Is there even a game better than the Witcher 3 in the last decade?

Is there even a game better than the Witcher 3 in the last decade?

I don't think so.

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Nice reddit tier opinion OP.


Dunno about decade but Witcher 3 is the only good game that came out this whole gen


Hollow Knight and Subnautica
Still bretty gud tho

Nier came out within the past decade and is arguably the best story based games in existence. Note I'm talking about Nier, not a tomato. Also daddy Nier is infinitely better than older brother Nier.

Greatest game of all time


>le reddit
Answer his question then instead of hurling buzzwords you 90 iq zoomer

Why are grizzled old men so likeable?

>DLC's are better than most recent AAA games

damn poles, god bless them

>Dark Souls 3
>Final Fantasy Tyoe 0
>Grim Dawn
>Darksiders 2
>Ni No Kuni 2
>I am Setsuna
List goes on

>free DLC


you shouldve stopped at bloodborne.
the rest of your list is alright but definitely not better than W3

>90 iq zoomer
That's generous for him.

>Type 0
>Ni no Kuni 2
>I am Setsuna
First 2 played like manufactured ass so I sold them a couple hours into them. I've heard nothing but bad about Setsuna so I avoided it. You are literally the first person I've ever heard give praise to it.

>Nier came out within the past decade and is arguably the best story based games in existence. Note I'm talking about Nier, not a tomato. Also daddy Nier is infinitely better than older brother Nier.
Maybe if you find elementary school stories good.

The Witcher story (including main and side quests) are way more mature and complex. The whole writing of it is tiers above that Taro could ever dream to pull off.

>30 fps with dips

Opinion discarded.

>all this So(y)ny

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>elementary school stories good
Okay you are one of those low IQ fucks that try to pass off your ignorance as intelligence. Thanks but no thanks.

My favorite WRPG of this gen.

Sorry to break through your fragile and painful insecurity.

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Is there a way to gas this bitch?

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>30 fps with dips
You know people shit on the PS4 Pro as being a pointless POS but shit does it improve the playability of this game. Game seemed completely steady on the Pro while I'd get horribly low dips from time to time on the original PS4.

You mean fuck her? God I wish

Why do I only find her attractive when she has the blindfold on?

>Is there a way to gas this bitch?
Shut the fuck up Radovid.

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I can’t remember the correct term. But it has something do with masking their faces make you focus more their other features

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I'll go ahead and reward you with another (you). As a teachable moment, someone with insecurity issues would try and argue with you why their opinion is correct. Now that this freebie is done, you won't earn another (you) unless your next post is at least mildly intelligent or interesting.

Does being a "face guy" make people immune to that shit? Because I find your picture to be attractive but I can't get hard unless I see her face, or at least imagine someone else's on her.


>murders Radovid's father and then abuses Radovid during the regency
>hurr durr Radovid is the bad guy

Hm I’m not sure, but when I watched the series Emerald City I realized I had a huge thing for girls with maskings on

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Radovid deserved to die.

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Radovid deserved to die because his madness was detrimental to the realm, but Philippa was the one responsible for his madness. Therefore, Philippa deserves to die.

>Stealing from michael moorcock = depth

>wants to murder Geralt even though you help him
What a bitch

>Radovid deserved to die because his madness was detrimental to the realm, but Philippa was the one responsible for his madness. Therefore, Philippa deserves to die.
Philippa is a beautiful sorceress therefore she deserves to live.

This. My peepee senses above everything else