Please convince me not to buy Overwatch.I'm in a serious need of a "good" hero shooter game.Is TF2 or Paladins better and easier to get into nowdays?
Please convince me not to buy Overwatch.I'm in a serious need of a "good" hero shooter game...
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they're all shit just play fortnite or apex bro
Just buy it
So you can regret your purchase
They're both free, why not just try them instead of asking for people to think for you?
paladins is free if you just need to scratch a fleeting itch
Paladins isn't as polished as Overwatch in some ways, but ultimately it might be the more enjoyable game. Because you have the deck building/talent selecting part of the game, there's more variety to playing each character, where as in Overwatch there's basically only one way to play each character. Also in Paladins, you can't change characters after you select them, which on the one hand sounds like a bad thing but it actually is nicer since the game isn't designed around switching to counter people all the time. Since it's free you may as well try it out, worse thing you'll waste is time downloading it/playing it, while Overwatch could waste the same things and money.
Honestly it’s not a good time to jump in. I would wait until another character is announced to be gay before I’d get it.
TF2 has and always will be better than Overwatch.
TF2 is a really good game but good fucking luck learning the game without a myriad of YouTube videos
Doomfist is the only fun character even with the aggressive nerf
Just play Apex its free and actually an FPS not a sit behind shields and get healed until you have ult and win
Just play tf2 (no not that tf2)
public service announcement just to let everyone know that youre ugleh
I can't compare them to Overwatch since it's not free.
Overwatch is currently the best out of the ones on your list since TF2 is dead. If TF2 was still alive I'd chose that, but it's not, so overwatch
How painful is it for new players?
doesn't look too dead to me
pretty difficult, but it's MMR based so you'll end up in a rank with other people as bad as you while you learn. just play competitive constantly and you'll be with similarly skilled people and you can climb slowly while you learn
I mean the competitive scene. If you're a casual who just wants to que up and fuck around constantly sure, but if you want to play competitively TF2 has been dead for years
Here’s a good video explaining it
oh yeah, true. I assumed nobody was planning on playing competitive tf2
>he fell for the competitive GAMER scene meme
>he's afraid of competitive ladders because he sucks
>I'm in a serious need of a "good" hero shooter game
I hate to break it to you user, there aren't any. Hero Shooters are like survival games, ASSFAGGOTS, battle royales, and online card games. Many exist, but zero good ones.
Also TF2 isn't a hero shooter.
TF2 is more fun as the shooter choice
Paladins is more fun as the hero shooter choice
It's probably gonna go f2p this year so don't
also paladins is more similar to overwatch, if you don't like that you won't like overwatch
lmao if its not quake or a fighting game then you are just grinding for a shitty medal to change color.
>what is a ladder
>press q to win mechanic
>he's playing a skillless game with press button to awesome mechanics to "be competitive"
>instead of a game like Quake or CS where he can actually affect the course of a match with skill
you're pathetic
Pressing Q faster than your opponent is not really that hard B
Paladins is a really fun game but the bugs are just too much it kills the game for me. It feels like I'm finally ready to drop it after I've spent so much time on it. Overwatch has the polish, decent-ish lore and feel but it's so boring.
Depends on what playstyle you enjoy I guess.
If you just wanna rack up kills and rooty toot shoot the guns, dont get OW. DPS heroes are the throw picks unless you're a god.
If you actually enjoy being the tank or support, OW actually has some pretty fun to play heroes. Lucio is probably the most enjoyable time playing a support role I've ever had.
Probably just give the F2P games a try first though.
I do play CS. It's got its own problems, so I play it and OW competitively
Well obviously there's been no "competitive" games since the medic update, I'm talking about the one that added the first "unlockable" weapons to the game
Overwatch's ultimate system is flawed from its foundation. The game will never be anything but frustrating while its in
>Decent-ish lore
Everyone is gay because yassss
>the games so easy all you have to do is press Q
I hope you all at least reached grandmaster then
The beauty of fighting games, Quake, and CS 1.6 was there was always something to learn. It was like a mystery you were slowly unraveling while you played opponents, both new and improved. I don't understand how someone could play Overwatch, especially since everyone wants to just blindly pick their main or mindlessly follow a meta they don't really understand. There is nothing cerebral about the game, it is just going through the motions.
If you're anything like me you will have immediate buyer's remorse. Game feels awful to play. Maps are poorly designed, aesthetic/setting/themes are soulless (basically budget Pixar), characters are too simple/restrictive, etc.
>He actually plays both CS and Overshit "competitively"
Fell for the bait, nigger you are pathetic
alight Yea Forums what's the best shooter communities right now?
Yeah, by onetricking brig. I was silver wm.
>gets shat on by FACTS and LOGIC
>"i-i bet y-you guys are b-bad"
I honestly can't even fallout your autistic episode anymore. Is playing competitive games bad or just whatever ones I say I play?
>getting this mad about peoples opinion on the shit games you play.
I dont think you know who the autist is, bucko.
yep I played brigitte for 100 games and got to grandmaster
then I gave the game to my grandma and she mained brigitte and she got to grandmaster too the next season
if you claim a game is easy then you should easily be able to reach a high rank in it. Pretty straight forward. If you claim the game is easy and got stuck in plat or below then obviously your criticism is meaningless
>yep I played brigitte for 100 games and got to grandmaster
Why would I play something I don’t enjoy?
I was boosting an account to Masters earlier and it was absolutely awful.
The people that play that are tremendously insecure autists that will rage at anything anyone does while trying to micromanage players and blame their shortcomings on other people.
I'm so glad I got top 500 so I can never go back to that festering trashheap of a mode without being paid for it.
>If you claim the game is easy and got stuck in plat or below then obviously your criticism is meaningless
I've seen autistic people playing as Brigette getting Pentas easily, do you honestly and unironically think the game is actually competitive?
>I ask you to clear up your opinion so I can understand it better
>I'm the one who's apparently mad
have fun user I honestly can't follow this anymore
considering you think you can stay top500 or gm and don't seem to know what decay is, you're obviously lying
lots of people have done this user
the sad part is the best heroes right now don't even require aim
everytime my friend links me OWL I open it to check the heroes picked and its always both teams with the same lineup of zarya rein brig dva lucio zen
i don't know how anyone can watch that shit. it has to be all bots or idling for skins. there's literally NOTHING exciting happening ever
Aren't kills/assists counted as the same thing in OW, so anyone playing as a healing/damaging support is always going to be apart of every single kill?
You'll get raped every second game since surf accounts is cheap these days.
All of this plus paladins design philosophy isnt based around the ultimates like overwatch, or per say "press Q to win". And btw, theres no goddamn choke points on paladins maps, even though they may seem a little bit bland on the presentation department compared to overwatch, theyre miles better for gameplay purposes.
Overall, paladins is way more fun than overwatch.
>The beauty of fighting games, Quake, and CS 1.6 was there was always something to learn.
you forgot to mention TF2 here
not even Overwatch players like or watch OWL. It might as well be a different game than ranked
do you know what a personal goal is? I got it seasons ago, got my avatar and spray and am done with it. there's zero (0) reason to set foot in autist county again.
the game is only fun for QP with friends.
The fact that they apparently nerfed another hero instead of this monstruosity make it hilarious.
>Imagine unironically believing Overwatch to be a competitive game.
honestly just delete Brig
Overwatch is a small team game that gets irritating the same way MOBAs do, because teamwork trumps skill in most situations
TF2 is a free game and it's fairly active still
Don't know anything about Paladins but I haven't heard so many bad things about it
>I've seen autistic retards play brig to gm
you should be able to easily then user. Sure hope you didn't get stuck in plat or below or you'd be REALLY pathetic by your own standards
yes, blizzard made sure even the biggest downs syndrome retard feels like hes doing something
Hurting anything and then that thing dying gives you a killfeed but ive seen people 4v1 with Brig and easily win
Over watch is fun for the first whole hour or so, then you quickly get board of it and it turns into one of those games, that you log in, play like 2 matches, see nothing has changed and log out.
Its worse because the only people who play this religiously are fucking autists with the attention span of a gopher and as a result know far to much about the game for their own good.
I wouldnt waste my time with such a shitty game though, but thanks for letting everyone know how butthurr you are
>recommending overwatch
just go back to eating glue
I can't comment on Paladins.
Overwatch tries really, really hard to be something in between League of Legends and Team Fortress 2, and it fails at doing that. It tries nobly, but fails. The biggest reason is that Overwatch is entirely synthetic: everything it is, and everything about it, is because Blizzard wants it to be EXACTLY that way, all the time, every time. TF2, by virtue of being 12 years old, has had a very long time to cultivate a particular funk. There's Heavy-Medic gay porn out there that's old enough to play the fucking game. Blizzard wants Overwatch to have the intricate characters and love for them that TF2 has without wanting to wait 12 years to cultivate a love for them. It also wants to e-sports scene that LoL has without wanting to cultivate it, either (the first Worlds was held in 2011). It thus endeavors to create these things as it wants them to be and then pay large sums of money to create the atmosphere that it wants.
But what Blizzard really, wants, is to be The Montage Game. The entire game is dedicated to looking good and flashy for montages, EPIC OUTPLAY videos, and for E-sports. Everything. Absolutely everything is flashy, pretty, and feels EPIC. But there in lies the problem: It's entirely intentional and entirely synthetic. Everything is designed to be a HIGH SKILL MECHANICS EPIC BIG BRAIN HIGH IQ THE PLAYYYYYYYS moment and to make you feel like you're so fucking cool that it just comes off as almost corny.
fps gameplay btw
There are currently 3 active competitive shooters. Siege, CS, and OW. I play all 3. Regardless of how shitty you think OW is its got an active competitive scene and there aren't many to chose from.
OW is not a hero shooter. best case scenario, 2 people on a team get to play a shooting game. the rest are playing gridiron and babysitting each other just spamming skills on each other whilst stood in a choke. these days i hear the meta is actually no one gets to play a shooting game.
i haven't played for a long ass time, but when i did, Paladins was actually fun. you could play a healer and still engage and win fights and actually enjoy yourself.
season 1 top500 is all i needed to see how shit your baby game is
is that above "grandmaster", user-kun?
thanks bro you just convinced me to buy overwatch.
any game that can get a Yea Forumsirgin autist to rant this incoherently HAS to be worth my money
top500 didn't exist in season 1 nice try lying faggot
>i play all 3
>im stuck with illusions of grandeur that ILL be able to soak up all these twitch views when I get big!
just play quake live and set up your own tournies or stop playing slowboy garbage, faggot
what was your name?
>what is animated ocean spray?
or was that before seasons were even a thing?
>im stuck with illusions of grandeur that ILL be able to soak up all these twitch views when I get big!
user are you okay? what the fuck are you even talking about
This desire to have everything be EXACTLY one way seeps into everything. Every character plays EXACTLY one way and Blizzard punishes you (both in design and in, some cases, by actually banning you) for deviating from it. This isn't bad by any means, Dota is a game based around having many characters that do pretty much one thing with little deviation. Dota also has Upwards of 110 heroes while Overwatch only has 29. Overwatch has no bans, so reasonably one would expect the way to sneak in some kind of balance would be to have some characters hard counter other characters or the maps to be designed in ways that some characters are only useful in some areas. The former doesn't happen, with the exception of ults.
Ults are a fun mechanic and are sort of similar in function to the Ubercharge in TF2: A way to passively generate a "Shakeup" to knock you out of a stalemate. There's nothing really wrong with these outside of, again, how linear many heroes are.
>esport meme
He's making fun of you, you dummy
no ladder = not competitive. tournaments are fun but that's an entirely different ball game
Just try tribes, it's back and still free
there aren't "only 3 active shooters", only 3 active shooters that reel in retards like you who think they can be an e-celeb if they get good enough
TF2 is a better game and it's free too
I didn't say anything about esports wtf are you on about you actual autist. All I'm talking about are active competitive ladders
>Ults are a fun mechanic and are sort of similar in function to the Ubercharge in TF2: A way to passively generate a "Shakeup" to knock you out of a stalemate. There's nothing really wrong with these outside of, again, how linear many heroes are.
Except the way they're designed and how they're not lost on death and how there is absolutely no way to track or know if your enemy has one lends itself to poor gameplay
>tournaments = not competitive
i guess it makes sense if you never plan on leaving your shitty matchmaking ladder LOL
name more shooters with mmr matchmaking and an active competitive ladder then, I'm interested.
honestly cant remember, it was a shitter throw-away name i made for acc when OW was new
if it wasnt it probably was Wilbur Cobb
It's not really a "hero shooter" game, though.
I mean, each class (except heavy, probably) has a variety of options while a hero in a hero shooter game is very specific in his playstyle and can hardly do anything without others being there to compensate for the treats it lacks.
But this runs into a key feature you notice damn quickly when playing Overwatch: the MAPS are designed to account for this too. The maps are a single corridor, with few side paths, designed to funnel the players from point A to point B. This is part of Blizzard's desire to have games be quick and full of EPIC OUTPLAYS. There's nothing wrong with this, long games of LoL suck after all because you're punished for leaving and no one wants to tough out a fucking hour long game with 9 other retards because they'll be punished if they leave.
The maps are synthetic too, however. They're designed in such a manner that every hero is useful at any given time barring a small handful of areas that you realistically have no reason to go to. All of the action MUST take place in a tall, wide, open area so Pharah can always be useful; all terrain has to be spaced within range of Hammond's grappling hook, every open area has to have a flat space for Widowmaker to snipe from, and so on and so forth. This contrasts with conventional shooter maps where the map is designed organically to create the illusion that it existed before the battle began (obviously it didn't), or with maps like Summoner's Rift where the map is large and has varied terrain.
Skill =/= Rank you stupid, stupid faggot
maybe get yourself involved in a fucking community you like instead of letting garbage mmr genies tell you how good you are or arent
if you describe a game as "competitive" and try to spin it into a reason to play the game then you're talking about esports you braindead fuck
and esports are cancer killing vidya
>I was top500 season 1
>I - I don't remember my name though woops can't go back and prove it
search wilbur cobb faggot
okay, so you can't name any and I was right. Cool. can't wait for you to respond by moving the goalposts about how flawed OW is again to avoid the fact you were just proven wrong
skill is toxic
Play TF2, it's free nigga
Play Paladins. You are going to have fun for a month/s before you realize it's Hi Rez and the game runs on spaghetti code.
OW is flawed but you somehow are even more
It really is. I can imagine kids screaming with bulging fucking neck veins when a McCree shuts them down with a double headshot. Ironically tracer is still OP and Easy Mode as fuck.
>competitive tf2
Just download everything free. I usually play Dirty Bomb when I get my hero itch because they made every character free and there isn't a cash shop
>if you describe a game as "competitive" and try to spin it into a reason to play the game then you're talking about esports you braindead fuck
thats literally wrong. Like, that's just a factually incorrect statement
Paladins is better and free.
The big problem this generates is that there is no way NOT to be forced to deal with problematic heroes. In LoL, if I don't want to deal with Yasuo, I ban him. In TF2, if I don't want to deal with Snipers, I don't go where I can be sniped. Because neither of these are options (no bans and you can never be somewhere where a hero isn't good), and because there are few hard counters, a player is forced to deal with whatever the enemy team throws at this. This wouldn't be so bad if the matchmaking wasn't hot garbage (the first game I played, no one on my team was above level 20, while everyone on the enemy team was above level 70 and were all gold and plat) because you'd be more or less throwing random shit at the wall, but that's not the case. In particular, because of balancing issues (Brig, Pharah to low level players) one person can simply hard carry the team because there's no way anyone can deal with them.
This matchmaking is, in my opinion, a bigger flaw than how ults work because it's so completely bonkers that the game has been out for three years and Blizzard still hasn't dealt with this despite the constant crying about it. This is especially so given how Blizzard has tried very hard to neuter the game from unpleasant experiences common FPS (your guns have infinite mags, so you can never run out of ammo; you cannot take fall damage; some heroes cannot use their ult unless someone is in range to use it on). I don't necessarily mind these because they're done out of a desire to make games go quicker, but some people find them silly.
>there is absolutely no way to track or know if your enemy has one lends itself to poor gameplay
Ult tracking is literally the skill that separates a good player from a bad player. Good players always know when the enemy has ults.
>Ult tracking is literally the skill that separates a good player from a bad player
sounds like fun
it is. good argument
Op asked about TF2 tho and it's far and away the best game out of the 3 he talked about.
In particular, the most disappointing thing about the game was how linear the heroes were.
The first time I played Widowmaker, I thought I'd be able to pull off some sick maneuvers by using her grappling hook to do something cool like hooking onto a high up place, flinging myself over the enemy team, and sniping someone mid air. To my dismay, you can only use the grappling hook to grab onto specific ledges and surfaces. Much of the map is actually quite smooth, so you can't do fun stuff like getting into awkward or odd positions to pull clever sniping. I thought I could use Zarya's bombs to rocket jump, making up for her poor mobility and general weakness before having built up a big energy reserve, but to my dismay you can't do that: Blizzard wants her to be played a VERY specific way and does not want you deviating with that, which means she is forced to be immobile. I initially tried to play McCree as a long ranged sniper of sorts, only to find out that he's actually supposed to be played by running up to people, stunning them, right-clicking at point blank, and then pressing shift before right clicking at point blank again if they somehow survived the initial right-click.
All of this is very pretty and flashy, mind you, and it looks TOTALLY EPIC when the PLAY OF THE GAME shows in slow mow how you stunned some dude and then shot him in the face, but it doesn't actually feel like you've done much. Even the EPIC MONTAGES on youtube show that, for all the flash, not much is actually being done. The fact that several characters have Legalized Aimbot and Wallhacks in their kits demonstrate this.
One word to describe it would be "sanitized".
this is true, it seems like overwatch is specifically designed to not allow for creativity
Paladins and Apex are free, play those. The overwatch urge is just the urge to play a shooter.
Explain how?
TF2's uber is only on one person on the team, the medic, is lost on death, and takes 40 seconds to charge. It is easily trackable because it's static as long as you're damaging the enemy. A spy can also look at the medic and see his ubercharge level if you're uncertain.
In Overwatch everyone on the team has one and they're not lost on death. They also recharge passively and every hero takes different amounts of time and damage/healing to charge to full.
Please explain how you accurately track ults of all 6 enemy players in Overwatch.
Play Paladins, there's an analog for every mechanic in overwatch in Paladins.
Paladins is the best of the three, the gameplay is balanced instead of being centered around retard pushes with ultimates / ubers / whatever.
and? How does that make it "not" a hero shooter? It just turns it from a game like LoL to Dota
>The first time I played Widowmaker, I thought I'd be able to pull off some sick maneuvers by using her grappling hook to do something cool like hooking onto a high up place, flinging myself over the enemy team, and sniping someone mid air. To my dismay, you can only use the grappling hook to grab onto specific ledges and surfaces. Much of the map is actually quite smooth, so you can't do fun stuff like getting into awkward or odd positions to pull clever sniping.
General reminder that this is one of the things Paladins does better than Overwatch by a wide margin, if you see a ledge, you can stand on it.
Kinessa, Widowmaker-lite, can teleport to any reachable surface in the game. Some characters can fly all around the map.
>Press Q to win
TF2 and Paladins are both better than Overwatch. Long story short, Overwatch's game design is heavily flawed, the game has absolutely no substance and gets no meaningful content, and the devs focus waaay to much on competitive and esports bullshit
I'd recommend trying both Paladins and TF2 since they're free, but beware that Valve has killed a lot of the original TF2 community over the years. The game is waaay past its prime.
>Explain how?
Ult meter isn't a consistent steady increase, you get it based off damage done. If you're Reinhardt, you watch the enemy Reinhardt and compare how many firestrikes he lands comapred to you, and then compare that your own ult meter. Then you know when he has it and that you need to block it for your team. If you're you watch the enemy zarya and see if they're dying constantly or if they're owning your entire team to judge how fast she has her ult so you can delete it with a simple right click don't let this thread know Q isn't the instant win button and can be countered with a right click! you can name any enemy character and I can tell you which character on your team needs to track how much damage they're doing to know when they're going to ult. If you watch high level play teams literally call out their opponents ults before the fight starts like "okay genji is going to blade next fight I'll save transcendence for it, lucio you save beat for sombra emp." its a skill in and of itself
kpop is so trash and cringe
>Tfw overwatch movement has no friction or acceleration
How the fuck do you fuck this up? Every FPS HAS THIS. WHY ARE YOU SO INCOMPETENT
name one ult that's an instant win
So in other words you need perfect team communication and synergy and for everyone to be constantly aware of everything on the map so they can relay information to you just in case you're dead or in some other location and not saw it because you only have one pair of eyes.
That's a good team exercise, but it doesn't make for a fun mechanic in a video game. Ult should be lost on death.
You're literally complaining the game takes skill now
Do you like losing matches because of things completely outside your control? Do you like game design where it is impossible to carry a team? Do you like game design where the most powerful player who holds all the controls in the match is the one throwing BECAUSE he is throwing? Do you like having to switch off what you're playing because someone picked a (probably lower skill ceiling) hero to counter you? Do you like games where the least meta heroes are also the most fun and therefore rarely viable? Do you like the fact that you can report someone and be reported for literally anything (and yes I mean literally anything)? Do you like companies that bend the knee to minor fractions of the population (fags and trannies)? If you answered yes, then OW is the game for you. Don't reply to me I won't read it.
it's skill in a way, in that good communication is a skill. The reality is that this is the only skill required, and personal mechanical skill, i.e. playing the game isn't actually rewarding competitively and has little depth
Having played a fair amount of mystery heroes mode, I both agree and disagree with you. Losing your ult on death does make you play differently, and it makes the ultimates weighted even heavier than normal while also giving you a way to counter someone from using their ultimate. However, at the same time it leads to massive snowballing, when one person does get a good ultimate off and kills everyone there's no chance for the other team to stop their momentum since they won't be anywhere near any ultimate of their own.
Really the first thing they need to do is a balance pass of every ultimate in the game to tone down the impact they have.
Overwatch's skill floor is incredibly low and it's skill ceiling is also incredibly low, the only thing seperating a good player from a bad player is aim.
TF2's skill floor is fucking massive and actually a problem and with the amount of items and meta shit you need to learn it's easily over a couple hundred hours.
Paladins is fine, but feels like it's made out of wooden sticks and paper craft. Also it's getting worse and worse with each update like a lot worse, so if you wanna play it do it soon and just leave it in the dirt the moment you get bored of it.
No, I'm complaining that in a game that's supposed to take skill and whose 99.9999% of games are going to be pubs playing with random people you shouldn't have to rely on other people to garner information that should be available to everyone.
Ults need to be either lost on death or have a standardized charge time, or both. It's just shit design.
overwatch seasonal maps and skins that are double price new heroes once every 15 years and they are just combinations of their other heroes they tried to copy tf2 and failed
What? You dumbass it doesn't have to mean le instant win. It's press Q at the right time to win the game, if you don't press Q you're going to more than likely lose the goddamn game.
Reddit retard.
Paladins skill was dealing with vertical assaults. They gimped that so now it's almost as braindead as Overwatch
>its too hard I shouldn't have to do it
okay user back to COD
What’s even worse is that everyone from Tracer to Roadhog has the same movement speed.
>What? You dumbass it doesn't have to mean le instant win. It's press Q at the right time to win the game, if you don't press Q you're going to more than likely lose the goddamn game.
pressing left click when your crosshairs is over the enemies head is "press left quick to win the game" then. If you don't press left click you're more than likely losing the goddamn game
thats a lie though. wrecking ball and lucio have different speeds.
I've never understood all the talk on high skill ceilings for TF2, maybe it's because I played a lot of it but it never seemed too challenging to figure out how to do well with most of the characters. The only things I can't do/don't do are the crazy Soldier/Demo jumping but none of it has ever seemed really worthwhile to me, I feel like any time you save getting around quickly you waste having to hunt down medpacks or risk being killed outright.
>pressing left click when your crosshairs is over the enemies head is "press left quick to win the game" then.
Why would I do that when I could just press Q instead?
>Really the first thing they need to do is a balance pass of every ultimate in the game to tone down the impact they have.
That would be a good start, but the reality of the situation is that ultimates have no place in a FPS. Having said that, I realize that they were an attempt from blizzard at giving every idiot "something cool" to do every game so they feel like they're contributing, which means they're never getting removed because that'd require blizzturds to admit they're wrong, which has never happened so far.
COD takes more skill than Overwatch that's for sure because most importantly you're not playing a game of rock paper scissors every match
Reminder: not a single white male hero has been added since release.
Bad example to use, Tracer and Genji actually have higher movement speed than everyone else, but only by a small amount. Really though the movement speed of the whole cast should be varied, but it would make slowly getting back to the frontlines even more of a pain.
because when I left click your head after you press Q I still win the fight and you lose the ult you spend the last 2 minutes building and I still have mine
>comparing aim skill to the use of overpowered abilities that can result in massive wipes of the enemy team at the press of a button
reminder Overwatch has literally ZERO movement acceleration and deacceleration
every Q button skill can be defeated by out aiming them and left clicking their head. If you get immediately wiped by ults you're not good enough
It's there to make aiming harder so characters have to rely on their stuns. Acceleration and friction would mean good players could kick too much ass
except the only heroes in the game that can actually click heads like mccree and widowmaker are unplayable because no-skill heroes like brigitte and reinhardt exist and they can block any and all damage by holding right click, nullifying EVERYTHING your mccree is able to do: damage, basically turning the fight into a 6v5 at the press of a button
then why is every professional game decided by deathballing and timing ults, instead of fps mechanics, hmmm?
>Wrecking Ball
Every comp game is some combination of tanks and healers. Playing DPS is throwing at competitive level OW
>mcree and widowmaker are unpalyable
you know OWL isn't even the same patch that the live game is on right? OWL looks nothing like ranked. Even top500 games are only goats on certain maps
The only skill in overwatch is aim so I mean I guess? the game is just gay and moba shit pressing buttons for abilities feels like dog shit, you don't actually earn anything and doesn't make me feel cool pressing q and getting 4 kills but getting 2 kills as widowmaker feels great it's just when a genji can press shift and then E and haha wow i die its epic :) what a cool epic play by the genji wow! :O
bad game its shit
mfw rocket jumping in tf2
>Please convince me not to buy Overwatch.
Why would i?
Overwatch is a great game, for the first 100 hours and assuming you don't take it seriously.
Should you dare to play the "competitive" mode or to get really passionate about it, even reaching level 400 and more, hell awaits you.
apex is unironically the better game in every way
you know that this has been the same problem with the game since release, and that goats was only a case where this problem occurred 100% of the time, instead of just as a base problem with the game style?
if you get 4 kills by pressing Q then you're playing in gold.
I honestly agree with a lot of criticisms of overwatch but "its too easy to do ____" is absolutely retarded when there's a ranked ladder and you can just climb to the point where it becomes hard because people are better than you.
God this late patch shit was such a dumb idea. Some of the best parts of watching SF was seeing everyone struggle during a new patch and seeing if there was any new tech discovered
>you know that this has been the same problem with the game since release,
no it hasn't. Mcree widow and tracer DOMINATED OW until about 4 seasons ago. Literally just lying at this point
the game is better than it used to be.
It requires too much coordination for casual play, and is too frustrating for competitive play. If you plan to just hop in and play a few rounds, you'll get steamrolled in casual mode by any given 6-stack. If you want to try really really hard and constantly improve, you'll find yourself being limited by the way the game is designed. If you have a stack of people you normally play with, and you need a new game just to kick around. Overwatch is a good game. But unless you have people you like to play with regularly and ONLY on a casual level, it's a big miss.
Signed, a tank main with 400+ hours.
Honestly OP just play what ever your friends do, if you have no friends then play TF2, at least in that game you can have an enjoyable solo experience. The other games are awful for solo.
>every Q button skill can be defeated by out aiming
Tell me how an invisible Sombra can be defeated by out aiming. It's not really aiming if you're blind firing.
Zarya can shoot behind cover
Rein has too much health
Every other character can do it behind shields or bubble
>needing 3 launchers to play 3 turds
you should play competitive lol and competitive Apex legend
I don't like LoL and apex isn't competitive. There's no mmr or matchmaking so you're not getting paired with people of similar skill level. I like apex and play it, but its literally just stomping on shitters and literal children. I prefer close games where I'm getting matched with people of comparable skill
>Tell me how an invisible Sombra can be defeated by out aiming.
because she's visible for a second before it goes off and you can shoot her in the head.
>Zarya can shoot behind cover
zarya's ult can be deleted by a dva left click, a skill with only 2 second cooldown, and she builds it slower than a zenyatta ult, which completely negates it.
>Rein has too much health
okay now I know you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Rein is the first person dead every single fight
I was playing TF2 and a girl was on mic and said nigger, imagine if she was playing Overwatch.
All impractical. You cannot track an invisible Sombra and shoot her. Do you play shooters? Do you think everyone has magical aimbots?
he doesn't play shooters, he plays overwatch
racist girls are so unattractive
If you buy it, you won't get nearly enough mileage out of it for it to be worth the money. It'd be a complete waste of cash
>everything you named has an easy counter
>its impractical
lmaoing okay user sorry the games too hard
>These people unironically saying just shoot them in the head
I guarantee you I have better aim than you on Mccree and I can't touch 90% of tracers. The movement in OW is just too fucking fast. It's impossible. Don't care how skilled you are. If you tap the directional keys you WILL dodge hitscan ezpz
what if I can get it for $10
>I guarantee you I have better aim than you on Mccree and I can't touch 90% of tracers
you don't have better aim than me with mcree then. weird how you'd try to brag then in the very next sentence reveal you suck
Show me a video of someone doing a 180 and double headshotting a Sombra from behind. Not only is it impractical, but impossible unless you're a charged sniper or the Sombra decided to be right in front of someone with a stun-ish or OHK going off.
What's your Crit % big boy?
every single hero has that button user, and not everyones gonna win. since you dont play the game too you should know theres a lot of shit that happens when ults arent being used, you also have to build them by hitting the enemy or healing, picks with heroes like widow (a sniper) can also change the course of the game, etc
>b-but this portion of heroes dont require aim!
most heroes that do require aim are very strongly rewarded by building up the ult faster or doing a shit ton of damage; of course this is being overshadowed right now because of the goats meta, but it was never like this before
yes, this game is not a traditional shooter, but if you try to argue that this game requires no skill or planning youre either butthurt that your main hero isnt meta or you just dislike overwatch and is shitposting your ass out. both teams have the same conditions and heroes can be repeated, and there are a lot of variables other than "you hit more, you win" or "you press Q, you win", so if you lose the blame is on your team only for being stupid or not skilled enough
No you can hit Tracer, the problem is you can't hit people hiding behind shields or that have some kind of teleport or invulnerability. You can't track a Sombra and if she ults behind you you're fucked
>is absolutely retarded when there's a ranked ladder and you can just climb to the point where it becomes hard because people are better than you.
the point is that the reward for pressing a button is way too huge. I don't want to get an aimbot for 10 seconds because I pressed a button, and I don't want my enemy to instantly heal every single point of damage I did because he pressed a button. I want my own skill to provide that reward. You can climb to higher ranks but the problem doesn't disappear there. It's just as annoying to have to play around a skilless mechanic in high ranks as it is in low ranks.
Imagine if fighting games had a fucking ultimate that when you press one button the character auto-executes a 30 hit combo that you can't jump over. Yes you could still guard against it but that'd be so fucking unfun and annoying.
>he thinks stats matter
if you're in gold against gold players you're going to have better stats than a masters player playing against master players because its easier.
the difference between a silver and a master player in overwatch is like paper thin.
commence seethe $oywatchers
If by "hit" you mean bodyshot then you've already lost. Tracer will rip you a new asshole on mccree if you can't headshot her. Tracer counters mccree
mcree is literally a counter to tracer you shitter. You've literally exposed yourself as trash by pretending she's impossible to kill as mcree
Okay so you can't hit Tracer's either way to prove him right retard.
>mcree is literally a counter to tracer you shitter.
You really think a good tracer will get close enough to you where you can use your shitty flashbang? (Which by the way, sucks ass.) A good tracer will stay out of your fagbang and tear you to pieces. ONLY chance is a lucky headshot.
and a good mcree would hit her in the head. Sorry that's not you user
I have a hypothesis that I've been thinking about for a while that in games like Overwatch, or even competitive games in general, devs always always underestimate just how immense an advantage mobility is.
Like Tracer has the least amount of health in the game, but her mobility advantage is so huge it more than makes up for it, making her dominate.
A lot of the time I honestly just feel like I get punished for playing well. As if the game sees that I'm capable of actually tracking a target and making smart choices during the match, so it thinks, "Here, babysit these five retards and play your best but lose anyway because retards."
probably because back then any and all damage wasn't blocked by mei pressing right click, symmetra shielding shit, brigitte shielding shit or moira instahealing everything
seriously the game has an absolutely insane amount of barriers and shields, 90% of the time it feels like you're not doing anything but shooting pea shooters
>the point is that the reward for pressing a button is way too huge
that's why you only get to press it twice in a 10 minute match, more if you're better. You build ult by doing damage, meaning you get more ult the better you are. Ult is the reward you dumb fuck.
The only high skill ceiling is the Source engine being like the quake engine. It's the reason why TF2 will never be ported to Source 2.
Both Tf2 and Paladins are good. If you are drinking play Tf2, If sober play Paladins.
>A good mcree would hit her in the head
I have 14% crit rate on Mccree and I can't guarantee a headshot on tracer. And even if you do, a good tracer can survive with 5-10 health because of mccree's shitty drop off. You don't know what you're talking about and you're probably a shitter
Overwatch devs have no clue what they're doing. They are like Engineers who have only made fish bowls trying to make Surface to air missiles. They are way out of their element. Everything in OW shows a clear lack of understanding of the fundamental nature of FPS
>I guarantee you I have better aim than you on Mccree and I can't touch 90% of tracers. The movement in OW is just too fucking fast. It's impossible.
Don't listen to those other retards, you're correct. No movement acceleration/deacceleration makes skillful aiming impossible unless you're playing against a kid just holding a button forward.
All these games are awful. FPS games in general have gone to complete shit.
post your overbuff account. currious what your sr is if you actually think tracer is a problem
>people were so angry and whiny about Wrecking Ball
>turns out to be the most fun character in the game
I love tearing around the maps with him, ramming people off cliffs and out of position when they try to ult, playing bowling when the enemy team is coming down a narrow path and following up with a piledriver to send them helplessly up into the air, and coordinating my Minefield with someone else's ult like D. Va or Reinhardt so the enemies have no place to run or are stuck in the middle of the field.
Best part is watching my teammates' POTGs and seeing myself running rampant through the enemy team while they do what they did to get the play, usually involving finishing off people I've smacked around or damaged with my mines.
Overwatch isn't an FPS, it's a MOBA viewed in first person.
>A good tracer will stay out of your fagbang and tear you to pieces.
If she's too far away for you to flashbang, then she's too far away to outpace the healing you're getting. You are getting healing, right? You should be, since as a McCree part of your job is to babysit your healer.
>so if you lose the blame is on your team
and therein lies the problem
TF2 has a higher skill floor than Quake and I've played both a lot. TF2's skill ceiling is honestly just different than Quake's is, competitive Quake is basically a chess match in FPS form.
Quake physics should be the stable of all FPS, they make games more interesting and complex in every game they touch.
Tracer was bad enough that they had to make a character (Brig) specifically create to counter her, instead of just, you know, nerfing her. But since she's the mascot of the IP, that wasn't happening.
And they apparently didn't realize that any character that can directly counter Tracer (and to a lesser degree, Genji) by default also counters...everyone else too.
EVERY retard gets ult because it charges passively and isnt lost on death. Ults are the definition of anti-fun mechanics in a game. A game doesn't last a long time by having the game perform actions for you. Pressing a button and doing something insanely influential on the outcome of a game is NOT FUN. The fun in an FPS comes from your mastery of it and bending it to your will through skillful bunnyhopping/rocket jumping/strafing/aiming. Not pressing a fucking button at any point in time with zero thought or skill behind it.
>brags about skill and stats
>won't post proof
okay not reading
based and fortress pilled
But Anoooooooooon, they DID nerf Tracer! They lowered the damage on her ult so she can't two-shot tanks any more!
someone post the reaper webm
Ive played all three, and I would have to reccomend Paladins for a shooter and TF2 for dicking around and having fun in.
Paladins is a slighly less polished, but more in depth version of Overwatch released in roughly in the same time frame, with many champions and different ways to play each one Poison Maldamba is best. Overwatch just felt lackluster without any real choices to gameplay besides what hero to pick.
TF2 is a realm of its own, but not much more of a shooter then just a fun game. Bit difficult to get into, but its still a great game.
All in all, a easy game to get into is Paladins, but I reccomend both if you want.
this is true. there's no DPS difference between a grandma playing brigitte/winston/moira/otherskilllesshero and a 20 year quake veteran playing those heroes
the only people who complain about wrecking ball are the people stuck with him on their team. Nothing more tilting then a retarded ball onetrick on your team who doesn't understand the game at all throwing the game
I don't play competitive. I just dick around in quick play as solo McCree. I don't do that well. I come from games like counter strike so I just try to Out aim Everything and play solo.
Note, McCree is supposed to be the counter for Tracer but he very obviously is not.
>babysitting anything
McCree is the 2nd worst character in the game. I would say he's the worst in the game. He can't do shit. he can't protect anything .A good McCree can do some alright shit but he's too fucking slow and with no escape abilities.
Apparently new director is trying to fix the bugs, So I'm feeling hopeful.
Also I really want to try out the new champion.
Buy Splatoon 2
>I don't play competitive. I just dick around in quick play as solo McCree
so I was literally spot on the money that you're trash. Yes I can see why you don't like OW, find an easier game
For some reason only Overwatch and TF2 have characters I like. Everything else seems like shit.
its dead, poorly designed and has no content.
If you honestly think McCree counters tracer you are grade-A retarded.
Sorry that you seem to have gotten stuck with people who are shit at Overwatch. I know how to use him and I've rarely seen outright bad hamsters in my matches.
It seems to me that the problem here is that you just suck at playing McCree. Maybe practice a little more?
>if you don't play the game at a skill level I've arbitrarily set you're not allowed to criticize it
anyone can make top 500 if they put in the time, game isn’t that hard. Plus user wasn’t talking about staying in nor did he imply that, esl.
How can you like overwatch characters? They're the most bland shit imaginable.
>Mercy is perfectly good and great and shes a doctor and she's good and she never did bad and she wants to heal because shes good and war bad and look she got angel wings because shes good.
If you want to play as damage snake the talent that makes his reload faster and stronger in better. Sacrificing healing time to deal 560 damage over 3 seconds is too inefficient
Apex Legends and Rainbow Six: Siege are technically hero shooters. Play those before considering trash like Overwatch.
>Is TF2 or Paladins better and easier to get into nowdays?
Not him, but I see bad hamsters all the time. People bitch about Hammond because barely anyone knows how to play him properly.
But god damn, when you find that one in a thousand that does it's an absolute joy to watch them work.
They're pretty much modern day G.I. Joe characters, like they were made just to sell toys. But their designs are good and they're somewhat memorable despite having zero real personality.
Not him but I like TF2's actual characters and personalities but masturbate to Overwatch characters.
>y-you dont press q to win
I use a reduction card on it so it has almost 0 cooldown if I miss, also that poison damage is really useful in the right scenarios.
I haven't tried stunlock Damba, but I played against one recently and it was a pain. How good is it?
someone post the engineer webm also
overwatch porn is garbage though. 99% of it is SFM shit made by amateurs fishing for patreon bucks and all the characters are flat
no one in this thread can ctap from grey bridge to top of fence on badlands, prove me wrong.
It's been like 2 years since release
The game is already past its prime, it's all downhill from here.
Do not buy it. You're too late
How the fuck do people still play TF2? Going F2P fucking ruined it.
>an overwatch player trying to do the Upward rollout
He's probably the most technical character right now. you have to know how to chain his abilities together with his primary fire to break up the enemy team, position them for your team, and get kills yourself. When you reach that level you can do miracles with the fuzzball.
Except when the enemy team is using Symmetra, Mei, or anyone with a stun. Then Hammond is completely dead weight because fuck those bitches and fuck stuns.
Try out TF2 first and if it doesn't scratch your itch then take the plunge and buy Overwatch. OW is actually worth the money since the permanent price drop happened, plus they just added a new map and are teasing the next hero
If you can aim you get ez 1100 damage and can force the other team to buy resilience. The other talent isn't really bad, but in a lot of cases I've used it it either couldn't confirm any kills because it doesn't deal the damage quick enough, or an enemy keeps getting in the way of a low teammate who desperately needs healing and vice versa
pharah players learning how to rampslide correctly
I miss his slowing gourd talent, that was my shit. I put everything in my card deck into the gourd so I could basically have them out on the field at all times, then just threw them at the point. Healing, damage and slowing all at once is really good for turning the tides in an encounter.
I can
I might need a dozen tries though
its not "an arbitrary skill level" he doesn't play at a skill level. He doesn't play the only mode that tracks skill level
He doesn't fulfill any roll in the team. Bad hamster or good hamster you're just rolling around doing your own thing not helping anyone. the best hamster in the world is still inferior to having a dva on your team who can dm some damage
yea, every game with a team involved is like that. i dont like to play these games competitively anymore (and i feel a lot better without the stress) but if you do you HAVE to be aware of what youre signing for
your skill only isnt going to determine the game. sure it helps, but being a leader and doing shoutcalls is what matters the most in these games; sometimes thats not enough and you end up losing because of the lack of skill of your team, but most of the frustration comes from losses where everyone is doing their own thing. that never, ever works, unless the other team is doing the same
>TF2 has a higher skill floor than Quake and I've played both a lot.
If you can headshot an ADADADADA tracer , I have to commend you for being a fucking God at video games. us mortals will have to deal with having synapses made out of organic material
OW porn is legit ugly. Blender models are fucking uncanny valley and everyone looks like a muppet head on a mannequin body. There are way better 3D models that aren't Overwatch.
Didn't you ever play Space Invaders? Shoot where she will be, not where she is, dipshit.
>OMG they made one character commissioned by Pierce Brosnan, the whole game is shit!
Core gameplay is really fun and even the OPs with the more retarded abilities don't kill the game.
Do you understand how hitscan works?
>does 50 damage when he hits at fireball speed
>piledriver does 100 damage
>autocannons do 5 per bullet at an extremely fast rate
>mines do 130 damage each and have a large radius
>can move and maneuver very quickly and dish out damage and retreat fast
>knocks enemies all over the place when running into the and makes them nearly helpless after a piledriver
>if caught in a tough spot has up to 700 shield for survivability as he escapes
He's great at disrupting and disorienting opponents, especially groups of opponents. Most lone targets can be picked off easily with a ram and his autocannons. And his minefield is excellent for denying a point or passageway and slowing down the enemy as they waste time destroying them.
That's not how hitscan works man
Learn the difference between projectiles and shitscan
>yea, every game with a team involved is like that.
Not true.
Rainbow Six: your damage sticks on the enemy because there's no healing. you can ace the enemy team yourself if you're good enough.
TF2: you can go 30:0 if youre good enough
CS:GO: your damage sticks, similar to R6 you can ace the team
LoL: even if your teammates are feeding you can either prevent the feeding by assisting your teammate or crush your own lane and counter-carry
DOTA2: even if your teammates feed you can still play strategically and win becase dota heroes are fucking packed
then there's overwatch
>If you ever go anywhere without your team you're dead
>oh you're mega-skilled? too bad, the enemy DVA with downs syndrome held right-click and her teammates melted you while you werent able to do anything
Overwatch is just garbage
You wouldn't happen to have the Smash one would you?
It's the most disappointing shooter you'll ever play.
Anticipate where she will be and pull the trigger. If you aren't a retarded fucking mong and have even the barest hint of proper timing, she will be under the crosshairs at that exact moment.
But then I'm not at all surprised you don't understand that.
You've exceeded the limits of your IQ. Time to stop and go back to playing solo Brig in competitive
it sure sours the game though if you've played in the beginning and can remember the game with only 3 ops having their face visible and without clown masks and rainbow clothes everywhere
9000 hours in TF2 player here (formerly played it competitively in ESEA-IM). Don't get into it. It's a fantastic game that's been pissed on by its developers for years. Save yourself the heartbreak of loving a game that will never amount to more than an autistic dressup game.
Paladins is completely average in every regard. It's not great, it's not awful. Few people will find themselves feeling "drawn" to the game again after their first 1-2 sessions of play.
There aren't many good options right now. Apex is legitimately enjoyable, even as someone who hates the BR trend. If you're too against that then play Titanfall 2, I hear it's resurging anyways.
But honestly, Overwatch can give you a good entry point. Your games will be ruined by spergs throwing or breathing into their mics but it's at least enjoyable to stomp shitty players if you improve fast at a low level. Just don't get sucked into improving too much, as someone who maintained GM for 8 seasons I really wish I spent all that time doing something else.
here's the thing about siege
yes, most of the characters play fundementally the same, they all have the guns that go bang bang, but they have to, as operators need to be unlocked with renown, and giving an operator a blatantly OP kit that you have to pay money for makes the game Pay to win
Well just keep being shit then, I don't give a fuck.
>Please convince me not to buy Overwatch.
Go play competitive and you'll stop remembering why you enjoyed vidya in the first place
I'm a ball player too user, you don't need to describe him to him. The point stands, he does nothing for the team. He's a throw pick 9/10 even if you're good at him
People say that about every character they hate.
Maldamba was legit the only healer i enjoyed playing.
TF2 is a much better game, but I just wanted to point out it's probably not what OP imagines it to be.
>he does nothing for the team. He's a throw pick 9/10 even if you're good at him
i feel like you're talking out of your ass. fireball and piledriver are fucking amazing abilities that can change a fight instantly
Plus grav mines is fucking insane
>there's no healing
Doc is legit one of my favorite Tacticool healers in any game, even if the "healing" he does is illogical in every sense.
That's cause you're always doing something with damba. You're not just a boring ass healbot like Ying or seris. Popping heals, snake toss, throwing gourds, and unlike the former you can grant your teammates two different buffs and has overall great variety in his loadouts.
i liked the game for like 6 months, then dropped it by the time they added another brain dead auto tracking tranny hero, i'd say i got my money's worth in ain't tf2, not even close, but you might like it for a while
it made sense before his buff
his stim pistol shot little cartridges of adrenaline to bring operators out of DBNO state and back on their feet with an adrenline rush
makes sense
but he wasn't too useful then so they buffed him, and i had a lot more fun with him after
although hes still a hypocrite "the only way to save a life is to take one" but the hypocratic oath basically says that all lives have the same value and one persons is not worth more than anothers
having played LoL and knowing what you just said will only work in certain situations since the other team can just focus on locking you down or pushing the lanes youre not close to, im inclined to say all of the other games you mentioned fall in this same logic
you cant just pick a scenario and say "in this situation i can carry" and assume thats how every match works. think generally: can you carry most of the games by being good individually? all i know is that in OW and LoL thats not possible
I feel like i'm just going to be called a shill for this but you can totally solo carry in ow.
There are so many seagull and other streamer fag videos of them just constantly getting 4 to 5k's and rolling the enemy team just by themselves.
No one will believe me put i'm putting the truth in your heads
user you do realize it takes hundreds of games to make a "fag video" right?
seagull literally made a video about how frustrating it is when a player picks a hero when theres a counter in the other team (in his example it was tracer vs brig)
>Competitive is bad!
I love Dota 2 competitive, it's the only place people actually try to play intelligently
Yes just like in every other game, i'm just saying it's not impossible to do.
And what he said was correct and i could agree with alot of that shit but that has nothing to do with what i said.
It is HARD to solo carry in ow but it is indeed POSSIBLE.
Both Paladins and TF2 are far better and they're free so
>it's the only place people actually try to play intelligently
>he prefers to play "competitive" games instead of joining a fun server with 32 players in dustbowl/goldrush
what a fucking idiot