Only moments of pure kino are allowed in this thread

Only moments of pure kino are allowed in this thread

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absolute peak of the game, holy shit I wish chapter 3 never ended

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Posted this last night or whenever, but it’s still kino.

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Most iconic gaming moment of all time coming through

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Holy fucking based

Normie trash

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Easily the coolest moment in Kingdom Hearts

>dat music crescendo

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Forgot pic

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still unmatched by anything in the last 15 years

You fool. Dont you understand? No one wishes to go on.

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>modern sonic will NEVER have this much soul EVER again

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you mean interactive movies?

>>>>>this is what japanese "people" enjoy

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Literally pic any scene with the Rookie roaming Mombasa Streets

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the Japanese were an axis power you fucking troglodyte

Jesus fucking christ this shit was overrated, claiming it was better than anything in the past 15 years is a god damn joke

the best moment of the game.

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Your point being? The Japan we know today is not the Japan of Hitler's time.

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and they were the reason hitler lost the war

Literally who

Fucking BASED

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*pre 1945 Japan

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Kick this guys ass bouncer

Pretty much the whole game, but this one stands out.

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Holy shit Infinity Ward is fucking based

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That whole sequence and the entire ending was insane, the rest of the game was pretty minimal with story and never seemed to take itself too seriously or anything but all that shit blew me away. And when the god-Arisen guy took off his robe, hoo wee.

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mw2's american campaign was great, i never liked the SAS/ghost/price side as much, it was too ridiculous and it just didnt have any impact aside from the missile lauch sequence
The war in america was fucking kino, all i fucking wanted from mw3 was going over the sea to kick russias ass, but no, it just HAD to be shit
way to fuck up something so simple

I fucking despise Halo with all my being but yeah I agree. The sombre music is just way too good.

I will NOT lose another Pilot
I was inconsolable for about 20 minutes

Hate cod but the balls on IW to have you carry out an actual mass murder of civilians was kino

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This is easily top 3 video game moments for me.

No books. No wisdom. Just you, Fratello Mio

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>But it refused

I can't believe how well they handled this stupid ass scene.

I keep hearing about how the final hour of Metro Exodus is kino. Can anyone confirm?

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>seeing this cutscene and listening to This Silence is Mine after two weeks trying to beat the fucking rhythm game
I could've died of a heart attack right there with no regrets.

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OoT is shit

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The music is unironically what makes ODST stand out from every other Halo game

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>giant space station doing stuff to a moon and looking like it's 50 miles away
Borderlands did it.

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But did the space station cause a fucking genocide and was there kickass music playing?

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i was a big kirby air ride fan back then and i shed a tear.

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Yeah, that's the shit man. I can't think of any other game that does something remotely similar.

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The whole ending

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That moment in Dragon Age when you are aloud to murder a child and then knock his bitch mother unconscious by punching her in the face because the entire shit show of a situation that you just went through was entirely her fault. There are even better moments, but I believe this is worth mentioning.

refresh my memory famila, i played DA:O a bazillion times back in the day but i dont remember this

I think he's talking about possessed Connor.

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It’s when you first go to see Arl Eamon and the town is under siege by undead. Once you get inside the castle and find the possessed child resposible for it, you can choose “There is no time to save him” Once you make this choice you get. to go up to the childs room and kill him. The mother gets upset during this and you can either try and convince her that it's the right choice or just knock her out.

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Based, was about to post this

Travelling beyond the bounds...

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The whole ending of Rainworld what the FUCK did I just watch

this bouncer fucking sucks

>no one wishes to go on
>releases four of the exact same game in a row

lmao miyazaki trolling his own team

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protag and entire army dies, game restarts with their children

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Honestly every moment with him in the entire game.

>Till all are one

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the whole game is kino

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Is this Titanfall 2?

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As a kiddo playing this for the first time or playing it now. Pure Kino

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Say what you will about MG4 but that game had some Kino moments.

Piloting Rex and fighting Ray was so hype.

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THIS. Raiden and Vamp best

Give me that, that thing, your black spirit

"White glint.... all those silly legends die today."

>West BAD
>Japan GOOD
Weebcuck alert

You and ac3 faggots need to die. The real best ac is between 0 and 5

I watch the Raiden VS Vamp fight regularly to get HARD

The virgin Blaze or the chad Mobus 1

04 is okay.

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Is this game worth playing for the singleplayer?

Fuck no

Only single player campaign in an FPS worth playing in a long time. Kinda short tho

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>And so you must be silenced

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It still impresses me that even though everyone saw this coming from miles away, it still was devastating by most accounts.

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No one's left

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Is he still alive

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according to the filename.....he might never die

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Every time a warchief appears in Shadow of Mordor.
That chanting just sets the mood perfectly.

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finally someone fucking posted it.

>in a fight with a chief + his gang
>go to attack random orc in the mob
>it's a nemesis who killed me twice before I got him
>no weaknesses now

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Oh shit I didn't expect to see DBH here, I thought everyone on Yea Forums hated it.
You're my nigga, user
Hug ending still gets me every time, top kino

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>Captain, your suit.
>Took a hit in the cockpit. Left arm's torn.
>Unsettling report, sir. Captain, I can't stop it. What do I do?
>Let it go, Ethan.

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Sorry i'm late boss.

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>show the world you've got sick rockets
>surprised the Amerifats and Russians are waiting for an excuse to shit all over you

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>2183 CE
>Choosing anyone other than Gaydan
Why, though?

The train levels in Uncharted 2

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step aside bitch

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Anime began in the 1920s, your point being?

>It's a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye

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Ark had a hard life.

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The entirety

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my man



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My fucking nigger. This was my favorite game growing up and i still get chills when this mission starts.

and then the song picks up fuuuuuccckkk.

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>Crashes your game

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Honestly one of the best tracks of any game, made the escape from the city and the retaking of it much better.

It doesn't even crash though. It just exits normally.

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Really this is only a cool experience for players who were active throughout the games lifespan

he said his dick was
>this big

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mmmmmmmm don't wanna mess with those pure dick strikes

>"superior culture"
Real talk, I've been to Japan and know all of its short comings. My friend was a massive weeb and wanted to go teach English. So I encouraged him to do it knowing that I was sending him to hell on earth.

Good times...


>Moments of pure cinema
>video game board
Do the world a favor and off yourself, retard. You fucking retarded, underage Yea Forums refugees need to die.

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buckets of cum

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>any moment in undertale being kino

i know you dont like it on tumblr anymore since they censored your bodypositive fat porn blog but this still isnt the place for you


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this is literally a photo of 2 Australians??? how is this video game or kino

dude wtf this is a blue board why'd you post a gay porno

"Don't ever give up my son."
This blew me away when I did the hard path for the first time as a kid.

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Some sort of prophet...

Excuse the quality, couldn't find anything of this scene but 360p youtube shit.

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I can't find the webm, but lost planet 2 train scene

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Let's try that again. Spoilers for DQ11. I wasn't expecting the game to go full FF6 on me.

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Based Xenobros

Another for DQ11. This get's a do over in post game, but her sacrifice was handled pretty well and I like the character development it gave her sister.

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one of the best final bosses

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Because i enjoy fucking aliens and kaiden likes it to. Ashley always got litty in my games.

did you ever play through ng+ offline?
You should if you didn't

What is that? NWN2?

>"For Mother Russia Comrades! Do not turn your back on Her!

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I gotta try...


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This whole cutscene is easily the best in the game.

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If only those kids weren’t real Second Dream would have been perfect

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Best R&C game

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Absolutely based: MGC3 Jackpot takes the cake for me desu

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It was cool as fuck
Even if the fight is garbage, playable LW was an highlight
For me my kino moment is resurrection butterfly from PCB
Minute 7:02

Post yfw you knew!

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eww look at all the pores in his face that's too realistic and relatable.

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Wonder if Yea Forums remembers?

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call of duty 2 d-day

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Fuck, still fresh...

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any half life intro

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I remember thinking this guy was the last boss, but the game was only half over.

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Never felt anything during that scene

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RIP Suikoden we'll never invade Harmonia I guess

My second fave moment. It felt so good finally fucking him up.

journey's ending with another anonbro

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>realising that the trees in the title screen aren't waving because of the wind.

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>PS3 is 12 years old

wake me up



Kids born in 2007 probably browse here

tanks 3 separate teams of 6, several arrow volleys, and finally dies after a 1v1 with the MC, is there truly a better boss fight in gaming?



This was better written than the main game desu.

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>That split moment of hesitation before he kills The Shadowlord

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>plays videogames for cinematic moments


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Thid was the only good part of base destiny 2 and the only party that made me feel anything
>stripped of power
>music builds amazingly
>feel helpless
They ruined it by giving back your light 30minutes later. Had a nice "back agaisnt the wall nowhere to run" feel which would have been more interesting than generic baddy that wants power. The rest of the game felt like everytime there was clever writing they would follow it up with either boring characters, jokes, dialogue or the combination of the 3

I don’t get it. What game is this?

Barbarossa: falls down to a party of 6
Beast Rune: falls down to a party of 6
Gorudo: falls down after a duel and a party of 6
Luca: still talks shit while dying after is thrown at him

Yep, still the best boi of the series

Bloody Borned

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>Protect the pilot
Not again, I can't be "iron giant"ed twice

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BT as new legend when? we need more AI representation.

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The VA fucking killed me everytime

DoD games may have had shit gameplay but fuck me if the guys working on voice acting and music weren’t some of the most brilliant people around

>Played this for the first time recently
>spawn in at the beginning see another guy walking in an outline of a dick
>do the same
>we group up
>get through the entire game with this
>all the puzzle, the part where the spooky shit hunts you, legit everything
>eventually got to this part
>his character dies first
>I never felt such loss from a game my entire life
godspeed thanks for everything journey bro

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Good choice, surprised it took so long for this to get a reply

Nier Automata.
>directed by Platinum Games

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>take the girl and run

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my fuckin nigga

Women will literally never understand this moment.

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>as he posts the worst character from persona 3

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The whole fucking level. Panama Canal is pure art.

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mi hermano

I fucking love pottery.

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