Are you gonna miss him?
Are you gonna miss him?
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lol no
Why? He isn't a family member and didn't do shit for me.
What has Reggie done since then?
>inb4 meme folder
This guy's sole objective was to get you to purchase products and if you are going to "miss" him then you are a brainless piece of shit with no friends who only exists to consume media.
Yeah. He was a fun personality that Nintendo needed during their dark years compared to pretenders like Ridge Racer man. He also did a lot to mend the divide between their 3rd parties and championed RPGs like DQ that historically sold poorly.
With 2 of the big 3 gone the end of era is quickly approaching.
Nah, nigga. I miss him for some of the wacky shit. We all know he shills for a living.
I like when Reggie shut down that fucking smash bros nerd who tried to dab on him that's the only thing I remember.
will never be fun again.
>"I spend 16 hours a day running a company... You spend 16 hours a day playing Smash."
so good. Reggie can trash talk
When did he even resign?
I already do. I'm so afraid of him just disappearing off the face of the earth once he retires.
lmao fuck HBox what an obnoxious cunt
This cut out the part just before where that dude goes "Hey I know you made this game reggie but you SUCK AT IT"
Which I think makes it a little better.
He was genuine as fuck.
>when you lived long enough to see reggie become forgotten after being such a big meme
Yes, dearly.
Am I going to miss a glorified marketer that had one good meme that he proceeded to run into the ground? Probably not, no.
Bowser might be worse though because
>unironically using the word dab and not being a nigger
>huuuuur he's just a merketeer
Since when you can't feel emotional or nostalgic towards a business man? That was his work in the first place; comunicating with a fanbase and being charming.
>Come on Reggie, give us Mother 3!
Say what you will about the man but, he restored a lot of peoples confidence in nintendo here in the state. Him and Peter Moore were unmatched assets to their respective companies.
>Reggie never has and never will give us Mother 3
Of course.