help that they kinda fucked how elementals are supposed to look in ARR.
I "played" early access and by that i wasted the first day in front of raubahn but after i passed the great wall it was a breeze the queues for dps were really fast.
I was in primal.
That's not what he asked you retard lol
ARR 1080p is unironically the best looking one of those three. That light is way too bright-looking for how little the interior sections of the lantern are illuminated in 1.0.
How would knowing what baka desu senpai means help me not read Koji's shit text?
so did anyone actually run the Diadem?
>game with 100 players running around runs worse than a game where you're the literal only player because it's a server emulator
stop the fucking presses
Yeah and it fucking sucked.
The 1080p pic is the same as the 4k pic with a shitload of ailising
Yes, just like its identical sequel Eureka people ran it for the carrots on the stick
The lower quality of the image obscures the fact that it's just a painted-on white texture more than the 4k pic does. Sort of like old sprites that were designed with scanlines in mind that look like shit without them.
I fucking hate Eureka but I hated Diadem at least 10x more
>dumb motherfuckers trying to sound smart on the internet say dumb shit
more news at 11
I did with my fc.
The diadem was dog shit but even shit with friends is fun.
I liked the meltdown it caused though.
It's shit he should know if he expects to tank spamming a self heal. I know it's a braindead role but you should at least try to be useful beyond holding enmity.
Diadem was far better than Eureka because you could get all the shit you wanted from it in less than an hour and be done with it, and it provided a quick and painless way to grind gear for alts compared to Eureka's. Also it had gathering
Didnt 1.0 have 0 environmental shadows and no true light sources
I tested empty locations on both. ARR staring at the floor at 4K in the corner of a small house was lower fps than 1.0 in the Adventurer's Guild with the NPC population while smacking a test enemy.
>play this game at release
>hit level cap a month and a half in
>get bored and give up
is it worth going back? also is it possible that i have some now-unattainable items on my character worth millions because i got it at launch? i have a bunch of pets
Player shadows were affected by light sources in the same manner ARR does. There's no environment shadows though as you mentioned. In place of environment shadows were normal maps being put to heavy use though.
Alright, thanks
lolno all that shit is untradeable. Your time spent in 1.0 was a fucking waste.
no, exclusive shit can't be sold on the MB
What launch are we talking about here.
Also probably is not tradeable so you will get nothing.
>want to resub and play DRG
>don't want to play what is effectively a Lancer, and Dragoon in name only
>or be a buff-bitch
ARR launch i meant, are they untradeable? i cant even remember
If you don't want to be a buff bitch just don't buff? Or just play a ''selfish'' dps?
yes, it's untrabable and most people can get most of that shit from spending achievement points anyway
I wait for protect to see if the healer is ready and not afk post-viewing cutscene
But I like Dragoons.
Gil has no use except for glamour or housing, you shouldn't worry about it. Just playing the game in any capacity gives you enough.
>uses jumps and dragon magic
>not a dragoon
why is Lily so fucking lewd?
I firmly state to the tank that my job is too easy if I cast protect. Also I don't DPS
It's in name only. Would you want a Summoner who couldn't summon or a Blue Mage that couldn't be built into a tank, healer, or DPS as you wanted?
A SCH having their pet on Sic is a sure-sign they're not going to DPS.
>you are big dick sword and shield tank, a PALADIN, and the most epic challenge you face is a fighting tournament
Ironically that instanced fight is somewhat fun as opposed to the regular PLD drivel
she knows
Please explain the changes to someone who just finished the main scenario for ARR and just moved to Revenant's Toll. Level 53 Monk btw.
It's not in name only since it does the things dragoons do
Blue Mage has never been tanky or good at healing
>Would you want a Summoner who couldn't summon
Are you implying those shitty pets are """""summons"""""?
That's because it's Knight, not Paladin, Koji just wanted to appeal to WoWfags
please do not post this image again
>Blue Mage that couldn't be built into a tank, healer, or DPS as you wanted
Name one game
bahamut jr. is pretty cool, for the 30 seconds or so you'll see him per fight
So play dragoon then? I don't get the whole buff bitch thing. Just play what you want.
that's really pretty
is it possible to mod in that hud/ability icons/font?
Is PvP worth it in this? Or even a thing? I tried to join the training match a couple of times, but didn't get in after more than half an hour of waiting
PvP sucks
it's best to have selene on sic anyway since her first two cooldowns are worthless and having automated immediate uptime on fey wind is convenient
do frontlines or rival wings, don't waste time trying to queue for wolves' den
I would rather be forced at gunpoint to do daidem and eureka than spend one second playing that trash.
Nah, just Discord and NA.
Maybe your job wouldn't be easy if you played the game properly
You probably could if you knew an artist? There's nothing to rip unless you somehow had access to the alpha client, but the UI was all Actionscript (Flash) driven at that point in the remake's life.
If you want the wolf marks for glamour or minions or whatever, then do frontlines and turn off your brain. If you want to try pvp for the sake of it; don't.
I would honestly rather do PvP than Eureka.
I couldn't keep playing. I think I ended at level 53. It was just a boring fucking game with a 2 second cool down per hit..
Heh, foolish scrub thinking the GM's will allow you to speak out of turn. Reported for criticizing my playstyle.
isn't that literally the FC that sells clears for real money? When is squeenix going to do something about these faggots
Just play healer and laugh at everyone.
I only bought this to ERP as a cat girl but nobody actually does that anymore so I wasted my money
I prefer Eos just because Whispering Dawn is yet another tool to allow me to do zero manual heals on the tank during large pulls, since WD/Rouse/Excog/Tether where applicable covers 95% of it. Most folks in DF can't even make use of the 3% you get from Fey Wind anyways.
Ok, I can take the hint
Imagine being salty about people organizing themselves to tackle multiplayer content in an MMO. It's really baffling. You could join the crowd, you could organize your own, but no, instead you choose to whine on taiwanese picture scrolls. This is how incels must feel when they see people socializing, but won't do anything about it instead.
never, they already said they don't care
How am I supposed to clear kefka when only legit shitters join my groups :(
Quite literally end your life.
>they already said they don't care
no they fucking didn't. RMT is against the rules.
Go back in time when it was relevant content.
You are probably in the wrong server.
I am still fucking mad that Doma tps has the blank icon instead of their flag.
>isn't that literally the FC that sells clears for real money?
Literally every big raiding FC sells clears for real money.
Literally every static sells clears.
I make good use of both. I usually use selene's fey wind and then swiftcast to eos at the start of the fight. I'm just saying, selene is best used on sic and eos on obey.
I am playing on Cactuar what server should I be on?
yeah and? so is parsing and installing mods, reshade and nvdia settings
mateus or balmung
those are your containment servers
Those are the prime time erp.
There are probably others but i don't really know.
>parsing and installing mods, reshade and nvdia settings
comparing RMT to those is a joke.. fuck off. I can't wait until you get banned, RMTshitter. I bet you bought your clears.
Huh did they update it later? I saw a video stating that player shadows were not affected by light sources at all. The shadow direction was set in stone in each area
Try and get a static? I don't know I don't bother with savage. Just remember that a lot of sellers join pfs to purposefully ruin it to get more people to buy clears
Maybe next expansion you can try it unsync? And then most sellers wouldn't bother ruining it because it's outdated and cheesable anyway?
>they already said they don't care
lmao, no
RMT is one of the few things you can actually be punished for if you get caught
Relax man. If some guy wants to larp as a cat online then let him. Yea, I wouldnt hang with him in real life, but no need to be so angry.
Good, git ye gone. Cactuar is for raiding bulls.
why does pvp suck though
raiding bulls testicles for sperm you fucking cumdump
>queues take forever
>when you get in your party are sitting ducks because the enemies are all premade parties
if you like waiting 30 minutes to get in then losing then I guess it's fine.
Because it's an afterthought. Healers are nigh unkillable, ranged has advantage over literally everyone else, tanks are just there to waste your time and annoy you because they can't do any worthwhile damage, everyone would rather suck each other off for K:D than actually work toward the objective of whatever you queued for. Feast is Wintrading: The Game and if you're not in the circlejerk then good fucking luck getting top billing during any season.
>on vacation at a friends place during SB's launch
>play on his laptop while he plays on his PC
>hear from FC mates that PVP was overhauled
>decide to see what it is like
>we queue for Frontlines
>almost everyone is new to PVP
>game is just running around like headless chickens and randomly popping off players
>holy shit this is actually fun
>spend all night queuing with friends and playing PVP
>for the first 6 months, PVP was always the highlight of my nights online
>suddenly bots show up
>people get bored of Frontlines
>the bot situation only gets worse and queues become longer
>Rival Wings comes out
>its shit and lasts a week before queues become long
I'm glad I was there to experience the rebirth of PVP at the expansions launch, easily the best fun I have had since ARR
Even around level 60 War is so simple minded I couldn't fucking believe I was playing a goddamn Tank.
I had to level War to 50 in order to turn my Retainer into a DRK.
The game wasn't designed with it in mind
>I had to level War to 50 in order to turn my Retainer into a DRK.
what in the fuck am i reading
come on now, the pvp can't be any worse than it is in current WoW at least right?
FFXIV PVP was always shit.
And probably it will always be.
Exactly what it sounds like.
Shit is work.
It can and it is. XIV PvP has literally NEVER been good. People have been complaining about the same shit for the past five fucking years.
>praising the changes to inner release
That's pretty much the entire game though so why would you ever be interested in resubbing?
jesus fuck, what the hell is yoshi doing
I mean, it's only 40 ventures, but what the fuck
Should squeenix put combos together into a single button like they did in pvp?
which sucks because a lot of really nice glamour is locked behind it, and things like mounts that require getting a certain leaderboard rank which vast majority of people will never get
healers get fucking raped by melee in RW now though
also hidden gorge is still pretty fun here on EU, just pray to matchmaking RNGeesus that you don't end up in the team full of retards that can't keep their map open
I don't see why not.
So you live in Ishgard, or live in one of the smaller towns
Alternatively, become a Garlean citizen
I Just started playing this shit, What is the hardest/highest apm job?
>healers get fucking raped by melee in RW now though
Hahahahahahaha fucking what? Healers are untouchable unless you've got 3 others holding your fucking hand and popping everything you have against them.
>just pray to matchmaking RNGeesus that you don't end up in the team full of retards that can't keep their map open
That's literally every Rival Wings game. People are fucking stupid and bitch endlessly about how no one heeds callouts and then when you go to the callout area they're nowhere to be seen.
MNK is probably the highest APM
None of the jobs are particularly difficult
>I tire of this charade
>Fray shows up
Nah nigger.
The only way to kill a healer is to chain cc and with at least 2/3 DPS.
And that coordination you won't find it in FL/RW.
>"your retainer can only go as high as you are in a class"
What is the point?
>probably hasn't watched a quality film in his entire life
You anti-pvp faggots need to be gunned down, MMOs dont work without player competition and interaction, god forbid there is PvP in a genre of game where the absolute most important thing to play with other players
I watched all marvel movies :^)
Higher level expeditions
Higher level gathering materials
There are so many tanks in my FC it's actually ridiculous, like half or more of the people i play with tank and have to play a secondary dps class when we do content
MMOs work fine without PvP, most people who play XIV and WoW do not PvP.
brd has high apm
mch has extremely rigid rotation constraints and pretty high apm
blm has lower apm but requires quite a lot of skill and foresight to play as well as humanly possible
Every class is boring until you reach max level. and most of them are boring even after that. If you want to play something fun I'd suggest Ninja.
how did you assume I was one of them? i'm not
se don't fucking care Elysium sell clears thats a fact
limsa is actually rather civil, it was funded by pirates the same way straya was funded by convicts
Black Mage is fun at 50.
I want to say having a catgirl gf would make it all worth it, but I'm sure that even there no one would want to be with me
>Giving gooks a monthly fee
>Limsa is the shitposting capital of Eorzea
pvp in xiv is fucking trash and cancer. improving your parses and making your clears smoother is reason enough to get better. there are plenty of games where pvp works or is the entire point of the game, mmos will never be one of them.
>fire 3
>fire 1
>fire 1
>fire 3
>fire 1
>blizz 3
>blizz 1
>blizz 1
>blizz 1
>fire 3
The 60-70 tournament arc is easily the best part of the PLD job questline, but until then, everything is pretty yawn after the Gladiator quests which are actually alright
AST has good ability distribution throughout leveling it unlike everything else I can think of that sucks until 60
Tournament arcs are universally garbage my dude.
>forgetting to cast thunder 3
>casting blizzard 1 three times instead
opinion discarded
and just because something is simple doesn't mean it's not fun
How about that gravity huh? AST is garbage
Yu Yu Hakusho says otherwise.
Mr. Happy and his entire faggot FC got eternally dabbed on by GMs just for trading gil for a housing plot. RMT will fucking roast you. It's one of the easiest ways to actually get banned in this game.
uh, what about it?
>AST is garbage
your opinion is garbage
>Thunder II
>Blizzard III
>Blizzard III
nigger what
MCH before 70 is dog shit.
MCH at 70 is dog shit.
Im impressed.
boring rotation
BLM is slumber tier until you have blizzard IV, fire IV and eno
How about fuck you fag they're awesome
no, that's when it becomes stressful
and if you want to be stressed, you should play a healer
It takes so long to cast Blizzard III, your MP has been fully restored by the time you've cast it, and can go back to spamming more potent fire again. Casting Blizzard 1 is just a waste of time due to the negligible damage
The beginning of HW is so infuriating (EVERYTHING about the whole Ul'dah debacle) I would have dropped the game had I not just bought a whole fucking expansion, then it's mostly boring until shit hits the fan hard and we get the best story moments at this point of FFXIV.
I don't get who you would start skipping cut-scenes when you still subject yourself to going through the tedious chore quests, but that doesn't make HW kino as a whole.
PvP is a fucking mess right now, it needs to be overhauled and the server tickrate needs to be much higher for it to work correctly
>Alphinaud and Alisaie get de-souled
>This is a new pretty remarkable thing that no one has ever seen before
>The Sharlayan people are well aware of it as Krile pointed out because they're looking into it
>The twins dad has still yet to be heard from even though this would be a crazy interesting thing to study
What the fuck Yoshida. Give me Fourchenault already. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce him.
AST has no aoe when WHM and SCH already does and tanks pull big
fuck you buddy
yeah, so? between dots, cards and healing you won't even realize you're missing it
it's a good pace
If you do the quests starting at the gold saucer not long I think. Chocobo racing just requires access to the gold saucer to start the quest chain and nothing more.
I already do, maybe that's why blm is one of the few dps I actually find to be fun
That's a weird goal to aim for
I feel like it could be good if the server tickrate was higher and they tripled the amount of abilities each class had + increased the duration of all CC by a lot + added grievous wounds/healing dampening mechanics + allowed people to crit and block
Buuuut Yoshi-P delivers again, if you get me
If they added more abilities on top of doing that, absolutely, otherwise, while it'd still make sense, it'd feel arbitrary
Everyone says ninja is too stressful to be fun
>he doesn't enter a zen-like state whenever enochian is up
transpose has a 10 second cooldown, casting blizzard 3 isn't nearly that long, and besides, being in astral ice 3 makes casting fire 3 super fucking fast, so you would do that instead of transposing anyways
so you'd be better off casting thunder for the split second your mana is regen after blizzard 3
Spotted the discordtranny who can't get shit done without their hugbox.
it was unironically better in heavensward, all it needed to be playable was, like you said, healing dampening and better CC
The pvp in XIV is bad, but consider that it's only ever gotten additions and they're never removing it or anything like that
They might as well make it good and worthwhile
I could if my healers would carry my fat ass through aoes
WHM is such a simple job ability-wise that it deserves to have a strong aoe, and it rightfully gets the most satisfying one in the game
SCH is nothing but DoTs, it doesn't really have any aoe that isn't passive anyway.
AST has good card progression so it's okay that it gets it late.
>If they added more abilities on top of doing that,
well yeah I mean that would kinda be the point wouldn't it?
I'm still sour that Gladiator ended up being a baby Paladin.
It's such a cool job in Final Fantasy that I never, ever would have considered it to be a basic class or to remotely have anything to do with Paladins.
Bonus points for spending all of your time dicking around town and running after bullies instead of being in the actual arena doing gladiator things.
I'd rather them prioritize making the rest of the game good first lmao
there are no changes yet
Yeah, they already tried to fix it, it still sucks.
>no, that's when it becomes stressful
why is it stressful, lmao? is it stressful to not be shit at DPS? you could play BLM and play poorly and not be 'stressed', sounds like you already do.
ummm sweaty I'm sorry but Summoner clearly has the most satisfying AoE in the game, not WHM. Who doesn't love blowing shit up with bahamut?
you're fucked, just get through your slog now, you're going to want to be 70 when ShB hits
that's the point, they just made it worse
surely if they keep throwing shit at a wall something will stick eventually
replaced 'stressed' with 'fun and engaging'
the 13 second time is fun and engaging when coupled with mechanics that force you to move and adapt your rotation that would otherwise be static and boring
Right honestly im a bit of a pvp fag so i'll be happy if SE pulls head out of ass on this
it's sweety, sweety
a fancy beam that does a lot of damage isn't more satisfying than a giant aoe stun with a huge wind-up that makes you feel like a god for properly timing on top of helping your tank mitigate damage
dunno man, I just feel like the timer is really tight for getting off three fire 4s after doing blizzard 4
other dps jobs are capable of just as much dps (inb4 you post a max % chart like that means anything in practice) without as much stress
but maybe my gear just needs more spell speed, I don't know
I just want to know what changes I can expect. Why am I fucked? Remember I'm new so I'll need you to explain it to me
yeah, I'd rather they spend those PvP resources on something else
like literally anything else
I'd rather see more fucking store mounts than see PvP get yet another overhaul
lots of pointless filler fetch quests between ARR and HW, starting after the ultima fight until the vishap trial
because the majority of ARR patch content is really fucking monotonous fetch quest bullshit, which Yoshi said he was going to turn into a long ass cutscene (or cutscenes?) so that new players don't have to suffer
new changes would probably be shaving away a bunch of old tedious filler quests in between expansions, but you can't count on it, and you can't wait until ShB actually comes out because you won't be able to start going through it when it's most relevant
I'm just guessing, but you just entered the slog of 2.1-2.4 which is widely regarded as the worst part of the entire game and you're 53 because of exp bonus from low pop server. Just do the slog. Get it over with and get to 70 so you can start collecting genesis.
My sub expired last week and I won't be renewing until I've cleared my backlog. If I were to wait until Shadow, would I be able to skip all that stuff and go straight into Heavensward?
>new players will never get to sniff a chocobo
they don't know what they're missing
>being in astral ice 3 makes casting fire 3 super fucking fast
Yeah, but it also makes it do no damage. But I still do it just to get the stacks asap.
it's unclear as of yet just how much is getting converted into cutscenes
Yeah kind of, but nothing beats the feeling I get leveling it and beating everyone else on dps in dungeons.
Who is the best idol?
yeah, well you want the stacks and it also makes it cost almost no mana so it's not like you're ruining your damage/mana spent ratio
Listen guys, i really need your advice. I've been playing the game for some time and i really like it.
I like tanking so at first i started as WAR, but later i switch on DRK cause i like it more.
I like his off-gcd abilities and even dark arts, i like how he looks and moves, i like his story, i like his style and other stuff.
So i am really in to DRK, especially if i have to decide between WAR and DRK.
But friends of mine told me that DRK is utterly garbage in dungeons and pretty weak in raids and trials.
They said that if i wanna play as tank then i should forget about DRK and switch on WAR or PLD.
I don't really like WAR, he is too slow for me. Like i don't feel him at all.
The question is - should i forget about DRK and start leveling PLD? Is that true that DRK really soooooo bad in dungeons? Cause friend who told me about bad DRK performance in dungeons playing as healer. He said DRK can't pull more than 1-2 packs, they don't have strong active mitigation and their HP jumping up and down during the battle like on roller coaster.
>I'd rather see more fucking store mounts than see PvP get yet another overhaul
You dont mean this, it could be fun. Store mounts are never fun
Every class is shit until at least 50. Some(PLD, DRK, AST) don't get their complete kit until 60.
>It's in name only
>it literally does all of those things as a significant part of its rotation
>square-enix weekend on steam
>stormblood isn't on sale
there is absolutely no way for any of us to predict the future, and even if you actually did get to skip some of it, you'd still be stuck doing 4 year old content when the new expansion hits wishing that you took the time to get just one character to 70 in the 4 months before its release.
Pay up goyim
Go away, ESL.
DRK is fantastic in dungeons and your friend is an idiot. It's not as good as WAR or PLD in a raid environment but it's still perfectly viable and has its niche.
Play whatever you want
I hate to crutch on this like a fag because it doesnt mean anything for 99% of players, but if it makes you feel better, two world firsts were done with DRK while it was at its shittiest
Miasma II has 100 potency on everything around you without any falloff, getting another 100 from the 10 seconds worth of DoT ticks is just a bonus. It's not as strong as Holy but it's faster to cast. Scholar has very competent AoE damage.
No, fuck you and fuck PvP.
I do mean this.
The only place I would feel bad about seeing PvP resources spent is Eureka, in which case I would want them to simply not spend the resources anywhere at all.
Its literally in the banner for the sale?
Dungeons: WAR > DRK > PLD
8mans: WAR > PLD >= DRK
Fun: None of them
drk can get a huge self heal attached to its aoe ability, which it can cast pretty much nonstop because it can get mana refills from extended blood price and quietus, along with blackest night shields
it's honestly the best tank if you want to speedrun dungeons, the only thing it lacks compared to the other tanks is a raidwide shield. it is technically slightly worse than the other tanks because of this, but anyone who makes a big deal out of it is wrong because the power gap is very small
Play what you find the most fun and tell anyone who says otherwise to fuck off. I have all tanks at 70. I also find DRK much more fun than WAR.
Your friends are already giving you shit advice because DRK is hands down the best tank in the game for clearing dungeons. Between quietus/DA+AD/TBN you have a feedback loop that makes you do really good damage and gives you all resources and shields. You're the worst tank for raids, but not by much. You can still clear just as well as the other tanks, albeit with a little more effort. World first was a DRK and when he was pressed for why he chose DRK his answer was "because I like it the most lol".
If WAR bored you, you will find PLD to be even more boring.
Thx guys, then I'll stay with DRK cause i really like him.
Play whatever the fuck you want, man. There's this weird cult among FF14 players where even the shittiest of players have an opinion on what should be brought into the hardest fights the game has, even though it would hardly make a difference what they played if they attempted it. Everything is viable.
>Dungeons: WAR > DRK > PLD
Objectively wrong. DRK remains the best dungeon runner in the game. nobody talks about it just because dungeons are mostly irrelevant sidecontent compared to raids, but it's a fact.
>tfw not Yda GF
oh, it was showing $39.99 before.
guess i'm the dumbass
Nah, it used to be in HW when DA abyssal drain could keep you alive by itself but now WAR just melts pulls in seconds with IR decimate
She gets if from her mom
>combine all combos into single buttons that change as you progress through them
>same with skills that proc each other like verthunder/verfire and veraero/verstone
>now they can make classes more interesting at low levels (give them the full combos earlier etc)
>also can add a bunch more skills in the higher level ranges as well
remind me again why they aren't doing this
No, it definitely still is. Most DRKs just don't play their own job right because they pull small when their kit exponentially scales up in efficiency by pull size. I just did a fucking 13 minute run of The Burn and it was only possible because of how fast DRK clears.
>transpose has a 10 second cooldown, casting blizzard 3 isn't nearly that long
First transpose - 2.5sec cd - hit blizzard - 3.5sec - cast - 2.5sec cd = 8.5sec. You have to wait whopping 1.5 seconds more before you can switch element, which isn't exactly a big loss. But you're indeed right that it's better to cast fire 3 then, to get at least some damage in, instead of transposing again.
>tanks, which are already ridiculously easy and basic, would go from 1-2-3 to 1-1-1
I would unsub.
Fuck your ''friends'' play whatever you want. ''Meta'' is a meme that only shitters cling to to hide their incompetency. Everything is viable and plenty world firsts were made with non meta comps.
How many of those ''friends'' of yours actually play a tank? Many dps only faggots will have a stupid opinion on tanks but the moment you say ''well why don't you play a tank then?'' they'll shit their pants because of the ''tank anxiety''. Fuck that noise and just play what you want.
I've played both DRK and WAR as well as PLD for a good chunk of SB, mostly DRK.
DRK might get the edge if everyone is undergeared and packs are taking long enough to clear where other tanks might run out of tp after blowing their load while DRK can keep going, but in any other case WAR pulls ahead easily.
There is literally zero difference between 1-2-3 and 1-1-1 with how combat system designed. So you should unsub now if you feel that way.
Are you dumb? Obviously they replace those lost buttons with new skills. Either additional combos or oGCDs. All it means is that you would get things like royal authority and goring blade combo way earlier and then new skills would come up in their place.
>ahem... *pulls a card*
>still can't friend your alts, invite them as tenants or trade items between them
Why do you have to jew me for a separate sub on a throwaway ARR account if I want to trade my shit to the alt reee
>tfw I always liked GoldenTot’s videos
>tfw he turns out to be an ugly goblin irl
>if everyone is undergeared and packs are taking long enough to clear
In 70 dungeons, everything melts and you practically get more meter than you can spend between blood price, salted and TBN. I'm telling you nothing is faster than DRK for speed clearing.
I have all tanks at 70. For clearing as fast as possible it's definitely DRK >> WAR >>>>>>> PLD. For slow leveling progression it's probably more like PLD > WAR > DRK.
Same desu. I did not need to see that.
And I'm telling you you're wrong. It's specifically because 70 dungeons hit like wet noodles and melt fast that WAR pulls ahead, you don't need the long term resources and survivability DRK brings. You just pull wall to wall, pop IR and shit dies in 3 decimates while DRK is fiddling around with quietus and TBN.
Link please
Tot is one of those people I like because he’s a decent player and actually knows a lot of lore about FFXIV. But he’s just so god damn ugly that I can’t stand his face.
I don't care that he's ugly, I just find him so fucking grating and obnoxious.
Him and that other retard larryzaur or whatever his name is.
At least Tot knows his shit which is a decent thing. Larry is a parody and a bad one at that, only making low effort content.
its weird how raidtranny is just Yea Forums-speak for "elitist". if somebody is complaining about raidtrannies its almost always some greylet shitter who needs to justify their shit parses with "nuh huh everybody who does good dps is an autistic tranny". sad.
>he doesn't weave each card action between a malefic
>you just pull wall to wall
yeah, you do that with DRK too and your gauge will fill to 50 in like 3 seconds when TBN pops then again two more times every 5ish seconds between price and earth. But while you're stuck behind a 90 second recast, price and weapon are like half of that and TBN, which builds an instant 50 meter, is up every 15.
>that obnoxious fuck Larry has that cute behemoth WAR tanking for him
it's not fair, bros
Yeah, don't really get the raidtranny meme when trannies are trash at the game and too busy sucking eachother's virtual futa cocks in ERP to bother parsing higher than grey.
If you're talking elitist, lalanigger is a more appropriate term.
>just started playing
>decided to go for NIN
>just got it
>mfw they run with their arms behind their back
you're full of shit
there's a small number of higher end players who are either trannies or effeminate gays. this has whipped all the Yea Forums shitters into a frenzy of justifying their own badness with "see? only fags are good at the game!!"
>All tanks are nerds
>All healers are not
Hang on a sec
trannies (Read: Straight males that play female characters and make Yea Forums seethe) are the best and highest parsing players in XIV.
Hell yeah man heres your theme.
I mean you can keep arguing about it or you can just check fflogs and see for yourself if you don't trust my experience.
The highest parsing tank is nearly 1k dps ahead of the highest parsing DRK, and there's 3 more WARs ahead of the first DRK that shows up on the ladder.
No, that would be normal people with jobs that take time off to pursue world firsts.
They spin around when they jump too. Too bad the class isn't fun to play at higher levels.
>3 years ago
>decide its too boring
>started trial again yesterday
>now I'm having fun
I wanted to go dragoon but apparently I have to unlock it, feelsbadman. Any user who wants to giveaway their free month from twitch prime?
Normal people play female characters. Ever notice how world firsts are almost always filled with female characters with lalafells, miqote, and au ra. Hmm.............................
level lancer
base classes convert into their respective jobs at 30
There's no correlation there.
>there are more male lalafell clears than female miqo'te or au'ra clears proportionally
There's plenty of trannies playing this game, from quiet types that keep to themselves to raging attention whore faggots, but because they're so numerous, they occupy all levels of play, you're guaranteed to find some high and up in casual field as well. Continuing to screech "trannies trannies" is just inefficient. What would be efficient is rope.
>the raidtranny meme is a smokescreen for the (((lalafells)))
the day of the masher can't come soon enough
That statistic was taken after UWU was added. A piss easy ultimate in comparison to Ucob. If you noticed, all the male character percentages spiked up ONLY AFTER UWU.
>it's boring until you have two more buttons to press!
What a load of bloody toss. The gameplay does not change siginifcantly from the time you access your first dungeon to 'endgame'.
>i like his story, i like his style and other stuff
you talk like the biggest retard I have ever seen
>Too bad the class isn't fun to play at higher levels.
Wrong, it's fun until 70 when you get the fucking awful TCJ
>hit 70
>WAR now has Inner Release
>entire way to play changes instantly
yeah thats a no.
Like yeah its still an MMO it doesn't suddenly become a touhou game but a ton of classes hit a certain level then dramatically change.
>being this desperate to justify playing a female character when literally nobody fucking cares what the gender or race of your character is as long as you're competent
Who's coping here? Is it me or is it you? Here's a clue: it ain't me.
You can cite statistics about clears and link them to character races/genders all day and night, but it doesn't matter. Races and genders in XIV are 100% aesthetic, they literally do not matter. There has never been any correlation between the skill level of a given player and their choice of race, gender or outfits. Ever.
Sounds like you're in denial famalam. Maybe next year you will clear an ultimate unsynched with the rest of your male buddies.
Denial of what? I already have Ultimate clears.
If you're that afraid of being gangraped in a party with male characters just fucking say so, christ.
>Trying to impress anyone on an indian basket weaving forum with fabricated truths
>user makes an assertion that I don't have Ultimate clears
>reply that I do
>this is somehow trying to impress people
If I were trying to impress people I would've (falsely) claimed that I'd cleared within the first two weeks, which I didn't.
Keep trying to cope, man. If you're that desperate to justify your choices then there's clearly some issues below the surface that you should address.
why is this game so popular among far left progressive types? noticed a lot of the most obnoxious game journalists play it
that's just wrong
The WoL.
they let you have a gay wedding
Leave this board and never return.
Most of it doesn't require any effort to play and feel good.
This is why they have been pandering to far left nonsense, they changed the tos lately on banning and it literally reads like a kotaku article
prove your clear, go on your character with weapon in tow and type in chat box. I do not for a second believe anyone on Yea Forums cleared even the easy ultimate
>pretty much nothing changed from what was there before, now it's just more explicit that GMs exercise their own judgment more frequently without kicking it upstairs
>using mod replacements
Does she start giving more/less sand after a certain point or do different weapons require different amounts of sand? I've always gotten 3 treated sands per crystal/umbrite combo.
nigga just admit you fucked up
"Until now, we have operated under the philosophy that “this is an MMORPG and frequent in-game intervention by SQUARE ENIX would inhibit player experience.” Under this philosophy in mind, GMs have intervened only in cases of racial or sexual discrimination or other severe cases."
However, times have changed and although FINAL FANTASY is an MMORPG, it is now our belief that it is better for the community as a whole for us to “intervene in situations where a player is subjected to the abusive behavior of another player,” rather than “worrying about inhibiting communication between players.”
・Discriminatory expressions based on race/nationality/thinking/gender/sexual orientation/gender identity
・Discriminatory expressions about a state/religion/occupation/organisation, etc.
・Obscene/indecent expressions
・Actions that inflict emotional distress using content related to historical events or crimes
・Disclosing or indicating personal information such as contact details with the aim of meeting up in the real world
・Disclosing or indicating another person's real world personal information without permission
・Other actions that are generally regarded as actions that inflict deep emotional distress on another person
・Aggressive expressions such as violent language/slander/insult/threat.
・Expressions that provoke or belittle another person, such as excessive criticism, negation/ridicule
・Expressions that significantly lack consideration for another person
・Expressions that unilaterally reject another person's opinion
・Expressions that any reasonable person would find offensive
・Expressions that compel a playing style
・Expressions that attempt to unilaterally exclude someone from the game or content/community, etc.
・Expressions that contravene public order and morals
・Other expressions that are offensive to another person
>Male Au Ra
>Wearing that helmet constantly
I think I know who you are.
>refuses to show character name or loadstone
>refuses to show if cleared he didn't pay for it
the faggy art style attracts them
This is what moving the goalpost looks like.
Feel free to say hi, then.
yes they could get you for all that before
it's just saying that now the bosses are allowing to be more proactive about these too
Final Fantasy is THE handsome bishie boys series, they love that shit.
I'm unsubbed but I've harrassed you in public once or twice when I was a lalafell.
Oh, okay. You're not missing out on anything exciting anyway.
The good part is the game gets more coverage in the media, the bad news is they crackdown on things they don't like going forward and the developers listen to them