Why the f* i never saw any of you posting about those 2 semen demons cuties?

why the f* i never saw any of you posting about those 2 semen demons cuties?
I had to play the game to discover about them.
or was they always here and i was blind?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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what game is this? half life or something

Brad was based. He didn't deserve his fate.

Is this adult ashley?

Leon, please...

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why capcom girls are so good Yea Forumsros?


No way fag.

she turns, then you kill her.

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the swat team comes to kill all the survivors. she turns into a zombie and kills one of the swat guys

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I must've jerked off to jessie half a dozen times in my youth

>Frank... don't tell Jessie
and Frank's
were some real harsh shit. DR 1 had some good moments.

>Not even the re-release raised interest in these two


>DR3: Isabella started the latest outbreak in order to find a cure, and deleted all evidence of her involvement to become the hero
>DR4: Completely ignores all of this, and tries to retcon the first game to make up for 4's shitty generic story

I may never stop being mad over DR4, those leafs fucked the series up something good

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the game genuinely got spooky when you were the last survivor in that mall

isabella was ok, but jessie was hot as fuck
the only thing i remember about DR2 was the reporter girl's ass

I'm still in awe of how you can take such a normally fun formula and just make...unfun. DR4 is just fucking boring to play. Everything about the combat, the setting, and the overall presentation felt off, unfulfilling, or just simplistic.


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Because capcom didnt learn from DmC and outsourced their shit to the west. Hopefully DMC5 will show them they were wrong.

Probably because you weren't alive when it came out and the boards were flooded with her.

You better stock up

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muh dick

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DR1 -> DR2+OTR happening concurrently (chuck saves katie and stacey, frank saves rebecca) -> DR3

DR4 wasnt actually frank or in willamete but rather some delusional imposter completely out of his mind

to be fair the series has been outsourced to the west long before DmC was out

>kill her
yeah that

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DR4 is a movie loosely based on the events of DR1

DR1 had a lot of great moments

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I think it had to do with the outsourcing, plus the mishandling and lack of soul behind the latest project. We're in the 4th Dead Rising game now, so we should at least be somewhat self aware and conscious of the fact that consumerism and the modern sense of adventure has led us to manufacture a fourth fucking outbreak. Note that 1 pulled no punches in its allusions to children getting murked, while 2 was able to give some hope in that front by having Chuck take care of his daughter. OTR also confronted that by having Katie fucking die. From what I can see, the ramifications of a zombie apocalypse past 2 and OTR are basically not explored or really viscerally shoved into our faces. It's just shallow edginess rather than genuinely exploring and revealing how much death and destruction is going on, from seeing how zombies can utterly destroy the lives of midwestern Americans/Coloradans into weird caricatures fighting each other.

DR2 was still pretty decent and had a better follow up with OTR. They should have taken notes when DmC came out before getting their western studio do DR3. They should also have learned from DR3 too, but somehow they let the same guys do DR4.

I think we can still make it bros. We just have to believe in the possibility of DR1 getting a soft reboot like with REmake 2.

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Cutscene kino.

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DR4 was definitely made by canadians

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I won't lie, I got legitimately taken off guard by the zombies sneaking into the elevator past the first few cutscenes.

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>not favoring the big-titty twins or cousins or whatever they were


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God I wish that were me

Doubt it. They already remastered it anyway. The series is dead user.

God, I wish that were me.

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It's an uncomfortable thought knowing that a game that I love has its series (tombstone) be marked with a game as shitty as Dead Rising 4.

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>those graphics

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Me too

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DR4 was also a fuck you to fans by having Frank die

wasn't he revivied in the DLC?

Let alone having him be fucking resurrected and cured, with a snap of a finger.

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that and it was to set up a worse DR1 overtime mode, with the twist of Frank being infected and all.

that mode, along with several other shitty decisions in DR4 made it real obvious the leafs were trying to do 'their own take' on DR1 and goddamn did it suck

>graphics somehow worse than the 1st game

Fun fact, I delayed the boss fight for too long and got a timeout for most of the time. I had to reset my progress of an hour or so just to make sure I took care of Isabella.

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I always wanted to sniff Jessie's high heels

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Everyone used to laugh at me...

Idea: Have a 5th Dead Rising game, but have it genuinely be a return to roots while focusing on a new character and a new (5th major) outbreak in the US. Have it in the PNW for shits and giggles.

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Doesn't matter when its just a cashgrab to try to get the fans back. I don't even understand why they killed him off in the first place only to bring him back for a shitty DLC.


Worst thing to happen to the DR games is the addition of crafting. Prove me wrong.

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Have a decent studio handle it first. If its Vancouver again they might as well let the series die

I also forgot, make sure to stress and poke a bit of irreverent fun at the fact that there is now a fifth major outbreak in the US. Have it now be a parallel between terrorism and mass shootings.

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Also make the mc a cute girl

>more ways to kill zombies is bad
I get that it ruins the whole survival aspect from the first game but it was a neat addition.

Why the fuck not. It's already a hussle enough trying to cover and monetize the Zombie Beat.

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Agree completely, that alone broke the game by making the base weapons weak as fuck and the zombies be damage sponges now, I remember I played DR1 again on steam before trying DR2 OtR for the first time, I played exactly the same way in both games but by the end of DR1 I had killed like 18k zombies compared to DR2's 5-6k ish.

It was definitely not fun and frustrating having to look for items to craft, and a lot of them sucked anyway being a single use weapon that did shit damage, I ended up simply stacking bats and nails to combine.

We already have it. It's called Lollipop Chainsaw

I want to fuck her real bad.

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Crafting, but it should've been realistic, nigger-tier stuff. Like comboing a 2x4 and a knife would make a knife spear and the like.

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Find a flaw.

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but lollipop chainsaw doesn't have a serious story with pretty cool characters on a time limit

Those heels would be uncomfortable and make her feet sweat get really sore

She isn't sitting on my face right now. Also lack of pantyhose.

>giving a shit about dead rising past 2
>giving a shit about the *plot* of dead rising at all

Capcom Vancouver is dead, same as DR5.

Broke an ankle because she wore heels to a field op.

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Dead Rising 1 is so damn goofy and over-the-top, but I still remember how what happened to Brad and Jessie really genuinely bummed me out.

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It ended up adding less ways to kill zombies because all the base weapons sucked.

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This, but unironically.

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inb4 people say thats hot. people who've never seen feet up close that were theirs.

Based Capgod closed the leafs forever, they can´t harm Dead Rising anymore

I didn't really hate the idea of it, just because experimenting has the potential to bring more variety and laughs, but I still prefer the focus and balance of the original.

Post yfw you're in his STOOOOOOOORRREEEEEE

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I'm pretty sure DR5 is going to be moved to another studio, preferably a japanese one

It's not just that they brought him back for the DLC that bugged me
>Frank fell a few feet from the helicopter, the impact alone would probably kill him, ignoring the zombies already tearing into him, they just decided to stop?
>And he turned into a zombie that somehow can talk and has cognitive knowledge and super powers yet knows not to eat his friends?
>Somehow there was a machine that can un-zombie someone in Willamette the whole time and nobody knew about it?
>And now the DLC/series now ends with Frank turning back and either being famous again or haunted by nightmares of being a zombie according to some text?
DR4's plot was already awful but this is just boring awful. At least Dead Space 3's final DLC went somewhere cool.

I still cant help but be worried for DR5. It will happen since Dead Rising sold as many units as the DMC games, but CV has been in charge of the series longer than Capcom Japan. Are they gonna use assets from CV's planned version of DR5, are they going to start from scratch, will they be inspired from DRs 2-4?

Are you trying to imply I was posting it ironically?
das it mane

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That's the beauty with DR1, only the gameplay was goofy but the story took itself seriously so you could actually be invested in it.

2x4 or Mini Chainsaw?

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>Canadian game studio gets a hold of an IP
>"We're bringing back (protagonist) and going back to the roots of (classic game)!"
>voice actor doesn't return
>doesn't look like the character
>doesn't act like the character
>gameplay sucks ass and is nothing like the original

Are leafs truly the scum of the earth? How much more can they ruin?

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Mannequin leg

>Only news of DR5 is that it's shitcanned
guess these leaks were a pile of shit then

oh well, at least DR1 got a competent release on xbone and ps4.

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mini chainsaws are boring

All they have to do is make DR3 OTR and refine it.

I forgot, my Nigger. But if you really want to powergame, the Torso is where it's at.

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>first fight with Carlito
>40 minutes

>first fight with Carlito with Mega Blaster
>1 second
I burst out laughing when I saw how strong that was.

That DLC was just a shitty remake of Overtime mode in the first game. Hell, the fourth game's whole story is just a shitty version of DR1.

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>Just walking through the safe house with everyone you saved and every major character dead on the fucking floor.
I have never been so uncomfortable in a video game. Nothing has recreated that feeling of unexpected uneasiness for me.

I'd be personally happy with that assuming its hard and has a decent plot. DR3 is interesting in hindsight though, it visually looks on par with Capcom's current titles, more than DR4.

Fuck I remember playing deadrising 1 and 2 and loving it, then playing coop with a friend through the dlc and loving play as Frank again and thinking, "Shit number three is going to be a coop game between the two, how can they fuck this amazing series up?" Boy how naive I was.

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Dr1 wasn’t goofy unless you made it goofy. It had a pretty good story.

Real Megabuster, gotta farm zombie kills with cars user for the real experience.

That game was forgotten so quickly. They made any and all looting utterly unfun and tedious.

what's the most impressive run you've seen?

pic related for me

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I still wonder if they planned on making Vick the lead to copy DR1's story notes beat for beat but with a twist, basically Last Jedi it before Last Jedi came out.

It was way too good to be true. Why would Capcom greenlight another DR game from a different studio when Capcom Vancouver was the DR branch? I doubt TJ Rotolo was ever involved when he was part of REmake 2, and MVCI

pretty sure special forces takes all the survivors you rescue, unless your talking about a different ending i dont remember

Someone had to. You now hear it, manually.

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According to a note, Otis managed to hijack a helicopter and took a bunch of folks with him. how he managed to do that with 50 people I don't know, but he was a crafty old fucker

>Dead Rising remake
>In the new Resident Evil Engine

Fund it.

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Deadrising is one of the best games ever made. It is pure fun and is proof that Inafune had some brains for this stuff. It was a great showing, and his legacy is tarnished by MN9.

Case West was the only way to experience that. It was ok. Honestly kind of sucked.

Off the Record let you play Frank and Chuck co-op as well, but it was not part of the story.

>hacking apart zombies with that gore system

>aggressive electric guitar chords


>grand total of 20 zombies on screen at a time because muh graphics
no thanks

>finally seeing bones and tendons and sinew being hacked apart
>one or two new interesting items like hatchets and hammers and wrenches just to sell how impactful the gore on the zombies is now

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Wait you can play off the record as chuck? Shit I had no idea, maybe I should find a friend to play through that together. Does it inhibit any of the story? Like not fighting Chuck as a boss?

oh shit thats right, based otis. i always felt bad killing him in infinity mode

The leaker says explicitly they're not a Canadian team, so why would you connect them closing the Leaf studio with this leak being false?

>having to escort Burt and Aaron

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I'm pretty sure it's just the same co-op from 2 but with Frank and Chuck's banter from case west added in

Frank the psycho's cutscenes are unchanged

It'd probably have to be locked to 30fps on consoles but its not like it'd be impossible theoretically? DR1, DMC4, Lost Planet and RE5 all ran on the same engine, why not REmake 2, DMC5, and DR5?

Cause the report said CV was working on 5 without mentioning another studio, and the leak said there'd be news of 5 by now with a planned release date sometime this year.

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No, you still fight Psycho Chuck, which is honestly pretty silly given that you have normal Chuck as your partner in co-op.

My buddy and I did a lot of goofy shit with that game on Xbox 360. I love you Dylan. Southside da realest.

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Thanks for the quick questionnaire dude, now to find someone to play it with after I buy it.

>Don't cut me off like that! It's rude!

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Ten years...

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By stating explicitly they're not American or Canadian, you have to assume that means they're not Capcom Vancouver. It's only Feb, so I give it more time.

Dad was a Vietnam vet. Cliff going on about VC and the war never being over for him, seeing the PTSD take him as soon as he lost his grand daughter... this was an appropriate, tasteful, and honestly sincere take on it all. The game balanced goofy with serious perfectly.

I still wonder if the people in this cutscene are related to Machete man

God knows how its truly going to sound in this Post-Death Grips world.

Otis was a good man, too bad he died in between DR1 and 3 because he was too old

According to StipO/Stip0, the family was going to be featured in the main game, but due to constraints they weren't in. What we had with the mom survivor escort, Cliff, and his wallet, are what we most likely have left.

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I mean it was still kind of goofy. In an intentional way.

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It's funny because Chuck has special dialogue after the fight if he was the one to deliver the last blow

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Got a video or the dialog? I couldn't find it.

DR3 and DR4 are made by western pig retards and are not canon.

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So was 2, 3 was made of what became Capcom Vancouver who had alot of slant six people. (Who made Operation Racoon City.)

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>Be American
>Sleep with a gun

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>I burst out laughing when I saw how strong it was.
forget that you had levelled up?

Wait a minute, that's a knife. Dangit.

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I can't find a specific video but I think he just says "that guy looked familiar". In fact both Frank and Chuck have dialogue after killing a psycho.

>those tits on Jessie

Dead Rising is one of the most unique, fun, and genuinely good games ever created of all time. None of the sequels can compare to the first game, period.
Case 0 is unironically pretty kino and should be what all "game demos" should be in the future. Gives you a feel for what the main game will be like, but gives you some unique content and story. And you get extra shit in the main game, too.
DR2 has the atrocious load times, ugly graphics, and Chuck is kinda bland. Combo weapons are fun though, and survivors not being total retards is a blessing.
OTR is just a bit too wacky for my tastes but I can tell they put love and care into it.
We don't talk about Dead Rising 3 and 4.

>Starting a new file in DR1
>mfw I'm escorting the guy stuck behind the boxes, the 2 guys in the hardware store, the lady whos baby got eaten alive, then having to cut through the park right in time for the crews coming tight in their orange pajamas. All while being at a low level.

God the PP payoff is so good if you make it though. Especially if you grab the survivor book in the entrance Plaza before you start rounding them up.

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>be Euro
>don't know what a gun is

3 was okay, my girlfriend at the time was a producer there and her and her family show up as survivors.

Would you guys buy a DR1 remake in the RE Engine?

3 wasn't that bad, but it did make a lot of changes to the series that only got worse in 4.

>Take the shot, Thomas

Imagine a Dead Rising 1 remake in the new Resident Evil engine.

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Yeah I can't argue that, there was a massive layoff and rehiring during that game where they figured a bunch of fans (new hires) of the series would be better off heading the game then the people who actually worked on 2 and 3. Originally they had planned to have a new protag to head up the game instead of Frank.

I could do a little info dump of what I remember if you want but it's been a few years obviously.

>survivors no longer fear death

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No. They'd just discard all the gameplay that made it fun.

where can I get a copy of this book?

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Go ahead, behind the scenes stuff is pretty interesting

Dead Rising is a product of its time, in a positive way. Each time I go back and replay it, I am constantly amazed by something new. Recently, since the remaster, I am more blown away at how much the game oozes the personality of both games and the period that it was released in.

The satirical elements of the story/plot are goofy enough to remain timeless, yet cement it firmly in the time around the game's initial release. The characters are engaging and memorable, the setting is unparalleled and the gameplay drips of love/affection put into it.

Every Dead Rising game after this missed these points. They chose to amplify everything to the extreme rather than sit back and think about what exactly made Dead Rising special. With the recent RE2 remake taking that approach, I feel this is the perfect time to remake Dead Rising as Capcom may finally have understood that sometimes less is truly much, much more.

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>doesn't sleep with a gun during zombie apocalypse
>dies because he didn't have anything to defend himself with against zombies or raiders
your fault

>They chose to amplify everything to the extreme rather than sit back and think about what exactly made Dead Rising special.
Sounds like Saints Row.

Post any facts related to 3, I'm always interested in hearing about production on games.

You find it after beating the Cult Leader.

I meant in real life

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You'll find it after beating a Cult Leader.

Okay I'll start with the main character, originally the game was going to start somewhat like it did, Frank was your professor, he wasn't some sort of asshole looking for a new limelight to carry himself into but was looking to continue his research against the whole zombie outbreak, you were going to be given two protagonists to choose from, Vicky and guy named Aaron. The beginning followed the same guidelines as 4, with the two characters breaking into a government facility to get evidence that they were using zombies to forward research in BIOwarfare. Who you choose to play as would be bitten along the way and be forced the need to use zombrex invoking a sort of timelimit in the main campaign. At the same time during the tutorial you would see evidence of them using zombies as a way to cure things such as cancer and such giving you your first choice in the game to effect the ending, What sort information you leak to the public.

What was that bug some anons were testing on the release day of the remastered? It had something to do about the game crashing and deleting saves if you beat the game in one sitting or something.

I want a dead rising game to focus on pushing WHOA TECHNOLOGY like DR1 did. More detailed and interactive environments, more ways to manipulate the world and the objects in the world. A higher quantity of weapons to pick up.
I also want the Romero tone back. No uber serious Sony movie shit or Onions suckling SEWWW RANDUMB ironic shit. Just a earnest b-movie zombie setting that can occasionally be twisted or cruel

you mean the one where going into the food court anytime after Day 4 in infinite mode would crash the game? Pretty sure they fixed that in the remaster.

Vicky's design as far as know more or less stayed the same, Aaron's design was pretty typical hipster for the time. His dialog dictated him more as a pushover then the fierce female protagonist meme, but he unlocked more physical attacks quicker then her. He got access to grapples and shit like a shoryuken as a counter grab if he was using nothing or fist weapons, where Vicky got some unique combo weapons at the start. The whole exosuit from the start was a designed as a sort of Alien-esque thing that you got end game.

This already sounds better than what we got in DR4, jesus.

it already sounds better then what we got in 4.

Was Aaron's design re-purposed for Connor?

Gee user you think?

>Use a taser on Carlito's first fight
>Sucks all his health before the taser even reaches 50%
Taser makes that fight a joke.

Also, TJ Rotolo is William Birkin in the RE2 Remake
Capcom must love him since he was Credo in DMC 4 too.

Okay more on Aaron before I continue, He from what I remember was a wrestler in highschool, but took a bullshit degree in University to end up in Frank's class. He was around 6 foot tall but of a leaner build. I guess he looked like Seth Rogen but fit. He had glasses and a beard with neck length hair and wore a muscle shirt with red flannel and under a ribbed biker jacket he 'borrowed from his dad' In coop apparently Vicky spent a fair bit of time picking fun at him. Of course all of this could be changed by finding shit through out the game.


>All the psychopaths in DR1 are just people who cracked under PTSD

Those guys pissed me off on the metaphysical level.

>zombie outbreak
>young woman and old man walking through (?) the zombie infested park
>roll up and baseball bat the old man in the back of the head as theyre running away
>drive off leaving the girl scarred and alone surrounded by zombies
>girl is guaranteed to die or worse had I not happened by at that exact moment

I was the only one in this god forsaken earth to deliver justice here. I didnt care about anything else in the game at that point; my level, the cases, no. Those men had to die. Right now.
Such a good game. She wasnt even best girl (Alyssa).

So after Aaron or Vicky get bitten and just to release what version of info Frank picks them up in a car, not a fucking helicopter but a car, and they decide to drive to Willamete since they are so close to find some Zombrex to help the infected character. They have no idea there is a new quarantine in the mall or town. The next few scenes jab at resident evil 2. With them staying at a motel and shutting off the TV while talking bullshit while the new is just about to give breaking news about the new outbreak.

I think I only managed that once, or twice, and I did it by shooting the convicts I think.

Well at least that explains why Vick and Frank have some kind of relationship. I could never understand how a college student is that close to their teacher unless there's something else going on.

They drive through town which is completely dead, and Frank gives some quips about how the place really hasn't changed all that much over the years and drops them off at the front of mall, telling the characters not to worry about how nothing like the first game could happen and drives away to find a parking. The two MC's enter the mall and are given another tutorial about map use and exploration and stuff. The original mall music plays over everything and it's fairly open, you are only told to head to the drug store marked on your map.

That's fucking hilarious

anyone else took a pic of her feet?

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Capcom vancover doing a game about mass shootings seems like the worst idea humanly possible.

>Try your fucking hardest to kill them and manage to somehow do it
>Have no supplies or weapons left, but they're dead, for good
>Go through the park a few hours later
I was beyond pissed, this happened to me every single playthrough without fail, I hope the remaster fixed that bug

That sounds great, are you kidding me? Being canucks they would try their hardest not to offend people and yet completely do so at the same time. DR3 was basically not subtly alluding to illegal immigrants, who knows how DR4 would have been by focusing on mass shootings.

So once you enter the mall, the first time event begins, it would give you roughly a thirty minute timer unless you went too the drug store which it begin right away. If you went to the drugstore before the hidden timer went off the two character went to the drug store counter and had some banter while waiting for someone to come and help, after a little while they decide to step around back and open a door to the drug hold setting off a mall wide alarm. Que the zombies starting to break through all the 'closed stores', the same happens if you wait out the timer, just with a zombie stumbling through the door of the drugstore.

sounds like it was pretty far along, how far were they in implementing this stuff before the purge?

I genuinely want to play Chop Til You Drop even though I know it's a neutered version of DR. The idea of repurposing RE4's Wii engine for Dead Rising is cool as fuck.

Ironically enough, we were imagining the same outcome. It absolutely has a "some men want to see the game industry burn" appeal to it.

This. I read on CV's glassdoor page that they almost restart from scratch constantly.

SERIOUSLY. And again, its you alone that is the only person stopping them from causing any more harm. Would have been fucked if that was made canon, and there was another cut scene of them murdering another person.

Sadly this was all conceptual, all I know was Vicky was sort of implemented as a player character in the tutorial area. All I have is story board stuff.

them being the only respawning characters take me out of it

Thankfully you can entirely avoid the park once you're a higher level and can use shortcuts so its as if your first kill actually did those fucking cunts in

Do you guys want me to continue? I think I can remember a bit more.

Nope, remaster has them respawn. I personally like the prisoners because it always gives me a reason to fight Adam.

Attached: 1547724831411m.jpg (683x1024, 63K)

>Mannequin torso is the best weapon in the game

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Anyone play the iPhone version where you can play as Jessie, Brad, and Carlito?

What a travesty
Never forget this

Yes please

No, but it looked like hot garbage.

Go for it, DR4 is such a mess that I need to know what happened for it and what its original plan was, I just want closure on this bizarre game.

The only major con is that the world is split into four sectors and you constantly have to travel to the opposite corner of the world map for each sidequest. The final boss is literally a chase around the world map, it's all such blatant filler.

Okay, before I go back to the story board bullshit I'll go back to the start, the whole dilemma of your first choice is the fact that it's hinted that the Zombrex chips introduced in the third game is the fact that they were installed to allow sleeper agents to travel to different countries and with a simple command shut it off and start a zombie outbreak with ease. While they were doing shit like curing cancer.

Okay so the first 30 minutes before the outbreak is a base to grab materials and what ever items you want to prepare. None of the characters have special moves or the ability to create weapons yet, beyond a a couple levels in the tutorial that give Aaron more health and melee power and a judo throw counter from behind and Vicky can use weapons longer, move a little fast and do a dodge roll.

The next mission is to get back to the entrance and try to meet up with Frank, it's a bit of a panic as the mall music keeps playing overhead under the alarm in a calming tone while the two are forced to rush back to the doors while zombies are busting through from everywhere. Once you manage to make it too the doors another cutscene plays from Frank's prespective as he watches a huge legion on zombies forming from around the mall as he's sunk in a chair. He calls the players to tell them exactly what they see as the cutscene breaks away to tell you to make a barricade giving you your first crafting tutorial. Introducing a new mechanic, base defense/building.

After barricading the door and making a little safe zone you are introduced to the first Psychopath in the game, Gordie a Mall cop with a typical man in power mustache wearing the entrails on zombies and a rotten flesh half mask. He goes off on a tangent about how you are fucking up the calm of his mall and you'll need to leave even by force, starting your first boss fight.

Gordie starts fighting by hiding among the mobs of zombies and trying to catch you by the element of surprise buy rushing you with a baton if you are playing coop and he catches you from behind he'll zip tie your hands together behind your back forcing you to break out or be helped by your partner. As the fight goes on he start's using 'force' tasering you from a decent distant. both characters can counter him in a way, Aaron being able through quick reaction throwing him unto the ground and if a near a group of zombies they will fall on him allowing you to get some extra attacks, vicky can roll out of the way of the taser, if he hit's something metal with it somehow backfires tasing him and making it so he can't use it for a short time. After the fight he scream about how no body will be able to contain the calm of the mall and gets swarmed by zombies. (But it's implied he doesn't die)

That's all I really remember from the story campaign, there were some sections of the game where you got to play as Frank outside the mall, he had more or less the same from the off the record but was max level, it was scenarios to help people the other two rescued escape from the mall. The bee's were going to have a big part in it aswell with a new king bee being like a las plagas parasite. where the enemies would have an infested hive like appearance that would infect other zombies around them allowing them to use a hive mentality to get you. (If you climbed somewhere high they would climb over eachother to get you sort of thing.)

it looks like this threads going to be archived soon anyways so I might aswell stop.