Look, someone started a petition


Look, someone started a petition.

Attached: images (35).jpg (384x383, 16K)

Based NintenCHADS.

>1 signature/100

Nice false flag OP

>Imagine being so racist that you want to send a mere localization department spokesperson a gift instead of the actual Nintendo president because he's Japanese, whom you instinctively can't register the thought of giving a gift to

Just... imagine it!

What gift?


Better yet, get him in smash

You. You started a petition OP.

Attached: 1386594173448.jpg (1182x920, 168K)

Doesn't he get like a gold watch or something already for retiring from an important position?
He is super rich too, what can you possibly gift to a man like that?
Besides AIDS.

>all he does is talk about and shill Nintendo games

>is almost as rich as Miyamoto, the one who actually makes the games

Attached: networth2.jpg (2000x1103, 1.44M)

YOU started it

>almost as rich as Miyamoto
>nearly 1/2 as much is "almost"

>on a bullshit website that never leads to anything
>anyone can start a petition for anything they want
>1/100 signatures

Attached: 185915106510.png (969x782, 419K)

still, miyamoto is a genius, deserves to be at least 20x richer, not 2x

How does one replace god?

Attached: 1399460-20080724_i_4442.jpg (640x960, 40K)

Once you hit the double digit millionaire mark it is very comparable yes.

Deez nuts

His prize is $40 million fucking dollars

Give him a copy of Mother 3

He did a really good job

Just got on Yea Forums today, is anyone making a big card for him?

>Give him a prize

Was the 7 figure salary not good enough