Post an image, get a game recommendation
Attached: dragoness.jpg (3638x2361, 467K)
why do I feel like a furry drew this
The feet are way too detailed and it has the look of sex on it's face.
You're the one thinking about it looking like sex, not me.
Attached: 1478095643765.png (1162x875, 437K)
Reverse image search shows that it was indeed drawn by a furfag.
Tell me more about dragon feet user
Civilisation series and BOTW are the two things I thought of
Attached: 1428852336792.jpg (1600x1200, 1.13M)
Attached: 225px-Tlaloc.svg.png (225x284, 63K)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Attached: 1459212188282.jpg (2048x1363, 647K)
Divinity OS 2
Pokemon Platnium
Attached: 1459223749476.jpg (1936x1296, 368K)
Yakuza or Sleeping Dogs
Attached: F2BC66DB-49A1-4C5A-BB5F-704695924085.jpg (1334x1600, 254K)
Mount your friends
Attached: 1459211820811.jpg (640x904, 114K)
Yakuza or Persona series
Attached: 303308.48bc41e5.630x354o.dd6ebc152afe.jpg (630x354, 30K)
Attached: 1545715280268.webm (480x600, 1.79M)
Attached: 1458457642744.jpg (600x400, 49K)
Attached: 1428941649431.jpg (1600x1064, 201K)
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising
Attached: 1541789271417.jpg (553x936, 195K)
Metal Gear Solid 3
Attached: 1.png (841x631, 320K)
Cthulhu saves the world
Attached: 1510785109036.png (2048x1536, 3.36M)
Goats are fucking horrifying.
Attached: 1511649624543.jpg (1920x1358, 998K)
>there are 0 good dragon games
Attached: 1542607255687.png (434x416, 142K)
Attached: 1549749936352.jpg (500x644, 37K)
The ice castle. I've actually been there.
Attached: oreos in water.png (970x584, 640K)
mario sunshine
Attached: aab185c80ca51225734f582192c7762d.jpg (480x360, 26K)
Attached: 1546849982176.jpg (1148x1458, 1.52M)
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Dark Souls 2: SotfS
Shiren the Wanderer
Divinity Original Sin 1
Attached: Leviathan.jpg (1920x1080, 384K)
Attached: 1459226888058.jpg (620x414, 75K)
Attached: 1466598794339.jpg (1920x1117, 1.57M)
Persona 5
Attached: 1508244495196.jpg (978x768, 209K)
Attached: 1546491870069.webm (430x242, 1.91M)
Banjo Tooie, I can already hear the Hailfire Peaks theme playing in my head
Attached: 1549966031198.jpg (503x429, 134K)
looks like valk dunes in ffxi
When I saw the black muzzle, I knew it was furry.
oh no where's the immunity dog
Attached: 1462615310066.jpg (1024x768, 137K)
Attached: 1512572030442m.jpg (1024x547, 197K)
requesting shit
Attached: we_forgot.jpg (1280x720, 223K)
Attached: 1550245248367.jpg (900x1200, 219K)
Attached: 1548897194838.png (262x240, 91K)
Dragons are inherently smug.
Attached: derg.jpg (1623x1011, 809K)