Minish Cap is the most underrated Zelda game

Minish Cap is the most underrated Zelda game.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: minish_underfoot_by_bleachwhiteskull-dd06lkl.gif (800x450, 3.08M)

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My dick is the most underrated cock ever. Prove me wrong.

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>Not being tiny in the town and jerking off next to the girls

Came to post this

2D Zelda in general is underrated, there isn't a single bad 2D Zelda game. Meanwhile half the 3D Zelda games are bad and of the remaining ones vary from amazing to mediocre or passable.

But that's not Oracle of Ages

casual zoomers need not apply

Just because you forgot Spirit Tracks existed doesn't mean it wasn't a bad game.

shit taste


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Also has the most visually appealing map.

Attached: MinishMap.jpg (782x621, 236K)

Half: Skyward sword, BotW
Those are literally the only bad 3D zelda games.

Based and sings-the-overworld-theme pilled

It was a pretty great game.

Minish Cap is just 2D Skyward Sword.

You're not wrong

It was fantastic

I love the 2d graphics of Spirit Tracks!!

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it's a fucking piece of shit

the only good part of the game last like 10 minutes with a dungeon of 3 rooms

Never played Legend of Autism and never will.

>popular game bad
>slightly less popular game good

Wow user, you have great taste in vidya!!1

literally all of the ds games are bad

>DS games

You mean unrated

Oracles are better

>separated into perfect rectangles
No thanks.

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Even Phantom Hourglass, user? It gets shit on a lot, which is too bad because I really like it.

I don't think ST was bad, but it definitely could've done a few things better. The boat (in PH) was way better than the train, and the Flute Duets were stingy as fuck with their timing. Everywhere else the flute was just fine, but fuck those duet parts.

Phantom hourglass gets too much shit. Linebeck was based and the storytelling and atmosphere was good
Ghost ship was amazing
Weapons and puzzles were fun and intuitive. Actual hourglass mechanic lead to some pretty tense moments

okay, I wasn't sure what you meant. I have heard them referred to as both 2d and 3d. they are top down and played like 2d zeldas even if they used 3d graphics. as long as we are in agreement that they are trash.

Why do so many people hate the ds games? They both got mediocre at times, but ST was extremely comfy.

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forced stylus controls are a deal breaker for me. links awakening is my favorite and I would have even dropped that one if it had such a shitty control scheme.

They never actually played them but they're conveniently easy to dismiss with sayings such as:
>touch screen controls suck
>baby graphics
>m-muh temple of the ocean king!

>touch screen controls aren't a completely legitimate complaint.
fuck off. the games are literally physically uncomfortable to play.

Why? it's really not that big a deal and doesn't take away from the games at all. It never felt uncomfortable either, maybe you just played for too long.

Its not though
Unless you're playing for more than like 2 hours in a session, which you shouldn't be doing unless you're autistic

temple of the ocean king gets more hate than it deserves
graphics are fine for a DS game but they try to replicate WW's art style while lacking its vibrancy and they end up looking kind of bland
Music in PH is pretty forgettable and every island had the same music IIRC which didn't help with the blandness
Spirit Tracks is a little better on this front but the dungeons in both are also pretty forgettable
Navigating the world map in both is pretty tedious and the escort side quests in ST fucking suck
Linebeck is one of the best Zelda side characters though and PH's finale was god tier

Agreed on the music.
That's really the only legitimately bad part about the game. Though it's not even bad just forgettable.

Fuck man, I miss Linebeck

yea I really don't think they're bad games. At least I didn't feel like I wasn't having fun while playing them. I think overall they just fail to make much of an impression while almost every other game in the franchise leaves the player with fond memories of it


If I were to replay a Zelda game right now it'd probably be phantom hourglass. Super comfy, good pacing and it's the perfect length

its also the best 2d zelda

ST definitely edges out in PH in the music department, and I tend to prefer PH over ST. ST's "overworld" was often more frustrating than fun as you had to constantly reverse and wait for the "demon trains" to go by instead of doodling on the touch screen for the boat in PH, and having escort missions for every single item upgrade in ST just killed it for me. MC on the other hand, was just inoffensive enough that nothing really comes to mind that I really liked or really hated.

Well you're the first person I've ever seen with that opinion but I'm glad someone cherishes that game

We needed you when BOTW's fanbase was crying "you guys don't like change!"

>this is forgettable after playing at every turn

Though I love the Capcom Zeldas, I've gotta say they are way more frustrating than Nintendo's. They have this weird flow to them, like a lot of the time I wasn't getting where to go and what to do. You know when you get stuck in a video game and you start thinking what kind of things might the developer require from the player right now?

We were talking about PH senpai

My bad, the final boss and Linebeck's theme were pretty memorable at least.

It's okay to use a walkthrough if you're absolutely stuck and have no idea what to do.

this picture is a fetish thing isn't it.

>People actually like the DS Zeldas
Is it one of those weird days where Yea Forums doesn’t try to out-contrarian each other?
Although I can understand not liking thrm because of the controls, it’s why I never finished SS
also I think ST has arguably the best Zelda sound track

It's pretty good, but how do you beat this?

Imagine shrinking down, crawling into a girls vagina, and directly fucking her cervix.

I think it's perfectly rated: it gets minimal hate and some praise from time to time.

Is it unpopular for me to say that Link's Awakening's dungeons suck ass except for Eagle's Tower?

spirit tracks is pretty underrated. It's a much better game than Phantom Hourglass. Not as good as the rest of the 2D Zelda's. but It's a decent game

I mean... it's a decent game, but it is clearly the black sheep, and even on its own merits has a fair amount of issues. I can understand why it has the reputation it does. Would be cool if they made a spiritual successor though.

blessed panflutes

Spirit Tracks had the (second) best Zelda
after her grandmother

People act like it's fucking trash as an excuse not to get better at the game making it underrated as fuck.

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>spring break
>gonna play all 2d zeldas
>some are gonna be my first time

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game sucks

pretty shitty spring break

not for a friendless person

its genuinely sad that this game has the best sword combat out of any of the zelda games.

(You) suck


Funny thing is I'm genuinely considering replaying through Phantom Hourglass (and probably Spirit Tracks after) sometime soon. Haven't played it in a while but I love the game and a guy I watch on youtube started playing it.

As a kid I remember being suuuper fucking terrified of the Temple of the Ocean King, mainly floors 7 and beyond. I miss those days.

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