Do you typically take the direct route to beat a game or go for the 100% completion/platinum trophy thing...

Do you typically take the direct route to beat a game or go for the 100% completion/platinum trophy thing? I'm the latter but it's pretty autistic and I suspect it kind of ruins the game in a way.

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depends on the game, if collection is a big thing and there's no NG+ then I'll do 100% on my first run

A mix. If I'm really into the game I go for 100%, but I get lazy if I can see the end in sight. For example once I beat all four divine beasts, I couldn't help myself but go fight ganon even though I was only 80% through exploring in BoTW. Only game's I ever 100% is when I replay it a couple years later

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That's exactly where I am, finished the fourth beast last week and I've been running around collecting missed shrines and doing DLC but I could just beat it whenever. I'll at least do the DLC first but might just say eff it to the rest.

Depends if I find 100% a pain in the ass.

Direct route while doing some sidequest.
Once I finish the game, I refuse to do any other sidequest as I feel it ruins the sense of Hero's Journey.
t. autism lord

I don't take the direct route but I don't autistically look to finish the game 100% either. I do the stuff I encounter but I don't waste time killing my mood by running around for hours trying to find collectibles that I don't have much use for.

i do whatever the fuck i want
t. has fun playing games

I try to 100% the game until I run into a major wall (shogi/mahjong) then I lose interest in the entire process and play a new game.

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i 100%/platinumed K2 and 6 but i will never do it for 0 and K1 because of the retarded climax battles

I usually do about 80%-90%of a game, then move on and never finish the last bit

What's with all the Yakuza threads

I'm guessing an old one died and everyone tried to make a new one at the same time.

In virtually every game I try to hundred-percent it on the first playthrough. Only exceptions are collectibles that are clearly not worth it.

you got a problem with that?

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Yakuza Kiwami literally just launched on PC

"Based" Sony and their region locked DLC/PS+ content has saved me from giving a shit about trophies. I used to get them for games I enjoyed but now I have 3 different PSN accounts + Steam + Xbox and if I can't even keep track, who the fuck is ever going to look at them?

Where do you draw the line between content and collectibles? The Koroks in BotW seem like collectibles to me, totally optional, but they can be used to increase your inventory slots so there's some function if you want it.

Usually I do side quests until I feel like moving on with the story. I try to finish every side quest as long as they aren't low effort fetch quest garbage, but I don't bother going for small shit like finding all 120 hidden collectibles or getting the high score in some tedious as fuck minigame.

But that all depends. I never play a game for longer than it can hold my interest.

I have never 100% any game. People who do are literal losers who spend their life playing bottom tier content that the developers barely put themselves out for.

Lets put it like this, I did all the shrines that were in the game when I played, but I did not get all the korok seeds. I obviously did not put in effort into avoiding the korok stuff, if I saw a korok puzzle I'd do it so I still had a fair bit of them but I was never going to tick them off a guide or something or go around blindly searching for them.

Same thing, I did most of the trophies but when it came to the sea of gambling minigames I just walked away.

I only do it if it proves you are capable of even defeating the developers self records imposed in the game.

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Depends on the game. I like to 100% the Tales, Legend of Heros, DQ, FF, Metriodvanias, and Ys games. Collecting shit like Kurok seeds, Riddler trophies, and Assassins Creed flags/feathers is just shit I skip. For Yakuza I like to do most the stuff except gambling.

Go for 100% and then drop the game halfway.

i like to grind a little so the last boss doesnt give me too much trouble

never went for 100% tought

I go for 100% everytime. It sucks since I usually abandon the game before I beat it and move on to something else. Since I mainly play JRPG's my backlog is filled with games that would take me weeks on and off to beat.