Vidya Crash In Progress

>ActiBlizz lays off 800 people
>Telltale shut down
>Visceral closed
>Gazillion shuttered
>Boss Key closes
>Carbine shut down
>Capcom Vancouver closed
>Anthem flops - Bioware is next
Here we fucking go boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally who?

And nothing of value was lost. The whales are all doing fine for the most part.


they deserved it ever since the soul reaping and death magic nerfs in gw
fuck anet

>tfw e-sports bubble is bursting along with all the bloated hires it brought
>tfw publishers trying to cash-in on dead BR and looter-shooter memes 5 years too late are struggling financially

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Wow, it's like developers are realizing you don't need 700 employees to make 1 game every 3 years

>all are western
What did they mean by this?

I couldn't care less what happens to Anet as long as the GW1 servers stay up.

Soul Reaping is still the best form of energy management in the game.
So Necros have one thing, at least. Oh and they can nuke Shiro better tham basically anyone. TWO things.

It means you get woke you go broke.

Outside of Visceral and even then it's a stretch 2bh did ANY of those companies make good games?

A crash killing off some of the larger companies that have gone to shit and allowing the mid-tier companies more room to grow would do the industry some good.

Not capcom I just added capcom stocks to my 401k

Guild Wars 2 sucked 7 years ago, what the hell have they made since then other than expansions and micro transactions for that? And if nothing then how are they just now in financial trouble?

Bethesda when

Capcom made good games in the 80's and 90's

>makes more profit than ever before due to casuals and digital distribution
>still fire people
Remember to support the developer! You are evil if you pirate and are evil if you want physical copies since the developer gets less profit!

Fun Fact: Most of those are led by ex Blizzard golden era leads. Really makes you think what makes a game good.

Square-Enix is one of the most likely next candidates to fall, fuckboy.

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RIP glorious footfags

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Shouldn't have killed Aurene.

Bioware was good until ME2.

Bethesda barely has any devs to begin with, they can't afford to lose any

All the media people are getting fired they are just keeping people who work on the games

>Console industry crashes
>Gachashit/F2P games thrive
I want to get off this ride

>hire a shit load of PR people in Full time positions
>don't hire them for a XX month contract or whatever would be far more reasonable
>realize you can't pay everyone because no one gives a shit about you social marketing skills that suck
>lay off

Wow! it's almost as if these companies completely over hired in the first place!

Bethesda definitely has a gun to its head, Fallout 76 was such a completely broken mess that anything they do will now be judged as if they were a normal company. Their free fanbase is gone.

Maybe it means we'll see some scaleback of the horrible shit those companies pushed. Can't hurt to hope.

>Capcom Vancouver closed

Like a decade ago.

Unlikely since the previous good game was made in 1996.

>Western vidya is dying
Fucking thank god.

>ActiBlizz lays off 800 non-developers
>Telltale overextended and paid the price
I don't remember these guys but the name is really familiar. What did they make?
>literally who
>a studio that only existed to make a garbage PUBG clone
>literally who?
>Capcom Vancouver ruined everything they touched
They've been on the chopping block for a long time. Their games have been getting progressively worse not to mention the fate of all EA studios.

They need developers it's all the p.r. and media people that need to be fired.

I can only hope


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>Anthem flops
You fucking wish, it'll still make money. Despite how fucking abysmal TOR was, it's still going and it makes money.

it means japanese studios save a lot of money by barely paying their employees

80s and 90s still had game companies that actually liked making games. Today's companies just want to make money and making a good game comes second.

not when KH3 sold massively and FFXIV continued to sell like hot cakes

why is social media manager a full position in the first place

Capcom VANCOUVER you brainlets. The guys who made Dead Rising 2/3/4

Visceral made the Dead Space series and did some decent movie tie-in games during the 6th gen (007 Everything or Nothing & LotR: Third Age)

I'd be okay with a social media crash. Social media is a blight upon this world.

AAA publisher crash is here and it feels so good

I actually fucking loved Marvel Heroes, despite it being a pretty shitty Diablo clone. I put ~1200 hours into it without boosting numbers by idling or whatever.

Guild Wars 2 is like, what, 10 years old st this point? Surprised this didn't happen a long time ago, they're hardly relevant. That's definitely not an indicator of a "crash" either.

XIV will keep them floating

I wonder if any of the talent from ActiBlizz will band together to try starting their own studio

Doesn't really make a difference until copy paste fps/sportsball games stop making money.

Hoping they're firing all the edgy tryhards responsible for Living Story and Raids. Neither are necessarily inherently mistakes, but they've been horribly executed.

Maybe now they'll focus on World v World more. The new mount is a good start.

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Vidya won;t crash unless nintendo is gone
They're still the only player in the game that matters, like it or not

I'm actually fine with video game companies firing their social media employees.

they didn't fire any talent

they don't really even have any talent left at blizz

It's not the game designers or coders or chi people fired its the social media managers and e-sports organisers.

I doubt that, as soon as their space game and TES6 come out, people will forgive them for Fallout 76.
Unless of course they still use Creation Engine

>Capcom Vancouver
But that's good because it made Capcom return to its roots and now they're quickly becoming the fucking kings of vidya

Do we have a source on that being the main group affected by this?

Great news. Let the good times roll.

I deadass didn't know they were still a thing to begin with

Cleanse the filth in fire and anoint the purged.

Lol the fuck you talking about? Enix makes assloads thanks to Disney

>Flop Hearts 3
kek no. they'll be lucky to keep the partnership.

I don't see a single developer I give a shit about.

>Dishonored 2 comes out
>No one plays it
>Kills the series
>Curse the rest of the industry
>Everyone else is dying

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>Actiblizz lays off 800 people
Actiblizz laid off non-games personnel to hire game devs.
>Telltale shut down
Telltale stagnated and have been in what has essentially been a deathrattle for the last 5 or so years.
>Visceral closed
Yeah that one actually kinda sucks.
>Gazillion shuttered
legit who
>Boss Key closes
CliffyB is a one hit wonder, news at 11.
>Carbine shut down
Wildstar was all eggs in the "WoW killer" basket, given to NCSoft who has a bad track record with Western MMOs.
>Capcom Vancouver closed
DR2 was literally the only good game they made.
>Anthem flops, Bioware is next
Good Bioware devs/writers have long since left.

AAA game dev is crashing. All hail the return of the AA/A game.

Capcom has actually been doing so good even the closure of Capcom Vancouver was irrelevant

>Bioware, Blizzard and a handful of small studios are the whole market

Fucking jump off a bridge.

>triple A games has a hiccup

fucking baby boomers.

All their outsourcing got closed off. there's a reason they're on the roll lately

Even if they use the creation engine, as long as it is a conventional Bethesda RPG made to the same standard as Skyrim without any multiplayer clusterfucks or pushing paid mods any harder than they are right now, fans will probably be satisfied.

It’s reviews are pretty unanimously poor, so I’m not so sure about that. It’ll still sell in he millions, but since they seem to have spent a lot on making anthem that won’t necessarily be enough for EA.

The entire situation has been gamed by investors, killing an industry and laughing all the way to the bank.

The only survivors would be the ones who never relied upon shares for cash, which what, basically leaves Valve and Indies?

I wish that the game industry would crash hard.
Games have a 0% soul content nowadays.

>tfw publishers trying to cash-in on dead BR and looter-shooter memes 5 years too late are struggling financially
But doing just that saved EA and undid all the financial trouble they faced leading up to Apex

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Who are they even firing? GW2 is an oldass game with slow content updates, you would think it's a small team already?

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they had 1 or 2 unannounced projects that were underway, which are now canceled

Ah, yeah that sucks

Its not a crash its a period of renovation
The old that couldnt adapt and was infiltrated by leftism is dying and the new will replace them
Everyone is excited for HK 2, DD 2, UT 2 etc

Fortnite killed them. Not because the kids play nothing but Fortnite and refuse to buy other games, other games are selling great. No, what happened was that execs saw you could make BILLIONS off gullible Joe Schmoe gamers jerking each other off on a football stadium sized map for 3,000 hours. No capitalist shark can say no to such low overhead and enormous profit margins. EA execs were probably hot under the color having such sunk cost into a game like Anthem in the middle of the battle royale craze. And you know what, they were right. One flash release and some sponsored content later and they have the next great hit on their hands. The closures and layoffs were dead weight who couldn't give anyone the next Apex. Morale at BioWare was probably grim, not unlike Gearbox when Overwatch made itself known.

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They earned us

They hired an excessive amount of people before the latest expansion to free up their main teams who could focus on the main content. This doesn't really surprise me because those excessive hires have been pretty bad at their jobs.

Ever heard of this little thing called Dragon Quest

Violet pilled

Always stick with Nintendo.


hopefully all gaming is only mobile and free to play shit

Based indiechads dabbing on the AAA retards.

gaming's dead

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>smallish teams make good games with low expectations in early 2000s
>Jews get whiff of popularity
>jew publishers who have no knowledge of video games expect every new release to sell a million units instantly and to rival minecraft levels of success
>Jews crash the market
>early 2030s the smallish devs start making good games again....

They're firing all the social media and esports people much like Blizzard. They finally realised that you can't trick people into liking your game with Youtube and Twitch streams.

>popular online games
>guild wars and guild wars 2


"Look, guys! I posted it again!"

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>console/pc market crashes
>companies will churn out more mobile """games"""
it's already happening lads
there is no winning this game

>Western "games" of 2019
>Anthem, Apex
>Japanese games made for the West in 2019 because of California
>Jump Force and Dead or Alive 6
>Eurojack goodness of 2019 and beyond
>Metro, Cyberpunk 2077
>Grorious nihon weebshit of 2019
>Etrian Odyssey, Resident Evil 2, Ace Combat 7
Sounds fine to me, Western gaming can go die in a fire, Western gaming hasn't been good since like 2007.

I have all three expansions of gw2 and i must said i regret it alot. They costed me like 5 euros each but still.

Didn't even know EA had an Australian studio.

Nah, mobile games studios go broke all the time too.
You just don't hear about it because nobody particularly gives a shit.

>Post-ME3 Bioware
And nothing of value was lost.

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Mobile games aren't sustainable, for every 1 game that succeeds, hundreds fail horribly.

>Capcom Vancouver closed
>this is supposed to be a bad thing

bout time

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>Anthem flops
did it?
i hope so, fuck em.

the deserved after what they did to Necomancer in general in the transition from 1 to 2

try thousands. even for the big publisher titles, the licensing fees on garbage like Disney puzzle games eat up all their profits.
Mobile games make money. Mobile games making PROFIT is a fucking meme.

>Boss Key
>Makers of such classics as
>Law Breakers - The Overwatch killer
>and Radical Heights - The Fortnite killer

Well they HAD one

Not a crash just time for a recession

dumbass BBS/DDD/Re;coded/358 did absolutely worse than KH3 and they're still making KH games


soibois thrown to the streets

Yeah, isn't Tales Of like on their 3rd gatcha game now because the first two crashed and burned/ Square Enix had multiple attempts too at gatchas that failed.

It's too slow. They're going to survive at this rate.

i loved bioware's stuff, i remember on the forums after they announced EA had bought them people lamenting it was the end and bioware was dead. just before dragon age origins came out (which EA didn't have time to mess up)
i remember thinking 'nah not bioware'. shows what i fucking knew.

nintendo will survive a video gam crash if it happened

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What a shame.

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Based nips.

Turns out they're a mobile games studio who haven't released a game since 2015 and have 170 employees.
Not a surprise.

I was once banned in gw 2 for saying i dislike communists. 14 day ban. Serves them right. If i could see the GM who banned me i would be in most pleasure.

execs see the crazy money being generated by fortnite, minecraft, and cod and chase those trends thinking they'll also get a slice of the pie. they see fortnite's audience and think of the money they could make if they had that audience, but they don't realise that the fortnite audience doesn't give a shit about anything but fortnite. nearly every 'WoW killer' was a massive failure primarily because they were trying to appeal to an audience that already had a game to play.

I love the mobile meme
>Let's fund a huge studio that makes tons of money!
>What do you mean licensing Star Wars costs millions?
>What do you mean it takes more dev time than a AA/AAA game because it's literally constrained by hardware?
>What do you mean the iStore/Google store is a literal mafia demanding payment for market exposure?

Good riddance, GW2 is fucking trash

good, fuck them
GW2 is an affront to everything fun about GW1
I will never not be mad

Now think about the fact that Vanilla fucking WoW had an entire team of about 60 people.

>tfw nobody chases the Everquest audience

In the end only the good developers and publishers will be left like Ubisoft. They're the biggest publisher right now that releases games that sell great and are all fantastic to play.

This is a good crash. All the shitty companies that made mediocre games are dying. The industry is losing nothing. This is just the trash being taken out.

It's diversity hirees getting canned. Fucks with titles like "e-sports media community manager" whose job is to literally link VODs from twitch to twitter.

People with actual degrees and jobs like devs and tech staff are safe.

>companies start hiring thousands of kids fresh out of college to make games instead of small teams of skilled developers
>companies start spending 50+% of the budget on marketing
>everyone is so worried about figuring out how to monetize their game as a service that they forget to make a fun game in the first place
>they act shocked when this isn't sustainable and blame the customers

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>Vidya Crash

You faggots have been saying this shit for the last 12 years. It's not happening. Every AAA developer could close shop right this minute and the industry wouldn't crash. It's never happening again.

Oh no I didn't finish all the story content yet.
That sucks..

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worked well for Apex

>People with actual degrees and jobs like devs and tech staff are safe

let's hope for this. The boys who are doing scenery in gw 2 are absolutely talented. Never seen such beatiful landscapes.

That retarded Pantheon indie studio is, but they might as well announce closure now and get it over with.

>in melbourne
>the biggest shithole city in this country
very nice

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>thinking there won't be microtransactions in TES6 or elder scrolls: space edition
come on user you know better

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Especially now when YouTube is losing even more advertisers

I honestly think the diversity quota/WE NEED MORE WOMYN hiring has been far more harmful than the fresh out of college hires.

the goyim aren't gonna be happy about this one!

>It's diversity hirees getting canned.

Some dev, I can't remember which one (probably Bioware), has a "black gay analyst" or something like that. I'm not even exaggerating.

They had to know at some point that kind of absurdity would not loner be financially feasible.

fuck me I guess Yea Forums was right for once.

>Carbine shut down
Good riddance.

All I see is vidya development bombing in the west, Jap developed vidya is thriving.

none of those company wings or fired people have anything to do with video games. this is just a natural immune system response from the industry that has been infected with the SJW virus. when you hire based on gender and politics instead of merit, you necessarily reduce the quality of your product. this is cutting the chaff. this is cleaning the streets. this is draining the video game industry swamp. whatever you wanna call it. AND THAT'S A GOOD THING.

Then you've been listening to /pol/ too much.
Hiring 3 women to run a twitter account can't possibly be more damaging to a company than hiring thousands of 19 year olds that don't know shit about dick and asking them all to work on one specific thing without any contact with the rest of the team.
This is how you end up with soulless, buggy, unfun games that feel like they were made on an assembly line with the supervision of an executive that spends too much time listening to focus groups.

Jap studios pay literal pennies and have an ingrained culture of jobs for life. Those two things together are how they can survive a crash.

SE's only likely to lose their console games, XIV is pretty profitable and mobile games are an order of magnitude more so. They've also got some Tencent money now, so they're far more likely to be turned into a soulless husk for decades before they actually die.

game crashes are always followed up by decade defining RPGs that help salvage the medium. hmmmm....anything come to mind?

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Whatever they're doing it's working. They develop vidya, west develops "interactive experiences" while shitting on the industry. I'm glad people are finally waking up to their bullshit.

I'm tired of all the retards on Yea Forums.

I'm going to say the C word. And no one's gonna beat me to it!

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But user I don't give a fuck about any of those companies.

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Dead Rising 2 wasn't bad

i've barely played anything but spore, quake 3 and phantasy star II for 5 years

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oh no don't do it
he doesn't have enough rope

Theres always a cycle of closures and openings. People get moved around. Studio Liverpool had employees form new companies, or get moved to different parts of Sony. Pretty much every time one of these studios close, or there are layoffs, a ton of other studios open their doors for new employees. While I certainly don't expect Activision and EA to be the size that they are for much longer, when you look at the broader landscape, if there is a "crash," its certainly not going to be like the 80s.

>make 4 games in giant future space galaxy rpg
>can't play as an alien in any of them

fuck bioware, burn them down


>free to play


Candlejack. I don't get what the big dea

But you do play as an alien in Andromeda.

>all that trash
The only one that wasn't useless was Visceral and they had nothing to show since Battlefield Hardline.

No you don't, the Ryders are humans.

If EA can't make it, XSEED isn't far behind.


I don't think you understand just how doujin I like my shit nigga

>after KH3
>while FFXIV exists

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>KH3 was a success meme
>2 generations of dev time
Not even in their wildest dreams, let alone yours

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Funnily enough, actiblizz won't die for lack of profits, it will die because the contract they did with "kyubey" 30 years ago will finally take its toll and a lot of "energy" will be generated.

They lasted quite long for a public shared company.

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It's not so much a crash, but a restructuring of vidya development. The market is FAR too strong to crash, saying vidya is crashing is like saying film is crashing.

Vidya development got way too big for it's own good in the 7th gen and honestly a return to smaller, mid budget games is a boon for the industry, since there's less money, risk and ultimately publisher meddling in lower budget games. Big AAA shit will still exist, devs like R*, CD Projekt, Sony and Nintendo still make a ton of money from huge productions.

I swear this attitude of VIDYA IS CRASHING is perpetuated by zoomers who don't understand the industry or it's history. The first crash was brought upon by the market being flooded by trash and consumer's losing faith in a relatively small, niche industry. This is not the same, more publishers realising huge budgets are not worth it when smaller games have a much better profit margin.

The last "crash" was also just people moving to arcades and computers.
It was only named a crash by the losers.

It's a slow process, but the concepts of racial purity and the values of fascism are slowly creeping back into the social arenas. Not in a goose stepping, window shattering kind of way (there are those guys, but they're just fossils left behind from the last generation of Nazis), but in a far more subtle and seemingly contraction means- forced diversity.

Nothing engenders feelings of tribalism and nationalistic and racial unity than being FORCED to cohabitate with the 'Other'. Forced to accept their values by stifling criticism, forced to overlook their faults, to treat them as equals when they quite obviously are not. Forced to carry their slack when they take up positions they can't fill, get huge salaries and bonuses for producing nothing while the real work is shoved onto fewer and fewer shoulders.

Diversity hires don't exist to satisfy some liberal boogeyman out to sue anyone who doesn't hire at least THREE 'gay black analysts' and a couple of bull dykes, they exist to scare everyone else straight. To erode the 'diverse' society the liberals are trying to build- by giving them exactly what they want, and then letting all fall apart exactly as everyone knew it would.

>which EA didn't have time to mess up

I love DA:O but that game has EA's dirty fingerprints all over it. From the DLC bullshit, the unnecessary social/online elements and the edgy blood aesthetics.

This has to be bait, no one, and I mean no one, actually believes they spent 13 years developing it right? RIGHT? Please don't perpetuate the stereotype of retarded animeposters, it's bad enough as it is.

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Contrarian. What the fuck auto correct.

And that’s a good thing
Meme jobs

Video games are a dying business and the powers that be are doing everything they can to further narrow down the type of "entertainment" accessible to young people.

That too. And furthermore the console market bounced back pretty quickly when the NES came out.

>no one, actually believes they spent 13 years developing it right? RIGHT?
Actual development time was 4.5 years. Preproduction was underway in 2007. Preproduction is not free.

all western cuck studios dying, good. get woke go broke.

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Fuck everyone outside of this website for not having the balls to just say fuck Arenanet and fuck Guild Wars 2, vanilla or post-Path of Fire.

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>Vidya Crash In Progress
Lol if you actually believe this.

Find me sources on those numbers buddy. And explain how top of the chart for an entire month where RE2make came out is bad.

Also if by "preproduction" you mean the production of side games, you can fuck right off.

mobile market is saturated. The only way to sustain is making good games on PC. AA game devs will survive

>jealous NSW fag

How you enjoying your terrorist attacks and lockout laws?

Good the industry deserves to burn to the ground, I hope all these activist devs lose their jobs. Fuck the modern game industry.


>"has been tossed about as an idea since before 2007"
lmao you lying dirty fuck. And no that article doesn't has any sources at all, you can take it shove it up your ass and spin it.

>your source isn't a source
stay mad retarded zoomer. if it was a success there'd be articles all over the place touting the profits. Save your bitch tears for the S-E Q2 earnings report.

Define "good"

Listen....look alright? *snort* the bottom line is. *leans into chat* it’s kiddie shit. These kiddie shit games have ruined games alright? *snort* *throat clear* it’s true!

What you both refuse to see is the two things go hand in hand.

You're so pathetic, like any retarded animeposter, you can't come up with backing for your claims, and then what do you do? Intellectually empty posts like that, might as well not even reply.
Get fucked. Or better yet, don't, remain a miserable virgin.

how is your AIDS faggot

Oh Holy Todd, please save us all.

Just like XV sold well, right? Oh wait, that barely broke even.
Delusional zoomerfags are hilarious.

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Why yes, Square Enix sells the games to the retailers THAT is where their profit comes from. Oh did the retarded animeposter didn't knew how vidya sales work? Maybe it should keep it's mouth closed more often.

Pathfinder:Kingmaker maybe. Janky as hell but deep as the ocean compared to something like Mass Effect.

>Gazillion shuttered

It might be almost a decade since I worked for them but I'm glad it finally happened

Gazillion put a lot more effort and love into Marvel Heroes than a Marvel game really deserves.

>Square Enix sells the games to the retailers THAT is where their profit comes from
I have no idea if you're being retarded or ironic here ESLzoomer. By either measure you are beyond retarded.

Biggest fucking missed opportunity in Andromeda was making the Remnants "ancient precursor technology" instead of human terraforming drones gone rampant.


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>ActiBlizz lays off 800 people
Because they want to seem to make even more money to investors, not because they are getting broke

Try again sweaty.

Here's an argument: KH3 bombed. It did not make any real profit.
Your ball, sweetie.

It's an oversimplification. What we DO know is that all AAA companies are super short on actual developers.

EVERY single dev at telltale has been picked up by another company.

Activblizz dropped zero developers. Their list of dropped people are Esports, PR, social media, community relations, advertising. Particularly duplicate positions for the other companies they picked up.

Also a couple of writers, a legal guy, and an IT guy.

The closest they came to dropping developers was the QA grunts for Destiny.

Go look up a rumor monger like Jason Sheier if you give enough of a fuck.

No shit

When your business model shifts to supporting microtransactions, and thus the extreme growth spurt they cause, in order to please shareholders the model is automatically doomed to fail because you've simply sped up the natural process of economic growth far faster than you can actually sustain it and shareholders will expect such ridiculous payoffs in return that you end up cannibalizing yourself to make enough profit despite making billions

The people at the top will always be fine because they don't have to take the brunt of this shit, anyone in a company that bought into the "games as a service" garbage needs to start looking into job security

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Might want to look up what operating income and net sales means. Hint: The word profit is in neither.

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And now it's literally never been easier for people to make video games. Even I'm starting to make one. It's going to be great.

Nice C L A I M, got any proof?

>cosmetic sales

AAA is notorious for chasing fads.
>The closures and layoffs were dead weight who couldn't give anyone the next Apex.
But in this case they couldn't even give people halfway playable shit.

>Your ball, sweetie.

So you got no proof and you're as retarded as barry, good to know.

I got more proof that 5m in sales can't make up for 5 years of dev time based on studios in OPs list closing after 5m+ in """sales""".
You saying it's different for KH3? Back it up.

We're still pre recession rektening though. Just imagine when the real shtf prediction goes live this or next year.

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if vidya crashes it will just all be replaced with gacha
even if it doesn't crash everything is set to be replaced by gacha

>I got more proof that 5m in sales can't make up for 5 years
5m on the first week, they haven't released any numbers after that. And again, no you have nothing to back your "5 years" claim.
>studios in OPs list closing after 5m+ in """sales"""
Oh really? Source? Because telltale, Gazillon, Visceral, Boss Key, Carbine hadn't seen 5m in MANY years. Go on.

>they haven't released any numbers after that.
I guess you have no source then and can't back up your bullshit.

>your bullshit
You're the one claiming that topping the charts in an entire month isn't a success. The burden of proof is on you.

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>set to be
gacha is now accepted as a regular part of all multiplayer games.

yes but i'm talking actual gacha, like unlocking the characters not just cosmetics

fuck off swagg

gacha only works in the east. the second the sliver of western whales jumps off a game, it dies anywhere else.

>western trash dying
>japs dominating
No problem here

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And this is all happening because the Japanese actually have some level of restraint when it comes to stocks and shit
Those anti-foreigner business policies are saving their asses right now

Having sat in the trenches, I disagree. First your numbers are off in scale. Second. When the 19 year olds fuck up, it's usually pretty obvious. Janky levels, Blindly following the orders of the retards at the top. Buggy shit. If they fuck up, you can just drop them. And one in ten thousand turns into an honest to god developer.

On the other hand the women, and onions running the twitter account, on the worst end actually generate negative value for the company. They queer your hiring pool. Stuff their incompetent friends in by manipulating hiring. Blatantly lie about what the fanbase wants, so upstairs thinks your average player is a member of resetera.

There's NO fucking way a big company like EA or DICE fuck up as badly as they did with BF 5, without the social media fucknuts telling them that the opposition is just some meaningless internet trolls.

There's NO fucking way a company like actiblizz spends something as expensive as developer resources connecting twitch and battle net for easier monitoring/banning, at a time when they're trying to grow their fucking audience.

Or take the mighty no9 debacle. That lunatic literally cost them preorders by directly fighting with people.

And the worst part is, that even if they're huge fuckups, they need to be handled with kid gloves, because of their social media power.

Let's go to the low end of that
DS2 took half the dev time of KH3 + no bloated exec salaries during 12 straight years of preproduction.
4m sales for half the dev budget should be a success right? I mean, if KH took TWICE the amount of time for a "successful" release to 5m sold, oh geez....getting into calculus here.
4M @ $60M budget = fail. 5M @ modern AAA costs = success (???)
Care to fill in those blanks? You can't, because Squeenix stock would crash tomorrow. At least wait until their earnings report this quarter, and then eat crow, honey.

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pol please. Multicultural groups that follow MLK's ideal of hiring the best people based on their abilities, rather than their fucking skin color seem to be doing OK.

Hasn't it been like a decade since they even made any games? In any case, what was wrong with them?

indiefags rise up

The biggest missed opportunity in Andromeda was the chance to fire the entire writing staff and try with some new, competent people.

>>ActiBlizz lays off 800 people
and hires way more than they laid off
>>Telltale shut down
>>Visceral closed
>>Gazillion shuttered
>>Boss Key closes
>>Carbine shut down
>>Capcom Vancouver closed
>>Anthem flops - Bioware is next

get woke, go broke

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Ah I see, so you can't back up your point so you just moved goalposts, how nice. How pathetic. First off that was in 2011, Visceral was closed much later. Secondly.
>12 straight years of preproduction
You HAVE to be baiting at this point, you have ZERO Z E R O sources that KH3 was even in preproduction on 2013.
>should be a success right
No, it depends on the production value, which you don't have any source for in KH3 case, and it depends on the marketing budget.
>That’s because, according to Wilson, not only did the game cost $60 million to make, but the marketing budget matched the production budget
Did you even read your own article brainlet? With each post you sound more and more like barry, if that's the case just admit it so I can ignore your sorry ass.

>and hires way more than they laid off
>actually believing the kotick lie
>thinking that means anything besides shuffling more Activision people on core blizzard projects that only care about making monetizing features

>moved goalposts
Nothing was moved. I just widened the net for you. You're still too retarded to defend against those facts.
Do you have data showing the profits of KH3? If not, fuck off. Your speculation gets this discussion nowhere.

they literally fired a bunch of dead weight pink haired faggots and hired more devs.

Shame that's considered racism these days.

You've not produced any data of worthwhile and you've got no data on production cost and length either.

Exactly. Japan is doing the right thing for long term sustainability.

Office politics, same as any other publisher.

>Nothing was moved
>"based on studios in OPs list closing after 5m+ in """sales""""
>proceeds to fail to prove a single one of the closed studios sold 5m copies in the years before their closure

>widened the net for *mysef because I couldn't find anything similar to my previous claim, or to disprove you

>Do you have data showing the profits of KH3?
Oh but of course, you just shifted the point from "well let me prove you KH3 was a failure" to "well you can't prove it WASN'T a failure". So you just want me to prove a negative right?
>Your speculation
>says the guy who ONLY talks about speculation

>Whales ran out of money or suicide
>no more big spenders

>Capcom Vancouver closed
great, this devision was always a big setback
we might get actual good Dead Rising games now

>but they don't realise that the fortnite audience doesn't give a shit about anything but fortnite. nearly every 'WoW killer' was a massive failure primarily because they were trying to appeal to an audience that already had a game to play.

Have any clones of a popular game ever worked and stolen the thunder of a popular game like AAA publishers hope?

>capcom vancouver shuts down
thank fucking god, they should've never given dead rising to talentless canucks

>seething NPCs mad that based Nippon will ride out the gaming crash like last time
Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.

I'd say player unknown>fortnite>apex should count.

I"m not sure if MOH > COD should count, because it was the same people responsible for both, running from one giant to another.

Good. Let's reboot the industry without jewish investors demanding double digit growth every year and sales and marketing people who take the masterpieces the developers create and cut them into pieces, lock those pieces behind paywalls, hire people who hate the gaming community and then when their terrible marketing strategy and adjustments to the game invevitably make the game a failure, convince management to fire developers because "they are expensive".

Fucking bean counting retards can't understand that there's a time after the current business year.

This one.

>but the marketing budget matched the production budget
lmao if you think KH3's marketing budget wasn't equal to or greater than its production cost.

I'd say Fortnite and Apex both "cloned" PUBG, rather than it being a linear progression. Fortnite didn't really introduce any mechanics or features that were carried on by Apex, and I'm not sure it was even a thing yet when the decision to make Apex went down.

>quite literally
>couldn't care less about any of them

let's see: activision blizzard has made absolutely nothing worthwhile and just announced gambling chinagames
telltale: never did anything good since sam and max
visceral: one decentish horror game...and?
gazillion: (((who)))
boss key: he shoulda stopped after jazz jackrabbit
carbine: ((((((who)))))))
capcom: oh no, we won't get a re3 remake and costume fighter oh no
anthem: did you seriously expect anything good? bioware had some decent rpgs and that was about it, they been dead for a long while

developers: how retarded can you possibly be to work for one of these and expect to get somewhere?

this to me looks like a nice purifying fire set on gaming, i hope it keeps going

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Good. Fuck them and this cancerous industry.

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literally no one cares that you're a weeb. all of your games will continue being shit. crash or no.

It's not just vidya. In the next decade a lot of people are going to lose jobs.

First you don't know it's production costs, secondly, you don't know it's marketing costs, so how about you "stop speculating"?

>AI tries making vidya
>It just keeps making Undertale with weeb overtones
Programming might be automated, but ironically the idea guys will still have jobs until actual neural net AI becomes a thing. Probably 40 years off at least.

>First you don't know it's production costs
>you don't know it's marketing costs
Neither do you, but the amount of dev time they had suggests it wasn't cheap.
>"stop speculating"
who are you quoting?

>Thinks CDPR is a Japanese company.

I work in the industry and its more lucrative than ever. But competition is stiffer than ever, too, especially with F2P disruptors like Apex Legends and ever expanding mobile gaming.

I'm an industry analyst - not shitting you its my job. The reason Activision is laying so many people off is because they spent $50 Million fucking dollars marketing Black Ops 2. Thats almost quadruple the budget of Black Ops 1, which sold twice as many units as 2 twice as fast. Couple that with its production costs and the only way that the game would have "met expectations" would be to have killed Fortnite overnight with its Battle Royale mode.

The whales are just trimming the fat.

>but the amount of dev time they had suggests it wasn't cheap
It's literally impossible to know that because you'd need to know the size of the development team. Again, how about you "stop speculating" huh? You have literally nothing concrete.

You here for the leaks, the feel of the core audience or pure shitposting?

>It's literally impossible to know that
It's not at all. AAA marketing budgets are disclosed all the time.
You're just a brainless fanboy grasping at straws. If you have a point to make, present the facts.

Nah Square is doing just fine. New Tomb Raider is closing in on 5 million units, Kingdom hearts 3 outsold even high expectations, and FFXIV is going strong

Nobody even noticed whem Just Cause 4 came out, though. They barely advertised it, and it was an uninspired sequel that nobody really asked for.

What will all those worthless jobbers do now? Muh social media career at blizz.

>spent $50 Million fucking dollars marketing Black Ops 2
jesus christ

all big publishers need to to is literally just stop hiring so many studios because this is where the money sinks and can't turn profit

>AAA marketing budgets are disclosed all the time
Ohhh, so do you have any source on the number? Or are you again, just uselessly speculating?
>grasping at straws
To make your point you've ignored the sales number, you have failed to bring any proof of anything whatsoever, compared it to a EA game, a company that's famous for overspending, falsely claimed it's preproduction and production start dates, and continuously ignored every ACTUAL source of the game selling well. Stop projecting. Again, with every post you sound more and more like barry. And again, if that's the case, just tell me already so I can ignore your retardation.


I don't need to lurk on Yea Forums to get a feel for the core community, I have data mining software I use to do that for me.

It aggregates conversational data from Yea Forums, Reddit, Twitter, etc using keyword based algorithms. Then I read through things, crush numbers, and extrapolate findings from that.

You guys say fuck a lot.

Marketing costs are almost always at least triple of what production was.

>Tomb Raider is closing in on 5 million units
I like how retards keep spamming the "5m units is good for AAA" meme.
Destiny 2 sold a bare minimum of 5m copies with 1m CCUs at launch. Yet they won't disclose exact figures due to modern AAA marketing costs.

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>$50 Million fucking dollars marketing Black Ops 2

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>$100M marketing
that's bullshit. VIII and X would be WAY higher

More like a YouTube channel to push agenda.

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>shitty studios go out of business
>meanwhile shittier studios who only make garbage mobile games are making record breaking sells
>"the crash will fix everything guys"

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I have such a huge backlog that if the entire industry shat itself tomorrow and didn't release a single game for the next 5 years I'd be golden.

>>Dishonored 2 comes out
>>No one plays it
that's because bethesda did a shit job at marketing it, just like they do with every games that isnt fallout or elder scrolls. that's why prey flopped too. i mean, who thought THIS was a goood idea

Why do you think FF7 is considered one of the best games of all time?
Fun fact: most of the "greatest games ever made" by the usual metrics are very mediocre games that had very aggressive and very effective ad campaigns.

Almost every "best games of all time" list should be "the most heard of games of all time"

Worst part is CoD doesn't need these ridiculously inflated marketing costs, it's fucking CoD, retards will buy it if they know its coming out

It's an imcomplete list. FF 8 and 10 aren't on it, 9 is included but only 7 has a marketing cost estimate.

>Why do you think FF7 is considered one of the best games of all time?
Because it's a good game. I choose to believe that before I believe edits to wikis.

No. That's because game is mediocre.
One of the core gameplay staple (stealth) is absolutely insignificant after learning "time stop" and a "blink" skills.

THANK FUCKING GOD. About time this happened. Vidya will return to the outcasts and will become good once again.

Suddenly firing an assload of ad people makes more sense.

>Because it's a good game. I choose to believe that before I believe edits to wikis.
Okay, now as someone that was actually alive and old enough to buy games in 1997, I'm gonna say again that FF7 had super aggressive marketing and everyone knew about it. Its one of the only JRPGs that ever actually managed to get mass normie appeal

Fucking strewth

>>tfw e-sports bubble is bursting along with all the bloated hires it brought
more like
the bubble blizzard was blowing hot air into has popped, and blown up in their own face, shitting on the entire industry

people have been saying for years that blizzard need to stop trying to force esports in every game, and it finally backfired
and I couldnt be happier
maybe now they'll actually spend time making their games not suck as much

>babbys first 3d rpg
>3 discs
>absolute top tier graphics at the time for normie pandering
the last point alone sold it. also 40m-100m isn't an estimate. it's just smash leak tier shitposting.

>babbys first 3d rpg
babby's first RPG period, in a lot of cases. I used to make a habit of asking people who said FF7 was their favorite if they'd ever played other FFs or other RPGs in general before it, and the answer was "no" at least 90% of the time.

Not him but wasn't 1's blink the same? It's just that the whole story is a copy paste of the first game, karnaca or whatever it's called is not that interesting and main villain is disney-tier shit.

Do you have any proof KH3 did well with 5M sales or did just BTFO of your bullshit?

It's not about informing the regular CoD sucker. They have to infinitely push up the numbers and suck in new masses to impress investors, even if it will costs them a 100 million dollars for a 101 million return. Investors are the priority, AAA games are a service medium to harvest wallet cattle for them.

>tfw e-sports bubble is bursting along with all the bloated hires it brought

The artificial esports bubble is bursting, you mean. Games that came up through legitimate community interest (Dota, CS, Smash, etc.) are doing better than ever.

what talent
they fired community managers and PR people
yeah i'm sure those people are going to band up and make... what?

Industry analyst here.

Supporting PlayStation and Xbox DESTROYED third party developers. Nothing outside a few major releases have done well at all. So many companies are going under all the time.

EA, by the way, has been MASSIVELY shaken by the Battlefield V failure. No company wants to admit how badly they are doing, but they are all hurting pretty badly.

Expect mass lay-offs, less games, and more microtransactions.

>Smash esports
>Doing well

>All the pros quit Melee because Puff can't be beat
>TR4SH Evo finals a literal spectacle put on to showboat how broke Bayonetta was
>TR4SH Port: Ultimate not even acknowledged by Evo Japan on their home turf

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What esports people? ArenaNet are firing their core developers and if JP (former employee) is to believed, these developers were being moved from GW2 to their other projects which is why GW2 gets little to no content with no expansion in sight.

Alright I'll admit to not actually knowing much about Smash on an in-depth level, I was just looking for a fighting game that isn't SF since Capcom absolutely shit the bed.

Replace Smash with SF/MK/GG/insert fightan here

Melbourne is the only place in this country that isn't shit, cuckloard

Guild Wars 2 still makes $70m a year on the low end, they wouldn't need to downsize at all if not for NCSoft.
The issue is they diverted resources from GW2 to other projects when they could have improved GW2 and kept building its playerbase like other titles have done, such as Runescape, XIV, WoW (until recently), instead they've left it to rot after a mere 7 years and 2 expansion packs.

Smash just had its own dedicated non-FGC major with 3,218 entrants across both games and close to 200k peak viewership across all streams. It's doing very, very well.

>more microtransactions.

>let's pour MORE acid into our wounds, that'll help

>EA, by the way, has been MASSIVELY shaken by the Battlefield V failure
>Expect mass lay-offs, less games, and more microtransactions.
so much for the games as service, you who are an analyst, how do you see the future for that business model?
cuz it sucks

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What's the next fad after battle royale? Will someone make standalone dota chess that explodes in popularity, immediately followed by a low effort clone by hirez?

>What's the next fad after battle royale?
Hopefully its good games with lots of content that don't abuse predatory DLC practices and excessive in-game monetization

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>tfw DMC5 releases in a couple of weeks
>can sit down and enjoy a game with the design philosophy of the PS2-era
Shit like this is always so cash. The modern Western model feels so sterile.

probably more e-sport shit being culled. i would have figured anet gave up on that a long time ago.

>pay to win shit
>shitty modern western designs
>PS2 era philosophy

Companies actually believe they can replicate mobile’s success on consoles. Don’t this attitude to go away until companies realize that mobile game players are NOT invested players.

It is going nowhere fast. Companies have deluded themselves into thinking that people can be manipulated into constantly paying more and more for DLC, but what it’s actually doing is creating a massive divide between players who will pay for shit and those who don’t.

My opinion is that companies aren’t prepared for what will happen when the community starts to die off. Fans won’t be thrilled when they release something new and expensive, and casual players will simply latch onto the new, shinier thing.

don't forget, Reggie out of NoA too

>pay to win shit
>shitty modern western designs
DMC has always played on Western designs.

I'm seeing hugefuck tits as the next big trend. That's where investors should go because they're recession and crash proof.

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different industries expand and contract all of the time
with one as volatile as the video game industry, this is naturally going to happen a lot
but it'll be fine

it was inevitable, too many crap games on shelves
market correction is necessary to reset things

Same user, I miss it :(
It was trash but something about it just felt so fun to play

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are you just pretending to be stupid
you can buy red orbs with real money
>t-t-that doesnt count

Relying on agressive marketing and microtransactions is a short-sighted way to increase your revenue while selling out your customers' trust and good will. The state we're in now is a consequence of finance people running vidya companies.

Who would have thought that budgeting without taking into consideration a unsustainable boom that WAS NOT going to last in the market would backfire?

At least do research before commenting your sheep opinions


you should neck yourselves if you think this is a good thing. we're about to enter the dark ages.

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Its not a good thing but it wont really effect us much, if anything it will open up more room for Indie games and tools indie devs can use are so good now it wont be much different from now. At least with Indie devs they have usually lower staff so its a more linear vision of what the game should be, usually result in a better game.

>we're about to enter the dark ages.
I haven't bought a AAA game in years because they've been so trash.
I don't know why you think we don't need change, we literally have had governments stepping in and stopping publishers from preying on children

>muh crash! it's gonna crash guys don't worry! muh crash!
every day with you retards

Is Guild Wars 2 any good?

You can't sustain an industry on the backs of whales. Hollywood is proof of that. Every majorly successful movie these days is Disney/Marvel only, and we are seeing diminishing returns on everything else.

Most of those companies closed because of bad business decisions, or bad decisions made by their parent company. This is nothing new, this shit always happens, it's unfortunate but you're not going to tell me dudes at Bioware were playing Anthem and not thinking "Well, time to update the resume."

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>vidya industry crashing
you people have been saying this for the last 10, if not 15, years

Immagine getting laid off and having to dress up for your next job.

I live thinking about how hilarious it would be when most of these ducking manchildren are slumped over their morning bowl of fruity pebbles while all of their peers that grew up correctly snicker.

I want the japs to make a comeback but unfortunately I don't see that happening

FFXIV going be only mmo to make it out of the great MMO crash of 2020.

They keep FFXI runing still out of repect so FFXIV not going any where for a decade if not more.

Fire will purify the infected sheep.

I’m amazed at how much lawbreakers spent on ads and got ZERO traction.

>a crash

fucking retard

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Don't worry Tencent money will save the day!

video games are dead and loot boxes and in game DLC day 1 content killed them

>ActiBlizz lays off 800 people
In marketing, while hiring more devlopers
>Telltale shut down
Because of their own busines model
>Visceral closed
>Gazillion shuttered
>Boss Key closes
>Carbine shut down
>Capcom Vancouver closed
I agree that's sad
>Anthem flops - Bioware is next
Not really, devolpment has already started for Dragon Age 4 and EA is not going to cancel it.
>TR4SH Evo finals a literal spectacle put on to showboat how broke Bayonetta was
But Bayonetta wasen't broken

Again with the Tencent, why are you painting them out to be this massive boogieman when they have hardly done anything?

Maybe this will make ArenaNet refocus on their actual game instead of chasing bullshit and wasting time and money. They need new management bad. Mike O'Brien saved the game with Path of Fire but now he's ruining it.


All of those studios are famous for censoring establishments franchises to make them pro sjw/feminist
Maybe if they stopped crying about some games having pretty women in them an actually focused on making good games things would have gone differently.
I am so tired that not a single game left is still allowed to have pretty women in them thanks to liberals

Do you always pull things out your ass or only when it suits you?

Are you always angry when people cricise your leftwing cult online?

I would assume he’s pretending to be a discord tranny sock puppet shitposter pretending to be pol. Either way it’s garbage

Guild Wars 2 has some sexy girls and armor in it to be fair.

Unless sjws are driven out of the industry I wouldn’t have gotten any enjoyment out of them anyway

Dumb bitch, read the meme correctly. He’s saying they throw stupid money at shit.

No, why would I be angry over something pointless like that?
Then blame yourself for creating the SJW

Good fucking riddance.

this would be amazing, please crash for a year, just die to be reborn in the image of 2005 gaming

up till 2005 yes

>tortanic retards think this is a crash

>it's a Yea Forums thinks it knows how economics works thread

I get you probably just want to talk about layoff impact and all that jazz but when you add bosskey into your post, I just can't help but think your cliffy b trying to get someone to say that you had a good studio.

>Then blame yourself for creating the SJW
I never even partook I’m any form of online discussion before 2015 when I realized that all games were getting censored left and right do to feminist thin skin.
I had zero impact on sjws decision that „all white men are scum“ and „big boos are literally hitler“
How is it my fault that liberals decided that any form of sexy women needed to be deleted from every form of entertainment and games are now no longer fun thanks to them?

>I just wanted Diablo 2 LOD with improvements
>got d3 instead
>I just wanted scbw with improvements
>got sc2 instead
>just wanted Guildwars with improvements
>got guildwars 2 instead
>I just wanted battlefield 2/ 2142/ or even bc2, hell even bf3/4 with improvements would be fine
>got hardline, bf1 and bfv instead

All these studios with literal blueprints of the best games in their genre and they still manage to fuck everything up.

That are only left overs from its early stages before sjws took over
The recent stuff has all been sjw crap for years

>Nintendo, Capcom, Namco Bandai, Sega, Id Soft, Platinum, Marvelous

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Because to many people claim that female characters can only be beaitful, if they are not beaitful then it's the result of SJW.
>got sc2 instead
So you got scbw with improvments?

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maybe they should stop making garbage??

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We lived to see the day of the X

I don't get it

They finna have thirty people operating single twitter account

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Needs a, publishing deal with major studio milestone,

Hey remember how some talentet people of Blizzard (like Erich Schaefer) left Blizzard to make his own games? Well where is he now?

>all western trash

Good, burn it all down.

Highly unlikely we'll see a crash with such an established industry. At most we'll see a decline until something changes within game developers and quality content starts being produced again. Consoles now are selling at better rates than ever, minus maybe the Xbox whose numbers we don't have. Gen 9 might be that decline though. With trends like making major console revisions a few years later and cancelling games after announcing them or leaving long gaps between exclusives, it's likely the trust in the big 3 that consumers have built up over the years is faltering and so the industry is headed towards a temporary decline as a result.

But female characters that were already established in the past as super attractive are no porpusefully redesigned to be ugly
Only because of liberals

Thank you user
An opinion than isn't on either extreme

>KH3 bombed. It did not make any real profit.
Why do you desperately want KH3 to fail when its not true in the slightest?

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Anything forced upon you always breeds resentment. Plenty evolves into spite and in this case, further still into actual racism.

I'm firmly neutral in pretty much everything, but it's sad to see that the left is creating their own enemies out of thin air from their extremism. None of this far right populism or actual neo-nazi resurgence would have existed if it wasn't for the far left constantly pushing their agenda on normal people who just want to live in peace.

You're talking about Mortal Kombat aren't you? What if they are redesigned to be more accurent to the person who does their mocap and voice?

Meanwhile Nintendo is strong and growing.

The most jarring part is that I consider myself fairly left wing myself, or at least used to years ago.
But nowadays, if I say "maybe we shouldn't mutilate our genitals" I'm an alt right nazi apparently.

>sales numbers downhill
>no titles to launch this year
>president of nintendo America laid of

I pity you

The only way to combat racism and racial segregation is through forced diversity. But people like you ruined it
>Anything forced upon you always breeds resentment
False as it can be turned posetive later in life

I just made a parallel graph for [your favourite game]

I know, I agree with you. As a neutral, I have feelings for both but I never speak my mind unless its with very close friends or anonymously on the internet (and even then, I'm cutting down on the latter).

It's not worth it. It's like arguing religion with a religious person; In 99.99%of cases, you will never convince anyone to even consider your points, you'll just get upset, waste time and likely skew your own belief towards one side and making yourself less rational.

You will never convince these people that the other side has good points. It's all their way or death.


Nah, I highly doubt it's a crash. It's more like, they're taking out the trash.

Capcom Vancouver was Inafune's initiative, as was all the outsourcing. They're on a roll because they fired Inafune.

Attached: inafune[1].jpg (1280x720, 359K)

It can, if it was positive to begin with and the conditions are controlled.

Letting millions of immigrants into Europe overnight and demanding the populace to accept them did not. I live in Malta, we're literally right next door to Africa and I only saw my first black person when the crisis started back in the early 2000s and racism locally has skyrocketed due to said demands. Even almost 2 decades since this forced integration, not a single black person has any position higher than a street sweeper or garbageman here. Not one. The few women who have wed black people emigrated or have been shunned by their families and neighbours.

It is not right that this should have happened, and your way of thinking is flawed and caused this to happen.

I pretty much totally agree with all of this. I'm pretty much right in line with what Democrats used to be, focused on shit like the environment, schools, healthcare, public infrastructure, worker's rights, shit like that. I'm all for fighting actual inequality when it exists, but this modern SJW bullshit is fucking insane. Used to be that the only thing I really disagreed with the party on was gun rights but nowadays I hardly ever see signs of the Democratic party I used to support.

not just mortal kombat, literally every modern game, even the arsari in andromeda are now ugly.
>who does their mocap and voice?
that would be a weak explanation, in that case they still could have gotten somebody who looked more like the original design or fixed up the model in post. that would also not explain why all female character now are no longer allowed to wear skimpy clothes.
you are just trying to make excuses to deny the negative impact sjws have had on this industry

Tell me when people start wising up and gacha games start failing.

correct, this major has been doing really well

As an aside, my friend works in the local police force. the iGaming boom has introduced a SHITLOAD of central and eastern european immigrants. Just so you don't think I'm only bringing up minorities here. Bulgarians make up the majority of drug and violence crime nowadays here, with a smaller % of Hungarians and Romanians.

Some integrate and conditions are good, most however don't. It is unregulated in the name of social posturing and thus dangerous. When you take into account the livelihood and social cohesion of a goddamn COUNTRY with hundreds of thousands or millions of lives, you take no risk, no cut corners and no fucking compromises.

This is why Trump got elected, bud. Out of spite from the silent majority that, while not liking trump, hate Hillary more and wanted to stick it to the far left in any way they can, including making a deal with the devil.

I'm personally hoping Tulsi Gabbard realigns the fucking party. Of course that's difficult when the Democrats themselves are smearing her for not being a corrupt crony.

Look at that interior, that shit must have cost a lot of cash. Maybe if they just had a normal fucking interior they'd have enough money to keep their employees

Small dedicated teams of one to twenty people can make better games than large AAA studios. Some of the best games reently have been passion projects done by a handful of people.

>Boss Key

Literally who?

>All American companies

Yeah, I've tried to say the same thing about Hillary plenty of times myself. I don't even think it was people making a deal with a devil, I think people just didn't vote at all, thinking Hillary was gonna win anyway and not actually giving enough of a shit to vote for her themselves. I don't think she would've been particularly bad myself, most of the shit people say about her has been disproven a million times over, but the reality is that she had zero appeal to anybody except boomer housewives and she'd been the target of a 20+ year smear campaign that caused a huge swath of the population to froth at the mouth at the mere mention of her name, even if they would've liked her policy proposals and voting record had they actually read them.

It's a shame Kamala is so retarded about guns, I think she'd be really good at going up against Trump otherwise. She's got a real talent for debating in a way that makes her opponents look stupid and lame while not making herself look like a cunt at the same time.

Is there something about mocap that affects the women more than men?

It's the lugenpress. Same thing happened in the UK with Brexit.

To bad the people responsible for all the shit will get no punishment for ruining vidya.

Literally the only reason to play this shit was WvW and it got FUCKING NOTHING for the entire lifespan of it. Still seething over those comments they always made, when asked why they never updated it. "It's not a very popular mode and it's made for jump in and jump out gameplay." So they released Edge of the Mists as proof of their theory. Except literally nobody went there because that's not why people enjoyed WvW and it became some braindead PvE farming zone instead. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hate retarded devs like that.

>I'm personally hoping Tulsi Gabbard realigns the fucking party. Of course that's difficult when the Democrats themselves are smearing her for not being a corrupt crony.

Thats because the Democrats are no longer the liberal party. They are the authoritarian fascist party, as their majority secretly always was, only pushing liberal ideology because it was the underdog one and helped against republicans. Once they got into power they could just throw the mask away and start the intersectional, globalist, race and identitarian focused destruction of society to create a shattered, psychotic servant class for the elite.

YFW the "conservative" "republican" president is more liberal then the Democrats AND the """liberal""" party. Anyway goodnight /pol/. Wait...

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>fire non essential staff
>increase salary for essential staff to make content
>content finally becomes better and not held back by "we need a tranny npc"

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Is that the faggot that banned people for saying Nehza is a trap?

Posts like this are coming from Blizzard Shills guys. They REALLY don’t want people talking about how badly they’re doing.

>blizzard fires useless SJW """social managers""" that were in no way productive, valueable to the product and were holding back development with crazy stipulations and quotas

Yes, I defend what Blizzard did. The real question is why you don't.

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I mean it's not that hard, you make a shit game, you'll have a shit profit

me too bobby kotick is based imagine that jew did the same like Satoru Iwata and cut his own salary instead he fires the work force how based is that.

I feel bad for all the tens of people that still play GW2

They are just following the lead of Activision, they probably wanted to let staff go for ages but didn't want backlash.

Now Activision did it you'll see a lot of other companies following in the slipstream.

western companies hire people they don't need cause they have a vagina or are black, japanese companies only hire people that are good at their job

Can you go back to TrannyEra? Thank you.

Not even you stupid weebcuck, Japanese workers are lazy and racist as shit and discriminate against foreigners that work in their country for no reason.

Obama's propaganda funds came to an end about 3 months ago. Everybody is laying off their diversity hires, since they no longer get paid extra for keeping them.

>you're a tranny if you think a jew should lose his money


That's what's necessary for a strong business. Making money at the cost of everything else, especially feefees

fuck white game developers and fuck white americans

also fuck muslims and niggers

>ActiBlizz lays off 800 people
Those were just the thought police that they hired a couple of years ago, who oversaw the decline of Overwatch among other things. Thank fuck that they hadn't entrenched themselves enough to become unfireable without a full blown civil war in the company. They hired more technical workers who are actually going to make them some money in their place. More of an actual non-buzzword restructuring than a major downsize, and a good one at that.

>Capcom Vancouver closed
You mean those people who helped to run Capcom's reputation into the ground? You know, that company who's currently rebuilding both good will and profits?

>SJW studios die
I don't think that the gaming industry will ultimately follow in the footsteps of the comics industry, since the gaming industry has the benefit of the invasion being relatively young and meeting vocal opposition from day one. The comics industry is basically a commie commune at this point that would sooner die than change; I don't know that it'll be able to recover without escaping from under the powerful gatekeeping thumb of the big two.

>EA taking a beating; almost out cold on their feet
If the great parasite on the industry dies or closes everything that's not directly related to their sports games, that'll be a great day for the gaming industry, and a sign of good times to come.

It looks more to me like the industry is on the road to coming to its senses before it's too late and gaming goes from a mainstream hobby to a formerly mainstream hobby.

What the fuck have they been working on this whole time? Just GW2?

>I hate capitalism
>I want socialism
>im not a tranny btw

Let's recap: You don't think it was okay for Blizzard to fire staff that did not do any real work, aside from complaining about diversity and inclusion. Instead, you want Bobby Kotick to cut his own salary in order to keep jobs in his company alive that did not contribute to any success of their products.

Yes. You are a resetera tranny.

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have some faith user. zoomers are here to save the industry.

t. based eurofag

t. suit

t. laborer

Modern gaming is dying. I don't understand how you kids can't understand this. Stop buying new garbage games and let the industry die like it should have years and years ago.

Maybe it'll be reborn as something actually good where people don't give a shit about graphics, story is just for the setting and gets out of the way quickly, and gameplay is actually super-high quality. You know, like gaming used to be back before Nintendo and Sony fucked it over in the mid-90s.

Good. I'll dab all over the western video game industry.

maybe it's just you that needs to move on from video games, gramps

How did Sony and Nintendo fuck gaming over in 1990's though? Please tell us and don't spare us the details from your research

nor was it great

Their revenue doesn’t comw from ff14, their gacha games sells a shitload

I think a better point about the comparison to comics is that the comic industry has a massive fanbase that actually likes the shit they do. They've been doing it for decades and younger people that like comics these days like them in large part BECAUSE of the "SJW" shit in them, these companies would stop doing it if it weren't making money. I know there aren't many people here who have experience working in the media industry but I do, and I can assure you that at the end of the day nothing is about social change or messages or anything else, it's about what will make the most money and they spend millions of dollars on focus groups, research agencies, etc. trying to figure that out. Comics, movies, etc wouldn't be filled with all this bullshit if it weren't for the fact that it sells - and, by the way, I can't confirm this but I'd bet a lot of that income comes from people who watch shit because they WANT to get angry at it.

Games are different. Gamers by and large aren't receptive to this kind of forced bullshit and they sure as hell won't put up with it if the gameplay isn't there. At the same time, though, most of these big gaming companies are owned by business people who don't really understand games and thought they could follow Hollywood's lead and make the same kind of money, and now they're learning that doesn't work, so they're taking steps to move in a direction that does.

Oh, and by the way, the financial backers who make most of these decisions are usually White Protestants or Asians. Lots of Jews overseeing and working in the day to day operational stuff, but relatively few on the boards that actually decide what's going to get made or what kind of content they're going to shoehorn into it. Not a lot of commies either, most are quite conservative, they just don't give a fuck about morals or values when they get in the way of profits.

Nothing is dying except your soul, user. There's a lot of garbage nowadays but there are a lot of games in general, you can definitely find good stuff. If you can't, you're the reason for it.

As a somewhat active GW2 player I'm quite glad about this. ANet lied to our face for years saying that GW2 had their full commitment while at the same time making no effort to hide Unity and mobile devs for unknown projects.
They killed every mode that wasn't open world PvE because that's the only thing that whales play, while taking the player base's money to fund whatever shit show behind the scenes instead of fixing their damn game.
The gooks over at NCSoft finally wisened up and told ANet to get their heads out of their asses. We'll see how things go from here, I guess.

Correlation doesn't imply causation. The fact he needs to move on from vidya doesn't make modern vidya any less shit. As a matter of fact, it's more of the actual reason people get depressed, they cannot process they wasted years of their lives over a hobby that turned this bad.
Oh, by the way: fuck your shit indies.

Keep it coming.

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that is what you get for taking the sexy default waiting animations out and destroying the game with a terrible skin shop and living boring story

depression isn't real

think about it though, the first three stages dont even occur anymore, it's literally straight to one of the last three stages

>I think a better point about the comparison to comics is that the comic industry has a massive fanbase that actually likes the shit they do. They've been doing it for decades and younger people that like comics these days like them in large part BECAUSE of the "SJW" shit in them, these companies would stop doing it if it weren't making money.

They don't, though. SJW writers have been fired due to the fact that nobody reads their stuff and rehired for ideological reasons. Comics have been cancelled due to piss poor sales, and restarted, again, in accordance with the ideological wishes of the people running Marvel and DC. They're pretty much being dragged kicking and screaming to a crossroads of "purge your company of commie propagandists or lose it". These past two years have been a non-stop up and down of "PLEASE DON'T FORCE US TO CANCEL THESE! WHY AREN'T YOU BUYING?!", and they seem to be settling on suicide as a community for far left "artists" rather than continuing their existence as part of a for-profit industry that's supported by actual customers.

The issue with the comics industry is that the infiltration is basically complete. I don't think that this is the case with gaming.

B-but I'm an adult now and t-that means I get to decide what being an adult means... Muh smug condescension over fictional trivia, was it all for nothing?

This, but Disney is literally too big to fail, they can continue burning money on this until it works. They're gonna keep trying to create their own market, because if they manage to do it, it's proof that you can actually create your own market from scratch even in the stupidest places

They exist to make money, not be nice.

Board game industry seems to be doing great with kickstarters being massively succesful these days.

I am bored of gaming too so I make board game (stolen assets) just for me and my friends to have a good time.

It's time to go back to more traditional times, man.

The infiltration into games is largely key people in high positions and well meaning stooges who think lefty = the default good option that pleases the most people.
There aren't that many idealofues in high offices, the blue checkmarks are generally holding nothing positions but they pretend they have influence because their views align with directions the companies are trying lately.

Imagine you're on a bus and some kid thinks he's controlling the bus with his mind because he wills it to steer the way the driver is already going. This is why they freak out when the bus turns right instead, it breaks the illusion that things happen because of them.

Disney's money is the sort that takes 20 years to burn through, but they don't have infinite cash, either. I kinda get the impression that Disney is panicking internally at the general decline of their franchises. They're globalists and cronyists, and they really don't want to have to abandon their propaganda and embrace that nation-state and strong stoic values.

is there anyone that was fired that you believe will impact the quality of their games going forward?

No good games has come out this generation, this month alone we see massive disasters like Far cry, Anthem, Metro and more. The games industyr is going to collapse since no good games are coming out anymore.

no good WESTERN video games are coming out anymore

What else is there? Weebshit is all garbage and indieshit is lazy ripoffs of real games.
God, once the crash happens games will be good again.

I’m expecting a mild improvement, not not a meaningful one.

oh, you're just baiting. My bad.

Good! That's what you get for selling incomplete gamess full with DLC and day 1 patches.

The western game market could use this crash. I wouldn’t mind

>that faggot actually has employment

ME2 was great, you cretin. Sorry you're allergic to combat that doesn't suck complete shit

how is metro a disaster?

>3 years ago I would spend 12 hours in free version of gw2
it seems the roof has a leak...

i mean it'll inevitably come back, AAA needs to die for good though

haha no the amount of total good game this gen is the worst since the one that crashed the industry back in the 80s

so what's the issue with them being fired? assuming this is actually you

Considering that they removed drop farming, it's doing VERY well.
And it's a good thing, CS is the best esport to watch

>They're firing all the social media and esports people much like Blizzard
have you got any source on that? people keep saying this, but i haven't found anything that supports this claim

There's tons of great indie shit once you look past the pixelshit and "art" games. Whole genres would be dead without indie devs, everything from ARPGs and traditional CRPGs to tactical shooters to racing and flight sims to city builders and tycoon games and tons more. Almostevery game I've actually enjoyed enough to stick with for more than 10 or 20 hours in the last few decades has been from an indie dev, and none of them have been in genres you'd traditionally think of as "indie."

Call me when EA finally goes under.

>corporatism = capitalism
kill yourself bootlicker, corporations must be held accountable for capitalism to work

three things
>1. none of those things indicate a crash is happening
>2. people have been predicting a crash would happen for decades and we haven't come close
>3. studios have been closing down regularly for decades now and those studios are also literal nothings

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Third post best post.

Imagine being hooked on AAA garbage like an opiate junkie.

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yeah, I'm sure the fact that the industry has seen record levels of growth profit-wise for three years consecutively, with a total industry revenue of about $135 billion last years just spells out disaster around the corner. Lmao. I bet you take the threads which post stock charts after announcements seriously.

t. insecure laborer with nothing to show for

not him, and I can't for the life of me find it right now, but there was a list of all the people who were fired and it was primarily community managers/non-development jobs. If I find it I'll put it here.

I'll need to find the compilation picture of those that were laid off (not fired like the other user said), but there's this:

Blizzard currently looking to HIRE nearly 150 positions, with the vast majority being actual real game making roles and not support fluff

the industry isn't crashing anyway, its pretty much the AAA bubble popping because they focused purely on the short-term and now its coming to bite them in the ass as they made an unsustainable model

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haha vidya crash dude get real
its a massive multi million industry, the few companies that are getting killed will not stop it from growing more
there were never as many consumer gamers as there are today, literally impossible the industry will crash, it just needs to adapt

Or in other words, it's not video games specifically, it's corporate capitalism in general that's crashing.

nah, only the last 2

There never was any "Great videogame crash" in the first place

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>it's corporate capitalism in general that's crashing
in your disgusting commie dreams, maybe, but no, not in reality

I'm trying to think of western games from the past five years that have made me enthused, and honestly, it doesn't even take one hand to count them: Total War: Warhammer, XCOM 2, and Cities Skylines. It's not even that I'm exclusively a strategy gamer. It's just that left wing politics and bad monetization practices (yes, I know; you'll notice that Warhammer 2 isn't on that list) has made basically everything that the west puts out a hard pass.

Corporate capitalism is literally one step removed from state communism. They already influence the government so they can violate whatever laws they want with impunity and make a mockery of the supposed free market, the only thing missing is for their position in the government to be formalized.

Nigga ATVI laid off 800 people *despite* record profits last quarter. They're just shedding weight for the shareholders, they're not going under.

Budgets, surely. Not sure about how much western and jap companies compare in development budgets, but it feels like western companies put a lot more money into marketing than the average jap dev. Probably only feels that way because we're not in glorious nippon though.

Also Wildstar died so NCSoft was more trigger happy with the restructuring

Looks like star's life cycle.

Blizzard's case is a bit special, because they lay-offs are a bit unexpected.
>report record profits, hugely successful business year
>throw millions of dollars at new people in upper management
>kick people out anyway

It's less because they're doing bad and more because of internal politics and power grabs.

>programming/dev job
>Not wearing casual clothes
What is the point of wearing a suit for 8 hours when you are not going to meet with clients or business people ?
Its inefficient and a waste of energy.

Most of those are just incompetence by the companies. Can you call it a crash if it's basically self inflicted?

They kind occur, but, they are so niche the marker does not care.
Why an investor would give a shit about a sprite based FPS, or a farming with monster girls, its not enough money.

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Anet deserves it. Not matchmaking for pve like a proper modern day company, I'll be fucked if I'm going to sit around and beg in pf only to get turned down because I'm not not their favourite brand of mesmer. That and they gave me a fancy skin for a mount that I needed 100 gold for. That was a real bummer.



They’re laying people off now because they spent 50 million marketing a game 7 years ago?

Not him, but I wouldn't use the term "capitalism" to describe our system. Capitalism is getting the government out of the way and letting the capitalists compete for workers and customers. What we have is interventionism. Yep, as you said, having such strong protectionism for a handful of large companies (strangulating taxes and regulation that only big, powerful companies could withstand/maneuver around, complete with special breaks for said companies; the idiot leftists think that they're actually hurting the 0.001% by growing the state, even as those same 0.001%ers coronate people who would never deregulate the economy or give big permanent tax cuts to everybody) basically turns those companies into government agencies by proxy. It's a form of economic central planning that disguises itself as a free market.

We have the remnants of a free market in America, which is way better than no free market, but we're in decline because we're no longer a capitalist country. We're an interventionist country. A cronyist country.

is it a crash if you drive directly into a wall?

You're mostly right, but even mentioning leftists in the same sentence as corporate cronyism is crazy when the American right and the corporate oligarchy have been completely intertwined for decades and the former is a party completely devoted to advancing the latter's interests.

I hate how right you are. Worst part is that no matter how many times some big studio gets backlash for focusing on tranny pandering instead of gameplay, they'll never fire their social media staff because the only place they ever look is Twitter, which is filled with double-digit IQ trannies and celebrity worshiping drones, and they don't give a shit about gameplay

It goes both ways.
The democrats are the ones asking for regulation on behalf of big business to smother the competition, the republicans get rid of the laws the big businesses don't want and kill unions.

Anything else is just a sideshow.

Good. Fuck those people.
I used to love the game but the quality has been increasingly inconsistent throughout the years.
They've been making absolutely retarded decisions on game design and development.
The game as is now is a mess of extremely bloated combat, abysmal writing and the most oppressive grind I've seen in an MMO simply because it's so unfun.
It's just a bunch of timegates, dailies and shitty achievement grinds.
To top it all off is the total lack of actual quality control and the framerate still goes to absolute shit all the time even with a monster computer.
I hope they all get forced to become janitors or some shit.

>cut off your salary to feed hundreds of literal jannies

you wish Hiro was this generous huh?

>Vidya crash in progress

>Activision makes record profits and has their cash multiple cash cows
>EA just found their cash cow
>TakeTwo still making millions
>Sony about to hit 100 million PS4s
>Microsoft reinvests significantly in both hardware and first party titles
>Switch selling like mad
>Ubisoft has millions of concurrent players in multiple games

Truly dark days for the industry since shit studios are dying as expected.

Its not for them. Its for everyone not playing. Investors and stockholders HATE stagnation and status quo a hundredfold more than failing. They have to see those numbers grow or they bail.

They will take the risk of losing money over an assured income almost every time because they are not looking for steady growth. That is for retirement plans. They are looking for the next big thing to make them bank. The second it seems like its winding down even if its steady and shows absolutely no chance of shrinking they bail.

The days of investing into a company because you believe in it are long over. Stocks are just basically high-risk gambling now.

>developer and publisher are the same thing

GW2 is old now, maybe it’s time to put the game on life support

Simple: The US raised interest rates. A lot of videogame companies are fueled by loans and venture capital that needs to be rolled over before being paid back. Since interest rates have been raised, it's harder to roll over loans because the new loans will have higher interest rates than the old ones. So the companies must downsize extraneous staff in order to begin paying down their outstanding liabilities and avoid being swallowed by interest rate hikes.

Most industries baked this into their payroll projections like five years ago, but video game companies are run, at least in part, by autists who don't know how to business so they're seizing up right now.

It's not a crash, it's a correction. The videogame industry has been riding high for too long and staff becomes inflated as well as costs. Companies are gonna start trimming the fat to come out more profitable.

Morrowind came out when Bethesda had a gun to its head, it had to succeed or they’d go bankrupt. Maybe they’ll get their shit together again.

This is exactly what I mean. There are good, enjoyable games out there, but you'll never accept it because the problem isn't with every single game out there, it's literally with you. The game industry can crash and be reborn 5 times over and you still won't find anything you will enjoy, because you can't enjoy new things anymore. You're running on nostalgia and nostalgia-fueled notions of past games. No matter what new game comes out you'll nitpick because it isn't absolute perfection and get absolutely no joy out of it. Even if the game doesn't actually have any serious flaws, you'll find reasons entirely unrelated to its quality to hate it, like bitching because it's indie, or bitching because it's from Japan or fuck knows what else. The key difference here is that a long time ago you were easily capable of enjoying a game even if it wasn't utmost perfection and weren't so jaded as to dismiss everything before even trying it, which is why you have pleasant memories of the past but cannot find any joy in your former hobby today.

They did, it’s called Arenanet.

American comics is barely an industry. A few years ago I checked active writers, artists, inkers, letterers and full time staff at the three largest American comic publishers. There's less people there than at a single Japanese publiser. America doesn't have a comics industry. It's so tiny and small that I'm not surprised it's been effectively taken over.

Which is sad though I think it will come back around one day.

We need a crash honestly, marketing costs and studio sizes are fucking insane and resulting in games needing to sell 10million + sales just to keep the lights on

It's not even gambling if you're rich enough and willing to fuck thousands of people over in the process.

I don’t understand the lack of studios aiming at medium-budget games, there must be a huge profit to me made from more niche games that aren’t some monstrosity to please the lowest common denominator and try to blend everything into a single bland package.

It seems all the big publishers swallowed all studios and put them to work on the latest AAA bullshit so you must choose between complete indie stuff or the latest open world battle royale AAA release, nothing in between.

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This is factually untrue. retard west Australian detected

Depends on what you classify as indie or AAA.