Pick one

pick one

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Mayro free

I rather SMW despite SMB3 having more variety and challenging levels.
I still cant comple 8-1 without unlimited P.

SMB3 is the better game but I rather play SMW

Super Mario Bros 3
World is 2nd best 2D Mario

Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World


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>Super Mario All Stars
hang urself

>All these nitpicks
>Not the single actual issue with All Stars and that being the hitting blocks from below bug in SMB and Lost Levels


World but not by much


I still don't really like how 3 looks. I can't explain it but it just looks kind of ugly.

Mario 3. not even a contest for me. I enjoy world quite a lot, but 3 will always be the best for me

>all these nitpicks
The autism is real with this one

World is superior in every way

They're both equally good.

3 has aesthetics, small but more challenging levels, and more powerups. But World has shitloads of content and secrets, high replayability, and Yoshi. So the winner is Yoshi's Island

I cannot stand how Mario controls in SMB3. He has so much momentum from every little movement and slides all over the goddamn place. The auto scrolling stages are also a goddamn cancer and are not enjoyable at all.

SMW is one of the best controlling platformers ever made, and the longer stages are more interesting due to more hidden paths. People always cry and say SMW is too easy but the star road has harder levels than SMB3 does.

Japanese SMB2 is also total dogshit

I pick Donkey Kong Country. 2 specifically. 2D Donkey Kong has always been vastly superior to 2D Mario.

>SMB2 is also total dogshit
This is what separates the SMB3 lovers from the SMW autists
>more hidden paths, unable to complete every level 100%

is all over the game and it looks gross

Not sure what you're even trying to say here, but Lost Levels was a trash game that was a cash grab full of legit artificial difficulty.

Stupidest fucking nitpicks ever.
>completely blank single-color background replaced with literally anything
>non-square ? blocks
>bizarre color scheme replaced with actual cave

At least complain about something that makes sense, like the 1 + lost levels remakes fucking the block physics up for no reason.

SMB3 was peak 2D Mario art-style. There's just something about it that is really charming.

No there isn't. It's dull and ugly. The All-Stars remake and SMW both look a lot better.


SMB3 overall but I prefer the feel of SMW

all stars is superior
only brainlets will disagree

This. Yoshi's Island is the single best platformer of all time, end of story. Vastly different levels, incredible art style, amazing music. Neither of these games can beat it. A shame there hasn't been a good Yoshi game since.

how badly did allstars fuck this part up?

Attached: remake_SMB3_007.jpg (1920x924, 427K)

World is my personal favorite, though I think 3 is the better game overall.

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Sorry for Youtube screencap I'm lazy

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disgusting, they gave it the same generic background as every other castle

If you like SMAS over SMB3, you're deaf.

>Destroying bricks sounds like things being destroyed.
>Hitting POW actually makes the ground shake with it's strong punch of bass.

>Destroying bricks sounds like the soundcard being broken
>Hitting POW shakes the ground with it's... wtf?

there's no use arguing with allstar mongoloids. lets just hope they breed themselves out of existence due to their low IQ and poor genetics


Sadly retards breed like... retards, with lots of retarded "children" that with the aid of our technology and leftists HELP DA MINORITEYZ, GEEV DEM MONAY!"

Try Wooly World. Crafted World looks promising
DKC2 is a better game than Yoshi. Yes, by a hair, but it is

The original

Attached: SI_WiiUVC_SuperMarioBros2_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 276K)

I also like Doki Doki Panic with a sprite swap.


*trivializes every level *

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original 3, world, and 64 are tied in my opinion
asking me to pick one would be like asking me to pick one of my children over the others

It's like I'm really on /pol/.

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SMAS is freaking awesome. Dont listen to the haters.

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Legit grievance.

>more nitpicky bullshit


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You know what's not nitpicky? All-Stars shittier physics.

Uhhh, Mario, that's what I pick. Mario is the best one.

The ones with worse physics are SMB1 and Lost Levels, 2 and 3 weren't fucked with.

Which people have made patches for anyway.

You talk like a fucking redditor

Super mario 2

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World is just 3 but better. People only say 3 because it's older and therefore somehow more sophisticated.

There's literally no reason to not choose World. Better graphics, music, physics, level design, and map. 3 is great but World does basically everything 3 does except better.

mayo tree

The levels in SMW are good, but cape is just too good to not use. I wish it just gave you slowfall and maybe SMB3 styled flight.

This is the only thing wrong with World. Just make the cape mechanically identical to the tanuki suit and nothing of value is lost.

Grew up on 3.

World is a much better game.

yoshi is busted too but at least he doesn't work in buildings

Finish your fucking apex video dunkey

They're both old, Super Mario 3 was better. I played World first, and I still like 3 more

Smart man



whichever one gets the most (You)s

>he thinks boring puke green and light baby blue is better
>he thinks black walls with blue dudes is "aesthetic" and worse than All Stars adding sparkling water and walls with vegetation
>he thinks random white power ups in a greenish blue background is better than clouds and blue sky that actually looks like the fucking sky
This is easily the worst taste anyone can have. The only thing I can agree on is the lego blocks making little sense on an egyptian background.

>Hating on a SNES game because it was a newer, nicer looking remake of a few NES games

You're trying too hard to fit in.

I think the NES games look better but these posters are way too into this notion. All-Star is fine.

Sitting in front of the late 1980's CRT television and playing Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World on a cool winter afternoon was peak comfy.

Things that literally never happened: the post

>Playing Mario in Winter
What kind of backwards shit is this? You play Mario in the warmer months and Donkey Kong Country in the colder months

Super Mario Advance 4
16 bit graphics and mario 3+custom levels


I played World with a Raccoon Mario mod the other day and it still breaks the levels. So now I feel like it's less the cape and more the level designers fault for not putting more hazards to prevent flying over everything.

>Mario All Stars

I used to say that after climaxing. Almost got caught fapping once because of it.

You're either retarded or an ESL.

Holy shit, retard. Reading comprehension.

Add in Blue Yoshi and you got a deal breaker
>That second level in the special world when doing a leap of faith for koopa shells

Why can I only play SMB3 on the Switch? Why doesn't Nintendo make their whole library available digitally? What did they intend to gain by nuking those ROM sites if they aren't even trying to sell their own games?

>nicer looking

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>it looks better because it looks worse

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That’s because you have shit taste


You can buy lots of SNES games on your New 3DS, user! Just because the cow ran out of milk doesn’t mean the bone marrow has gone bad.

SMW looks like a flinstones game, Mario looks like a Muppet.

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People who think all stars 3 looks better than the original must be nostalgiafags. All stars is a fine game, but NES 3 is just better looking.

People always talk about looks but never talk about sound and All Stars sounds way better.


who are you quoting?

Ain't this in Zelder too?

World for romhacks
3 for basegame

Yup, fairy fountain music

Paul Blart Mall Cop
Paul Blart Mall Cop
Paul Blart Mall Cop
Paul Blart Mall Cop

3 is better

Though 3 also has good romhacks.

both are extremely good but i like world a bit better than 3
this is also a recent opinion, back in the 90s and even the 2000s i liked 3 a lot better. but i find now that i like world more than 3; i can play world all day, i usually put down 3 after like 30 min to an hour.
it's a shame there are so few mario maker levels that really capture the spirit of game design from world. even if there were, the 3ds version is so gimped it'd be hard for me to fucking find them. can't wait for 2 to come to switch.

Both have great romhacks, but World simply has more depth, even not counting all the custom modded stuff world has, vanilla world hacks just have so much more to work to make fun shit with than 3 does.


The All-Stars versions are like circumcised versions of the originals.

You couldn't be more correct. Nobody likes the ugly smegma-covered eyesores that were original Marios. They'd rather play with the clean delicious looking All-Stars versions.

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why did you delete your post, that image is 100% correct or at least like 80% correct

i thought it was a duplicate, but the other one is not focused on 3

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New Super Mario Bros. U

This is an unpopular but correct opinion.

The original underworld look with the stars and ice was better, and it was cool they'd change the color pallet for some levels (like the pyramid was red in World 2). But everything else is better in All Stars.

>But everything else is better in All Stars.
t.generic green pipe

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.

>trivializes every level

When you finally understand the mechanics which many people don't but the other thing is that it opens up the levels to new tricks which increases the replayability by ten fold than it would without it.

The one with actual level design and interesting powerups (3)

>wtf why does this game taking place in a dream have strange visuals

only 1 level has the strange visuals though

SMB3 has the shortest levels in all of the classic games, not really interesting if you can run through most of them around 20 seconds.

>it's a dream so the grassy hills should be on the moon!

3 for difficulty.
World for overall experience.

Why did they make it so fucking generic looking on SNES? It literally looks like Wonder Boy or something.

can, not should
Have you ever had a dream?

I love both but 3 by a land slide for me. It's actually challenging.

How the fuck is that NES 2 screenshot not generic? Remove the characters and it could be mistaken for Action 52 or something like that

it doesn't matter if your levels are long if they're fucking easy. World has like three remotely difficulty levels in the whole game. 3 has at least one difficult level in every world except the first

get a load of this faggot
World is the better game tho

Kill yourself

And yet I can only remember about 3 world levels because barely any of them have unique gimmicks

But it does because most of the levels then become unsatisfactory to do.

Also the difficulty in SMB3 is largely artificial seeing as many of the levels are auto scrollers.

kill yourself

SMB3 is pretty much 2D Mario perfected. The best NES game.

SMB The lost Levels
SMB3 The Short Levels

Yeah real perfected.

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Short levels is exactly why it was perfect. The gameplay suites itself to short levels best.

Look at this jew who thinks natural dicks are dirty

3 for sure. World is pathetically easy to break.

>all these butthurt replies
None of you faggots have ANY taste, this is 100% correct. The worst offender is the SMB1 underground, look how fucking cluttered and ugly that shit is. This is why player tested shit results in disgusting watered down garbage, the vast amount of people are plebian idiots

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are we sure this isn't just a Yea Forums thing anyway? nobody else even remotely acts like this about all stars elsewhere. then again, you could argue that for the soul/soulless thing in general.

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Thought experiment: replace every background in both games and every sprite with a black fill. Which game plays better? This whole thread is about the superficial. Move on. Fucking one faggot bases his opinion on the sound the block makes. Jesus Christ.

It was originally developed as Super Mario Bros 2 before being changed into Doki Doki Panic.

>because barely any of them have unique gimmicks
You might just have bad memory

Wrong way around.

The cave with the hill does look so much on NES than All-Stars

>Charming powerup holograms
>Ice cave

I can;t tell if this is serious or a joke.

They're right about the green cave getting butchered though.

Jumping in. Haven’t reviewed all of your autist comments yet, but smw. I think smb3 is more challenging and really set the tone for world moving forwards, but smw has tighter control, better music, and showcased Nintendo really starting to have fun with franchise. Both top tier games nonetheless.

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Pipes are meant to be green. What the fuck are silver pipes, get that shit out of here.

>Pipes are meant to be green

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Lol shut the fuck up zoomer.

If the new mario maker doesn't have hammer bros tanooki suit and frog suit I'm going to be very sad.

as you wish

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Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>Mario 3
>more varied worlds
>more varied enemies
>more varied powerups
>more varied bosses

>Mario World

I feel like 3 had more variety with it's multiple worlds and power-ups. World is amazing in it's own right, especially with alternate exits and secrets, but I find myself going back to SMB3 more.

>arguing that the all-stars versions look better then the original nes versions
How could someone ever have such objectively bad taste? It's almost unfathomable.

how many people actually have these kinds of fights outside of Yea Forums?

>Trying this hard to please Yea Forums
Just stop.

2d mario has always been shit in any form
sonic is the only fun 2d platformer

How does the SNES mario all stars version of SM3 beat the NES version? Legitimately interested in your answer. From a scientific perspective.

It doesn't looks like shit.
Fascinating right? Fucking retard.

because my first system was an SNES

100% correct.

i like most of the level design in SMW, but mechanically SM3 just feels much more smooth, plus the cape breaks the everloving fuck out of SMW

>It doesn't looks like shit.
But that's where you are wrong boyo

I prefer the meaty feel of SMB3 Mario. SMW Mario feels floaty and too light, yes it technically makes it easier to control him in the air so it's "better" but I still don't like how it feels. It's like he has no mass.

Also SMB3 powerups, maps, sound and overall look is more endearing to me. Obviously SMW is still really good tho.

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there are like 4 levels in total (two of which are in the star world) where the Cape isn't a complete game breaking powerup, even in water levels it still significantly outclasses the Fire Flower because of how much you can cheese with it

Every other level those tricks and techniques don't matter because all you need to learn is how to maintain permanent flight and you can bypass literally every stage in the game with it

mario 3 wins by default. mario worlds has no lore or soul

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I love SMB3 just for the "You fucking suck" jingle they added if you fuck up the ending routlette


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I think people who like the originals better than All-Stars should be gassed. Not for that reason of course, I just feel like to have that opinion, you have to be a complete shit heel of a person and not worth the oxygen you breathe.

>allstar fags will defend this

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Because the NES limitations made everything look washed out, Wasn't exactly fond of the original for giving everything that crystalline look either.

>Mistaking N&B blocks for Legos
Fucking pleb.

>I am bad at Mario games
>also Mario kart should remove drifting because I don’t like games having any physics

>Muh diffeecultee

Don't use the power up then, it's not fucking rocket science.

i swear to god
if the nsmb style is coming back to mario maker 2 it better have more powerups than any other style
it had the super leaf, the blue shell, ice flower, mini mushroom, penguin suits, and loads of others
it still fucking floors me how they didn't include the super acorn despite it being a damn headliner of nsmbu

>zoomer autists will get triggered by this


SMW have better rom hacks, that's for sure.

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h-how do i open that swf file sempai?

Sorry nintendies but the king is back

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>Rom creator is literally a doctor in physics that used to play a lot of Mario Maker
>Admits that he is shit in normal SMW kaizo hacks
>Says that he likes SMW cape because you can do almost anything with it
>Creates this short rom hack centered around cape usage

SMBA4:SMB3 with all e-reader levels.


3 is the only one that looks better

I love SMW, but I choose 3 because it had the better power ups. I liked the level design better of it. If I have one problem with World is that it doesn't have the same level of verticality.

>The Virgin All-Stars Mario 3
>The Chad Super Mario Advance 4

>I liked the level design better of it
Shit, I meant I liked the level design better than World's

Only tghe version with the E-Reader levels in it.

They're going to re-release that now that VC is dead right?

What about the ghost ship in world? Does that count as lore?

the Wii U ROM got ripped and ported into a patch that can be applied to the GBA Rom of the game with Xdelta to be played on emulators I believe


3's levels are too short.

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This is the real winner here

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Not with those garbage non-Mario levels and barebone assets it isn't

SNES 2 & 3 are just more different than worse, but its graphics for 1 though are definitely shit.


So is your dick.

>it's another autoplay level

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delet this

Why did this make me angry?