Miyamoto is still there.
You do understand that people come and go right? There will not always be another Reggie or Iwata lined up, and it would be an insult to them if there was.
Appreciate the past, do not look down on the future.
>You do understand that people come and go right?
what a fucking reddit mentality, you need to get the fuck out
Your parents will die someday. Your father's strength will fail him, and you will wonder how the husk of a man laying in that hospital bed could have been your father, who seemed like he was carved from solid oak.
>literally fucking who
Seriously, who the fuck are these autists?
Are you one of those guys who gives out shit retorts like "well life isn't fair" thinking it's a good statement?
>barely got inducted
give them time faggot, reggie was a literal who until the wii fit board confrence came out.
>What do you mean people go away, mommy?
Ok we have literal toddlers posting on Yea Forums now, is it time for stricter moderation?
>disposable corporate drone pizza hut CEO guy
>please understand
>hack with alzheimers who hadn't made a good game in 15 years
No, this was one of the worst eras of Nintendo.
now i'm sad, why did you have to make me sad user?
well then you must be underage if you haven't come to terms with that yet.
Koizumi worked on the best games Nintendo has made, he knows what he's doing
hah yeah, fucking kids? right?
Like who gives a shit if your parents die lol move on faggots.
What a bunch of pansies having sentimental feelings for their biological relatives.
i have.
it still makes me sad thinking about it though, i love my dad
delete this fucking post right now we dont need anymore anons getting sad tonight
Koizumi is the definition of soul.
I like the guy on the right.
>life isn't fair
It isn't though
The problem is that people ironically anthropomorphize "life" and circumstances
>I like the guy on the right.
He's got like that weird sass to him. Him and his fucking magic tricks and snapping his fingers. I love it that he's hamming it up sometimes.
Old good
New better
Delete this.
Nintendo is one of the most soulless companies in gaming. Pretty much the first gaming company out there to market themselves as a narrative lifestyle brand, everything nearly perfected orchestrated to sell the IDEA of Nintendo.
I think life is fair.
So far nothing bad has ever happened to me yet that wasn't out of expectation or fairness.
So that means your opinion is shit.
Dude, what the fuck!? you suck!
Why would you lie like that???
How could the frail creature in that bed be your mother? She always seemed so vital, so full of life; now the light has faded, as she roams the darkling pathways of her addled mind.
She looks both at and through you and sees nothing of who you are or what you meant to her. Scant memories, whisked away by cruel biology.
>reality is reddit now
I hope you realize people from reddit also breathe so you can choke to death you fucking waste of a human being
lol i was literally about to post this very topic
>who seemed like he was carved from solid oak.
That's my grandpa.
My father's a wimpy asshole.
well yea, pretty much. coming to terms with our mortality and the mortality of others is something you do pretty early on.
>Thinks I know my dad
>reddit mentality
how do you just compress entire categories of thinking like that?
>not soul
Dude in the middle's haircut makes his head dick-shaped.
>everything nearly perfected orchestrated to sell the IDEA of Nintendo
You cant be serious
are you retarded?
It was never any other way, thats what BRANDING is you fucking retard
Yeah fuck everyone. I too am exhibiting completely normal behaviour that is not at all psychotic and within social acceptable norms.
Le more cheap rehash trio.
Actually competent guys.
That puppet E3 was literally the pinnacle of the cancer of the WiiU era.
>who there, i'm 14 whole years old and life is but a dream
No fucking shit. We all thought we were the one human being immune to tragedy and disease when we hadn't been through the ringer yet.
So reggie is gone?
My body wasn't ready for this
Koizumi is unironically the definition of soul, and Bowser looks to be having fun with his job. Furukawa is doing his job as the president. He's no Iwata but he's not trying to be him either. He's just being in the background working.
no, you're just a mama's boy soi bitch
yuck, Doug Bowser looks like a typical corporate fat cat who wants to drop the marginal tax rate to 0% and fuck over day labourers.
At least Reggie made me forget he was a suit.
Miyamoto is the soulless to Koizumi's soul.
But will Koizumi walk on stage wielding teh Master Sword and Hylian shield?
Koizumi is the best of the six, maybe second to Iwata. Shiggy is washed up and all reggie did was meme.
>Expecting Nintendkiddies to understand getting old, death and moving on from the past
>fucking Aonuma had to save Zelda
>meanwhile Miyamoto killed Star Fox
>not the old and busted hag that it's shiggy, forcing his shit ideas on everything he sees (paper mario)
>muh reddit
rent free
I feel sad when I think about the puppet E3. Iwatas health was failing and didn't want to be seen in poor health. So they tried to put on a puppet show to make up for Iwata being in the hospital. And everyone just shat on him for it. Poor Iwata. He was too good for this world.
You are a baby. This is SOUL
Don't you dare talk shit about Koizumi like that, you fuck.
Wait, is he reggie leaving? Is this true? What was his job anyways?
fuck off, my parents getting alzheimers is a giant fear of mine and i hope it never happens
President of NOA. He's retiring and being replaced by Doug Bowser.
Is Miyamoto left-handed? Is that why Link is left-handed?
President of NoA
This. Everyone give them shit for it and had no idea he was literally dying at the time. Fucking hell.
wow so deep
>you will live to see the staples of your childhood be replaced by someone else, and then die
>Treasure Tracker
>Flipnote Studio
>64 instead of Melee
>Wii Donkey Kong
Wait, there were people who shat on the puppets? What no-fun faggots would shit on puppets?
desu the women in my family generally live to their late 90's. My grandmother is 80 and still works, takes her dogs for a walk and is pretty active. My mom is in her 60's and a fitness maniac.
>unironically shitting on Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, original Smash, Sunshine, Jungle Beat, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, Returns, and Odyssey
Get help
The puppets were just in the line of fire of people shitting on E3 2015, which was admittedly a bad E3 for Nintendo.
>Doug Bowser.
Is that his real name? Did he get a job because his surname is bowser?
>Iwata dies
>Nintendo immediately starts charging for peer to peer and removes virtual console in favor of holding old games hostage for a subscription
Nintendo hasn't done a single decent thing since Iwata died. They haven't even released any good games either. Nintendo is a dead corporation cashing in on nostalgia and carrying themselves on the good will Iwata gained them
Where did Iwata go?
People shit on the overall presentation. It was a bad time for Nintendo.
>starfox zero was their highlight for this conference
>yfw that direct killed both Iwata and Star Fox
>Still had hope for Star Fox after the racing rumor
>It was just some little extra mode for Starlink
It's over bros.
tfw Shiggy outlived them all and will continue to Outlive everyone on Yea Forums(nel)
Reggie worked marketing for Pizza Hut before joining Nintendo
The new guy Doug worked at EA for 8 years
>The new guy Doug worked at EA for 8 years
That's it, Nintendo is fucking doomed.
user stop
He worked at EA during the years they were actually putting out some good shit though.
Reggie worked at the worst pizza place. Nintendo will be fine.
You mean 2007-2015? Don't even joke.
>stinky Meleefag
I'm putting together a team.
Reggie is responsible for all the evil going on in Nintendo today. Glad he's gone!
He worked at EA in the late 80s and early 90s?
Rent free. For 2 decades running.
Nigger what the fuck
I fear death enough already
Joke's on you bud. My father is already dead!
Jokes on you, I don't have a dad.
>You do understand that people come and go right?
I think the fear is more that the new guys are mostly just a bunch of empty suits. I don't even think the new American guy even likes Nintendo games. Just some former EA exec.
jokes on you, my dad's already dead. that fucking bum.
Koizumi made majora's mask what it is retard.
My dad is already a husk of a man, and so am I.