Post your fightstick Yea Forums. I wanna see it

Post your fightstick Yea Forums. I wanna see it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to learn stick so I don't get bodied in Japan but relearning all my muscle memory is too much

What episode had Angela play SF2, don’t remember that one

I put my fightstick away when niggers took over the FGC and Japanese were not allowed to be autistic anymore so were no longer interesting to watch them play the piano.

I have one of these for Darkstalkers Rez and 3rd Strike. Do they make six button controllers for PS4? I was thinking of getting into the Dragon Ball game

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you don't need a six button for DBFZ

Might have been a DVD special episode.

As of now my stick is just a standard original SF4 TE, with the board replaced by the Brooks PS4/PC board.
Been wanting to get the art swapped out with this, but haven't committed to it since the stick itself is kinda beat up and showing its age at this point. Might gut it all and put it into a new case, then bother with the art.

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In before >Switch

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I'd show her my fightstick
and by that I mean my penis

Found it again the other day in my closet.
Seimitsu stick for shmups, Sanwa buttons.
Built off a shitty WWE Madcatz stick I got on sale. Turned artwork into a laminated sticker to apply it. It started to peel so I did a half-assed job sealing the edges with electrical tape.

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I prefer the DS4 or 3.

I like the artwork

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Oh nice, it fits your stick better. I had to rearrange everything in Photoshop to avoid cutting off faces, and to deal with the top left controller stuff.

Yes you do. Light, Medium, Heavy, Special + the two assists.

Do you even play the game?

REMINDER: Fuck everyone who said the mayflash f500 is trash TIER and that shit list that has been posted 1000x over. It's been amazing. Going to get the f300, mod it as well and bring it around with me everywhere.

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I have this one and I use it as my main fighting game controller
Everything about it is really good, except I hear it has build quality issues but nothing has happened to me yet

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Those are awesome

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Do you have one too?

I have an arcade stick I use for MAME. I don't really like fighting games though.

I literally just got one of these today, it's mainly for PC but switch is a literal goldmine for SHMUPS.

Best choice, the stick itself is also beautiful.

Based. I too have this, but in white for my PC. Before that I used a madcatz fightpad that had The Rock on it.

NES30 by 8bitdo

My cheatbox

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seimitsu buttons, sanwa stick

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Fight my stick Angela

Chad stick player vs virgin cheatbox player

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That's actually probably the most appropriate way to play Guilty Gear
Especially if you main I-No

A Youtube show where a middle aged woman reviewed Japanese video games would probably be fun

But he doesn't play I-No :(

is that kid chipp
very fucking nice

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>Hori below Madcatz
Not a huge fan of their Kuro buttons but I think I their stick is actually better than Sanwas. Plus, it's really the boards that the buttons and sticks plug into that matters and my Hori that I bought 8 years ago and have been abusing ever still works like new. Meanwhile, I had to replace the main PCB in my Madcatz TE2 literally six months after I bought it with a Cthulhu board (which has been fine ever since).

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Too bad he plays Sol. Not even sure why you would do that if you're not an I-No main except to meme.

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Casual with a budget here, is the mayflash acceptable? I just play fighting games with friends sometimes and some inputs seem like they'd be easier with a stick. I can't justify a 200 dollar stick when I don't even have 200 hours in the genre over the course of two years.

Trust me, those inputs won't be easier with a stick. It's all about what you're used to. You might get used to a stick in time, but you'll basically be resetting your muscle memory and it will take a while to recover.

You can make do, probably. Still, you will quickly outgrow it if you decide to take fighting games seriously. Might want to search around for used sticks on ebay or CL. I think the biggest issue I really had with the Mayflash I owned was simply the form factor- it's really quite small so getting it to sit comfortably in your lap (and allowing your hands to rest comfortably on it as well) can be difficult.

Which inputs in particular are you referring to? I can tell you right off that some will actually be more difficult if you are accustomed to pad.

What I meant was that the pad is often frustrating and I feel like it's holding me back, stuff like high jump cancels after a crouching move being almost impossible and jumping when I try to do a forward move after blocking (agony, since I like charge characters). I want the control of a stick, even though I know getting used to the buttons will be a pain.

Accidentally jumping* (rolling my thumb over from back to front, and tripping either down or up)

I mean a shitload of arcade devs port their classics on it, so why not?

im lazy, i have a panthera with a full black top panel. Black cover on the joystick, black balltop, black on black buttons, the whole deal. you can have it any color you want, as long as its black.

I think you'll get used to it pretty easily. Dashes (double tap) are really what I found to be the most difficult to get used to.

fuck i also have a hitbox, from the actual shop no less, but i fucking hate the hitbox and the fact that i spent 200 on something i refuse to use makes me feel like the fucking retard i am

I'll take it off your hands.

deadass if you give me an email i will sell it to you for like 170, shipping covered

Yeah mine I use mainly for PC and also to play SHMUPS as well like RAIDEN III and IV and whatnot. But now if I ever wanted to just be that madman that pulls out a fightstick in the middle of the trainride or library to play some emergency Street Fighter with a friend I can. And before anyone says anything train rides here are pretty safe, nobody's going to rob you or anything.

I ended up buying a hitbox faceplate for my RAP N and putting in Hayabusa buttons. For fighters it's pretty good but puzzle games like Tetris seem to especially benefit. Don't like it for platformers at all though.

The funny thing is I don't actually own a switch but my friend does. So i pretty much play those games on his switch or if he brings it out on a bus/train ride somewhere and we just bust out a few games there and then.

The other factor for me getting that is that sticks for Nintendo systems tend to be very scarce to come by, especially for Gamecube/Wii/Wii U in that matter so i'm sort of making a long term futures investment here.

i used it for like 10 minutes in 3s and SFV just to test it, i tried one 360 and as a grappler main i almost hung myself. the only reason ive considered not trying to sell it at earliest convenience is A) on the principle that it will be a reminder not to just buy sticks when i have the money and B) If i ever decide to switch from FGs to Comp Tetris ill have that shit ON LOCK

I have a unique Madcatz fightstick that belongs to Ed Ma he gave it to me


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>360s on hitbox

Sounds like a bad fucking time.

homie its like the worst fucking thing ive ever tried, its literal torture. the worst part was that my makoto literally leveled up just from using hitbox, i didnt even try it with my oro. My stupid ass didnt think ahead at all.

I think certain characters definitely benefit from hitbox. I use stick for pretty much all genres but I tend to get input errors with fighting games during the heat of the moment. I didn't get those problems nearly so badly with hitbox but I wasn't trying 360s. I might try it out just to feel the pain.

the best way to do it that i found was LRD, U+punch. another issue is HC motions only reading properly when you slide the buttons such that you get the diagonals covered. its tedious af compared to just rolling my wrist
Im learning tekken now, considering trying to learn it from scratch with Hitbox but im unsure since i already started a bit with stick and it feels fine as is

have this and a stock fighting edge

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>one of the plastic prongs on the plunger for one of my buttons broke off
>button still works fine for now
>replacement buttons are $2.95 a pop on focus attack
should I even bother buying a new one

if i were you id buy a full new set in whatever colors id switch to and then just wait for more buttons to go or replace the one in the meantime and just go from there. im neurotic though so id be losing my shit as soon as it so much as looked at me funny

360s on hitbox are a bitch to get used to but definitely doable and probably even optimal. The technique is a pain but if you grind it out you can get reliable standing 720s even, there's videos on youtube

I mean if the button still works fine and isn't flying apart when I press it yet I don't see the cause for alarm
even without buying a new one I can just swap it with one of the last 2 buttons since those are probably way less worn because I only play 6 button games at most
I've had the stick for over 3 years now and besides having to regrease the stick once and cleaning all the buttons for the hell of it this is the first actual issue that's happened with it
I mean besides the cable door being a flimsy piece of shit but it seems like every stick has that problem

you seem more confident about your components than i am of mine so do you. I just lose my shit at tiny imperfections in my tech until the point where its so banged up that it would be impossible to care about.

I just use a controller.

well I've taken it apart numerous times and nothing about the internals is complicated, and I'm not going to flip shit about something plastic I've been banging on for 3 years showing minor and easily fixable signs of wear
I'm pretty obsessive about awry shit too but only for brand new things I'm not comfortable with yet, once I've had them for a while I stop freaking out over stuff not being perfect or squeaky clean and I can use the thing without feeling like I need metaphorical rubber gloves
arcade sticks in particular are designed to be beaten anyway so I'm less inclined to feel that way from the start and even I'm not as violent with them as some people unless I'm pissed off

It works with ps4, xbone, PC, and switch?

i feel that, i forget often that theyre designed for mongoloids like me to smack on em. It doesnt help that I also take every opportunity to shill for Focus Attack, fucking love them, as artificial as this sounds i legit have never had a bad experience with them and ive bought a ton of shit from them

not switch or xbone, no, just PS4 and PC through Dinput iirc

It's all preference. If you are using the d-pad on controller you probably will be fine with that, but if you use the analog stick then stick just might be for you. I like both.

Ordering my first fightstick, a RAP4, tomorrow. I hear the buttons are a bit finicky but I can just replace those. Any other information I should know before buying it?

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I bought the grease I used and a 2lb spring to put in my stick from them, I don't really know where else you would buy arcade parts from besides independent sellers
sticks are made to be durable but the cable door on mine will pop off if I smack it too hard and unless I have a band around the cord to hold it the door can't even hold it in a lot of the time
that's really my only real complaint as far as my stick goes

yeah my old eightarc i sold to a friend of mine had that door issue, pretty sure he just tore it off and wraps the cord around the thing. my panthera has no issues save for 2, the compartment gets sticky sometimes because whatever you'd call the connection between the top panel and the release button is kinda shitty. that and the cord has this cute problem where it screws in crooked sometimes and you have to like snap it in place and it fucking hurts me to do every time. It works fine though so its not all bad.

Focus Attack looks great but their shipping outside the US is insane
Best I could find for Canada was

hey i've never played a fighting game professionally
i am curious why anyone would use one of those bulky ass controllers
they just look so uncomfortable
i just can't understand why anyone would use one

Joystick is pretty loose, you want to add cute anime girl artwork it takes a little bit of work and try your best to not break the cable door. Stick looks like it has a tumor if it's broken off. Hori doesn't offer replacements.

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Thanks for the info. I have no interest in artwork on my stick so that's not a problem but the joystick sounds annoying, when I get it I'll fiddle around with it and see how bad it is. I'm planning to replace the buttons and stick but when will depend how bad the default ones are.

I think I'm the only person with the particular stick I have that I've seen with the door still on it
I wouldn't mind not using it except for the fact that the door takes up nearly half of the front end of the stick so if you take it off there's this retarded gaping hole
they're more fun and personally help me feel more engaged with the game
I also play a game that's mainly on arcade cabinets so knowing how to use one is a requirement if you want to play the real thing
there's nothing you can do on stick that you can't on a controller but a lot of things are actually more comfortable and make more sense on a stick, like pianoing your buttons or buffering motions

Honestly Hayabusa buttons are top tier if you're looking for light touch buttons.

yeah that figures, all great things have at least one flaw. but as a burger i gotta say, focus attack is fuckin great
dunno why i waited this long to ask but what kind of stick is it?

Just feel out the joystick if you think it's too loose then add a 2lb tension spring and it should be fine.

I put a 2lb jlf spring in mine and it feels perfect, but it's entirely preference
same with the buttons, those are actually pretty great but they are sensitive as far as buttons go

Look at these idols on these sticks Yea Forums.

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RAP V Hayabusa
basically the exact same stick as
but the stick itself is closer to the buttons which mimicks the viewlix cabinet layout, hence the V
I actually bought that other stick 5 months before the one I have now which was before the made the hayabusa buttons, it had the kuros instead
I was really rough with it and then they released the hayabusa revision soon after which also updated the board to add pc/dinput and apparently reduce input lag, so I just pawned it to some random friend for a meager price and bought the newer one
now that other stick (the rap 4 Kai) also has the updated board and buttons but still has the stick further away, and I think the only way you can get the one I have now is through importing so it's more expensive than when I bought it
the exact one I have apparently they stopped making so now it's really expensive, not like there's any difference to the newer revision besides the color scheme

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Where can I get a good case? I had one of those acryllic laser-cut ones from Tek Cases but the area between all the buttons cracked within a couple weeks.

thank for the explanation
i always thought it was weird that normal controllers were perfectly shaped to fit in your hand yet people go with stick
another question
are they particularly heavy ?

they have a "satisfying heft" to them, theyre not "light" as far as controllers go (my razer panthera weighs around the same as a ps3 for reference) but theyre not uncomfortable to use on one's lap for extended periods of time

>noir obsidian
Allfightsticks (think that’s what they’re called), Jasen custom, Foehammer (if you want wood).

*ps3 slim but theyre remarkably similar in weight

Thinking of changing the design.

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Thanks user. Forgot about that Foehammer site and kind of wish I had just looked at their stuff from the start. That Tek one sliced my damn wrists with how sharp the edges on the plexi are.

depends on the stick, mine is actually pretty light
you rest it on your lap or a table so the weight doesn't matter, if anything you want it to be heavier so it doesn't move all over the place when you use it
it's not like arcade sticks aren't designed to fit your hands either, the buttons are laid out so that you can rest your hands on them naturally and it feels really good to use without straining yourself unless you're doing some really fucked up shit like kara demon or standing 720
there's a reason you never hear about fighting game players injuring their hands from using stick like rts or smash people do
also most people that use stick grew up in arcades so that's what they're already used to, a lot of the newer top fightan fags play on pad
I'm just an odd case cause I bought it for fun and as soon as I got it it clicked immediately, most people have an adjustment period where they have to learn to use it as good as they can use a pad but for me it instantly felt better
I can still pick up a controller and play decently if I wanted but I'd never do that cause it's nowhere near as fun

change its location to a garbage bin

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i have the same stick and i'm gonna hit you with the secret tech. remove the plastic joystick guard thing. It makes the joystick unnecessarily thick and annoying to hold between your fingers imo.

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Why do you have a Tetris chocolate block?