Now that the dust has settled, is Reggie leaving NOA a good or bad thing?
Now that the dust has settled, is Reggie leaving NOA a good or bad thing?
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>Now that the dust has settled
Neither. It's just a thing.
Its a thing.
Thats really all that can be fucking said right now because he just fucking left.
>replaced by former EA upper management
Basically going from bad to worse.
his statement about politics and "fun" makes it clear that he doesn't understand what modern gamers want, he insisted on the medium just being toys for children so maybe now that he's gone nintendo games can evolve like the rest of the industry did
I dunno kinda sad since he seemed really passionate about his job but then again he didn't really do much.
He's there until April 15th.
Odds are he'll host one more direct as a sendoff.
we need more politics and diversity in gaming obviously.
it's time for gaming to grow up.
>Wanting politics shoehorned into his games
really weak bait
It's bad considering Reggie became a meme and his popularity levels are off the chart. He used to be the face of Nintendo's stupidity in the last decade and many even hate him.
At least he goes out with a good reputation, kinda like when a coach goes out after winning a couple of trophies.
No controversy or pressure to leave? Just retiring? I'll be damned if this is true.
He's 57, pretty close to the base minimum.
>retiring at 57
ah so he's gonna be a useless piece of shit and take money from the government for ~20 years before he dies?
way back when, people didn't want to be fucking leeches to everyone else and retired only about 5 or so years until they kicked the bucket.
we should not allow this
Most people live past 65, unless you're a fatfuck American, I'm assuming.
I don’t think it’ll actually hurt Nintendo, but I’ll miss him.
That's exactly what he said, you fucking retard. Jesus christ you spics need to cartel each other to death.
he's probably loaded from nice executive salaries over the years. why the fuck would you waste your life with corporate bs when you can retire on fat stacks of cash
That’s literally how Clean Cut Reggie has been since day 1
>Fat fuck NEET living in his parent's basement playing pirated games bitching on Yea Forums about leeches.
kill yourself, leech
Reggie was former PizzaHut and VH1. Anyway, president of NoA is just a marketing job, you dont get to make any decisions. All decisions are made in Japan (and thats a good thing).
Of course, I just hope he doesnt die soon or anything
Nintendo have been doing an internal purge of the old and making way for the new for a few years now.
If you ever wanted a job at nintendo, now would be the time to start poking around
My Grandpa at 91 has been retired collecting his pension longer than he worked lol
>telling someone to kys just because they got called out for what they are
I laff even more.
Some real med skippers on Yea Forums today
Wait what
Oof angreh bois all allllarund xd
I had a job at NOA, but I blew it.
Gonna try again around 2025 once some more of the staff has changed over.
You can't just say that and not tell us how.
Worked in regional marketing with an opportunity to move up to a more technical role. Fucked up because I was a dumb 19-year old kid that couldn't manage my time.
Hes retiring. Wake up kid, its been 15 years.
What a funny way to announce Mother 3, r-right?
I'm unironically sad.
Reggie has been the face of NoA since I started actually paying attention to the industry 15 years ago.
Nigger he's just in charge of marketing. He doesn't make the calls. NoJ does.
>I'm handing over the controller to Doug Bowser.
reggie seems like a very genuine, nice guy. he probably just knows hes getting old and wants to spend more time with his family
>Now that the Doug has settled
>Reggie is 57
Muther fucker looks young, i actually thought he was just reaching his early 40's.
Nope. Everyone at Nintendo is pretty much pure and down to earth. Hell I can't recall a single time there was any controversy in Nintendo of America or Japan. Aside from you know, the copyright shit.
I'm gonna have to ask you to stop that shit now.
>The picture with Reggie, Iwata, and Miyamoto at E3 was one of the last photos they showed
Absolutely kino
>he'll host one more direct as a sendoff.
>yfw he announces Mother 3
>He has kids
>Reggie has had sex
>Retiring to spend more time with my family
That's basically a massive red flag over doing some shit that would get him fired. My bet is on for a massive fuck-up that will come to light very shortly.
If someone retiring to spend time with family is a red flag to you then you lead a sad life.
>bowser is now president of nintendo america
relax and take your medicine, user
He's been teasing Mother 3 literally for years. Hard to believe this is now nearly five years at this point and it still pisses me off on several levels.
It hasn't even been a full day and this joke is already getting old
More censorship incoming and its going to be worse than treehouse. EA Bowser is going to let in a bunch of his EA people into Nintendo.
Nepotism goes a long way
>april is the anniversary month of mother 3's release in japan
>15 years
What the fuck has it really?
he joined Nintendo two months after moot set up Yea Forums
When I was in college, my roommate was in the economics major Reggie graduated from. Since it's a pretty prestigious program (Cornell AEM), successful alumni were welcomed back at dinners to allow the students to network.
Apparently Reggie went to one of the ones my roommate went to and said no one recognized him, and that he was kind of weird. "Some rando named Reginald".
Ever since then I've always wanted to see him do well. I'm glad he's retiring on good terms.
What's your favourite Reggie moment?
Well it was gonna happen sooner or later.
>game releases physically in a nice red box including lost concept art and the original soundtrack + the game's resolution and UI has been updated to fit the screen
I like the guy, so I'm kinda sad about it. I'm gonna miss the Regg. He was a good man and a good meme.
please do not post my wife
you're about as correct in your prediction about Reggie's retirement life as I am about you having a giant fat cock
>Ringo with her hair down
>those eyes
I need more
I've always liked Reggie, seems like a genuinely nice guy who just wanted to provide fun games for the fans, although sometimes seemed out of touch with what Nintendo fans wanted.
I'll miss seeing his face during Nintendo shit
And because of his salary, he paid more into it than you even will.
Most likely he won't even be able to collect because of his income. He's going to have maximum comfort in retirement.
Aside from localizing games and failing to have enough stock every fucking year, what exactly does NOA do?
>is Reggie leaving NOA a good or bad thing?
A good thing. Reggie was nothing more than a mouthpiece answering Kyoto's beck and call + allowed Treehouse to get away with the outlandish censorship back on the Wii U and 3DS. Also, there were the years of cringe and forced memes. Him finally leaving the company should really be a sign of an improvement, and I hope to god Doug Bowser has more spine than him.
Maybe we'll finally get Mother 3.
>We've entered the bad timeline of the Mario Compendium
even though he embarrassed himself a year later
Good for Yea Forums, because this literal nigger won't be shilled as a special personality by drones anymore.
Alison Rapp and that brunette bitch with fake tits and face
Smarter than I give him credit for, he can see the smoke rising.
NoA doesn't decide a shit at nintendo except translations for gaijins
Pretty good introduction
He hasn't even left. We can't tell until Bowser takes over