Violent first person shooters turn young gamers in future school shooters

Violent first person shooters turn young gamers in future school shooters.

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what is it with white kids and shooting up schools

The ones I knew back in school just shot up

Videogames > Shit development environments

I guarantee you'd feel much safer in any white school than any black neighborhood of your choice in the entire planet.

Anti depressants are a helluva drug.

Because it is popular to be racist towards white boys

I agree %100.
I grew up playing them and I have an incurable rage that I direct at society for allowing my existence to ever occur.

we're conditioned to repress and bottle things
it has its own issues but overall works out best

Because whites are the only race that attack society back.

That's more correlation than causation, isn't it?

Violent FPS turns future school shooters into young gamers

It depends, I wouldn't feel safe in a white trash school with junkies looking to gang up on everyone who isn't white, or socially isolated potential school shooters.

I dunno, my elementary school and middle school was in the middle of a black neighborhood. And I'm white as milk.

Imagine being American and having to unironically worry that a kid at your school might bring an M16 to class and gun you down.

Feels good being in Australia.

>white trash school with junkies looking to gang up on everyone who isn't white

This doesn't exist.

what is it with 13% doing 50%

You clearly don't live in the southern parts of North America.

>You clearly don't live in the southern parts of North America.

You clearly have no source or anything to back up your claim.

Average Black Neighborhood.


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You are responsible for your own actions

What's wrong with two groups doing a thing equally, but one group getting charged for it more, especially when the charged-more group is smaller than the other?

>Grew up on quake and wolfenstein
>Bullied in school for being that nerdy kid
>Saw other kids get picked on
>Get them all together and we go to eachothers houses and play vidya
>Made 3 good friends I stuck with all until graduation
>them high school LAN parties
>Nobody shot up shit
Fuck video games for getting me friends.

>Violent first person shooters turn young gamers in future school shooters
Violent first person shooters aren't made for young gamers. Sounds like irresponsible parenting turns young gamers in future school shooters.

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>You clearly don't live in the southern parts of North America.
I live in Georgia and I have never seen that happen once. Life does not resemble whatever netflix trash you've been watching.

poor education at home and acess to guns for minors are the problem, not vidya

so then what do games like mario turn kids into?
expert jumpers? autistic plumbers?

big cringe my dude!

>southern part of North America


white kids are smart in a cunning sort of way, they go for kids because it gives them a higher kdr

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FACT: building simulation games turn young gamers into future city planners.

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Sure thing bucko.
Only reason the stats are that way is because blacks are charged more, nothing about them committing more crimes.
Obviously I'm sarcastic.

For white liberals

North America: US and Canada

South America: poor spanish brown people

by this logic my 10 year old cousin is gonna rip some kids' spine out their back cause he plays Mortal Kombat
he's gonna be a master builder cause he plays minecraft
oh no he's gonna beat me at basketball cause he was playing NBA 2k19
whoa you mean if he plays Mario Tennis he'll beat Serena Williams?
you don't drink the bong water right?